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Introduction to Model Checking

Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Bisimilarity and Hennessy-Milner Logic

Luca Aceto
ICE-TCS, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Tentative Plan

1 An introduction to Hennessy-Milner logic (HML)

2 Syntax and semantics of HML
3 Correspondence with bisimilarity
4 Hennessy-Milner logic and temporal properties
5 Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion
6 ...?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Verifying Correctness of Reactive Systems

Let Impl be an implementation of a system.
Equivalence Checking Approach
Impl ≡ Spec
≡ is a behavioural equivalence, e.g. ∼ or ≈
Spec is expressed in the same language as Impl
Spec provides the full specification of the intended behaviour

Model Checking Approach

Impl |= Property
|= is the satisfaction relation
Property is a particular feature, often expressed via a logic
Property is a partial specification of the intended behaviour
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Verifying Correctness of Reactive Systems

Let Impl be an implementation of a system.
Equivalence Checking Approach
Impl ≡ Spec
≡ is a behavioural equivalence, e.g. ∼ or ≈
Spec is expressed in the same language as Impl
Spec provides the full specification of the intended behaviour

Model Checking Approach

Impl |= Property
|= is the satisfaction relation
Property is a particular feature, often expressed via a logic
Property is a partial specification of the intended behaviour
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Model Checking of Reactive Systems

Our Aim
Develop a logic in which we can express interesting properties of
reactive systems.

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Logical Properties of Reactive Systems

Modal Properties – what can happen now (possibility, necessity)

drink a coffee (can drink a coffee now)
does not drink tea
drinks both tea and coffee
drinks tea after coffee

Temporal Properties – behaviour in time

never drinks any alcohol
(safety property: nothing bad can happen)
eventually will have a glass of wine
(liveness property: something good will happen)

Can these properties be expressed using equivalence checking?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Logical Properties of Reactive Systems

Modal Properties – what can happen now (possibility, necessity)

drink a coffee (can drink a coffee now)
does not drink tea
drinks both tea and coffee
drinks tea after coffee

Temporal Properties – behaviour in time

never drinks any alcohol
(safety property: nothing bad can happen)
eventually will have a glass of wine
(liveness property: something good will happen)

Can these properties be expressed using equivalence checking?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Equivalence Checking vs. Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Modal and Temporal Properties
Selection of Temporal Properties

Logical Properties of Reactive Systems

Modal Properties – what can happen now (possibility, necessity)

drink a coffee (can drink a coffee now)
does not drink tea
drinks both tea and coffee
drinks tea after coffee

Temporal Properties – behaviour in time

never drinks any alcohol
(safety property: nothing bad can happen)
eventually will have a glass of wine
(liveness property: something good will happen)

Can these properties be expressed using equivalence checking?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Hennessy-Milner Logic – Syntax

Syntax of the Formulae (a ∈ Act)

F , G ::= tt | ff | F ∧ G | F ∨ G | haiF | [a]F

tt all processes satisfy this property
ff no process satisfies this property
∧, ∨ usual logical AND and OR
haiF there is at least one a-successor that satisfies F
[a]F all a-successors have to satisfy F
Temporal properties like always/never in the future or eventually
are not included.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Hennessy-Milner Logic – Syntax

Syntax of the Formulae (a ∈ Act)

F , G ::= tt | ff | F ∧ G | F ∨ G | haiF | [a]F

tt all processes satisfy this property
ff no process satisfies this property
∧, ∨ usual logical AND and OR
haiF there is at least one a-successor that satisfies F
[a]F all a-successors have to satisfy F
Temporal properties like always/never in the future or eventually
are not included.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Hennessy-Milner Logic – Syntax

Syntax of the Formulae (a ∈ Act)

F , G ::= tt | ff | F ∧ G | F ∨ G | haiF | [a]F

tt all processes satisfy this property
ff no process satisfies this property
∧, ∨ usual logical AND and OR
haiF there is at least one a-successor that satisfies F
[a]F all a-successors have to satisfy F
Temporal properties like always/never in the future or eventually
are not included.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Hennessy-Milner Logic – Semantics

Let (Proc, Act, {−→| a ∈ Act}) be an LTS.

Validity of the logical triple p |= F (p ∈ Proc, F a HM formula)

p |= tt for each p ∈ Proc
p |= ff for no p (we also write p 6|= ff )
p |= F ∧ G iff p |= F and p |= G
p |= F ∨ G iff p |= F or p |= G
p |= haiF iff p −→ p 0 for some p 0 ∈ Proc such that p 0 |= F
p |= [a]F iff p 0 |= F , for all p 0 ∈ Proc such that p −→ p 0

We write p 6|= F whenever p does not satisfy F .

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

What about Negation?

For every formula F we define the formula F c as follows:
tt c = ff
ff c = tt
(F ∧ G )c = F c ∨ G c
(F ∨ G )c = F c ∧ G c
(haiF )c = [a]F c
([a]F )c = haiF c

Theorem (F c is equivalent to the negation of F )

For any p ∈ Proc and any HM formula F
1 p |= F =⇒ p 6|= F c
2 p 6|= F =⇒ p |= F c
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

What about Negation?

For every formula F we define the formula F c as follows:
tt c = ff
ff c = tt
(F ∧ G )c = F c ∨ G c
(F ∨ G )c = F c ∧ G c
(haiF )c = [a]F c
([a]F )c = haiF c

Theorem (F c is equivalent to the negation of F )

For any p ∈ Proc and any HM formula F
1 p |= F =⇒ p 6|= F c
2 p 6|= F =⇒ p |= F c
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Hennessy-Milner Logic – Denotational Semantics

For a formula F let [[F ]] ⊆ Proc contain all states that satisfy F .

Denotational Semantics: [[ ]] : Formulae → 2Proc

[[tt]] = Proc and [[ff ]] = ∅
[[F ∨ G ]] = [[F ]] ∪ [[G ]]
[[F ∧ G ]] = [[F ]] ∩ [[G ]]
[[haiF ]] = h·a·i[[F ]]
[[[a]F ]] = [·a·][[F ]]

where h·a·i, [·a·] : 2(Proc) → 2(Proc) are defined by

h·a·iS = {p ∈ Proc | ∃p 0 . p −→ p 0 and p 0 ∈ S}
[·a·]S = {p ∈ Proc | ∀p 0 . p −→ p 0 =⇒ p 0 ∈ S}.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

The Correspondence Theorem

Let (Proc, Act, {−→| a ∈ Act}) be an LTS, p ∈ Proc and F a
formula of Hennessy-Milner logic. Then

p |= F if and only if p ∈ [[F ]].

Proof: By induction on the structure of the formula F . How?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

The Correspondence Theorem

Let (Proc, Act, {−→| a ∈ Act}) be an LTS, p ∈ Proc and F a
formula of Hennessy-Milner logic. Then

p |= F if and only if p ∈ [[F ]].

Proof: By induction on the structure of the formula F . How?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Image-Finite Labelled Transition System

Image-Finite System
Let (Proc, Act, {−→| a ∈ Act}) be an LTS. We call it image-finite
iff for every p ∈ Proc and every a ∈ Act the set
{p 0 ∈ Proc | p −→ p 0 }

is finite.
Question: Are there any connections between image finiteness and
finite branching?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Relationship between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity

Theorem (Hennessy-Milner)
Let (Proc, Act, {−→| a ∈ Act}) be an image-finite LTS and
p, q ∈ St. Then

if and only if
for every HM formula F : (p |= F ⇐⇒ q |= F ).


Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

CWB Session
[luca@vel5638 CWB]$

> input "hm.cwb";

hm.cwb > print;
agent S = a.S1; > help logic;
agent S1 = b.0 + c.0; > checkprop(S,<a>(<b>T & <c>T));
agent T = a.T1 + a.T2;
> checkprop(T,<a>(<b>T & <c>T));
agent T1 = b.0;
agent T2 = c.0;
> help dfstrong;
> dfstrong(S,T);
> exit;
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Is Hennessy-Milner Logic Powerful Enough?

Modal depth (nesting degree) for Hennessy-Milner formulae:
md(tt) = md(ff ) = 0
md(F ∧ G ) = md(F ∨ G ) = max{md(F ), md(G )}
md([a]F ) = md(haiF ) = md(F ) + 1

Idea: a formula F can “see” only up to depth md(F ).

Theorem (let F be a HM formula and k = md(F ))
If the defender has a defending strategy in the strong bisimulation
game from s and t up to k rounds then s |= F if and only if t |= F .

There is no Hennessy-Milner formula F that can detect a deadlock
in an arbitrary LTS.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Is Hennessy-Milner Logic Powerful Enough?

Modal depth (nesting degree) for Hennessy-Milner formulae:
md(tt) = md(ff ) = 0
md(F ∧ G ) = md(F ∨ G ) = max{md(F ), md(G )}
md([a]F ) = md(haiF ) = md(F ) + 1

Idea: a formula F can “see” only up to depth md(F ).

Theorem (let F be a HM formula and k = md(F ))
If the defender has a defending strategy in the strong bisimulation
game from s and t up to k rounds then s |= F if and only if t |= F .

There is no Hennessy-Milner formula F that can detect a deadlock
in an arbitrary LTS.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Is Hennessy-Milner Logic Powerful Enough?

Modal depth (nesting degree) for Hennessy-Milner formulae:
md(tt) = md(ff ) = 0
md(F ∧ G ) = md(F ∨ G ) = max{md(F ), md(G )}
md([a]F ) = md(haiF ) = md(F ) + 1

Idea: a formula F can “see” only up to depth md(F ).

Theorem (let F be a HM formula and k = md(F ))
If the defender has a defending strategy in the strong bisimulation
game from s and t up to k rounds then s |= F if and only if t |= F .

There is no Hennessy-Milner formula F that can detect a deadlock
in an arbitrary LTS.
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Temporal Properties not Expressible in HM Logic

s |= Inv (F ) iff all states reachable from s satisfy F
s |= Pos(F ) iff there is a reachable state which satisfies F
Properties Inv (F ) and Pos(F ) are not expressible in HM logic.

Let Act = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } be a finite set of actions. We define

hActiF = ha1 iF ∨ ha2 iF ∨ . . . ∨ han iF
[Act]F = [a1 ]F ∧ [a2 ]F ∧ . . . ∧ [an ]F

Inv (F ) ≡ F ∧ [Act]F ∧ [Act][Act]F ∧ [Act][Act][Act]F ∧ . . .

Pos(F ) ≡ F ∨ hActiF ∨ hActihActiF ∨ hActihActihActiF ∨ . . .
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Temporal Properties not Expressible in HM Logic

s |= Inv (F ) iff all states reachable from s satisfy F
s |= Pos(F ) iff there is a reachable state which satisfies F
Properties Inv (F ) and Pos(F ) are not expressible in HM logic.

Let Act = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } be a finite set of actions. We define

hActiF = ha1 iF ∨ ha2 iF ∨ . . . ∨ han iF
[Act]F = [a1 ]F ∧ [a2 ]F ∧ . . . ∧ [an ]F

Inv (F ) ≡ F ∧ [Act]F ∧ [Act][Act]F ∧ [Act][Act][Act]F ∧ . . .

Pos(F ) ≡ F ∨ hActiF ∨ hActihActiF ∨ hActihActihActiF ∨ . . .
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Temporal Properties not Expressible in HM Logic

s |= Inv (F ) iff all states reachable from s satisfy F
s |= Pos(F ) iff there is a reachable state which satisfies F
Properties Inv (F ) and Pos(F ) are not expressible in HM logic.

Let Act = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } be a finite set of actions. We define

hActiF = ha1 iF ∨ ha2 iF ∨ . . . ∨ han iF
[Act]F = [a1 ]F ∧ [a2 ]F ∧ . . . ∧ [an ]F

Inv (F ) ≡ F ∧ [Act]F ∧ [Act][Act]F ∧ [Act][Act][Act]F ∧ . . .

Pos(F ) ≡ F ∨ hActiF ∨ hActihActiF ∨ hActihActihActiF ∨ . . .
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Infinite Conjunctions and Disjunctions vs. Recursion

infinite formulae are not allowed in HM logic
infinite formulae are difficult to handle

Why don’t we use recursion?

Inv (F ) expressed by X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ) expressed by X = F ∨ hActiX

Question: How to define the semantics of such equations?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Infinite Conjunctions and Disjunctions vs. Recursion

infinite formulae are not allowed in HM logic
infinite formulae are difficult to handle

Why don’t we use recursion?

Inv (F ) expressed by X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ) expressed by X = F ∨ hActiX

Question: How to define the semantics of such equations?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Infinite Conjunctions and Disjunctions vs. Recursion

infinite formulae are not allowed in HM logic
infinite formulae are difficult to handle

Why don’t we use recursion?

Inv (F ) expressed by X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ) expressed by X = F ∨ hActiX

Question: How to define the semantics of such equations?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Solving Equations is Tricky

Equations over Natural Numbers (n ∈ N)
n =2∗n one solution n = 0
n =n+1 no solution
n =1∗n many solutions (every n ∈ Nat is a solution)

Equations over Sets of Integers (M ∈ 2N )

M = ({7} ∩ M) ∪ {7} one solution M = {7}
M =NrM no solution
M = {3} ∪ M each M ⊇ {3} is a solution

What about Equations over Processes?

X = [a]ff ∨ haiX ⇒ find S ⊆ 2Proc s.t. S = [·a·]∅ ∪ h·a·iS
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Solving Equations is Tricky

Equations over Natural Numbers (n ∈ N)
n =2∗n one solution n = 0
n =n+1 no solution
n =1∗n many solutions (every n ∈ Nat is a solution)

Equations over Sets of Integers (M ∈ 2N )

M = ({7} ∩ M) ∪ {7} one solution M = {7}
M =NrM no solution
M = {3} ∪ M each M ⊇ {3} is a solution

What about Equations over Processes?

X = [a]ff ∨ haiX ⇒ find S ⊆ 2Proc s.t. S = [·a·]∅ ∪ h·a·iS
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Solving Equations is Tricky

Equations over Natural Numbers (n ∈ N)
n =2∗n one solution n = 0
n =n+1 no solution
n =1∗n many solutions (every n ∈ Nat is a solution)

Equations over Sets of Integers (M ∈ 2N )

M = ({7} ∩ M) ∪ {7} one solution M = {7}
M =NrM no solution
M = {3} ∪ M each M ⊇ {3} is a solution

What about Equations over Processes?

X = [a]ff ∨ haiX ⇒ find S ⊆ 2Proc s.t. S = [·a·]∅ ∪ h·a·iS
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Monotonic Functions

Monotonic Function and Fixed Points

A function f : 2Proc → 2Proc is called monotonic iff

X ⊆Y ⇒ f (X ) ⊆ f (Y )

for all X , Y ∈ 2Proc .

A set X ∈ 2Proc is called a fixed point of f iff X = f (X ).

Is the function f (X ) = X ∪ {s, t} monotonic? What about
g (X ) = Proc \ X ? Do these functions have fixed points?

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Tarski’s Fixed Point Theorem

Theorem (Tarski)
Let f : 2Proc → 2Proc be a monotonic function.
Then f has a unique largest fixed point zmax and a unique least
fixed point zmin given by:
zmax = {X ∈ 2Proc | X ⊆ f (X )}

zmin = {X ∈ 2Proc | f (X ) ⊆ X }

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Computing Min and Max Fixed Points on Finite Sets

Let f : 2Proc → 2Proc be monotonic.
def def
Let f 1 (X ) = f (X ) and f n (X ) = f (f n−1 (X )) for n > 1, i.e.,
f n (X ) = f (f (. . . f (X ) . . .)).
| {z }
n times

If 2Proc is a finite set then there exist integers M, m > 0 such that
zmax = f M (Proc)
zmin = f m (∅)

Idea (for zmin ): The following sequence stabilizes for any finite
∅ ⊆ f (∅) ⊆ f (f (∅)) ⊆ f (f (f (∅))) ⊆ · · ·
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Denotational Semantics
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Correspondence between HM Logic and Strong Bisimilarity
Selection of Temporal Properties
Temporal Properties – Invariance and Possibility

Computing Min and Max Fixed Points on Finite Sets

Let f : 2Proc → 2Proc be monotonic.
def def
Let f 1 (X ) = f (X ) and f n (X ) = f (f n−1 (X )) for n > 1, i.e.,
f n (X ) = f (f (. . . f (X ) . . .)).
| {z }
n times

If 2Proc is a finite set then there exist integers M, m > 0 such that
zmax = f M (Proc)
zmin = f m (∅)

Idea (for zmin ): The following sequence stabilizes for any finite
∅ ⊆ f (∅) ⊆ f (f (∅)) ⊆ f (f (f (∅))) ⊆ · · ·
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Syntax
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Semantics
Selection of Temporal Properties

HML with One Recursively Defined Variable

Syntax of Formulae
Formulae are given by the following abstract syntax

F ::= X | tt | ff | F1 ∧ F2 | F1 ∨ F2 | haiF | [a]F

where a ∈ Act and X is a distinguished variable with a definition

min max
X = FX , or X = FX
such that FX is a formula of the logic (can contain X ).

For every formula F we define a function OF : 2Proc → 2Proc s.t.
if S is the set of processes that satisfy X then
OF (S) is the set of processes that satisfy F .
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Syntax
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Semantics
Selection of Temporal Properties

HML with One Recursively Defined Variable

Syntax of Formulae
Formulae are given by the following abstract syntax

F ::= X | tt | ff | F1 ∧ F2 | F1 ∨ F2 | haiF | [a]F

where a ∈ Act and X is a distinguished variable with a definition

min max
X = FX , or X = FX
such that FX is a formula of the logic (can contain X ).

For every formula F we define a function OF : 2Proc → 2Proc s.t.
if S is the set of processes that satisfy X then
OF (S) is the set of processes that satisfy F .
Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Syntax
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Semantics
Selection of Temporal Properties

Definition of OF : 2Proc → 2Proc (let S ⊆ 2Proc )

OX (S) = S
Ott (S) = Proc
Off (S) = ∅
OF1 ∧F2 (S) = OF1 (S) ∩ OF2 (S)
OF1 ∨F2 (S) = OF1 (S) ∪ OF2 (S)
OhaiF (S) = h·a·iOF (S)
O[a]F (S) = [·a·]OF (S)

OF is monotonic for every formula F

S1 ⊆ S2 ⇒ OF (S1 ) ⊆ OF (S2 )

Proof: By structural induction on F .

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Syntax
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Semantics
Selection of Temporal Properties

Definition of OF : 2Proc → 2Proc (let S ⊆ 2Proc )

OX (S) = S
Ott (S) = Proc
Off (S) = ∅
OF1 ∧F2 (S) = OF1 (S) ∩ OF2 (S)
OF1 ∨F2 (S) = OF1 (S) ∪ OF2 (S)
OhaiF (S) = h·a·iOF (S)
O[a]F (S) = [·a·]OF (S)

OF is monotonic for every formula F

S1 ⊆ S2 ⇒ OF (S1 ) ⊆ OF (S2 )

Proof: By structural induction on F .

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML
Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic Syntax
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition Semantics
Selection of Temporal Properties


We know OF is monotonic, so OF has a unique greatest and least
fixed point.

Semantics of the Variable X

If X = FX then
[[X ]] = {S ⊆ Proc | S ⊆ OFX (S)}.

If X = FX then
[[X ]] = {S ⊆ Proc | OFX (S) ⊆ S}.

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Selection of Temporal Properties

Inv (F ): X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ): X = F ∨ hActiX

Safe(F ): X = F ∧ ([Act]ff ∨ hActiX )
Even(F ): X = F ∨ (hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

F Uw G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ [Act]X )
F Us G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

Using until we can express e.g. Inv (F ) and Even(F ):

Inv (F ) ≡ F U w ff Even(F ) ≡ tt U s F

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Selection of Temporal Properties

Inv (F ): X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ): X = F ∨ hActiX

Safe(F ): X = F ∧ ([Act]ff ∨ hActiX )
Even(F ): X = F ∨ (hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

F Uw G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ [Act]X )
F Us G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

Using until we can express e.g. Inv (F ) and Even(F ):

Inv (F ) ≡ F U w ff Even(F ) ≡ tt U s F

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Selection of Temporal Properties

Inv (F ): X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ): X = F ∨ hActiX

Safe(F ): X = F ∧ ([Act]ff ∨ hActiX )
Even(F ): X = F ∨ (hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

F Uw G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ [Act]X )
F Us G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

Using until we can express e.g. Inv (F ) and Even(F ):

Inv (F ) ≡ F U w ff Even(F ) ≡ tt U s F

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

Introduction to Model Checking
Hennessy-Milner Logic
Hennessy-Milner Logic with One Recursive Definition
Selection of Temporal Properties

Selection of Temporal Properties

Inv (F ): X = F ∧ [Act]X
Pos(F ): X = F ∨ hActiX

Safe(F ): X = F ∧ ([Act]ff ∨ hActiX )
Even(F ): X = F ∨ (hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

F Uw G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ [Act]X )
F Us G: X = G ∨ (F ∧ hActitt ∧ [Act]X )

Using until we can express e.g. Inv (F ) and Even(F ):

Inv (F ) ≡ F U w ff Even(F ) ≡ tt U s F

Luca Aceto Bisimilarity and HML

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