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Radiology Finals Pointers as noted by microadenomas seek medical attention

Samira V. bec of abnormal hormone secretion

19. Craniopharyngoma – most are suprasellar
NERVOUS SYSTEM within the pituitary fossa (Rathke’s area)
20. Schwannoma – most common tumor of
1. CT scan is the technique of choice for… cerebellopontine angle
2. X-ray & UTZ  in neonates & infants, use 21. Metastasis – hematogenous spread
the open fontanels 22. Primary possible sites of Metastasis –
3. Physiologic intracranial calcifications melanoma, lung, breast, colon, kidney
4. Pineal gland calcification – almost always 23. Subdural hematoma – crescentic
present in the adult configuration
5. Choroid plexus calcification – frequently 24. Epidural hematoma – result of injury to
seen at the glomera (atria of L ventricles) meningeal vessels (arterial); it is a
6. Dural calcification – plaque like neurosurgical emergency; occur between
calcification; maybe part of the basal cell the dura and calvaria – constrained
nevus syndrome resulting in biconvex configuration
7. Study the difference of Cytotoxic Edema & 25. Subdural & epidural empyema – may
Vasogenic Edema extend to interhemispheric fissure
8. Cytotoxic Edema – seen in strokes, 26. Cerebritis and brain abscess – most often
hypoxemic injury, cortical edema from from hematogenous dissemination of
status epilepticus; seen in gray matter infectious agent, often from the lung; ring
9. Vasogenic edema – seen in metastatic or enhancement become apparent
primary neoplasm, infections; primarily a 27. Atypical bacteria, fungi & parasites: Taenia
white matter phenomenon solium – encysted larvae dies eliciting
10. Neoplasm Incidence: gliomas – 43%; inflammatory reaction leading to seizures
meningiomas – 15% and ring enhancing brain lesions
11. Gliomas – Grade 4 are gliobastoma 28. Cerebral infarction: MRI findings –
multiforme (most malignant) demonstrates ischemic changes earlier
12. Glioblastoma multiforme – most common than CT
supratentorial glioma 29. Saccular Aneurysms: Most common sites –
13. Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma – low grade proximal segment of MCA, anterior
astrocytoma that occurs in children communicating artery, junction between
14. Meningioma – extraaxial tumors that arise the internal carotid & posterior cerebral
from the arachnoid artery
15. Meningioma common sites: superior 30. Multiple Myeloma – salt and pepper
sagittal sinus, region of tuberculum sellae, appearance
edge of sphenoidal ridge, margin of falx
cerebri & tentorium OSSEOUS SYSTEM
16. Meningioma – derived blood supply from
1. Traumatic Lesions of Bones: Incomplete
arteries supplying the dura
fractures – greenstick (hickory stick or
17. Meningioma – sand like deposits
willowy)  perforates cortex & ramify
(psammoma bodies)
within the medullary bone; torus
18. Pituitary adenoma – macroadenomas are
(buckling)  insufficient in force to create
usually hormonally inactive;
a complete discontinuity of bone, but hyperostosis  chronic osteomyelitis;
sufficient to produce buckling Layered/laminated/ onion-skin  Ewing’s
2. Traumatic Lesions of Bones: Linear – tumor; hair on end  Ewing’s tumor;
segmental  fracture lines isolate a sunburst  osteosarcoma; buttress 
segment of the shaft of a tubular bone aneurismal bone cyst
3. Terminology: Alignment – longitudinal 17. Endochondroma – most common tumor
relationship of one fragment to another; encountered in the bones of the hand
Apposition – degree of bone contact at 18. Ollier’s dse – congenital osseous dysplasia,
the fracture site; Avulsion – osseus multiple endochondromas at the ends of
fragment is pulled from the parent bone long bones
by a tendon or ligament 19. Mafucci’s syndrome – assoc with multiple
4. Special Types of Fractures: Pathologic cavernous hemangiomas
fracture – done is disrupted at the site of 20. Osteochondroma (Exostosis) – cauliflower
preexisting abnormality, frequently by a shaped
stress that would NOT have a fractured a 21. Osteoma: skull – frontal & ethmoid sinus;
normal bone Gardner’s syndrome – osteomas w/
5. Fatigue fractures – aka march fractures colonic polyposis
6. Monteggia’s fracture – fracture of the 22. Unicameral or Solitary Bone Cyst – fallen
proximal ulna, associated with dislocation fragment sign
of the proximal radius at the elbow joint 23. Neurofibroma of the spinal nerve root –
7. Galeazzi’s fracture – fracture radial shaft dumbbell type
w/ dislocation of inf. Radioulnar joint 24. Metastatic carcinoma – present as pain
8. Colle’s fracture – fracture of distal radius 25. Multiple myeloma – most common
with dorsal angulation of the distal primary tumor arising within bone
fragment; most common fracture in the 26. Osteosarcoma – most common primary
wrist malignant tumor of bone; Osteoblastic –
9. Smith’s fracture – fracture of distal radius most common histologic type of
with palmar/ventral displacement osteosarcoma; Mixed – most common
10. Compression fractures – most frequent radiographic form of osteosarcoma
type of vertebral injury 27. Codman’s triangle – irregular/sunburst
11. STUDY Salter-Harris Classification periosteal reaction
12. Scaphoid fracture – most common 28. Ewing’s tumor – primary malignant tumor
fracture of the carpus arising from red bone marrow
13. Fracture of the patella – transverse & 29. Solitary bone lesions: most common
vertical solitary lesion = cortical defect or non
14. Bone Tumors – most commonly ossifying fibroma (children before closure
METASTATIC of epiphyses)
15. Age: <1y/o – metastatic neuroblastoma; 30. Staph aureus – most frequently involved
1-20y/o – Ewing’s tumor in tubular bones; organism in bone infxn
10-30y/o – osteosarcoma; >40y/o – 31. Sequestrum – segment of cortical bone
metastatic carcinoma, multiple myeloma, isolated in the midst of a chronic infxn &
chondrosarcoma devoid of blood supply
16. Periosteal new bone formation: Lamellar
 acute osteomyelitis; Solid/compact
32. Involucrum – shell of bone formed by the genotype; partial H mole – contain fetal
periosteum that surrounds and enclose tissue or amniotic membranes, polyploidy
the sequestrum genotype.
33. Read Xray findings of osteoarthritis

Male & Female GUT

1. Transition Zone of prostate – site of
benign prostatic hyperplasia
2. Peripheral & central zones (prostate) –
primary tumor site in 70-80% cases
3. Prostatic CA – Read all
4. Scrotum: epididymal head – superior to
5. Testicular Torsion (TIANGSSEN!!!!) –
diagnosis should be prompt, w/in 6 hrs to
ensure testicular viability
6. Varicocele – read all

OB Gyne Radiology

1. 1st trimester – read all

2. Blighted ovum – read all
3. Ectopic pregnancy – test for quantitative
serum β-HCG determination (lower than
normal pregnancy and plateaus rather
than rise with time)
4. Fetal death – read all
5. Placenta previa – most common cause of
vaginal bleeding in 2nd or 3rd trimester
6. Abruptio placenta – painful vaginal
7. Leiomyoma – most common benign
neoplasm of the uterus
8. Adenomyosis – deposits of endometrial
glands within the myometrium
9. Endometrial CA – most common
malignant neoplasm of the uterine body
10. Cervical CA – second most common
uterine neoplasm
11. Gestational Trophoblastic Dse: increased
serum β-HCG level; clinical hallmark –
vaginal bleeding in 1st tri or early 2nd
trimester; complete or classic H mole – no
fetal tissue or amniotic membranes, 46 XX

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