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Unending Love is a poem that talks about the love that is Immortal.

What things do lovers have in common? Shy sweetness of meeting and distressful tears

The poem not only speaks about the love of one to someone but also about love that is Universal

What technique is used in the lines “..shared in the same shy sweetness of meeting?” Alliteration

What figure of speech is used in the lines “My spell-bound heart has made the necklace of songs?


Life is composed of all the following EXCEPT Art

What do these lines suggest “Be not like dumb, driven cattle; Be a hero in the strife”? We should overcome
our problems

Footprints refer to The inspiration one evokes in other people and The thins people remember about a
dead person.

The figure of speech used in this line “Dust thou art, to dust returnest” is Allusion

Which of the following is NOT true? What happens to the bod happens to the soul too.

The poem says that We should wait for tomorrow

What figure of speech is used in this line “life is but an empty dream.” Metaphor

Life is time-bound. This suggests that Life ends; death overcomes it.


When does one truly give? When one gives a little of his possessions.

Figuratively speaking, the word tomorrow may refer to Trackless sand

According to the prophet man is all of the following EXCEPT a giver

According to the poem, in what kind of giver is God reflected? Those who give and know not pain in giving
nor do they seek joy nor give with mindfulness of virtue.

You give but little when you give of your possessions.

According to the poem, when one is over-mindful of his debt means He doubts a giver’s generosity.

For what charges Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment? Sabotage and treason


The term lease in the line “And summer’s lease is all too short a date” means A period of time.

The message of the persona in the poem Her beauty lasts like the poem written for her.

The underlined phrase in the line “Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines” is an example of


It is sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for am important person who is dead. Elegy

The author of Elegy for a Woman of No Importance is Nazik ai-Malaikah

The person who said “loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty” Mother

The title “Elegy for a Woman of No Importance” uses this figure of speech. Irony

These lines “When she died no face turned pale, no lips trembled, doors heard no retelling of her death,
mean that No one cares about the death of the woman.

The figure of speech in the line “The moon murmured sadly” is called Personification

A religious ritual mentioned in the poem Fasting

“The hungry meowing of a cat” uses this figure of speech Onomatopoeia

The figure of speech used in the line “doors heard no retelling of her death” Personification

The figure of speech in this line “The scrap of news stumbled in the alleyways” is called Personification


Author of the poem Ode to my socks Pablo Neruda

What is an ode for? To praise something or someone

What is the moral of the ode? Beauty is twice beauty is when it is used for its purpose at the right time.

In the line “Like explorers in the jungle who hand over the very rare green deer to the spit and eat it with
remorse” spit means A sharp stick on which meat is roasted over an open fire.

Which of the following lines does NOT depict the color of the socks Two fish made of wool.
The line that does NOT depict the dilemma of the persona I stretched out my feet and pulled on the
magnificent socks.

The line that does NOT show intense appreciation the persona fell for the socks Which she knitted
herself with her sheepherder’s hands.

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