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Prepared by:

Michelle Anne D. Giron

Tom D. Duque
Arjane Lara
Danica Padua
Flora Mae Sabucor
Lea Irish Fabros
Jenefer Cortez
Karen Cuaresma

Prepared for:

Mr. Neftali Julius F. Somintac

Social Media: Tool in Comparison

Social media is a breeding ground o apprehension. Social media platforms include issues like
depression, poor sleep quality, cyberbullying, anxiety, and mental health. Those negative effects are
typically give to unrealistic depictions in posts that cause viewers feel…Inadequate to this feeling can
lead to the negative impacts. These negative feelings and desire to alter yourself is harmful to one’s
mental health. The other research has found that the more you spend on social media can also lead to
the increase of negative feeling, depression, and anxiety.

Social media is a tool of comparison. According to research, social media magnifies the
negative impact of social comparison. That is because they compare themselves to carefully curated
images of their peers. They compare themselves to celebrities or others who have achieved at unusually
high levels. A result, they feel that their own accomplishments are not enough. One study found that
people who make frequent social comparison are more likely to experience envy, guilt, regret, and
defensiveness. Comparison as a bigdisadvantages. It can be destroyed your self-esteem, self-images,
and well-being. Assess of oneself against others can create a judge mental and competitive outlook.
Theodore Roosevelt said that comparison is a thief of joy. Yes! It is. Sometimes comparison can
motivate teens to practice harder and improve but also it can be discouraging and create intense anxiety.
According to he social comparison theory, we determine our personal self-worth based on how we
compare to others around us. There is no harm in looking and comparing your outfit to another person
but when we add social media into the mix with the social comparison theory, we ultimately set
ourselves up to failure. Being a mellennials, social media is a natural to us as breathing or drinking
water. Often, our bodies just cannot function without it.

Social media continues to be harmful unless something is than about it. The power it has over
people is dangerous and often goes unnoticed. People should care because if not addressed, or taken
care, of social media could cause International problem. According to Emily Atack, “Everyone is
comparing lives on social media and wants the perfect body, perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect life -
were striving for this perfection, and it’s so unhealthy because there’s no such this us perfection”

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