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Executive Function Occupational Therapy Assessment

Name: Grade:

DOB/Age: / Date:

General Observations

□ Able to wait outside door to room quietly □ Enters room and explores/runs around the room
□ Unable to wait quietly- frequently interrupting others □ Transitions away from activities without difficulty
□ Enters room and go straight to chair □ Difficulties transitioning between activities during assessment

Activity Brief Description Skills Comments/Notes Age Norms

Motor This item was designed Grasp Patterns Organization Grasp Patterns
Observation to assess a child’s ability ___ No concerns (functional ___ Difficulty with open- 3-4 yrs children switch to static
Skills to use his or her hands to _____grasp) ended assignments that tripod or quadruped grasp. By 5
Assessment hold an object as well as ___Other require brainstorming years should see dynamic grasp.
use in a controlled or choosing a
(Legos / manner for precise finger Scissors Skills theme/topic Scissor Skills
Craft) and hand movements ___No concerns ___ Approach to work is 5-6 yrs children use mature scissor
during writing and ___Inefficient grasp logical, efficient, and grasp consistently and progress
cutting activities. ___Uncoordinated organized from cutting out simple to complex
Children were required ___Leaves workspace neat / shapes and figures smoothly.
to organize space and Writing puts away tools and
objects in order to plan a ___ Spacing and sizing errors materials Writing
series of directions in a ___ Difficulty lining up answers on ___ Approach to work is 1St - 2nd grade: correct letters/
logical and efficient worksheets inefficient and numbers formation; places letters/
order, select correct ___ Copying difficulties disorganized; appears numbers 1/16th above or below
materials and ignore ___Rushes through assignments to not have a plan baseline; uses appropriate spaces
incorrect materials, as without reading directions or ___ Leaves workspace a 3rd grade: print text at 45 wrds/min
well as monitor progress checking work mess 4th grade: print text at 60 wrds/min
for proceeding to next 5th grade: print text at 70 wrds/min
task. Children were Manipulation Self-Awareness / Time
required to monitor their ___ Difficulties w/ markers Management (HWT Standards for Writing)
time to complete project. ___ Difficulties w/ glue ___Ask for help when stuck
___ Difficulties w/ paper in folders ___Needs prompting to get Attention
unstuck or generate A normal attention span is 3 to 5
Initiation ideas minutes per year of a child's age.
___ Waits to last minute to start ___Shows some beginning By age 5 children need at least a
___ Appears unsure where to ability to monitor time 25-minute attention span to
start for completing tasks perform adequately in school.
Activities of This item was designed Planning Sensory Age 4-5
Daily Living to assess a child’s ability ___Lists steps correctly ___Waits turn appropriately Get dressed with minimal parental
Skills to recall a series of steps ___Unable to recall correct steps ___Difficulty waiting turn help / Make their bed with minimal
/ plan for frequently / Omits steps in plan (fidgets, makes noises, parental help / Bring their things
(Complete occurring activities, apply ___Lists inappropriate use of etc.) from the car to the house /Be
morning, knowledge to select space and objects or lists in ___ Difficulty filtering out responsible for a pet's food and
evening correct materials, and inappropriate order for time extraneous stimuli in water bowl
routine / organize in a logical and management and efficiency environment and
Make a efficient order for sustaining focus Age 6-7
sandwich) completion within a  Make their bed every day /Brush
reasonable time frame. Attention teeth / Comb hair / Choose the
___Maintains focus on the day's outfit and get dressed / Put
required task their laundry in their drawers and
___Easily Distracted closets
(___visual ___auditory) 
Age 8-11
 Take care of personal hygiene /
Keep bedroom clean / Be
responsible for homework / Be
responsible for belongings
Motor This item was designed Arousal Level Motor Planning Arousal Level
Planning to assess a child’s ability ___High ___Just right ___Low ___ follows 2+ step 2nd grade: bring materials to and
and Sensory to follow multi-step ___Seems to talk excessively directions from school: homework
Processing directions as well as ___Likes to make loud noises ___unable to follow 2+ step assignments; permission slips;
Assessment initiate, plan, and ___Has difficulty matching directions lunch money; complete homework
execute a series of motor arousal level to environment ___movements appeared assignments (20 minute
(Simon Says actions. This item smooth and efficient maximum); run errands (2-3 step
/ Repeat required the child to Touch ___movements were directions)
and maintain an appropriate ___Seems overly sensitive to clumsy / ungraded
Remember) arousal level matching other kids bumping into ___unable to maintain body 3rd-4th grade: Run errands that may
the social expectation of ___Constantly touching things position with upright require a time delay (e.g.
the environment and ___Bumps into peers frequently rotation in standing remembering to do something
activity in order to during transitions ___Difficulty coordinating after school); perform chores that
sustain performance ___Seems unaware of personal both sides of the body take 15-30 minutes
throughout task. The space
child was required to Regulation Finger to Nose
demonstrate active ___upset easily (everything Measured on children 5+
listening skills and is a big deal) 5+: touch within 1cm of nose
appropriate personal ___expresses emotions 7+: does not miss more than once
space while listening and appropriately
remembering a series of Motor Planning
verbal directions. Most 3 yr olds have no trouble
following a two-part direction.

Concerns with:

□ Tool Use / Grasp Patterns □ Motor Planning

□ Writing o Body Awareness
□ Sensory o Initiation
o Arousal Level o Planning
o Flexibility o Execution
o Impulse Control o Multiple step directions
o Sustain Attention o Problem Solving
o Modulation (__auditory ___visual ___tactile)

Are impacting ability to participate in: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




□ Initiate weekly OT services for 16 weeks upon which point in time OT services will be re-evaluated for ongoing needed for weekly services.
□ Continue OT services with focus on
o Developing sensory and emotional self-regulation o Developing strategies for sustain attention and persist with
o Strengthening self-awareness skills for promoting self-regulation activities of daily living
throughout activities of daily living o Teaching strategies for improving organization of materials for
o Developing strategies for impulse control efficient use of time
o Strengthening self-awareness skills for problem solving abilities
□ OT services are not recommended at this point in time.

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