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17 Ways To Be A Good Daughter

By Lori Fradkin
If you have a good relationship with your parents, you probably know that all they want is for
you to be happy. They told you that when you brought home a bad grade on a math test and
when you went through a tough breakup. They reminded you after arguments in which you
all said some things you shouldn’t have. Really, chances are they’ve been thinking about your
happiness since before you were even born.

And don’t you want the same for them? You can’t guarantee that anyone will be happy every
minute of every day, but if you knew you could add more joy to your parents’ lives, wouldn’t
you do it? Here are 17 ways to get started:

1. Talk to them when you’re upset, but call them again when
you’re feeling better.
In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have days where you call them sobbing that
your life sucks and everything is terrible when the problem is mostly that you’re
overtired, but because these days are inevitable, your parents want you to feel
comfortable calling to vent/discuss/continue sobbing. When you do, though, they will
worry, and they won’t know you calmed down an hour later unless you call back to
tell them.

2. Accept their generosity.

You’re an adult, and with any luck gainfully employed. They shouldn’t have to
buy you clothes or give you extra spending money. Realize that they may not be doing
it because they have to. They want to. Say thank you as Mom pays for that new dress
at the register. Say thank you again when you wear it to dinner and she compliments
you on how nice you look.
3. Remember that gifts shouldn’t go one way.
You don’t have to buy anything extravagant, but it’s nice to give
them something from time to time. You’re an adult with a salary, after all.

4. Acknowledge the ways in which you’ve become them.

At the end of the day, all you want to do is wash your face and brush your
teeth, just like Mom. You get overly excited over airfare deals, just like Dad. Let them
know that you recognize just how little distance there is between the apple and the
tree — and you’re good with that.

5. Call your grandmother just to say hi.

Yes, you should call your parents. But in addition, just think about how
pleased your mom sounds when she says, “Grandma told me you called –- that was
nice of you.”

6. Talk through big decisions with them.

They bought a house. They changed jobs. They had children. Basically,
they’ve been there. You will ultimately make the choices that are right for you, but by
consulting them as you’re making a major decision, you not only gain perspective but
also make clear that you still value their insights.

7. Reference childhood jokes and memories.

Mispronounce Haagen-Dazs as “Hazel-Dazel” the way you used to. (Or was
that just me?) Do the hand motions to a Passover song subtly across the Seder table.
Ask about your favorite stuffed animal. With just a little remark or gesture, you can
tell your parents that you have fond memories of your childhood.

8. Meet someone who makes you happy.

This one is tricky because it’s not something you can just check off your to-do
list when you have a little downtime. And it’s not something you should rush or force.
But when you find the person whose mere existence delights you, the person who
cares about you in the way that you deserve to be cared about, there’s no way your
parents won’t be delighted too.

9. Share photos.
Your parents can’t be there for every joyous or fun or just silly moment of
your life, nor should they be. But because they get joy out of your joy, it’s worth
taking a few minutes to send them a picture from your recent hiking trip or that
priceless image of your kid’s spaghetti-eating fiasco. Do you have time to check
Facebook? You have time to do this.

10. Visit.
No one doubts you’re busy. No one would argue that plane tickets are cheap.
But if you don’t make it happen, one day –- a day you don’t want to think about at
this point –- you’re going to admit to yourself that you could have. And wish you had

11. Embrace the family vacation.

It doesn’t have to mean Disney World anymore, though it certainly can.
Because quick weekend trips to your hometown can be stressful, it can be really nice
to schedule a longer trip together. Concerned about too much togetherness? Pick a
destination where you can all do your own thing during the day and meet up later for

12. Be affectionate.
Give hugs beyond the ones that bookend a get-together.

13. Introduce them to your friends.

Show them you’ve moved past any embarrassment you felt as a teen. Now
you feel it is important for the people in your life to know them. And vice versa.
14. Ask them to dance.
It doesn’t have to be your wedding for a father-daughter dance, and the
song doesn’t have to be slow and sappy. When “Poker Face” comes on, grab your
dad’s hand and pull him to the dance floor. He knows all the words anyway.

15. Gossip with them.

There are few things more enjoyable than sitting around and talking sh*t
with your family. By telling them about that friend who caused an utterly unnecessary
scene at a recent dinner, you’re essentially saying, “You get it. You understand why
this is absurd.” It’s not the kindest way to bond, but it’s likely to lead to laughter.

16. Have a meal with your sibling(s).

They always hoped you would be friends one day. Text your parents a
photo of the two or five of you eating sushi together.

17. “I love you.”

Do you use the guidelines above to make your parents happy? Do you have more
ideas to add? Tweet your thoughts @HuffPostWomen using #gooddaughter, and we’ll
include them in a slideshow below.

The Secret to Raising a Happy, Confident Girl

Bringing up daughters is complicated: Empowerment messages and impressive
achievements are everywhere, yet depression and anxiety are very real threats. This is how to
help your daughter become her best, well-rounded self in spite of it all.

By Kristyn Kusek Lewis from Parents Magazine

During a walk home from school not long ago, my first-grader was pretending to chat
on the phone. I asked whom she was "talking" to and when she replied "My boyfriend," I
immediately got that feeling. It was the same foreboding knot that I felt in my gut when I
recently let her 4-year-old sister pick out a new coloring book and she (once again) chose the
sparkly "fashion girl" one. While there's nothing inherently wrong with my kids' behavior, I
know exactly why it triggers my anxiety. It's rooted in what I know as a woman, which is that
seemingly innocuous things—talking to a boy, beauty, and appearance—have the potential to
become thornier issues as my girls get older. I love having daughters. I honestly feel like I
was born to parent girls, which is why nothing annoys me more than someone doing the
whole "Ooh, two girls? You are so in for it!" thing. But it can feel like walking a tightrope.
On the one hand, I'm thrilled for their future. Women are graduating with more advanced
degrees than ever before and have more female role models in just about every public sphere
you can think of. Empowering ad campaigns such as Always's "Like a Girl" series go viral
in minutes.

 RELATED: 'Dear Daughters' Project Encourages Dads to Talk to

Daughters About Feminism

Unfortunately, all of this high achievement comes with a downside. "It's true that girls
are doing great on paper, but when we look at what we call the 'internal résumé,' we don't see
the same success story," says Simone Marean, cofounder and executive director of Girls
Leadership, a national nonprofit serving girls in grades K–12, as well as their families and
educators. While girls' levels of academic achievement have risen to the point that they now
outperform boys consistently, their rates of stress, anxiety, and depression have risen as well.
A study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found the girls to
have three times the number of depressive episodes as the boys, and the rate at which girls
reported feeling depressed nearly tripled in just one year. In other words, while girls are doing
everything possible to be all that they can, they're not enjoying it. And this "wellness gap" is
what parents and teachers need to focus on, says Marean. Like you, I want my daughters to
have boundless opportunity. But more than that, I want them to be happy—and a big part of
that means making sure that they're ready for whatever challenges they'll someday face. In
that spirit, I spoke to some of the biggest change-makers in our country—people who are
leading the charge to make sure girls enter adulthood feeling good about themselves—to find
out what parents can do to help their daughters thrive. Now I'm sharing what I learned.

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Above All, Know Your Impact

It can be easy to forget that parents, particularly mothers, are a powerful influence. Even
teenagers, whom we assume are easily swayed by peer pressure, say that their mom matters
most: 63 percent of girls who report that they have a role model say it's their mom, and 48
percent turn to their mother for support when they have a problem, according to a survey of
nearly 1,100 girls ages 13 to 18 by Keds and Girls Leadership. Only 15 percent go to their
friends first for advice. Younger girls are even more reliant on Mom: "Gradeschoolers may
get into the mix with their friends during the day, but their mother is the safe haven," says
Robyn Silverman, Ph.D., a parenting expert in Morris County, New Jersey, who presents
workshops on how to raise confident kids. Chances are you're everything to your daughter—
including her biggest role model. Report after report finds that the way a mother acts in front
of her daughter largely influences the child's behavior, and there are ways to model a healthy
self-image that benefit both of you. First, watch what you say, especially gossip.

"Bullying doesn't stop after childhood," says Stacey Radin, Psy.D., coauthor
of Brave Girls and the CEO and founder of Unleashed, a nonprofit for adolescent girls in
New York City. "So-called 'mean girls' grow up, and how you treat other people—or talk
about them—is a good predictor for how your daughter will too." And it's not just what you
say, but how you say it. "Women often speak in questions or begin with a caveat like, 'I'm not
sure this is right, but ... ,'" points out Rachel Thomas, president of, the
organization that created the Ban Bossy campaign with the Girl Scouts to encourage
leadership. "Speak with conviction and encourage your daughter to do the same. My 8-year-
old uses baby talk when she's unsure about something, and I remind her that she has
important things to say and people may not take her seriously if she uses that voice. Even at, we call one another out for second guessing ourselves when we speak." The
unsaid things you do matter too, particularly things related to body image, since research
shows that how a girl feels about her appearance is largely determined by how her mother
regards her own. In a recent United Kingdom Dove survey of 2,000 moms, girls as young as
7 were reported to mimic moms' behaviors like sucking in their stomach or describing
themselves as fat.

One way to flip the script? Get active. When your daughter sees you go out for a run,
or you dance in the living room together or help her scale a rock wall at the playground,
you're teaching her to love her body. Finally, as important as Mom is, the significance of Dad
or a father figure can't be understated. Meg Meeker, M.D., author of Strong Fathers, Strong
Daughters, says that girls take cues from the men in their lives from the time they're little,
and the attention they receive (or not) influences everything from seeking boys' approval to
finding their career path. "In my experience, kids typically believe that Mom's love is
nonnegotiable and expected," says Dr. Meeker. "But for whatever reason, Dad's love is not
the same, even if he's a great dad, so it's powerful when he communicates to his child that he
loves her." Dads should praise their daughters' character rather than solely compliment their
appearance. "When you mention how patient she is with a younger sibling, for example, it
shows that you see who she is," says Dr. Meeker. One-on-one time is crucial: "Lots of dads,
and particularly single or divorced dads, think that an outing with their daughter needs to be
sensational. But pulling her into the menial—grocery shopping together, washing the car—
shows that you value her company in the context of your life."

 Download These Tips That Make Chores Fun!

Help Her Feel Unique

Melanie AcevedoAll right, brace yourself: Between elementary and high
school, a girl's self-esteem drops 3.5 times more than a boy's does, found the American
Association of University Women, a national organization dedicated to improving the lives of
women and their families through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. The
antidote? Encourage your young daughter's individuality, and you'll lay a foundation that will
be her emotional scaffolding as she enters the trickier tween and teen years. "Adolescence is
when girls truly start to understand their identity as separate from their parents, so they will
experiment with various types like the 'class clown' or the 'renegade,' " explains Dr. Radin.
"But if they already have a strong sense of self, they have a much easier time navigating

Cast a wide net when encouraging your daughter to discover her passions. During a trip to the
library, don't nudge her toward Pinkalicious. Even if she's the girly-girl type, who's to say she
wouldn't also love a world atlas? Instead of signing her up for gymnastics because it's the
popular choice, present a range of options and see what she picks. Once she shows an interest
in something, give her lots of chances to explore it. It's key to help her hone her interests
when they're different from the rest of the family's. "Some girls have obvious gifts, but others
(like, say, the child who isn't so coordinated in a family of natural athletes) need help drawing
them out," says Dr. Silverman. "I once worked with a soccer-player mom whose daughter
had no interest in the sport, but she loved swimming and flourished once her mom put her on
the swim team. It seems obvious, but it can be hard for moms when they aren't the
mentor. Instead, realize that sometimes you'll be the bridge who connects your daughter to
the expert."

Praise Her Imperfection

You might be surprised to learn that letting your daughter screw up is one of the best ways to
build her confidence. The theory: Girls are inadvertently groomed to become perfectionists
by being praised for "good girl" behavior, so they quickly learn that making mistakes means
"not good enough." This becomes problematic because researchers have found that it's the
very process of taking risks and messing up that builds confidence, explains Katty Kay, lead
anchor of BBC World News America and coauthor of The Confidence Code. "We tend to
make our kids' lives easy by doing things for them because we're so desperate for them to
succeed. But then when you tell a child she can do 'anything,' she has no evidence to support
that because she hasn't had to work hard at anything," says Kay. Show your daughter that
mistakes are a normal part of life. Speak up (often!) about your own missteps, even when it's
something as minor as dropping your phone, and give her opportunities to make little flubs.
Kay calls these "frying an egg" tasks: "Make a list of small things you can teach her to do
on her own, like frying an egg. The process of learning through trial and error will build her
confidence." Or try something new together—a baking experiment, a martial arts class—
where you can "mess up" together for the fun of it.

Instill Social Confidence

Melanie Acevedo

Right now, the highlight of your kid's social life is being the line leader, but tough social
situations start earlier than you think. Research from Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
shows that on average, half of kids and adolescents, a disproportionate number of them girls,
experience "relational aggression" (when kids intentionally exclude a child or coerce other
children to leave someone out) at least monthly from grades 5 through 12. Even more
troubling: A State University of New York at Buffalo study shows that the behavior starts in
kids as young as 21/2. "Conflict is inevitable in a kid's life," says Rosalind Wiseman, author
of the best-selling book Queen Bees and Wannabes. "And for that very reason, you need to
teach your daughter how to handle it." Showing her that it's okay to express a full range of
emotions is the number-one way to do this. "Because girls frequently show a lot of emotion,
we mistakenly believe that they are emotionally intelligent," says Marean. "But girls learn
very early to take care of other peoples' emotions first. They think they are always supposed
to feel happy and excited, and they push down so-called 'bad' feelings like jealousy, anger, or

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) expands on this. "Emotions are an incredibly
powerful tool, and we need to teach moms and girls that when you feel angry or upset, it's a
signal that something is important to you, and you should express it," says Senator
Gillibrand, who credits her grandmother and her mother with teaching her how to make her
voice heard. Normalize anger, first of all, by telling your daughter about the (kid-appropriate)
things that have upset you. With young children, look for opportunities to build their
emotional language, says Marean: "When you're reading a book or playing with dolls or
stuffed animals, ask, 'Why does X feel this way?' or 'Do you think X needs a hug?' " When
your daughter runs into trouble socially—let's say she's not invited to a birthday party—don't
shrug it off and insist it's not a big deal. This only communicates that her feelings aren't valid.
The same goes when boys are involved: "I can't stand when parents tell their daughter that a
boy is being mean to her because he likes her," says Wiseman. "It sets a terribly unhealthy
precedent by teaching a girl that being treated badly means the person likes her and therefore
she should accept the behavior." Instead, discuss it. Consider getting your daughter
involved in a group, whether it's a sports team, Girl Scouts, or friends who get together for a
weekly art class. Girls are especially likely to express independence and pride when they're
working with other kids on a common goal, even if it's as simple as making a collage, says
Dr. Radin. Team sports can be particularly beneficial for girls because winning and losing
teaches resilience. In fact, in a recent online survey of 400 female executives worldwide, a
full 94 percent of them had participated in sports, and 74 percent said that they had
influenced their career potential. Finally, as trite as it may sound, for all the challenges a girl
may face and all the effort you put into helping her find her way through them, there is
nothing more grounding or powerful than your unconditional love. "More than anything, kids
need to know the answers to three things," says Dr. Meeker. "What do you think about me?
Do you understand me? What are your hopes for me?" Express those to your girl, and her
future will be brighter than ever.
Girls Groups We Love

 Girls Who Code (, IGNITE (

and GEMS( all have a goal of getting more girls interested in computer science
and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).

 Curious Jane ( offers summer camps, after-

school programs, and a magazine to get girls interested in everything from spy science—a
clever mix of chemistry, physics, and biology—to ultra-creative DIY craft projects.

 Girls on the Run ( teaches life skills to girls in

grades 3 through 8 through its after-school running program.

A. Preliminary
1. Writing Itself of Descriptive Paragraph
Learning to write is essentially a study of how one express ideas and feelings through
the medium of writing . Through writing, one can also express its needs, can record
his thoughts about the important things or activities that are personal in their lives. In
fact, writing can also be used as entertainment, in which a person can to communicate
feelings and ideas to others through a variety of media and forms, such as letters,
autobiography, story, and a essays.
There are many types of essays or writing, such as writing narrative,
descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, with a variety of classes, such as classification,
comparison, cause and effect, and others. All types of writing are to be mastered by
the students in which they will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the types of
writing including linguistic components of another. Thus, the ability of students to
express their ideas and feelings will be conveyed effectively to the reader .
Writing is an activity ideas, ideas, concepts, thoughts, or imagination into
written form ( printed ). As one aspect of language skills, writing is the most difficult
aspect among other skills, such as listening, speaking, and reading. On writing
activities, students are required to devote all the knowledge and other skills to be able
to produce a " writing ". Good writing is generally produced by people like to read,
insightful, lots of listening to everything , and have the ability to think well.
Leonhardt ( 2005:103 ) argues that the reading habit is very important to the success
of writing.

 Good writing has a flow, content and linguistic good. In terms
of plot, good writing has a flow of sequential thinking, and sustainable. In terms of
content, good writing containing the information is completely accurate and the truth
can be justified scientifically. And in terms of language, a good essay using correct
spelling, varied diction, effective sentences and coherent paragraphs .
 The description is a form of discourse that tries to present an
object or a thing such that it is as if the object is in front of the eyes of the reader's
head, as if the reader see the object itself ( Keraf 1995:16 ). Description gives a
mental image of something experienced things, such as landscape, people or sensation
 The main function of the description is making his readers see
the goods or object, or absorb the distinctive quality of the goods. Descriptions make
us look that makes the visualization of the object, or in other words, the description
focuses on the appearance of the description of goods. In the description of the objects
we see are filmed live and concrete, we see objects unanimously .
 For example, we will make a description of a house, is
expected to present many individual appearance and characteristicsof the
house, and some aspects that can be
analyzed as: size, construction materials, and design architecture. Similarly, adescripti
on of the rural areas are less concerned with the study
of topographical characteristics, but is more focused on the kinds
of common privileges, and interesting local atmosphere. Because the intended
beneficiaries are paying attention to the distinctive appearance of
the object. Descriptions give the image more interesting about the object. Description
of a lot to do with the relationship with sensory and imagery, then a lot of
writing descriptions classified as creative writing.
 Write a description of the purpose is to make the readers aware
of what is absorbed by living writers through the senses,stimulate the reader a
feeling of what it describes, presents a quality of immediate
experience. Described object might be something that can be captured by our
senses, a natural landscape, city streets, sewer rats or horse racing, the face of
someonewho pretty attractive, or someone who is desperate, the music or the rumble
of thunder, and so on.
 B. Discussion
 1. Definition Descriptive Paragraph
 Paragraph description is a
paragraph that depicts or describes something based on all sensory experiences in
words is clearand detailed. The purpose of this paragraph is to provide
details or details about the object so that readers seemed
to come see,hear, feel, or experience what is described.
 example:
The park was also decorated with several statues of white storks. The
statues that look very unique. In the middle of the park there is a pond. In the middle
of the pond there are fountains. Assorted toys helped complete the Tourism
Park Ground.
 Paragraph description of a depiction of a situation with the
sentences, so that the impression that life. Depiction orpainting it should
be presented as lively-life, so what's depicted life in the fantasy reader. Paragraph is
a higher unity of the sentence. Paragraph consists of only one theme. Paragraph is
not a sentence, but a sentence that has one subject matter. Main
ideas in paragraphs supported by the unity of meaning that comes from a
few sentences. So, not a collection of paragraphs from a few sentences that do
not have a sense of unity (Anwar Hasnun, 2006:25).
 Paragraph description of the elements in this case means the
parts that construct a paragraph description. Element too, who at once became a
benchmark assessment a
paragraph description, whether written paragraph was perfect or not. Wandono inSibu
rian (2010:18) points out elements of the paragraph following the description.
 1) Contents
In paragraph description, the content is an aspect of assessment. Contents
include topics and sequence development. A topic can be sourced from the
experience, knowledge, imagination, opinions and beliefs, facts. So the paragraph
may present the opinions, beliefs, facts, opinions attitudes, responses, imagination,
forecasts, and so on. A topic paragraph formulated again into sub-topics to form a
good framework, or a sequence of development within a paragraph.
 Contents good paragraph must show sufficient detail
the development order, and carefully and logically arranged. Thus, a regular
arrangement of paragraphs and the author does not come out of the stated objective.
 2) Content Organization
 In a paragraph to note the contents of the organization. Content
of the paragraph organization is processing materials,organize, develop and arrange
them in a logical structure. Organizations should pay attention to the contents of a
goodcohesion and coherence. Cohesion can be seen through the development of a
logical sentence or relationship. Thoughtsrelationships that exist within a
single paragraph to be coherent, complete and compact. This cohesion can be
built throughconjunctions, pronouns and
keywords (word repetition overlooked). Looks when the sentence coherence with
each otherclearly shows the logic.

 3) Diction Word Choice
 In paragraph description, diction an
essay more interesting. In Big Indonesian Dictionary (2003:264), diction is the
rightchoice of words and harmony (in its use) to express the idea in order to
obtain certain effects (as expected).
In order for businesses utilizing interesting storytelling techniques through the choice
of the word diction must either (1)choose the right words to
express ideas or things that are mandated, (2) an author must have the ability to
accurately distinguish nuances of meaning in accordance with the idea of
wanting delivered and the ability to find a shape that suits your situation and the
reader a sense of value, (3) the right choice of
words adan appropriate only possible if he mastered a large number
of vocabulary words (vocabulary).al relationship reciprocal and explicitly
addresses the main idea.
 4) impressionism
Paragraph description of impressionism shows two things.
 First the objects depicted. Depicted object is derived from
experience, completion, imagination, and so on. In paragraph description of painting
an object must attract attention, so it can actually be seen, heard, read and felt by the
 Secondly, the details of the objects depicted. The details
can be characteristics or details of an object. Objects depicted dai details will show an
interesting paragraph description. Thus a description essay can meet its existence as a
description of a typical paragraph.
 So, it is clear that something (object) who want to be
depicted must have seen protruding details about the object.Details of the
object can also distinguish between
objects depicted with other objects. Thus the description paragraph will look
In this study, assessment description paragraphs using the above elements as
a descriptor which later developed into indicators.With these indicators, the ability to
write a paragraph description of the data can be measured.
 2. Types of Descriptive Paragraphs
 In general, paragraph descriptions divided into two
kinds, namely:
 a) Paragraph spatial description is a paragraph that describes
the occurrence of an event or place. Depiction must be viewed from a variety
of terms that are clearly defined space in the thoughts and fellings of the reader.
 example:
 Pitch black night in
the Brantas river. Caught. Intermittently bustle that no desultory it became one with
bells and whistles that horrify and discouraging, sign a king rimbah ne fell to the
ground forever.
 Crowded in jungle warfare and apparently it will
not stop. There was no pity-pity, which collapsed stay fall, no one will pick it up.
 Occasional bright weather the wilderness, like
a fire attack. But in the blink of an eye fact the loss of light that dare pushhim into the
middle of the war, destroyed by enemies within it "black king".
 b) Paragraph objective description is a paragraph that
describes a thing or person to disclose his identity as it is so that the
readercan imagine the situation. So that an object can evoke imagination to the
reader, the writer must describe it from different angles. The more detailed the
writing, the more clearly illustrated in the shadow of the reader.
 If the object is a person described it, the details can
be made to the physical aspect and the spiritual
aspect. Spiritualaspects include feelings, character, talent, its role in the field of
employment, etc.
 example:
 In the corner near the door sat a man. Paijo his name. He wore
shorts and a T-shirt that had been torn to pieces,depicting
the squalor and poverty suffered daily. On his broad chest and contains, a
strong arm veins can be seen how the fullweight of his day job.
 The
water is murky face, cheeks and eyes sunken deflated states that it has taken the
road of life is full of obstacles andthorns.
 3. Characteristics of Descriptive Paragraph
 1. depicts or describes something
 2. The above descriptions clearly done by involving the senses
 3. Make the reader or listener to feel alone or experience
 4. Development patterns
 5. Spatial development pattern is a pattern of paragraph
development based space and time
 6. Development pattern or objective point of view is based on
paragraph development pattern and the position where the writer saw something
 4. Writing Steps of Descriptive Paragraph
 The steps in writing
a paragraph description is: (1) determine the theme, (2) set a goal of writing,
(3) collecting material, (4)make the outline, (5) developing the outline, and (6)
revising essays.
 The first step is to determine the theme. At this event the first
thing to do if going to write an essay is to determine the theme.This means that
it must be determined what is discussed in the text. Theme is the central idea that
would be submitted in writing.Main idea or ideas can
be derived from experience, research results, some sources,
opinions, and observations. Statement thememay be the same as the title, but maybe
 The second step is to determine the purpose of writing. At this
step every writer should express clearly the purpose of writing is to
tackle. Formulation of the purpose of writing is very important and should
be determined in advance as this is the starting point in all subsequent writing
activities. By determining the purpose of writing, you will know what to do at this
stage ofthe writing. We will know the necessary ingredients, a
wide organizational arrangements that will apply, or may be selectedviewpoints. Is
the principal determinant of the destination and will direct as well as
limiting essay. Awareness of the purpose forthe writing process will maintain the
integrity of the paper.
 The third step is to collect the material. At the time
of choosing and limiting a topic we should have predicted the possibility of material
gain. By limiting the topic, then we really have to focus
on the limited topic, and collect special materials as well.Writing materials can
be collected on prewriting stage and can also take place at the time of
writing. For small problems thatobjectives are clear in our minds the
determination and collection of materials can be made at the time of writing.
 The fourth step is to create the outline. So that the
organization can be determined essays, first we have to prepare the
outline. Formulate the outline is one way to
develop a clear and structured series regular of the essay to be written. The outline
ofa work plan that can be used as an outline in writing. Also
assures authors outline the ideas in a logical and orderly. Preparationoutline is highly
recommended because it will avert the author of the mistakes that should not have
 Outline of usability for the
author is (a) outline can arrange bouquets regularly and do not discuss the idea of
two times, andcan prevent the author out of the targets that have been formulated in
a topic or title; (b) shows an outline of the principal partsessay and gives the
possibility for expansion of these
parts. This will help authors create different atmosphere, in accordance withthe
desired variation, and (c) an outline of the author will show the materials or any
material that is needed in the discussion ofwhich shall be written later.
 The fifth step is to develop the outline. At this step the
authors develop the outline into an essay or a writing piece.
 And the final step is to revise the essay. At this step total
liability examine the spelling.

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