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The term of work has many meaning in different way, it may depends on how things and people
may do. In some uses of force can consider as work. But in the world of physics, work may be achieve
when body and object move. Is like of switching of energy, if one object contribute the power to second
object, then first object do the work in second object.

Power is the rate that which work is perform. Other way, electricity was measured quickly work
be finish. Are unit of energy is watt=1joule/1second. In usual unit of electricity is kilowatt-hour (kwh). If
we use the kW power, a kwh of strength will stand as one hour. Energy was explain as quantity of work
that can be accomplish. The shifting of energy in object called kinetic energy. For object is mass m,
transferring with pace of magnitude v, the power may calculate from E= 1/2mv^2.

Machines is a device that uses energy to fulfill an activity or task. The power of machine is the
work/time ratio in specific work. It also indicate on how machine work upon the object. Simple case is
when and object are standing still and we force it to move. The same amount of work, power and time
are inverse proportion. A person also be a machine because it has a power rating that are ability to do a
same number of work less time or more work in the same number if time.

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