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a. develop an understanding of the causes of a tsunami
b. understand how tsunami occur
c. develop an understanding of the impact of tsunami on people and the
d. develop an understanding of how best to prepare for a tsunami event.

a. Cooperative Learning
b. Inquiry-based Instruction
c. Visual clues
d. Integration of Technology in Classroom


What is a tsunami?

Tsunami (pron: 'soo-nar-me') comes from two Japanese word: 'tsu' meaning harbor and
'nami' meaning wave. These are series of waves that was caused by the sudden movement of
the ocean floor due to earthquakes, underwater landslides on the sea floor and large chunks of
land collapsing into the ocean, huge volcanic eruptions or even meteorite impact in the ocean.

During the past years, tsunami was also called tidal waves, but the term waves is largely
discouraged because tsunami has nothing to do with tides (which are formed by the effects
gravity interactions between the Earth, Moon and Sun). While some tsunami may appear like a
rapidly rising or falling tide at the coast, in other circumstances they can also show one or more
turbulent breaking waves.

How do tsunamis differ from regular waves?

A tsunami is unlike from a wind-generated surface wave on the ocean. Generally waves
that are generated by the wind in deep water only cause water movement near the surface,
while that of a tsunami involves the displacement of water from the surface to the ocean floor.
Because of this, the speed of a tsunami is controlled by the depth of the water, with faster
speeds in deeper water, unlike wind-generated waves. As the tsunami approaches land and
reaches increasingly shallow water its speed decreases, then the distance between successive
wave peaks also decreases. Although its speed decreases the total energy carried by the wave
does not change, this energy is now diverted to increasing the wave height (or amplitude). This
is called wave shoaling.

A tsunami is a series of waves and the first wave that arrived at the shorelines may not
necessarily have the greatest amplitude. When tsunami is at the open ocean, even it is the
largest one is still relatively small. Typically its wave heights will only reach tens of centimeters
or less away from the zone where it is originated. But in the case of 2011 Japan tsunami, a
higher oceanic wave heights is observed very close to the tsunami generation zone. Generally,
the wave shoaling effect can greatly increase the ocean wave heights upon reaching the coast,
with some tsunami waves reaching an onshore height of more than ten meters above sea level.
Such dangerous accumulation is more likely to occur nearer to the tsunami generation location
(where oceanic wave heights are larger), and at the coastline shape where it is steeper which
makes it particularly favorable to the amplification of the tsunami. Fortunately most tsunami
does not cause such extreme coastal inundation and the effects are too small that sometimes it
may not be noticeable without careful analysis of tide gauge measurements.

Tsunami "Wave Train"

Many people have the mistaken belief that tsunamis are single waves. They are not.
Instead tsunamis are "wave trains" consisting of multiple waves. The chart on this page is a tidal
gauge record from Onagawa, Japan beginning at the time of the 1960 Chile earthquake. Time is
plotted along the horizontal axis and water level is plotted on the vertical axis. Note the normal
rise and fall of the ocean surface, caused by tides, during the early part of this record. Then
recorded are a few waves a little larger than normal followed by several much larger waves. In
many tsunami events, the shoreline is pounded by repeated large waves.

Tsunamis Travel Rapidly Across Ocean Basin

Tsunamis travel swiftly across the open ocean. The map below shows how a tsunami
produced by an earthquake along the coast of Chile in 1960 traveled across the Pacific Ocean,
reaching Hawaii in about 15 hours and Japan in less than 24 hours.

What causes tsunami?

1. Earthquakes
Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes generated in a subduction zone, an area
where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle by plate tectonic forces. The
friction between the subducting plate and the overriding plate is enormous. This friction
prevents a slow and steady rate of subduction and instead the two plates become "stuck."

As the stuck plate continues to descend into the mantle, the motion causes a slow
distortion of the overriding plate. The result is an accumulation of energy very similar to the
energy stored in a compressed spring. Energy can accumulate in the overriding plate over a long
period of time - decades or even centuries.
Energy accumulates in the overriding plate until it exceeds the frictional forces between
the two stuck plates. When this happens, the overriding plate snaps back into an unrestrained
position. This sudden motion is the cause of the tsunami - because it gives an enormous shove
to the overlying water. At the same time, inland areas of the overriding plate are suddenly

The moving wave begins travelling out from where the earthquake has occurred. Some
of the water travels out and across the ocean basin, and at the same time, water rushes
landward to flood the recently lowered shoreline.

2. Landslides
Tsunami waves are also generated by displacement of seawater resulting from landslides as
well as rock falls, icefalls etc. Areas of the seafloor that are steep and loaded with sediment,
such as the edge of the continental slope, are more prone to undersea landslides. When an
undersea landslide occurs (perhaps after a nearby earthquake) a large mass of sand, mud and
gravel can move down the slope. This movement will draw the water down and may cause a
tsunami that will travel across the ocean.
Construction work of an airport runway along the coast of Southern France in the 1980s
caused an underwater landslide. This triggered the destructive tsunami waves in the harbour of
Thebes. Underwater landslides may also occur when a strong earthquake shakes the sea floor,
thus forming tsunamis. These waves rapidly travel away from the source due to dissipation of
energy, and create havoc in the nearby coastlines.

3. Volcanic eruptions
Tsunamis initiated by a volcanic eruption are less common. They occur in several ways:
a. destructive collapse of coastal, island and underwater volcanoes which result in
massive landslides
b. pyroclastic flows, which are dense mixtures of hot blocks, pumice, ash and gas,
plunging down volcanic slopes into the ocean and pushing water outwards
a caldera volcano collapsing after an eruption causing overlying water to drop

One of the largest and the most destructive tsunami ever recorded was generated on
August 26, 1883 after the explosion and collapse of the volcano of Krakatoa in Indonesia. This
explosion generated waves with a towering height of about 40 m, that wreaked havoc on the
coastal areas along the Sunda Strait in both the islands of Java and Sumatra killing more than
36,000 people. It is believed that the destruction of the Minoan civilization in Greece in 1490
B.C. was caused by tsunamis which were formed by the explosion of the volcano of Santorin in
the Aegean Sea.

Tsunami: Be prepared

Understanding the link between earthquakes and tsunami has made it possible to
establish tsunami warning systems.
A warning system involves recording two sets of data: seismic activity and changes in
sea levels. Real-time data from seismic stations will indicate if an earthquake has occurred and
automatic analysis will indicate the likelihood of a tsunami. Not all earthquakes cause a tsunami,
so another set of information is required. Sea-level readings are gathered from a number of
ocean buoys and coastal gauges to work out if a tsunami has occurred and to monitor its path. If
a tsunami is verified, communities can be warned.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning System was established in 1949 and a network of seismic
monitoring stations and sea-level gauges. These detect earthquakes and abnormal changes in
sea level and help scientists decide whether a tsunami has been triggered by an earthquake. If
so, warnings go out to many countries and regions in the Pacific. Warning centers are located in
both Hawaii and Alaska.
There are three main warning levels:
• Watch - stay tuned for updates,
• Marine warning - strong waves and currents and perhaps some localized run-up, and
• Land warning - foreshore and nearby land flooding is highly likely, with dangerous rips,
waves and strong ocean currents.

Warning signs

Look out for tsunami natural warning signs.

Feel the earth shake? A large undersea earthquake may be felt before the arrival of
tsunami by an ongoing shaking of the ground in coastal regions. However, you may not feel an
earthquake if the event is far away.
See ocean water disappear from the beach, bay or river? Before a tsunami water may,
but not always, recede from the shoreline before returning as a fast-moving wall of water. This
is known as a drawdown. If you notice that the water is disappearing, tell your family and friends
and prepare to move to higher ground.
Hear an unusual roaring sound? If you hear a loud roar approaching (a bit like a jet
airplane or a train), tell your family and friends. It may be a tsunami approaching.
When an official warning has been issued:

When the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) issues an official warning, it
means a tsunami has been detected. They will consult with State or Territory emergency
authorities to determine appropriate response for the public. The emergency authorities have a
plan in place for a range of emergencies. If a tsunami was heading for Australia, the emergency
authorities would distribute warnings on the radio and television stations telling people to move
away from the danger zones. You should follow the instructions of your local emergency
authorities if you are asked to evacuate. Head for higher ground and away from the beach or
rivers that lead to the beach.
A phone number, 1300 TSUNAMI (1300 878 6264), is also available for the public to
listen to tsunami and information.
Remember that a tsunami is not a single wave and stay out of danger areas until an
official 'all-clear' has been issued.
Never go to the shore to watch a tsunami. If you can see it, you are too close to escape.
Remember to wait until the emergency authorities inform you it is safe to return to the affected
Be careful, as strong waves, currents and abnormal sea levels may still affect some
beaches, harbors and waterways for hours or even days afterwards.


Title: How are places connected to the tsunami event?

Duration: 50 minutes
Aim: To look at Tsunami: The Ultimate Guide and study the models that show the formation of a
tsunami and the scale of the wave.
Activity 1: How are places connected to the tsunami event?
a. Show students a Tsunami Basics Slide and discuss the location of earthquakes
around the world. Encourage students to form an opinion as to where most
earthquakes occur seek a generalization and then any exceptions. Some students
will notice the plate tectonic boundaries and use this as part of their description.
b. Ask students to compare this map with Tsunami Basics Slide which maps the
tsunami risk zones. Do students see any similarities or differences?
c. With the aid of an atlas, students should complete a timeline of the tsunami events
shown and name the places (countries) where tsunamis have occurred. This can be
completed in a tabular format, such as has been set out in the following table:

Using this table, students should then answer the following questions:
1. Which ocean has experienced the most tsunami events?
2. Which region has experienced the most tsunami events?
3. How has the location of these significant events changed since the 1950s and
4. Which continents of the world are more at risk of tsunami events than other
d. Tsunami Basics Slide 20 shows how the energy of the tsunami wave from the 2011
Japanese tsunami spread across the oceans connecting places to the significant
event. With the aid of an atlas, students should:
1. Record how long it took the energy impact to be felt on the coastline closest
to where you live.
2. Name three countries that experienced the tsunami wave after five hours.
3. Name three countries that experienced the tsunami wave after 10 hours.
4. Name three countries that were waiting to see how the tsunami would
impact after 15 hours.
5. Suggest why Papua New Guinea felt a greater impact of the tsunami than
did northern Australia.
6. Explain why the west coast of North America was at greater risk than the
west coast of South America.


Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What can cause a tsunami?
a. Landslide
b. Underwater earthquake
c. Volcanic eruption
d. All of the above
2. Do all undersea earthquakes trigger a tsunami?
a. Yes
b. No
3. What does the word "tsunami" mean in Japanese?
a. Tidal wave
b. Harbor wave
c. Killer wave
d. Century wave
4. Witnesses have said that an approaching tsunami sounds like what?
a. Firecrackers exploding
b. A freight train
c. Ice cracking
d. Nothing—there is absolute silence
5. What is the most active tsunami area?
a. Pacific Ocean
b. Caribbean Sea
c. Indian Ocean
d. North Atlantic Ocean
6. What is the deadliest tsunami ever recorded?
a. The 1782 South China Sea tsunami
b. The 1868 northern Chile tsunami
c. The 1883 South Java Sea tsunami
d. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
7. How fast can a tsunami travel?
a. Up to 100 miles an hour (160 kilometers an hour)
b. Up to 200 miles an hour (320 kilometers an hour)
c. Up to 500 miles an hour (800 kilometers an hour
d. Up to 1,000 miles an hour (1,600 kilometers an hour)
8. Can you detect a tsunami in the open ocean?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Where was the largest tsunami in history recorded?
a. India
b. Philippines
c. Chile
d. Japan
10. What is frequently a warning sign of an impending tsunami?
a. Winds suddenly change direction
b. The sky suddenly clears
c. Seawater suddenly retreats from the shore
d. All of the above

A. Knowledge
Build a glossary of at least 25 words related to tsunami. For each provide your own
definition and the context in which it would be used. You may also like to include a diagram to
help explain the term.
Example: Wave length is the distance between the crests of two waves. In the case of a
tsunami it is very long maybe 100 km, which means you have to be aware that there can be
sometime between waves reaching the shore.

B. Understanding
Produce an informative, well labeled flow chart to explain the development of a tsunami.
Use a visual organizer to list the many consequences of a tsunami. Classify these consequences
according to the following categories:
• Category A: social or environmental or economic.
• Category B: short term or long term.
• Category C: small scale or large scale.
Look carefully at your finished diagram.
• Describe what you observe about the consequences in category A.
• Describe what you observe about the consequences in category B.
• Describe what you observe about the consequences in category C.

C. Application
Imagine that a severe earthquake has occurred between the Pacific and Nazca Plates deep
in the Pacific Ocean. As a tsunami expert, you need to map out a possible path of the tsunami.
Use the map below and show the following:
• the tectonic plate/plates involved in the earthquake
• where the waves would spread to
• a site where the waves will be very large
• a site where the tsunami will be barely noticed.

1. Dominey-Howes D. (2007) Geological and historical records of tsunami in Australia.
Marine Geology 239: 99-123 doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.01.010
2. Goff, J. and Chauge-Goff, C. (2014) The Australian Tsunami Database: A Review.
Progress in Physical Geography 38(2): 218-240. DOI: 10.1177/0309133314522282
6. (Australian Institute for Disaster
7. Tsunami Quiz: Ten Facts on Killer Waves by Nancy Gupton, For National Geographic
News, Published February 28, 2010.

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