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Delta Lambda Sigma


Law Aptitude Exam









Good luck!



Direction: Choose the lettered word which is most nearly similar in

meaning to the word in capital letters.

1. Spurious
A. Illegal C. Simple
B. Majestic D. Clean

2. Jovial
A. Keen C. Jocund
B. Saturnine D. Dismal

3. Acrimonious
A. Laudatory C. Laconic
B. Irascible D. Gleeful

4. Fusillade
A. Confusion C. Ostentatious

B. Absolute D. Volley of shots

5. Anathema
A. Acceptable C. Delight
B. Magnanimous D. Hate

6. Torpid
A. Quick C. Distinct
B. Temporary D. Languid

7. A.
Arcane C. Alluring
B. Delicate D. Rude

8. Specious
A. Dull C. Seemingly True
B. Vindicate D. Roomy

9. Indigent
A. Destitute C. Sufficient
B. Exotic D. Glamorous

10. Nepotism
A. Dishonesty C. Vengeance
B. Preference D. Defect


Direction: Choose the lettered word which is most nearly opposite in

meaning to the word in capital letters.

1. Obtuse
A. Appellation C. Energetic

B. Perceptive D. Automatic

2. Plaudit
A. Approval C. Condemnation
B. Dopey D. Necessary

3. Propinquity
A. Passion C. Lucid intervals
B. Distance D. Tendency

4. A.
Stinky C. Bossy
B. Mature D. Nocturnal

5. Asseverate
A. Nullify C. Parse
B. Conclude D. Alleviate

6. Tyro
A. Alert C. Official

B. Convenient D. Expert

7. Expatiate
A. Canorous C. Condense
B. Cohort D. Feeble

8. Fecundity
A. Sterility C. Ubiquitous
B. Corpulence D. Voluble

9. A.
Impulsive C. Thoughtful
B. Unhealthy D. Fresh

10. Inveigle
A. Influence C. Criticize
B. Shriek D. Dissuade


Direction: Select the word which is most unlike the other in each set.

1. stoic,
A indomitable,
B unflappable,
C reserved

2. spurious, apocryphal, rumor, false

3. effective, bootless, forlorn, otiose


4. moody, inclement, harsh, tempestuous


5. sycophant, admirer, lackey, fan


6. jelly, ossify, loosen, congeal


7. inkhorn, critical, pedagogic, punctilious


8. derogate, denigrate, detract, diminish


9. passive, irenic, conciliatory, complacent


10. blubber, snivel, pule, bawl


11. conflate, mold, adnate, intervolved


12. rebuke, ratify, remonstrance, reproach


13. overweening, excessive, wealthy, superfluous


14. tractable, manageable, pliant, obstinate

15. reluctant, averse, anxious, laggard





Directions: In each of the following sentences, there are omissions of one

or more words. Select the set of words that completes the sentence most

1. The issue is _____ important _____ be overlooked.

A. very ... to

C. so
D. too ... to

2. Chemistry has always been her hardest subject; _____ she has never failed a
chemistry test.

A. and
B. moreover
C. nevertheless
D. hence

3. Does he feel he is being _____?

A. discriminated against
B. discriminated
C. discriminate
D. had done

4. Everybody has to economize, _____ our economy will collapse,

A. and
B. or
C. but
D. nor

5. _____ Tabbie did her best, she _____ unable to win a prize.

A. Since ... was
B. Although ... was
C. Even if ... is
D. Because ... is

6. He _____ better in college if he had studied hard in high school.

A. would do

C. will
woulddo have done
D. has done

7. Do you trust Greg more than _____?

A. I
B. me
C. myself
D. mine

8. _____ no agreement was reached, the funding was delayed.

A. If
B. Since
C. Although
D. Until

9. When the rain _____, everyone _____ for shelter.

A. came ... runs

B. has come ... ran
C. came ... ran
D. come ... runs

10. When I _____ my locker, I discovered that somebody _____ my textbook.

A. open .... will take
B. opened ... has taken
C. opened ... took
D. opened ... had taken

11. _____ we help, the plan will fail.

A. Unless

C. If
D. When

12. _____ I known your number, I _____ you.

A. Have ... will call

B. Had ... would have called
C. Had ... would call
D. If ... would have called

13. Each member of the family _____ certain duties to _____.

A. have ... perform

B. has ... perform
C. have ... performed
D. has ... performed

14. The lady told the truth; _____, nobody believed her.

A. furthermore
B. besides
C. consequently
D. however

15. Suddenly he remembered that he _____ to meet Father at three.

A. had promised
B. has promised
C. promised
D. promises

16. Who usually _____ the meeting?

A. presides over

C. presides
presides by
D. presides at

17. They took down the assignment, _____ they did not understand it.

A. and
B. or
C. but
D. thus

18. When I introduced them, they acted as if they _____ before,

A. never met
B. had never met
C. will meet
D. have met

19. He gave one of the best _____ of _____ career.

A. performance ... her

B. performances ... her
C. performance ... his
D. performances ... his

20. Everyone was asking me _____.

A. what has Franny done
B. what was Franny doing
C. what Franny was doing
D. what Franny has done


Direction: Identify the underlined word or phrase that would not be

acceptable in standard written English. If there are no errors, write D.

21. Mark should have believed Holly when she told him
about the sign. No error.

22. Vicki did not wash her hands as he should have done.
No error.

23. Angela had intended to have taken up medicine.

No error.

24. The selection of stories in both books

were extremely good. No error.

25. It was reported that she bought a 32-acres resort

in America. No error.

26. It is one of those experiences that are valuable
in my career. No error.

27. The multi-million peso equipments arrived


last month.
C NoDerror.

28. A person may disapprove of a law, but

they should not violate it. No error.

29. The complexity of today’s educational programs

reflects the complexity of society. No error.

30. Asking one absurd question after another,

Todd’s teacher became irritated with him.
No error.



Directions: Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content.
Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated and
implied in it.

Passage 1.

The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry
be oneI could not long
traveler, travelI stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

1. Why does the author say that, ―I shall be telling this with a sigh/Somewhere
ages and ages hence‖?

a. When he is older he will not believe that he even hesitated before taking
the second path.
b. He will be too old to remember the incident at all.
c. He will go back and travel the first road.

d. He will wonder what was down the path he didn’t travel.

2. The speaker in the poem is most likely

a. a young child
b. a ghost
c. a young adult
d. an old man

3. If the poet had taken the first road, his life would most likely to have been

a. better
b. worse

d. different
more unusual

Passage 2.

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history.

Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an
element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and
other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie's amicable
collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.

Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a
professor of physics. At the early age, she displayed a brilliant mind
and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning

became her to continue withwhen
however, her studies after that
she learned highthe
school. She
in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher
education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the
Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master's
degree and doctorate in physics.

Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of

the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie.
Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive
years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after
they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon
in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured
heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she recalled their close
relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research.
The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself

greatly increased her distress.

Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was
asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the

Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at
the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize
in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually
suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never
became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the
consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to
revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

4. The Curies' ____ collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.

a. friendly
b. competitive
c. courteous
d. industrious
e. chemistry

5. Marie had a bright mind and a __personality.

a. strong
b. lighthearted
c. humorous
d. strange
e. envious

6. When she learned that she could not attend the university in Warsaw, she

a. hopeless
b. annoyed
c. depressed
d. worried
e. none of the above

7. Marie ___ by leaving Poland and traveling to France to enter the Sorbonne.

a. challenged authority
b. showed intelligence
c. behaved

d. answer
e. was distressed
not available in article

8. _____she remembered their joy together.

a. Dejectedly
b. Worried
c. Tearfully
d. Happily
e. Sorrowfully

9. Her ____ began to fade when she returned to the Sorbonne to succeed her

a. misfortune
b. anger
c. wretchedness
d. disappointment
e. ambition

10. Even though she became fatally ill from working with radium, Marie Curie
was never ____.

a. troubled
b. worried
c. disappointed
d. sorrowful

e. disturbed

Passage 3.
For a period of more than two centuries paleontologists have been
intrigued by the fossilized remains of pterosaurs, the first flying
vertebrates. The issues, which puzzle them, are how these heavy
creatures, having a wingspan of about 8-12 meters managed the
various problems associated with powered flight and whether these
creatures were reptiles or birds.

Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is

that they were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are
reptilian. The anatomy of their wings suggests that they did not
evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated

fourth fingers
other finger of each
were forelimb
short supported
and reptilian, a winglike
with membrane.
sharp claws. In birdsThe
second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists
primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs walked on all fours, the three

short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a
pterosaurs walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and
with it the wing, could only urn upward in an extended inverted V-
shape along each side of the animal's body.

In resemblance they were extremely similar to both birds and bats,

with regard to their overall body structure and proportion. This is
hardly surprising as the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to
aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and the birds have
hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. There

is a difference,
massively which
reinforced by is that the
internal bones of the birds are more

Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably

had hairy coats. T.H. Huxley reasoned that flying vertebrates must
have been warm-blooded because flying implies a high rate of
metabolism, which in turn implies a high internal temperature.
Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of
body heat and might streamline the body to reduce drag in flight.
The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long,
dense, and relatively thick hair like fossil material was the first clear
evidence that his reasoning was correct.

Some paleontologists are of the opinion that the pterosaurs jumped

from s dropped from trees or perhaps rose into the light winds from
the crests of waves in order to become airborne. Each theory has

its associated
the pterosaursdifficulties.
hind feet The first makes
resembled a wrong
a bat's and assumption
could serve that
hooks by which the animal could hang in preparation for flight. The
second hypothesis seems unlikely because large pterosaurs could
not have landed in trees without damaging their wings. The third
calls for high aces to channel updrafts. The pterosaurs would have
been unable to control their flight once airborne as the wind from
which such waves arose would have been too strong.

11. As seen in the above passage scientists generally agree that:

a. the pterosaurs could fly over large distances because of their

large wingspan.
b. a close evolutionary relationship can be seen between the
pterosaurs and bats, when the structure of their skeletons is

c. the study of the fossilized remains of the pterosaurs reveals how
they solved the problem associated with powered flight
d. the pterosaurs were reptiles

e. Pterosaurs walked on all fours.

12. The view that, the pterosaurs rose into light winds from the crest of the waves
to become airborne, is viewed by the author as

a. revolutionary
b. unlikely
c. unassailable
d. probable

e. outdated

13. As inferred from the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur is distinguishable

from that of a bird by the

a. length of its wingspan

b. hollow spaces in its bones
c. anatomic srcin of its wing strut
d. evidence of the hooklike projections on its hind feet
e. location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body.

14. From the viewpoint of T.H.Huxley, as given in the passage, which of the
following statements is he most likely to agree with?

a. An animal can master complex behaviors irrespective of the size

of its
b. brain.
Environmental capabilities and physical capabilities often
influence the appearance of an animal.
c. Usually animals in a particular family group do not change their
appearance dramatically over a period of time
d. The srcin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental development
rather than the outcome of specialization or adaption
e. The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.

15. According to the passage which of the following is a characteristic of the


a. The pterosaurs were not able to fold their wings when not in use
b. Like the bats, they hung upside down from branches
c. They flew in order to capture prey

d. They can be said to be an earlier stage in the evolution of the

e. They lived principally in a forest like habitat.

16. The organization of the last paragraph of the passage can best be described

a. New data is introduced in order to support a traditional point of

b. Three explanations are put forth and each of them is disputed by
means of specific information
c. An outline of three hypotheses are given and evidence
supporting each of them is given

d. Description
implications foroffuture
three study
projected is presented, and their
e. The material in the earlier paragraphs is summarized and certain
conclusions are from it.

17. According to the passage, some scientists believe that pterosaurs

a. Lived near large bodies of water

b. Had sharp teeth for tearing food
c. Were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles
d. Had longer tails than many birds
e. Consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body temperature.



DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What is 1/2 of 2/3 of 3/5?

a. 1/4
b. 1/5
c. 2/15
d. 6/30

2. 72 isa.80%
36 of what number?
b. 90
c. 100
d. 900

3. What fraction of the clock face is in between the two hands of a clock if
the clock shows 4:00?
a. 1/2
b. 1/3
c. 1/4
d. 1/6

4. A flight of stairs has 15 steps, not counting the first floor but counting the

and eachfloor
stepas is
a step. If the distance
two inches between
thick, how high isthe
thetwo steps floor
second is fivefrom
first floor?
a. 8 ft, 4 in.
b. 8 ft, 7 in.
c. 8 ft, 9 in.
d. 8 ft, 13 in.

5. In the ASEAN games, the RP team received a total of 25 medals, 24%

of these were gold and 32% were silver. How many bronze medals did the
RP team win?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 11

6. A gambler with an initial money of P20,000 bets all his money in a game
where he earns 30% of his bet when he wins and gives 40% of his bet

when he loses. He loses on the first game and wins on the second game.
How much money does the gambler have after the two games?
a. P15,600
b. P18,000
c. P19,600
d. P22,000

7. A student needs to read 4 chapters of a book that run from page 184 to
page 321. How many pages does she need to read?

b. 137
c. 147
d. 148

8. The price of an article is cut by 20%. By how much must the new price
be increased to restore to its former value?
a. 15%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 40%

9. If p/q = 5/7, find the value of q/3p.

a. 1

b. 7/5
c. 1/2
d. 7/15

10. A new number is seven less than twice a number. If x represents a

number, which of these expressions represents the new number?
a. 7 - 2x
b. 2x – 7
c. 7x – 2
d. 2 – 7x

11. Roy leaves home and walks to school at a rate of 60 meters per
minute. Ten minutes later, his brother Don leaves home and walks at a
faster pace of 100 meters per minute. If the school is 900 meters away,

who his
than reaches the school earlier, and by how many minutes is he earlier
a. Roy by 4 minutes
b. Don by 4 minutes

c. Roy by 6 minutes
d. Don by 6 minutes

12. The ones digit of a two-digit number exceeds the tens digit by 3. The
two-digit number is four times the sum of its digits. What is the two-digit
a. 36
b. 47
c. 58

d. 69

13. A car travels north and covers a distance of 40 km in one hour. The car
then returns with a busted tire at a rate of 10kph. What is the car’s average
speed for the round trip?
a. 16 kph
b. 20 kph
c. 25 kph
d. 30 kph

14. In a book sale, the price of a book was cut by 30%. If the book is
currently sold at P378.00, what is the srcinal price of the book?
a. P264.60
b. P491.40

c. P540.00
d. P1,260.00

15. Juan is 10 years older than Maria. Then year ago, Juan’s age is thrice
that of Maria’s. How old is Maria ten years from now?
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25

16. If the sum of three consecutive integers is 21, what is the sum of the
next three integers?
a. 24
b. 30

c. 41
d. 72

17. The average weight of your friends is 60 kilos. If the maximum weight
of each is 64 kilos, what is the minimum weight of one of them?
a. 40 kilos
b. 48 kilos
c. 56 kilos
d. 60 kilos

18. The average daily allowance on weekdays of a student is P70. If the

allowance forthe
allowance for thewhole
whole weekend is P210, what is the average daily
a. P80
b. P90
c. P100
d. P110

19. Belinda’s teacher was to randomly pick three students from their class
of 25 to participate in a survey. The class is composed of 15 boys and 10
girls. If the first two students picked were a girl and a boy, what is Belinda’s
chance of being picked for the third slot?
a. 1/8
b. 1/9
c. 1/10
d. 1/23

20. A couple plans to have a vacation on an island. They have the option
to travel directly to the island by ship or by Concorde jet. Or they can travel
to a town near the island by car, train, or bus. From the town, they can
either take a ferry or a Cessna plane. In how many different ways can they
travel to the island?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 9
d. 12

21. If you are betting on the sum of the outcome of a pair of dice to be
tossed, on what sum should you bet to have the highest chance of

a. 7
b. 6
c. 8
d. 9

22. Among which of these data will the mode be a good representation of
its characteristics?
a. 1, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 100
b. 10, 10, 10, 10, 11
c. 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12
d. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

23. What is the probability of drawing an ace or a club from an ordinary

deck of 52 cards?

b. 4/13
c. 5/52
d. 17/52

24. Evaluate: 2/3 x 4% x 15/8

a. 1/2
b. 9/8
c. 1/20
d. 9/80

25. What is 36% of 250?

a. 36
b. 90

c. 100
d. 900



1. Antonia earns more than Maria. But since Sophie earns more than Kate, it
follows that Antonia earns more than Kate.

Which of the following statements does not support the conclusion above?

A.Maria earns more than Kate.

B.Maria earns more than Sophie.
C.Sophie earns more than Antonia.
D.Maria and Sophie earn the same.

E.Antonia and Sophie earn the same

2. Marie goes either shopping or studyingevery day. If it is snowing and windy,

then Marie studies. If it is sunny and not windy, then Marie goes shopping.
Sometimes it can be snowing and windy.

Which of the following statements must be true?

A. If it is not sunny and it is snowing then Marie studies.

B. If it is windy and Marie does not go shopping then it is not snowing.
C. If it is windy and not sunny then Marie goes shopping.
D. If it is windy and sunny then Marie goes shopping.
E. If it is snowing and sunny then Marie goes hunting.

Questions 3 -5 Cause and Effect

I. Importance of Yoga and exercise is being realized by all sections of the
II. There is an increasing awareness about health in the society particularly
among middle ages group of people.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.


I. AThe
II. huge truckhad
police overturned
ofthe middle
entire areaofinthe
theroad lastthis
locality night.
morning for half of
the day.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

I. The university officers have decided to conduct Final examination every year in
March/April in order to announce the result at proper time.

of In past the result was declared late by the University due to the lack of number

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

6. Statement: All the actors are girls. All the girls are beautiful.
1. All the actors are beautiful.
2. Some girls are actors.

A. Only (1) conclusion follows

B. Only
C. Either(2)
(1)conclusion follows
or (2) follows
D. Neither (1) nor (2) follows
E. Both (1) and (2) follow

Questions 7-10. Find the statement that must be true according to the given

7. Vincent has a paper route. Each morning, he delivers 37 newspapers to

customers in his neighborhood. It takes Vincent 50 minutes to deliver all the
papers. If Vincent is sick or has other plans, his friend Thomas, who lives on the
same street, will sometimes deliver the papers for him.

A.Vincent and Thomas live in the same neighborhood.

B. It
C. It takes
is darkThomas
outside more
whenthan 50 minutes
Vincent to deliver
begins his the papers.
D. Thomas would like to have his own paper route.

8. Erin is twelve years old. For three years, she has been asking her parents for
a dog. Her parents have told her that they believe a dog would not be happy in
an apartment, but they have given her permission to have a bird. Erin has not yet
decided what kind of bird she would like to have.

A. Erin's parents like birds better than they like dogs.

B. Erin does not like birds.
C. Erin and her parents live in an apartment.
D. Erin and her parents would like to move.

9. Ten new television shows appeared during the month of September. Five of
the shows were sitcoms, three were hour-long dramas, and two were news-
magazine shows. By January, only seven of these new shows were still on the
air. Five of the shows that remained were sitcoms.

A. Only one of the news-magazine shows remained on the air.

B. Only one of the hour-long dramas remained on the air.
C. At least one of the shows that was cancelled was an hour-long drama.
D. Television viewers prefer sitcoms over hour-long dramas.

10. On weekends, Mr. Sanchez spends many hours working in his vegetable and
flower gardens. Mrs. Sanchez spends her free time reading and listening to
classical music. Both Mr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez like to cook.

A. Mr. Sanchez enjoys planting and growing vegetables.

B. Mr. Sanchez does not like classical music.
C. Mrs. Sanchez cooks the vegetables that Mr. Sanchez grows.
D. Mrs. Sanchez enjoys reading nineteenth century novels.

Questions 11-12
Alternative Investments have become increasingly popular in the last decade as
investors seek a safe haven from highly volatile equities and the unpredictable
property market. During this time, alternative investments such as art and stamps
have outperformed traditional investments by around 60%. High net worth
individuals in particular are scrambling to diversify their portfolios in order to
mitigate risk and preserve their capital. While alternative investments can
produce higher returns, they have significant downsides. Fakes present a major
problem for potential investors as fraudsters flood the marker with replicas; this is

a particular
of pieces ofissue
art. with popular artists
Furthermore, such be
art can as Picasso,
to produced
buy and thousands
sell, with
auctioneers typically taking around 6% of the sale value in fees. Finally, valuable
pieces need to be insured and protected. The most valuable artworks are often

stored in bank vaults and secure art storage facilities, with the owners rarely
getting to enjoy the piece.

11. Some of the work that Picasso produced has subsequently been proved to
be fake.

A. True
B. Cannot Tell
C. False

12. The passage

of different suggests that it is safer to spread your savings across a range

A. True
B. Cannot Tell
C. False

Questions 13-15
Guano – or bird excrement - has long been a big business in Peru. The rocky
islands off the country’s Pacific coast are home to large populations of seabirds,
such as cormorants, pelicans and boobies. The birds’ guano contains high
concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen, making it prized as a natural fertilizer
and an ingredient in gunpowder.

Although guano has been valued since the Inca Empire, in the 19 th century, it

became and
income, a commodity. By the
was exported to 1840s,
Europe guano represented
and the Peru’s
United States. main extraction
Guano source of
was carried out by indentured labourers and convicts, many of whom perished.
So great was guano’s economic importance that it indirectly contributed to
several wars. In the early 19th century, however, the guano industry declined
following the discovery of nitrogen fixation, in which nitrogen gas is converted
into liquid ammonia fertilizer.

Today the Peruvian guano industry is thriving again. Approximately 23,000 tons
of guano are sold annually as organic fertilizer. Extraction remains backbreaking
manual labour, as machinery frightens birds away. Although poachers kill
thousands of birds each year, Peru’s seabird population has doubled over the
past four years. Overfishing and climate change are the guano’s industry’s main
threats, as seabirds depend on rich anchovy stocks.

13. Guano was the cause of several warsin the 19th century.

A. True Tell
B. Cannot
C. False

14. Poaching has had a significant negative impact on the recovery of seabird

A. True
B. Cannot Tell
C. False

15. Guano export formed the backbone of Peru’s economy in the 19th century.

A. True

C. Cannot
False Tell



Read the separate condition given below each statement and then select
the correct answer from the following five options.

1. To have a good and strong heart, it is necessary to have seven to eight

hours of sleep.

Which of the following would reveal most clearly the seriousness of the
conclusion drawn above?

a. Seven to eight of sound sleep helps in having a good cardiovascular health.

b. Sleep sleep
c. Good well inisorder
very to stay fit for
essential anda fine.
very good health.
d. Improper and inadequate sleep may result in increase in problems related to
heart and blood vessels.
e. Good sleep is the key to a healthy heart.

2. One of the most important benefits of good and sound sleep is that it helps
in maintaining the level of stress hormone in check.

Any of the following, if introduced into the argument as an additional premise,

makes the argument above logically correct EXCEPT:

a. If you don’t sleep well then it results in sleep deficiency which increases the
production of stress hormones and hence makes it more difficult to sleep.
b. Sleep hormones make it more difficult to sleep.

c. Sleep
d. If sleephormones
hormonesare responsible
are released infor soundthen
excess sleep.
they make sleep more difficult.
e. It is necessary to keep the level of stress hormones in check because excess
of it affects the duration of our sleep.

3. Both the sleep and the rate of metabolism are controlled by the same part
of the brain; so to maintain your body weight, it is very important to have
adequate sleep.

From which of the following can the statement above be most properly inferred?

a. Both the sleep and the rate of metabolism are controlled by the same part of
the brain.
b. To maintain your body weight it is very important to have adequate sleep.
c. To maintain your body weight, keep on sleeping for long time.

d. Since the rate

controlling of metabolism
sleep, is also
it is necessary controlled
to have enoughbyof the same
sleep part of the
to maintain thebrain
body weight.
e. One of the reasons for increase in body weight is inadequate sleep.

4. An advertisement for E-News, a subscription-only online newspaper with
no ads accompanying its content, argued that individuals should subscribe to E-
News so as to eliminate wasted time that results from seeing and ignoring
advertisements while attempting to read newspapers that feature ads.

Which of the following, if true, most severely weakens E-News' argument?

a. Individuals who currently read only print newspapers are much less likely to

enjoy a subscription
news through news website.
a free news website without first learning about reading online
b. Free ad-sponsored news websites and blogs offer more content than E-
c. E-News partners with other e-content providers, many of which always show
numerous ads alongside their content.
d. For regions of the country that lack adequate internet coverage, switching to
an online subscription website is not logical.
e. E-News recently announced it would sell some of its content to ad-supported
websites and print newspapers.

5. The latest movie by a certain director gets bad reviews before it opens in
theatres. Consequently, very few people go to the movie and the director is given
much less money to make his next movie, which is also unsuccessful.

What can be inferred from this scenario?

a. This director makes terrible movies.
b. The general public does not pay attention to movie reviews.
c. The movie reviewers were right about the first movie.
d. Movie reviewers exert influence on the movie quality.
e. The director will not make another movie.

6. The cost of producing radios in Country Q is ten percent less than the cost
of producing radios in Country Y. Even after transportation fees and tariff charges
are added, it is still cheaper for a company to import radios from Country Q to
Country Y than to produce radios in Country Y.

The statements above, if true, best support which of the following assertions?

a. Labor costs in Country Q are ten percent below those in Country Y.

b. (Importing radios from Country Q to Country Y will eliminate ten percent
of the manufacturing jobs in Country Y.

c. The tariff on a radio imported from Country Q to Country Y is less than
ten percent of the cost of manufacturing the radio in Country Y.
d. The fee for transporting a radio from Country Q to Country Y is more
than ten percent of the cost of manufacturing the radio in Country Q.
e. It takes ten percent less time to manufacture a radio in Country Qthan it
does in Country Y.

7. It is said that it is very necessary for the girls to work out daily to stay fit
and healthy as compared to the boys because, their more muscle mass helps
them in burning calories faster and lose weight easily.
The statement above would be weakened if it were true that

a. Girls have more muscle mass as compared to the guys and hence they can
lose weight easily and remain healthy.
b. It is not necessary for the guys to work out at all b ecause they are very
c. Guys are more active than girls and so they do not find it necessary to work
d. Girls should work out daily because they are not as strong as the guys.
e. Boys have more muscle mass and hence they burn more calories as
compared to the girls and remain healthy.

8. Statistics show that in comparison to the deaths caused due to diseases

like HIV, alcohol as well as accidents, suicides and murders, majority of them are
dying because of tobacco consumption.
The statement above would be weakened if it were true that
a. More number of people are dying because of (HIV)human immune deficiency
virus infection.
b. Tobacco is not consumed at all by any person in the world.
c. More number of people is addicted to alcohol consumption.
d. People prefer to consume tobacco rather than committing suicide.
e. You should not consume alcohol and tobacco if youdo not want to harm your

9. Coronary heart disease caused by the consumption of tobacco is the main

reason for the death of majority of people in the United States.

From which of the following can the statement above be most properly inferred?

a. Consumption of tobacco leads to coronary heart disease which results in


b. Majority of people in the United States die because of coronary heart
c. Majority of people in the United States die because of tobacco consumption.
d. Coronary heart disease is a fatal disease that means it can lead to death.
e. You will die if you consume tobacco in United States.

10. You should not mention anything about the salary requirements in
the cover letters and the resumes until it is asked to be included by the employer.

From which of the following can the statement above be most properly inferred?
a. Unless the employer has asked you to mention your salary expectations you
must not include anything about it in your resume or the cover letter.
b. Employers often reject those candidates who mention their salary
expectations in their cover letters or resumes unnecessarily.
c. It is not at all professional to mention your salary expectations in your cover
letters and resumes unless it is asked.
d. It is good to mention the expected salary in your cover letter and resume.
e. Do not mention anything related tosalary in your resume and cover letter.

11. If you are not extra-vigilant, you can fall prey to temptation and find
yourself spending your hard-earned money at a store online. There are many tips
you can use to help avoid the temptation to overspend online.

The argument above assumes that

a. Majority of people fall prey to online shopping very easily
b. You must try to avoid the temptation to overspend online because itis very
c. Online shopping is better than onsite shopping.
d. There are many tips you can use to help avoid the temptation to overspend
e. You can fall prey to temptation and find yourself spending your hard-earned
money at a store online if you are not very vigilant.

12. Recent dental research shows that bacteria around the gum line produces
a substance that in sufficient amounts can induce preterm labor in pregnant
women and can cause heart disease by clogging arteries. Both medical
outcomes add to payouts by health insurers to medical-service providers. The

bacteria isOne
cleaning. best removed
health by has
insurer a dentist or trained
calculated hygienist
that it can reduceduring a routine
its payouts by
reimbursing subscribers who are either pregnant or at high risk of developing
heart disease for the cost of one professional dental cleaning per year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the assertion that the
insurer's payouts to medical-service providers will decrease if it implements the
reimbursement plan described above?

a. Dental-hygiene regimens suchas brushing or flossing can slow the

accumulation of the bacteria-produced substance.
b. Pregnant women typically crave sugaryfoods, which are proven to contribute
to tooth decay.
c. The risk of developing heart diseaseis greater for individuals with a family
history of heart disease than for those with no such history.

d. Individuals are generally

dental procedures less likely ones.
than expensive to postpone or forego inexpensive or free
e. The dental health of pregnant women and heart-disease patients, asa group,
is similar to those of the general population.

13. The skin around the knees and elbows is thicker as compared to other
body parts and therefore it tends to have more pigment than the rest of our body.

From which of the following can the statement above be most properly inferred?

a. In comparison to the rest of our body, the skin around the knees and elbows
is thicker and stronger.
b. In comparison to the rest of our body, the skin around the knees and elbows
is very dirty.
c. In comparison to the rest of our body, the skin around the knees and elbows

is very
d. In fair and to
comparison strong.
the rest of our body, the skin around the knees and elbows
is very weak.
e. In comparison to the rest of our body, the skin around the knees and elbows
is thicker and tends to have more pigment.

14. My neighbor's dogs bark and howl every time their owner lets them
outside. My CPA told me that dogs tend to bark and howl when they see birds
resting in the top branches of their favorite trees. I personally believe they bark
and howl because they enjoy disrupting my meditations.

Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the preceding

a. The dogs must be abused by their owners.

b. The dogs' owners do not make efforts to stop the dogs from barking and


c. There are many pedestrians who walk by this neighbor's house, andthe dogs
are starving for attention.
d. The dogs frequently see birds in the tops of their favorite trees.
e. The dogs will bark and howl at 3 a.m. if they are outside at that time.

15. Which of the following best completes the passage below?

In a survey of job applicants, two-fifths admitted to being at least a little

dishonest. However, the survey may underestimate the proportion of job

applicants who are dishonest, because____.

a. some dishonest people taking the survey might have claimed on the survey to
be honest
b. some generally honest people taking the survey might have claimed on the
survey to be dishonest
b. some people who claimed on the survey tobe at least a little dishonest may
be very dishonest
c. some people who claimed on the survey to be dishonest may have been
answering honestly



DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer.


1. (a) (b) (c) (d)

5 11 17 29 23 22 27
7 13 19
? 31 25 25 29
2. (a) (b) (c) (d)

16 8 20 10 24 12 30 15 30 14 28 16 27
4 5 6
? 8 7 8 29
3. (a) (b) (c) (d)

1/10 1/13 1/16 1/21 1/20 1/18 1/19

4. (a) (b) (c) (d)

1/2 1/4 1/8

2 1 ? 0 -1
5. (a) (b) (c) (d)

AlphA brAvO chArlIE dELtA delta DeLTa dEltA

6. (a) (b) (c) (d)


7. (a) (b) (c) (d)

A B K ? L E Z D
8. (a) (b) (c) (d)


9. (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 2 3 4 4 4 4

10. (a) (b) (c) (d)

1 4 7
? 10 11 10 11
11. (a) (b) (c) (d)

12. (a) (b) (c) (d)

13. (a) (b) (c) (d)

14. (a) (b) (c) (d)

15. (a) (b) (c) (d)

16. (a) (b) (c) (d)

17. (a) (b) (c) (d)

18. (a) (b) (c) (d)

19. (a) (b) (c) (d)

20. (a) (b) (c) (d)

DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter of the box that is different from the others.




39 6 2 27 21




heart cream sheep leap seat




Part I 2. C 4. A
1. A 3. B 5. B
2. C 4. A 6. C
3. B 5. A 7. B
4. D 6. D 8. D
5. D 7. C 9. A
6. D 8. A 10. D
7. A 9. B 11. B
8. C 10. D 12. B
9. A 13. C
10. B Part III 14. D
1. D 15. C
Part II 2. C
1. B 3. A

1. D 11. A 21. D
2. C 12. B 22. C
3. A 13. B 23. B
4. B 14. D 24. C
5. B 15. A 25. B
6. C 16. A 26. D
7. A 17. C 27. A
8. B 18. B 28. C
9. C 19. D 29. D
10. B 20. D 30. B
1. D 9. C
2. C 10. C
3. D 11. D
4. A 12. B
5. B 13. C
6. B 14. B
7. A 15. A
8. A 16. B
17. A

1. B 14. C
2. C 15. D
3. B 16. B
4. C 17. B
5. D 18. A
6. C 19. D
7. B 20. B
8. C 21. B
9. D 22. B
10. B 23. A
11. A 24. C
12. D 25. B
13. A

1. C

2. B

3. B. As the awareness about health in the society is increasing particularly

among middle-aged group of people, the importance of Yoga and exercise is
being realized by all sections of the society.

4. A. Since a huge truck overturned on the middle of the road last night, so, the
police had cordoned off the entire area in the locality last morning for half of the

5. B. Since in the past the result was declared late by university, it has decided
to conduct the examination in March/April in order to announce the result at
proper time.

6. E

7. A. The fact that Vincent and Thomas live on the same street indicates that
they live in the same neighborhood. There is no support for any of the other

8. C. Since Erin's parents think a dog would not be happy in an apartment, we

can reasonably conclude
the family
a) or lives
in dislikes
an apartment. We do not know is
Erin's parents dislike (choice if Erin birds (choice b).There
no support for choice d.

9. C. If there were seven shows left and five were sitcoms, this means that only
two of the shows could possibly be dramas. Choices a and b may be true, but
there is no evidence to indicate this as fact. The fact that all of the sitcoms
remained does not necessarily mean that viewers prefer sitcoms (choice d).

10. A. Because Mr. Sanchez spends many hours during the weekend working in
his vegetable garden, it is reasonable to suggest that he enjoys this work. There
is no information to suggest that he does not like classical music. Although Mrs.
Sanchez likes to cook, there is nothing that indicates she cooks vegetables
(choice c). Mrs. Sanchez likes to read, but there is no information regarding the
types of books she reads (choice d).

11. C. The passage mentions that there is a danger in buying a fake due to
fraudsters flooding the market. However any work produced by Picasso would,
by definition, not be fake.

12. A. The third sentence explains that the very rich have been diversifying their
portfolios to reduce the risk of, as the first sentence explains, there being sudden
changes in share prices.

13. C. The second paragraph states that guano’s economic importance

“indirectly contributed” to wars. Therefore it cannot be said to have “caused” the

14. C. While the passage does state that “poachers kill thousands of birds each
year” it also says that, “Peru’s seabird population has doubled over the past four
years”. So while poaching exists, it cannot be said to have a significant negative

15. A. The second paragraph states that “By the 1840s, guano represented
Peru’s main source of income.”

1. D 9. B
2. C 10. A
3. D 11. B
4. C 12. A
5. A 13. E
6. D 14. E
7. A 15. A
8. B

1. B 10. C 19. A
2. D 11. A 20. A
3. D 12. B 21. D
4. B 13. B 22. C
5. D 14. C 23. D
6. C 15. B 24. C
7. A 16. C 25. C
8. A 17. B
9. D 18. B

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