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The take action portion of our project is not done but I feel we have helped introduce new people

learning experiences for the students we meet during lunch. When our club is implemented that impact will
multiply with the increase in numbers. Even with the new friendships and connections we have already built I
believe have made, even if it is very small, Austin High more inclusive. Our take action will need publicity, so
pamphlets, presentations to lower classmen and maybe even a social media presents will help us spread the
word about our club. We will need different forms of communication to reach as many students as we can so
that we can build a diverse and fluctuating community that attends. We probably should have pursued the club
formation form sooner but the survey we created and sent out got no response from any teachers. This made
figuring out who would sponsor after our unsuccessful attempt to survey the entire teacher population difficult
and this delayed our club formation even further.
If I could change anything about the way we went about our capstone it would be making the club
sooner. This would mean we would have had less one on one time with the students and it’s hard to tell if it
really would have benefited us to pursue that step sooner. This project is tricky because we want to make
something that the students will want to do and so we want to make sure they feel comfortable but also time
can sometimes be of the essence so we are still trying to figure out that balance. We had to pair down our
original vision just due to time and logistics, maybe in the future there can be more activities going on but for
now a solid lunch group seems to be the most sustainable thing we can do with everyone’s busy and
conflicting schedules.
Communicating with my fellow group members as well my fellow austin high students has taught me
how to be more flexible and positive. Some days can be long and stressful but I have gotten better at putting
that aside so that I can focus on the conversation and activity at hand. I have made some great new friends
that are sweet and fun to talk too as well as smart and great at sparking interesting discussions or introducing
new and unique perspectives. I have learned a lot about my school and the diverse and wonderful students
that attend it.
If I could do it again I would have started it sooner so that our impact and take action could happen
closer to the start of the year. I want this to continue to make students happy and to encourage
communication and I hope that we have and will do enough to do so.

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