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Impact of season and location on the natural

radioactivity in marine macroalgae (Gracilaria
edulis) of coastal Tamil...

Article in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry · March 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1500-5


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Impact of season and location on the
natural radioactivity in marine macroalgae
(Gracilaria edulis) of coastal Tamil Nadu,

P. M. Saroja, G. Immanuel, G. A. G. Raj

& K. E. Selvan

Journal of Radioanalytical and

Nuclear Chemistry
An International Journal Dealing with
All Aspects and Applications of Nuclear

ISSN 0236-5731
Volume 291
Number 3

J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2012)

DOI 10.1007/s10967-011-1500-5

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Author's personal copy
J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2012) 291:725–730
DOI 10.1007/s10967-011-1500-5

Impact of season and location on the natural radioactivity

in marine macroalgae (Gracilaria edulis) of coastal
Tamil Nadu, India
P. M. Saroja • G. Immanuel • G. A. G. Raj •

K. E. Selvan

Received: 20 June 2011 / Published online: 1 November 2011

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2011

Abstract Gracilaria edulis, an edible red marine macro (158.63 ± 34.37 Bq Kg-1) in Mandapam. Average gross
algae from three high background radiation areas (Aro- alpha activity in G. edulis was found significantly varying in
ckiapuram, Kadiapattinam and Kurumpanai) on the south- terms of locations, while average gross beta activity for the
west coast of Tamil Nadu, and one low background radiation same species recorded significant seasonal variation.
area (Mandapam) on the southeast coast of Tamil Nadu, in
India, were studied for variations in average gross alpha and Keywords Gross alpha radiation Gross beta radiation 
beta radiation activities. Significant variations in average Gracilaria edulis  Seasonal variation  Locational
gross beta activities were observed while alpha activities variation
showed only marginal variation. The average gross alpha
activity was recorded high (61.51 Bq kg21) during the post
southwest monsoon season, while it recorded lowest Introduction
(25.48 Bq kg21) during the post northeast monsoon season.
Average gross beta activity varied between seasons with the In the contemporary global research endeavours, studies on
lowest level (211.55 Bq Kg-1) during post southwest radioactivity and its related dimensions assume greater
monsoon season and the highest (413.33 Bq kg21) during importance due to the increasing awareness both on the
post northeast monsoon season. Among the four locations, positive as well as deleterious impact of radioactivity on
the gross alpha activity was high (70.95 ± 26.74 Bq Kg-1) the biota. The nature and degree of radioactivity vary in the
in Arockiapuram and low (18.74 ± 6.32 Bq Kg-1) in environment due to natural as well as human causes. For
Mandapam, while the gross beta activity was high instance, anthropogenic activities connected to nuclear
(442.25 ± 168.53 Bq Kg-1) in Kurumpanai and low tests, nuclear installations, nuclear power plants, nuclear
reactors, etc. do contribute to the increasing emission of
radionuclides and thus causing negative impact on the
P. M. Saroja (&) environment as well as on living being. Exposure to low
Department of Chemistry, Holy Cross College, Nagercoil, level radiation may lead to somatic infirmities like cancer
Tamil Nadu, India
and genetic defects such as mutation and chromosome
aberrations [1]. Though the utilization of radioactive ele-
G. Immanuel ments for positive purposes remains inevitable, its potential
Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Manonmaniam threat either due to accidental exposure or deliberate
Sundaranar University, Rajakkamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India
emissions may be highly catastrophic even with higher
G. A. G. Raj levels of scientific management. Distribution of large
Department of Chemistry & Research Centre, Scott Christian quantities of radionuclides in atmospheric and bio-envi-
College, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India ronments has large impact on the world economy, the
environment and human quality of life [2]. It is further
K. E. Selvan
Health Physics Unit, Environmental Assessment Division, argued that the primary concerns associated with radio-
Indian Rare Earths Limited, Manavalakurichi, Tamil Nadu, India nuclides in the environment are their migration through

Author's personal copy
726 P. M. Saroja et al.

natural systems and their bio-availability through food accumulate radionuclides from sea water, the seaweeds are
chain. routinely used as indicators of radioactivity present in the
The phenomenon of biosorption of radionuclide by plant marine environment for environmental monitoring, and
and animal species both in terrestrial and marine environ- oceanographic and biological uptake studies [12]. In the
ment has been reported in earlier studies. The phosphate context of increasing marine pollution and depletion of
fertilizers are derived from a rock mineral named apatite marine flora that preserve the natural marine eco-system,
containing high levels of radium and other radioactive the studies on the impact of season and location on natural
elements 210Po and 210Pb [3] and hence the cultivation of radioactivity in seaweeds assume importance. Hence the
crops in soil with added chemical fertilizers increases the present study is undertaken to estimate the gross alpha and
radionuclide concentration in vegetables. Studies con- gross beta activities in the seaweed Gracilaria edulis from
ducted in Turkey identified the concentrations of 210Po and selected coastal locations of Tamil Nadu, India.
Pb radionuclides in the soil and vegetable samples col-
lected from both cultivated and uncultivated agricultural
land [4]. The concentrations of radionuclides vary con- Experimental section
siderably not only among the food crops but also within the
plant system itself. Food-stuff samples collected at Mum- Area and sample preparation
bai showed significant quantitative variations of naturally
occurring radionuclides such as 40K, 226Ra and 228Th. The present study was undertaken in four locations on the
Besides, the above study further stated the intra-locational coast of Tamil Nadu, India viz: Kurumpanai, Kadiapattanam,
variation of radionuclide concentration in different parts of Arockiapuram and Mandapam (Fig. 1). Of this, Kurumpanai,
the coconut samples [5]. Similar studies conducted by Kadiapattanam, and Arockiapuram are the coastal villages
Shukla et al. highlighted the varied concentrations of nat- located at the extreme southern tip on the southwest coast in
ural as well as fallout radionuclides in milk and other diet the Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu State. The state of
samples and they estimated the average ingestion dose of Tamil Nadu extends between the 88 080 N latitude and 788 00 E
radionuclides by the people in the study area [6]. Studies in longitude.The selected coastal areas are located in the fol-
Rio de Janeiro observed that the highest contribution of lowing geographical coordinates viz: Kurumpanai : 8.18 N,
radionuclide intake arises from bean, wheat flour, carrot, 77.22 E, Kadiapattanam: 8.13 N, 77.30 E, Arockiapuram:
rice, tomato, and potato consumption [7]. Studies mainly 8.08 N, 77.54 E and Mandapam: 9.27 N, 79.12 E, respec-
focus on the natural as well as anthropogenic radioactivity tively. Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu is a notified
on the life support systems like soil, water, flora and fauna naturally high background radiation area with monazite
because of their imminence to human life. The gross alpha content in the soil varying from 0.3 to 6% and the average
and gross beta activities were measured in food crops from annual effective dose is reported up to 60 mSv [8]. Because of
high background radiation areas in south India [8]. the rich deposit of monazite the Indian Rare Earths Ltd., has
Presence of radioactivity in plant organs has been been established in this region [13]. Mandapam is located on
reviewed by various scientific works [4, 8]. It is observed that the coast of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil Nadu and is
the uranium and thorium concentration in water and soil considered as low level natural radiation area. Though
samples showed locational variation in the State of Punjab in different species of seaweeds are found in these regions,
India [9]. It is also stated that uranium (238U) and thorium G. edulis (red) was selected for studying the seasonal
(232Th) are the two naturally occurring radioactive elements and locational variations of gross alpha and gross beta
in the general environment and these isotopes are the activities.
heaviest naturally occurring radionuclides. Along with their Gracilaria edulis was collected from each location every
radioactive decay products, they are transferred to water and month from January 2009 to December 2009. Approxi-
plants from soil and then to humans through ingestion routes. mately 1 kg of the seaweed was randomly pooled from
Instances of terrestrial based natural as well as anthro- different sites within 10 square meter area. Each sample
pogenic radioactive impacts contribute to the accumulation was washed individually in freshwater thrice to remove the
of radionuclides in the water bodies through drainage and extra algal particles and finally the sample was washed in
disposed industrial effluents. Since the oceans are the distilled water. The moisture content was wiped out using
ultimate reservoirs of terrestrial water run off, they become soft cotton cloth and then the fresh weight was measured.
susceptible for large scale accumulation of radionuclides
and affect the life system in the oceans. Several investi- Estimation of gross alpha and beta activities
gations have indicated that crops, vegetables, shrubs,
weeds, lichens, algae and fungus can absorb and accumu- After reasonable natural drying in shadow condition, the
late radionuclides [10, 11]. Due to the capacity to sample was further dried using hot air oven at 110 °C. The

Author's personal copy
Impact of season and location 727

Net counts = Sample counts – Background counts; T =

Time in seconds, W = Weight of the sample in gram; E =
Data pertaining to the four locations viz: Kurumpanai,
Kadiapattinam, Arockiapuram, and Mandapam are pre-
sented as means ± SD (n = 12). Besides the monthly
variations, the data were grouped on the basis of four
distinct seasons (Southwest monsoon: May to July; Post
southwest monsoon: August to October; Northeast mon-
soon: November to January; Post northeast monsoon:
February to April) and their mean variations were studied
by applying one way ANOVA. Subgroup multiple com-
parison in terms of mean variation was done using post hoc
Bonferroni technique. The statistical analysis was done
using SPSS package.

Results and discussion

Locational variation

The gross alpha and gross beta activities of G. edulis from

different locations were presented in Table 1. Certain areas
exhibit naturally higher radiation levels while others are
found to be low background areas. Radioactivity in food
crops from the high background radiation areas in Kan-
Fig. 1 Study area of Tamil Nadu coast, India. (Source: www. yakumari district of southwest India indicated higher levels than in the food crops at low background radiation areas
[14]. Every region shows qualitative variation depending
on the natural environmental conditions, nature of human
activity and other factors. Several studies have identified
dried sample was heated in silica crucibles at 590 °C using
the coast of Kanyakumari district as high background
muffle furnace for 6 h to obtain dry ash. About 0.02 g of
radiation area. The Valliyar river with its origin at the
ash was crushed into fine powder using agate mortar and
western ghats and destination at Kadiapattinam, which
spread as a fine layer on an aluminium planchet and its
serves to transport minerals from the weathering rocks of
gross alpha activity was measured using alpha scintillation
the western ghats, thereby constituting the major source of
counter with ZnS(Ag) detector The efficiency of alpha
the highly radioactive minerals [15].
counter was determined using 231Pu source of strength
Analysis of average gross alpha and gross beta activities
542 dpm and the efficiency was estimated to be 30.1%.
in all the four locations showed the fact that both average
The period of counting was 5000 s. Gross beta activity was
gross alpha and gross beta activities have statistically
measured using gas flow beta counting system of 4.8 cpm
significant variation. (alpha p \ 0.05, beta p \ 0.05).
background (ECIL Model BCS 36A). About 0.035 g of ash
It is also observable that Arockiapuram recorded high
was crushed into fine powder using agate mortar and
(70.95 Bq kg21) alpha radiation while Mandapam recor-
spread on a stainless steel planchet and its gross beta
ded the lowest level of alpha radiation (18.74 Bq kg21).
activity was measured. KCl with beta activity of 100 dpm
The post hoc Bonferroni multiple comparision showed
was used for estimating the beta efficiency which was
that among the four locations, Arockiapuram and Man-
determined to be 42.7%. The period of counting was 600 s.
dapam had highest significant variation (p = 0.005),
Estimation of gross alpha and gross beta activities was
followed by Arockiapuram and Kadiapattinam (p =
conducted at the Health Physics Unit of Indian Rare Earths
0.018). Regrouping of locations into high background
Limited at Manavalakurichi in Tamil Nadu, India. From
radiation areas (Arockiapuram, Kadiapattinam and Kur-
the measured count rate, the gross alpha and beta activity
umpanai) and low background radiation (Mandapam)
were calculated using the given formula:
area also showed a highest statistically significant dif-
Activity ¼ Net count=T  100=E  1=W ference in terms of average gross alpha and beta

Author's personal copy
728 P. M. Saroja et al.

Table 1 Annual average gross alpha and beta activities of G. edulis The average gross alpha activity was recorded high
at different locations (61.51 Bq kg21) during the post southwest monsoon sea-
Location Alpha activity Bq kg21 Beta activity Bq kg21 son, while it recorded the lowest (25.48 Bq kg21) during
fresh weight fresh weight the post northeast monsoon season. Average gross beta
activity varied between seasons with lowest level
Arockiapuram 70.95 ± 26.74 312.69 ± 150.32
(211.55 Bq Kg-1) during post southwest monsoon season
Kadiapattinam 24.87 ± 12.71 340.07 ± 93.55
and highest (413.33 Bq kg21) during post northeast mon-
Kurumpanai 54.93 ± 22.63 442.25 ± 168.53
soon season as presented in Table 2.
Mandapam 18.74 ± 6.32 158.63 ± 34.37
The observed seasonal variation in the average gross
alpha activity was only marginal and not found statistically
Table 2 Average gross alpha and beta activities of G. edulis during significant (p [ 0.05). However, the average gross beta
different seasons activity showed a significant (p \ 0.05) seasonal variation.
Seasons Alpha activity Bq kg21 Beta activity Bq kg21
Besides, the post hoc Bonferroni multiple comparisons
fresh weight fresh weight showed that the seasonal sub-group combinations recorded
significant seasonal variation. The post southwest and post
South west 37.79 ± 15.02 361.14 ± 144.08
northeast seasons significantly varied (p \ 0.05) in terms
of average gross beta activity. Seasonal variations in
Post south west 61.51 ± 25.84 211.55 ± 123.60
monsoon average gross alpha and beta activities were analyzed in the
North east 44.72 ± 24.06 267.62 ± 100.15 context of low background and high background radiation
monsoon areas. Independent sample t-test has recorded a high level
Post north east 25.48 ± 10.41 413.33 ± 181.39 statistically significant variation in the average gross alpha
monsoon and beta activities between low background radiation area
and high background radiation area (p = 0.0005). The
observed values based on seasons are presented in Table 3.
The Table 3 gives a vivid picture of the absolute vari-
activities (alpha p = 0.019; beta p = 0.0005). The above ation in average gross alpha and beta activities between
findings reiterate the fact that the radiation levels at low background radiation region and high background
Mandapam always remain low as observed in earlier radiation region. The present study observed that Manda-
studies. Similar observations of gross alpha and gross pam area on the southeast coast of Tamil Nadu is the low
beta activity variations in terms of location have been background radiation area with low alpha and beta activi-
recorded in earlier studies on salt works in the same high ties. When the average gross alpha and beta activities are
radiation background region [16]. The variation of natural analysed on monthly basis between low background and
radioactivity levels at different sampling sites is due to high background radiation regions the variation is found
the variation of concentrations of radioactive elements in highly significant (Figs. 2, 3). Besides, it is also observable
the geological formations [17]. from Figs. 2, 3 that, the nature of monthly variation is more
consistent in low background radiation area than the high
Seasonal variation background radiation areas. In Fig. 2 it is noted that the
alpha radiation level from January to June moves more or
Natural eco-system adapts itself to the various environ- less in a consistent parallel distance while it is quite bumpy
mental impacts and hence change in every aspect of beyond June particularly in the high background radiation
environment is an imminent phenomenon. Besides the areas. As observed in Fig. 3, the beta radiation shows
geographical/locational variations, changes based on sea- consistent variation throughout the year in high back-
sons also have their impact. Earlier studies have noted that ground radiation areas but with a comparative convergence
the dilution following monsoon has a dominant role in from August to December between low background and
deciding the fate of radionuclides in the surface water high background radiation areas.
system and reported that the concentration of U(nat) in Radiation is a phenomenon which takes place in the
surface water varied from \0.5 to 10.5 mg m-3 in the natural environment at varying levels depending on the
month of June (premonsoon), while it varied from 0.5 to diverse forms of determining factors. Certain types of
1.1 mg m-3 in the month of September (monsoon) [18]. seaweeds form part of human diet in varied modes and
The present study observed significant variations in aver- hence studies of radioactive characteristics of seaweed
age gross alpha and beta activities on the basis of seasons assume greater importance in the context of increasing
and also monthly variations between low and high back- anthropogenic marine pollution and also accumulation of
ground radiation regions. radionuclides in marine water through natural processes. In

Author's personal copy
Impact of season and location 729

Table 3 Seasonal variations in average gross alpha and beta activities in G. edulis (Bq kg-1 fresh weight)
Seasons Average gross alpha activity Average gross beta activity
Low background location High background location Low background location High background location

Southwest monsoon 25.45 ± 2.22 41.90 ± 30.11 159.98 ± 39.37 428.19 ± 89.02
Post southwest monsoon 21.91 ± 6.95 74.71 ± 64.24 136.95 ± 18.03 236.41 ± 134.7
Northeast monsoon 12.93 ± 2.19 55.31 ± 34.06 183.42 ± 50.16 295.68 ± 98.07
Post northeast monsoon 14.66 ± 1.96 24.08 ± 12.66 154.16 ± 21.16 499.72 ± 107.45

1. The gross alpha activity was the highest at Arockiapu-

Alpha activity (Bq kg-1 fresh)

ram among the four locations and Mandapam recorded
the lowest.
60 2. The gross beta activity was the highest at Kurumpanai
and Mandapam recorded the lowest.
3. The average alpha activity of G. edulis in high
20 background radiation area was 50.25 ± 20 Bq kg-1,
whereas it was 18.74 ± 6.32 Bq kg-1 in low back-
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ground radiation area.
Months 4. Analysis of gross alpha and gross beta activities in all
Highbackground Lowbackground the four locations showed statistically significant
variation (alpha p \ 0.05, beta p \ 0.05)
Fig. 2 Average gross alpha activity for G. edulis during the study 5. The average gross alpha activity was the highest
period (Jan.–Dec. 2009) (61.51 Bq kg-1) during the post southwest monsoon
season and the lowest (25.48 Bq kg-1) during the post
northeast monsoon season. But the average gross beta
Beta activity (Bq kg-1 fresh)

activity was the lowest (211.55 Bq kg-1) during post
southwest monsoon season and the highest
400 (413.3 Bq kg-1) during the post northeast monsoon
300 season.

100 Acknowledgments The author (PMS) wishes to thank the UGC for
granting the teacher fellowship to undertake this research work under
0 XI Plan. The corresponding author thanks the Management of Holy
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Cross College, Nagercoil, for granting permission to pursue the
research work. The authors acknowledge the valuable comments of
Highbackground Lowbackground the anonymous referees that helped the authors to fine tune the article.

Fig. 3 Average gross beta activity for G. edulis during the study
period (Jan.–Dec. 2009) References

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