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% Radix

2 Decimation in Frequency
% Input
: Normal Order
Output: Normal Order (Output Bits reversed)
% For
the any length of N (RADIX 2 DIF)
% Done
by Nevin Alex Jacob
Modified by Nazar Hnydyn
example : FFT_DIF_R2([1 2 3 4 5 ])

function [ y ] = FFT_DIF_R2( x ) % entry

point to the function of FFT decimation in frequency
p=nextpow2(length(x)); %
checking the size of the input array
x=[x zeros(1,(2^p)-length(x))]; %
complementing an array of zeros if necessary
N=length(x); %
computing the array size
S=log2(N); %
computing the number of conversion stages
Half=N/2; % half
the length of the array
for stage=1:S; %
stages of transformation
for index=0:(N/(2^(stage-1))):(N-1); %
series of "butterflies" for each stage
for n=0:(Half-1); %
creating "butterfly" and saving the results
pos=n+index+1; % index
of the data sample
pow=(2^(stage-1))*n; % part
of power of the complex multiplier
w=exp((-1i)*(2*pi)*pow/N); %
complex multiplier
a=x(pos)+x(pos+Half); % 1-st
part of the "butterfly" creating operation
b=(x(pos)-x(pos+Half)).*w; % 2-nd
part of the "butterfly" creating operation
x(pos)=a; %
saving computation of the 1-st part
x(pos+Half)=b; %
saving computation of the 2-nd part
Half=Half/2; %
computing the next "Half" value
y=bitrevorder(x); %
performing bit-reverse operation and returning the result from function

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