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Edgar Cortez

English 115

Professor Beadle

December 8th, 2019

Reflection Essay

Within my first year of being a Freshman in College, I have learned many things in the

course. It has taught many skills and enhanced my ability to make writing easier and for the

better. It came to my attention that I was lacking the ability to know how to write and complete

assignments correctly addressing a prompt. During the first few weeks of the semester in English

115, I concluded that this was a difficult task to accomplish. Therefore, I took my time and

dedication into the assignments and thoroughly thoughts to make critical connections. I knew

after High School it was going to be the start of a new journey. Therefore, I had a much different

perspective of where I was heading. I never was ready for the essays I was given through before

college even started, within the assignments that were given out during the time of each week, it

made me realize that it is something that is not as lightly then regular High School English.

You’re depending on how much effort you put in the class itself and how you use the knowledge

to tie into the prompt itself. The time I’ve put into English had opened up my mind and made it

much easier to start on my sentences and how to do things correctly.

My writing throughout my life hasn’t been the greatest while being in Middle School

and High School when college came around in my life, it has made a dramatic change in my

grammar and the ways I can express what things to say in the assignment. I would constantly be
told by my peers that I was not the greatest in terms of English. During the writing of the Project

Space Essay, there were many connections to people’s lives and how they took action and

affected them in away. In this particular portion of the essay, it mainly improved my learning

habits on how to connect and understand what the meaning is. This is focused primarily on the

books I have read during the course and how to connect it thoroughly with evidence and show

what kind of aspect it brings. As said, it has improved my ability to not struggle in situations like

this and make it much harder for myself.

In the Project Text Essay, it involves a man's life and how the world criticizes him of his

appearance and what he does. There is evidence that could tie into acts of what he is living

through and what ways it can show. The things that I have never learned anywhere else but in

English 115 are much more different and provides actual evidence to help you in life and get a

realization. The Project Text Essay is one of the Essays I had put in my time and thoughts to find

what kind of message it brings to the audience. Therefore, it made me realize what kinds of

things I needed to work on once I get the feedback from the Professor, it then brings myself

closer to becoming a better writer than I was before. Knowing in my College some people are

very genuine that volunteer to give their feedback on what you can do to make any assignment

much better.

When writing the Project Text Media, it was just about another time of one of the weeks

to start on an assignment and work thoroughly through it. It lets me know that you must have the

effort and time to grow closer to finishing the assignment correctly knowing what missing parts

you need to complete the essay. All it takes is the knowledge you have and waste no time and

think like it is a joke. Back in High School, I can briefly reflect that I wasn’t the best at writing
especially since my grammar was not where I find it acceptable for assignments like these. I am

surprised how much motivation I have now till this day and how confident I am with my

grammar to show how much of an impact I have made through the fall-winter. It takes time and

motivation to get to the place where you want to be. I told myself I was never going to be a

decent writer but this course made a change and can be shown through the essays that I have

submitted. To move on, with all the essays together I developed my thinking skills to become a

better writer by believing in myself knowing that I can accomplish to make a valid connection to

a prompt and make it sound clear than the others I’ve made in my life.

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