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Natalie Baumgartner

EDUC 450
Teacher Quality Standards Field Notes & Grand Rounds Reflection Throughout your time in 450, you are going to be on the
lookout for the same things that an administrator (and more pertinently, your student teaching supervisor) will look for
when you are teaching. Below, you will see the Teacher Quality Standards and corresponding elements.
Throughout this semester, you will be required to complete this form by contributing an observable “artifact” from your
practicum time, or a hypothetical, “it could have been in play when...” if you don’t observe something. You will also add a personal
reflection of your own growth on each element from the artifacts you noted. Finally, you’ll complete the Grand Rounds reflection
at the end of the assignment. This will be an easy assignment if you stay on top of it, but if it gets away from you, it will be a
burden at the end.

QS 1:
Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The
secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content
endorsement area(s). Element b: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety
of content

Element a:
Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards, their District’s
organized plan of instruction, and the individual needs of their students.
Observed evidence:​ Ms.Ermer has an art class website that has a list of every class that she teachers,
with semesters curriculum that is accessible to the students and is shown after every lecture on a new
topic. These meet the Colorado academic standards by utilizing each criteria for the high school art being
used and listed in the semesters art projects.
Personal reflection:​ From the standards I feel this semester I have been able to see and exhibit in my
own class practicums the Colorado Academic standards for art. Being able to find the different grade level
expectations, listed instructions that could be talked about at each level and the different projects that can
meet all the standards for the high school level being seen in the classroom first hand.

Element b:
Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and
emphasize literacy and mathematical practices.
Observed evidence:​ I saw this being utilized in one of the first projects that I saw being done during this
art history studio class. Literacy and some math where seen regarding the dream house project, students
were expected to create a poem on the back of their final dream house drawing. And some math was used
regarding the two point perspective drawings for the dream home, they utilized protractors for the correct
angles, and rulers to measure and create a straight line from the horizon line in two point perspective.
Personal reflection: ​This artifact and project showed me that literacy regarding writing and creative
writing at that can be incorporated at the art level to help benefit the students overall composition or
meaning behind a certain artwork. This could be used in any personal related project that I might do in the
future, having students write up a short paragraph about the art work, in either a story format, poem, or
Element c:
Teachers demonstrate knowledge of content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based
instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.
Observed evidence:​During the last project surrounding the Renaissance, Ms.Ermer did a lecture lesson
talking about this time period in art and culturally what was happening in Italy during this time period.
This was related to the students project where they painted using materials that were commonly found
during the Renaissance time period, showing the content and the specialized method of painting from this
period to the students. While also providing appropriate evidence based instruction through the lecture
about Renaissance painting, how they painted, what they painted, and who the artist where that painted in
this style.
Personal reflection: ​This particular project, like many of the other projects are all based off of art history
it just inspires me to create projects and curriculum that expands on just art and how to make it. But
showing students past examples of different art creation methods, time periods and artist, and drawing
back to why these are important to know in contemporary art, and or just in our culture today.

QS 2:
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of
Element a:
Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and efficient
use of time in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers.
Observed evidence: ​From what I have observed in the class all students exhibit good behavior as
established during the first week of school with an introduction to classroom expectations. The teacher
fosters the learning environment with everyone with visiting every students table during the class period,
and greeting them as they come in during the start of the day. This establishes a positive relationship that
the students have with the teacher.
Personal reflection: ​From my own personal experience I think that it's important to visit with every
students table and student during the class period, in order to build those positive relationships with the
students during the time period and associating teachers as a positive

Element b:
Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, commitment to, and a respect for multiple aspects of diversity, while
working toward common goals as a community of learners.
Observed evidence: ​The art room has always been known to foster a wide variety of students diversity
relating to race, sexual orientation, ideals, religion and class. So ive definitely seen and hand
conversations with students of all aspects of diversity during my observations, as well seeing Ms.Ermer
demonstrating awareness of these aspects of diversity by creating a safe location for students to come and
talk all day, and having different types of social justice artwork that hung around the classroom.
Personal reflection: ​As stated previously since I was in high school that art room has been a large
accepting community for all types of people/diversities of students. And in my own class I hope to foster
the same ideals regarding the classroom being aware of the multiple aspects of diversity seen in the
community or classroom.
Element c:
Teachers engage students as individuals, including those with diverse needs and interests, across a range of
ability levels by adapting their teaching for the benefit of all students.
Observed Evidence:​ This can be seen in all the projects that the students have been working on this semester. Students
as individuals are represented through their artwork they can create, a lot of the given projects are personal for the
students they can chose to go as in-depth with the projects personally as they feel comfortable doing, this allows for
them to show their own personal interests, ability levels and past knowledge about a given material as they feel
comfortable doing with teacher help whenever they feel its needed. All projects are adaptable for all students on how
they would like to approach the project.
Personal Reflection:​ From what I have seen, I think having projects be personal for students it allows for more
creativity and engagement, when they can choose what to create utilizing the given learned materials the students
create work that they get excited about, because of that interest they have.

Element d:
Teachers work collaboratively with the families and/or significant adults for the benefit of students.
Observed Evidence:​ I was not able to see any collaboration with the families of the students in the art history studio
class that I was in, but I could see this being used through having a personal family related project, drawing back to the
students interest and personal connection to their work. They could create an art piece that asks them to interview a
member or significant adult in their life and create an art piece related to that interview.
Personal Reflection: See Observed Evidence

QS 3:
Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their
Element a:
Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual,
physical, social and emotional development of their students.
Observed Evidence:​ During the beginning of a lecture students are given the information in a number of different
ways that they might find easier to understand or create. The lesson is given on a powerpoint with important
information written on the powerpoint, Ms.Ermer verbally communicates the information to students, and they have
visuals of all the artwork that is shown on the powerpoint to glue into the students sketchbook, and the last is all
information that is mentioned in the lecture can be found on the class website.
Personal Reflection:​ I think that having multiple ways for students to access the information is best to reach all
Levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of the students as these are different ways that
Students use to learn information, and it harbors good note taking from some students, set a routine for how notes are
taken in class, and how responsibility of students as they have multiple resources to gather missed information if they
are absent.

Element b:
Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use the results to inform
planning and instruction.
Observed Evidence: ​The one key observation that I say regarding this element in Ms.Ermers classes, is daily
warm-ups. These are seen as a half sheet students are expected to fill out and turn in during the beginning of class
everyday, the questions that are asked on the half sheet can be personal regarding how the students feel that day,
to a reflection activity asking the students what they remember about the last class or a type of art technique, to
fun questions. These can show the teacher a lot about the student, pre-assessing an assignment, getting student
feedback about a project, basically anything that might be needed to know regarding the students.
Personal Reflection: ​These warm-up sheets are really helpful in my mind to just check up on students, slip in a pre-
assessment, or just get an attendance for that days class. I think If these can be used correctly you can gather a lot of
beneficial information regarding students learning from these warm-ups.

Element C:
Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage students in authentic learning experiences.
Personal Reflection: ​Technology and art can be a strong combination in my opinion, if done correctly and establishing
rules at first with students, this can create great reflection on art and art project.
Observed Evidence:​Ms.Ermer allows students to print off or use their phones to reference images for the projects.
As well as utilizing the smart computer tv screen at the front of the room for lectures and powerpoint instructions.

Element d:
Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use processes, such as questioning, to support the
development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Personal Reflection:​ In art, from this last semester I have learned how important it is to ask the right questions to
students in order to help them get to the final answer that I as the teacher wants them to know, and the answer that will
best help the students learning. At the K-5 level this can be harder for me as to make questions easy for them to
understand as opposed to the middle and high school levels. Also when asking questions, I find that during the
demos, lectures, and giving instruction at the k-12 level its best to do that during these times as the students are paying
more attention and are engaged more than when they start working.
Observed Evidence:​ When students are having trouble thinking of ideas, working with a certain material, or during
the beginning unit lecture and demonstration, asking the students is one thing that Ms.Ermer does with the students
at as a regular thing. The communication with the teacher and students is always helpful in feedback and questions
are asked when Ms.Ermer knows that the answer is something that can be easily done by the students, or knowledge
that they have previously worked on. This allows for the problem solving, and creative ideas.

Element e:
Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership qualities.
Personal Reflection: ​I personally have seen that when teachers have table groups set up this is where the
opportunity to work as a team, leadership and other social interactions that students need for life.
At the high school level I saw that only friends work together as a team typically in the art room as there isn't a
seating chart in the classes that I have observed. This allows for the leadership and communication to get sometimes
better as it's easier to communicate with friends rather than strangers in an art class. This is much different then in
Elementary and Middle, where these skills are still developing and group work is more important in order to teach
these skills.
Observed Evidence: ​Ms.Ermer has the classroom set up into table groups so this allows for students to engage
in teams if they so please, but having projects that require a team is not commonly seen in a studio drawing class,
more along the lines of a sculpture or pottery class. But setting up for tables still allows for the development of
leadership even though projects don't require a group effort there's still someone at each table that has taken the
leadership role. Also at the elementary level this use of tables is more needed to allow for the development of
leadership, sharing, communicating as a team, and helping one another (empathy).

Element f:
Teachers model and promote effective communication.
Personal Reflection:
Observed Evidence: ​In my time at the elementary school this is seen a lot more than at the 10th grade Studio art
class that I am in. The littler kids look and do by examples of the adults around them, so when me and my co-teachers
are in class doing a lesson we always show effective, polite and kind communication with one another, always saying
please and thank you so that the students learn by the teachers example. Same with materials, at both levels of
education when the students see you taking care of materials, communicating effective information, they do the
same typically from what I've seen from 3rd grade, Kindergarten, and the 10th graders.

QS 4:
Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership.
Element b:
Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.
Personal Reflection: ​In the 450 class I feel that my own personal growth has gained a lot more than my personal
goals that I had at the beginning of the semester. I wanted this 450 class to be about how to grow as a teacher, learning
new skills, techniques, getting better at talking with students from the K-12 grade level. And overall I feel that I have
reached that goal that I started with, as well reached the professional growth that I have had as a students and a
perspective teacher. This can be seen in my Art studio education class that I had, I was struggling at the beginning
getting all my art pieces completed for the weekly blog post, but after doing some reflection and figuring out the best
way to make things easier to accomplish I reached my professional growth and goal of finishing this quarter with all
6 art pieces completed.
Observed Evidence: N/A

Element c:
Teachers respond to a complex, dynamic environment.
Personal Reflection: ​In my own personal experience with this, it's been mostly at the elementary school level.
Based on my time with the kindergarteners during this semester I feel that I have enough experience and confidence
to respond quickly to a wide range of complex problems in a dynamic environment.
Observed Evidence: N/A

Element d:
Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession.
Personal Reflection: ​During my time as a practicum student I think that my professionalism and leadership
has greatly improved from my past semester. This could be seen through my teaching during AVID with my co-teacher
and I facilitating the tutorials with the students, taking a leadership role with the students that we have as a shared unit,
as well as at the elementary school taking a leadership role during the class lessons during designated lessons,
working on productively and efficiently working on the group blog, helping to create lessons and voice opinions
and ideas when It comes to creating new lesson plans. And in 450 being a leader for CSU practicum students in
the art department at fossil, where I facilitated two lessons, one lecture and one demo, where I lead the class to
discover a new way of creating and mixing paint for their projects. Personally I feel that I am more of a follower
when it comes to things outside of the classroom and moving into the community, I'm not an extrovert my any
means so when I get asked to reflect on things like being a leader and doing activities its harder for me personally
to do those things when they aren't in the classroom, in the teaching profession. But that's also relating back to
more personal struggle that I have outside of being a teacher and moving into those extrovert and introvert ideas
and behaviors.
Observed Evidence:N/a

Grand Rounds Reflection

Through the semester, you will observe one of your classmates (your Grand Round
partner) teach one of their lessons. After completing your observation, you will give
them feedback on what you saw and what you learned. Then, please complete the
following reflection:
1. Three things I saw from my grand round partner that I appreciated were:
● How she was able to visit and help every student with a wide range of different level math problems.
● That she made every student feel comfortable asking and answering questions about a math problem
as I know math is a scary subject for middle schoolers, my classmate was able to reassure the students in
a positive way.
● Being able to have enough wait time between asking a question and students answering.

2. Two ideas I have to give to my grand round partner regarding their lesson are:
● Having worksheets for the students to fill out after they have finished homework problems and
● Being more relaxed during the lesson, this of course comes with time in front doing lessons so
just being mindful to be more relaxed.

3. One question I would ask of my grand round partner if I were a student in their
class is:
● What does this math help us do in life? Or is it/is not used?

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