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PH Project by: MJ122

(PH Proj. Presented By MJ122 under the Supervision of the Michael Hall Academy – PalTalk
NPL Educational groups EPIN:365163 )


"People are not nouns , but processes" – Richard Simon 1997

"By Human Engineering I mean the science and art of directing the energies and the capacities of
human beings to the advancement of the human weal."
"Production is essentially a task for engineers; it depends upon the discovery and the application of
natural laws, including the laws of human nature"
"Human Engineering will embody the theory and practice the science and the art of all engineering
branches united by a common aim …. The understanding and welfare of mankind"
"The task of engineering science is not only to know … but to know how" – Korzybski 1921

The Idea of The Project:

Is your brain a muscle ? Or an organ ? … And if it's a muscle … Can it -like other muscles- be trained
and strengthened by exercises ?

The answer is No and Yes actually …. Like a muscle, using the brain makes it stronger, however the
reasons are different.

Muscles become stronger with use because the muscle cells synthesize new "motor proteins." The
added proteins, which are the engines of muscle contraction, increase the muscle's size and strength at
the cellular level.

Using the brain makes it stronger in a completely different way.

The brain is a pattern organizing machine. A "stronger brain" is one that is creative, cognitively
flexible, and able to reason efficiently while making few mistakes. This comes not from increasing the
capacity of the neurons, but from exposing the brain as a system to new experiences and new

New experiences keep the brain at its best by giving it new information to organize and make sense of.
This leads to learning, which drives the brain's process of pattern recognition and neural
reorganization. Learning new skills not only adds to the brain's repertoire of abilities, but it forces the
brain to continually restructure its "filing system" and prevents "thought ruts" from forming.

An analogy could be made to a biological ecosystem, where biodiversity makes the ecosystem as a
whole more resilient and adaptable. Being exposed to new ideas and experiences is like adding

PH Project
diversity to the cognitive skill and intuition ecosystem managed by the brain.

Brain Aspects:

Brain has SO many abilities that we can only know; Many of them can be of such a significant usage
but we rarely use'em .

We only dreamt of these abilities ; And sometimes we express those dreams through our life … in each
and every aspect of life.
kids use the imaginary "Captain Crunch" -who is a fictional character that can locate ships with only
his mind- for breakfast , And We -adults- have Superman and Spiderman as our block buster movies
…. We basically dream of a human who can fly , read minds , see through walls , predict the future and
knows every possible quote of classic books.

Well … We can't promise you that human may get to that one day … But We can promise that your
brain is able to do not less but more awesome things , that will -one day- lead us to a higher step in
Evolution ; Internet Have already made that much closer …But it's your brain who can handle the
whole Stairs .

As we know it … We can categorize the usage of our brain into Main 5 aspects … (Logic , Memory ,
Creativity , Receivability and Sense Usages) … and through our project; We may go into some tests to
measure the efficiency of each aspect , and Then start a series of short courses to enhance the
capability of the brain through each topic of them.

History Of Human Engineering Experiments:

Since the 19's , Psychologists have been trying to understand the human brain and its capacity . many
experiments have been conducted under the flag of discovering the triggers that motivate our brain to
work in full capability.
Some of these experiments were extremely famous ,such as The Little Albert Experiment , The
Bystander Effect , Robbers Cave Experiment , and the most famous Experience ever The MILGRAM
Experiment … and here by , we explain a few of them …


In 1971, Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University conducted his famous prison experiment, which aimed
to examine group behavior and the importance of roles. Zimbardo and his team picked a group of 24
male college students who were considered “healthy,” both physically and psychologically. The men
had signed up to participate in a “psychological study of prison life,” which would pay them $15 per
day. Half were randomly assigned to be prisoners and the other half were assigned to be prison guards.
The experiment played out in the basement of the Stanford psychology department where Zimbardo’s
team had created a makeshift prison. The experimenters went to great lengths to create a realistic
experience for the prisoners, including fake arrests at the participants’ homes.


At the University of Iowa in 1939, Wendell Johnson and his team hoped to discover the cause of
stuttering by attempting to turn orphans into stutterers. There were 22 young subjects, 12 of whom

PH Project
were non-stutterers. Half of the group experienced positive teaching whereas the other group dealt
with negative reinforcement. The teachers continually told the latter group that they had stutters. No
one in either group became stutterers at the end of the experiment, but those who received negative
treatment did develop many of the self-esteem problems that stutterers often show. Perhaps Johnson’s
interest in this phenomenon had to do with his own stutter as a child.


Solomon Asch tested conformity at Swarthmore College in 1951 by putting a participant in a group of
people whose task was to match line lengths. Each individual was expected to announce which of three
lines was the closest in length to a reference line. But the participant was placed in a group of actors,
who were all told to give the correct answer twice then switch to each saying the same incorrect
answer. Asch wanted to see whether the participant would conform and start to give the wrong answer
as well, knowing that he would otherwise be a single outlier.

Thirty-seven of the 50 participants agreed with the incorrect group despite physical evidence to the
contrary. Asch used deception in his experiment without getting informed consent from his
participants, so his study could not be replicated today.

Aim of This Specific Test:

We had a vision of increasing the ability of the brain by the following percentage :

135% for the Logic aspect

175% for the Memory aspect
125%-150% for the Creativity aspect
135% for the Receivability aspect
115% for the Sense Usages aspect

These predictions are Empirical only and have no proof yet.

But They also may be exceeded in the case of Continues exercises.

Known Results of The PH Project :


Note :

As a part of this project tests , It's preferred to present those instructions to the test subject later than the time
announced for the delivery …. As an assurance of his/her approval to start up the original projects

PH Project
PH Proj. Materials :
Name: MJ-S010

Topic: Logic

This part of PH is about getting to upgrade your logic senses and maximize the range of judging through logical
thinking; As It's the only thing that we couldn’t replicate into an intelligent technology , so we need to make sure
that we can master that unique ability.
for the ages of (15-35) , we would rather use a yes-or-no answer to a definite question , Black or White , wrong or
Right , legal or illegal and so on. Our Purpose is to start using "maybe", Gray, acceptable or not acceptable, and the
theory of probabilities.

125%-135% increasing by the logical thinking and judging

-Mind Tricks 1-2
-Logical Situations (win-lose situation)
-Book Report

-Break Mind Tricks 01
-Break Mind Tricks 02
-A Grand Novel Criticization

Name: MJ-S020

Topic: Memory

The second part of PH is about memory. The brain capacity of memories are limited only by the way you handle your
memories. Imagine your brain as a big closet, and clothes you put in there are your memories … If your closet is tidy
… you will be able to pull out any type of clothes much more easier than an untidy closet.
so Basically ; Our purpose is cleaning out our closet and rearrange our memories.

175% increasing by the Memory Capacity and the Speed of Retrieving.

-Deck of Cards (max)
-Flip-over Games

PH Project
-Poems in Different languages

-Magnetic Memory Method
-Memory Palace
-Major Method

Name: MJ-S030

Topic: Creativity

The third part of PH is about getting creative. Creativity (in Wikipedia) is a phenomenon whereby something new
and somehow valuable is formed, such as an idea, a scientific theory, an invention, a literary work, a painting, a
musical composition, a joke, etc. And to get creative, there is no such known way that we can use.
through this part we will try to enhance the creative thinking through using another creative thoughts; In fact ,We
will go through a punch of tests which are in the exact case the enhancements of that part.

125%-150% increasing by the Creative Thoughts and Acts.

-5 Drawable Challenge
-Best Picture Ever
-Tom&Jerry Blueprint Plan

-Basic name,verb,name
-A Situation End Replacement
-A Novel End Replacement

Name: MJ-S040

Topic: Receivability

Trying to Identify Receivability, We can give a small example. If we had a tap and a jug , and we want to increase the
water receiving capacity, we have to required methods; Either to enhance the tap of to enhance the jug.
Through this PH Part we handle the jug enhancement , to increase the ability of receiving water (information) from
your tap. Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training.
That is the same exact method we use to enhance our Receivability.

PH Project
135% increasing by the capacity of information received per minute.

-Search-over Test
-Words By Comprehensions
-Book Summarization

-Speed Learner
-Principals of Searching

Name: MJ-S050

Topic: Sense Usage

This part of PH is about getting to upgrade your senses; Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching and Feeling.
The original purpose for this part was a little bit different than what it is now. Through any superhero movie the only
thing that people -who like the superhero- have only one thing in common; That they don't have a clue about the
superhero inner feelings, what's inside of his head , what is the conflicts acrossing him.
So our purpose was to hide our feeling beyond our senses. But it was so unfair for the superhero … and We believe it
will be so unfair for ourselves as well. That’s Why we cancelled that target and modify the course to enhance our
usage of senses in general cases.
Sadly, it might haven't the same results of the original test; But through working out, it may give such an
enhancement to each and every sense we have.

115% increasing by the Sense interpretations and False Reactions.


-Basic NPL
-Reaction Interpretation
-False Signals

PH Project

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