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FIRST QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT _____ 10. What is a non-verbal communication?

ORAL COMMUNICATION 11 a. Communicating with someone by using gestures.

b. Getting messages across facial expression
NAME: ________________________SCORE: __________ c. Using your body language to convey something to
someone else.
TRACK/ STRAND: ________________SECTION: ________
d. All of the above
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________ _____ 11. Which of these is NOT an example of a verbal
communication skill?
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer. Write the a. The speed of our speech
letter of your choice in the space provided. b. Eye contact
c. Language used
_____ 1. Which of the following elements of communication d. Volume of speech
refers to the information or ideas conveyed by the _____ 12. The final stage of the DMIS is _______.
speaker? a. Accommodation c. adaptability
a. Receiver c. channel b. Acceptance d. integration
b. Context d. message _____ 13. Which of the following represents necessary skills of
_____ 2. Which model depicts communication as linear? the interculturally competent person?
a. Transaction Model a. The ability to communicate across cultures.
b. c. Inventive Model b. The ability to respond to others in a non-judgmental
c. Shannon-Weaver Model manner.
d. Schramm Model c. The ability to accept and value cultural differences
_____ 3. Which function of communication is served when d. All of the answer are correct.
people’s feelings are being invoked? _____ 14. What is one of the quickest way to lose an audience
a. Information dissemination when giving a speech?
b. Control a. By telling a long stories.
c. Social interaction b. By telling many jokes.
d. Emotional Expression c. By speaking over their heads
_____ 4. Which of the following refers to the use of simple yet d. By saying offensive things.
precise and powerful words? _____ 15. What type of speaker tells jokes and talks with funny
a. Vividness c. brevity accents?
b. Clarity d. appropriateness a. Entertaining c. emotional
_____ 5. Which of the following statements shows positive b. Informative d. persuasive
regard to cultural differences?
a. I share relevant information about my culture, and Test II. Tell whether the following statement is
make sure it is more than what others share about A. assertive; B. directive; C. commissive;
theirs. D. expressive; E. declaration.
b. I do not think that my own culture is better than others.
c. I communicate for others to understand and appreciate ________ 16. Please give me a glass of water.
my own culture. ________ 17. I plan to go to Baguio next summer vacation.
d. I do not exert effort in learning about other’s culture. ________ 18. I am sorry for making your life miserable.
_____ 6. Which of the following best defines intercultural ________ 19. You are sentenced to death for committing the
communication? crime.
a. It happens when individuals negotiate, interact, and ________ 20. You are fired.
create meanings while bringing in their varied cultural ________ 21. No one sings better than I.
backgrounds. ________ 22. I have the most expensive watch among the
b. It is competition among people set to make their students.
cultures known. ________ 23. Thank you for accepting my apology.
c. It is organized procedure where everyone speaks of ________ 24. Send me my files.
his/her culture. ________ 25. From now on, I will cooperate in our group
d. It happens when a specific culture is regarded as the exercises.
best among the rest.
_____ 7. Which DMIS stage is shown in the statement, “People Test III. Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the
of different cultures are not really unique. They are following situations. Write the letter of your answer on
categorically the same.” the space provided before the number.
a. Acceptance c. denial A. Intimate B. casual
b. Defense d. minimization C. consultative D. formal E. frozen
_____ 8. Which of the following cannot be considered a
characteristic of a competent intercultural ________ 26. Talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
communicator? ________ 27. Giving last minute instructions to players
a. Inclusive c. polite ________ 28. Delivering campaign speeches
b. Open-minded d. idealistic ________ 29. Delivering a speech at the UN Summit
_____ 9. Permanence in communication is best achieved via ________ 30. Delivering news report
__________. ________ 31. Talking and laughing about memorable
a. Face-to-face conversation experiences
b. Hard copy ________ 32. Communicating while playing sports
c. E-mail ________ 33. Having a one-on-one conversation with a loved
d. Cell phone one
________ 34. Delivering an oratorical speech
________ 35. Leading a prayer before meal ________58. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you
________ 36. Reading school policies because I want to personally offer apologies for what
________ 37. Talking to a superior I did yesterday.”
________ 38. Reading pledge of allegiance to the flag a. Restriction c. nomination
________ 39. Talking to a stranger b. Turn taking d. topic control
________ 40. Inquiring at a hotel ________ 59. “Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. I am still focused
on my writing assignment. Let’s talk next time, okay?”
Test IV. Identify the type of speech context for the following a. Repair c. termination
situations. Write the letter of your answer. b. Nomination d. topic control
a. Intrapersonal d. dyad communication ________ 60. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”
b. small group e. mass communication a. Topic control c. nomination
c. Interpersonal f. public b. Repair d. turn taking

________ 41. You are a student journalist articulating your stand

on current issues through the school’s newspaper.
________ 42. You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a
student from the other class talked to you on the
way home and you decided it probably meant
________ 43. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling Prepared by:
________ 44. You deliver a graduation speech to your batch MAYETTE A. MANUEL, LPT
________ 45. You participate in a declamation, oratorical or SHS Teacher II
debate contest watched by a number of people.
________46. You are participating in an organizational meeting Checked by;
which aims to address the concerns of your fellow
students. MARK JOHN M. TAMANU, Ph.D.
________ 47. You offered feedback on the speech performance
SHS Coordinator
of your classmate.
________ 48. You felt happy while thinking about how your
teacher appreciated you for submitting your project Approved by:
before the due date and you reflected on why this
was so. EDWARD D. GARCIA, Ph.D.
________ 49. You are having a group discussion with the group Principal II
mates on how to finish the assigned task.
________ 50. You are sharing a post in a social media.

Test V. identify the type of communicative strategy in each

statement. Write the letter of your answer.
________ 51. “Do you have anything to say?”
a. Nomination c. turn taking
b. Topic control d. termination
________ 52. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the
discussion is the importance of sports and wellness to a healthy
a. Turn taking c. nomination
b. Restriction d. topic shifting
________ 53. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time,
so we can clearly understand what we want to say
about the issue.”
a. Termination c. topic shifting
b. Repair d. turn taking
________ 54, “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before
I say something?”
a. Topic control c. nomination
b. Topic shifting d. repair
________ 55. “Have you heard the news about the latest
achievement of our government?”
a. Repair c. nomination
b. Topic control d. turn taking
________56. “Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
a. Repair c. turn taking
b. Restriction d. nomination
________ 57. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
a. Topic control c. repair
b. Termination d. turn taking
B. Leader. I set the trends and I voice my opinions out
to others.
C. Follower. I tend to follow rules
FIRST QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT D. Leader. I set my own rules.
_____12. You’re waiting in line at the cafeteria and you see kids
cutting in line, what do you do.
A. Cut in line. (Other people are doing it, why not?)
NAME: ________________________SCORE: __________ B. Stay in line. (I don't want to get in trouble.)
TRACK/ STRAND: ________________SECTION: ________ C. Call the attention of the kids.
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________ D. Tell to the canteen manager.
_____13. Are you willing to be in a class you dislike if all your
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer. Write the friends were in that class?
letter of your choice on the space provided. A. No, I don't care if my friends are in my class
_____1. What is a society? B. Yes, I don't want to be in a class without my friends
A. A diverse group of people who share a distinctive culture C. Never. I do not want the class.
in a geographic location D. Maybe, because all my friends are there.
B. A flock of birds _____14. Do you and your friends generally share the same taste
C. A group of cars in a parking lot in music/ clothing/ movies/ etc?
D. An all-you-can-eat buffet A. Yes. It's great, everyone can talk about similar
_____2. Hunting and gathering societies: interests.
A. Invented the internet B. No. We are all unique and have different interests
B. Were involved in global trade and opinions!
C. Ate a lot of fast food C. Maybe. It is fun to talk about it.
D. Lived off the resources that were directly around them D. Never. We have different taste.
such as animals and vegetation _____15. One of your friends is in a disagreement with another
_____3. Culture is learned. group of people. Would you side with your friend even if you
A. True C. Maybe disagree?
B. False D. Not sure A. Yes, I support my friends regardless.
_____4. High culture would include things that appeal to the B. No, he/she is wrong so.
upper class such as the opera or ballet. C. I’ll just stay at the middle to play safe.
A. True C. Maybe D. Not at all.
B. False D. Not sure _____16. You are waiting to cross the street with your friends
_____5. Ethnocentrism refers to: but it says DONT WALK. While waiting for it to be safe to cross,
A. The tendency to judge other cultures using the standards you see someone going and a few seconds later, other your
of one’s own culture friends start walking too. What do you do?
B. The view that some societies are superior to one’s own A. Walk with them. If other people are doing it, there is
C. The coexistence of diverse cultures with equal standing in really no harm.
a society B. Wait for the light. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
D. Judging another culture by its own standard C. Break the rules/law
_____6. Multiculturalism involves: D. Follow the others.
A. Discriminating practices _____17. When you’re facing a dilemma, you mostly listen to:
B. Making judgments A. Your friends/ family C. Peer Groups
C. Embracing the uniqueness of disparate groups B. Yourself D. Society
D. Adopting dominant traits _____18. How often do you find yourself agreeing to something
_____7. According to conflict theory culture: only because everyone else is doing so. (Ex; all your friends raise
A. Contributes to a smooth functioning society their hands so you do so as well)
B. Allows people to communicate A. Not often. I have my own opinions that I should
C. Helps maintain the society hold.
D. Allows some to exploit others B. Often, my friends are knowledgeable (just pretend
_____8. Cultural universals include: they are) and by siding with them I have a greater
A. Music C. Movies chance of being right
B. Literature D. All of the above C. Not all the time.
_____9. Which of the following statements is NOT true about D. Never, because I have my own Opinion
the Industrial Revolution? _____19. Do you think it’s important in your primary group (the
A. The means of production were mechanized as a result of people you spend time with most) for you and your friends to
new technology have similar interests?
B. Began in Britain and spread to other countries through A. Yes. We should be able to talk about the same
diffusion things and have the same opinions about things.
C. Most people continued to live in rural areas B. No. Having different opinions and topics to talk
D. New modes of transportation brought about greater about is a good thing.
mobility C. Maybe, it is important to talk to them.
_____10. A ______ can be anything that carries a meaning and D. Probably Yes, because it is exciting.
represents something else. _____20. Do you have a lot in common with your friends and
A. Value C. Symbol family?
B. Law D. All of the above A. Yes, we have shared interests and opinions
_____11. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower in your B. No, we are very different from each other and
group of friends? generally don't share the same interests.
A. Follower. I tend to do what everyone else is doing.
C. Strongly disagree. Because we are unique _____32. It refer to distinctive characteristics that define an
individuals. individual or are shared by those belonging in a particular
D. Partly Yes, because we shared common goals. group.
_____21. Which of the following statements is true? A. labelling C. identity
A. Unlike other animals, human infants are born with a B. socialization D. enculturation
culture. _____33. A person who conforms to accepted behaviour or
B. Human infants come into the world ready to learn a established practices.
culture but are not born with one. A. conformists C. ritualist
C. Socialization is another word for acculturation. B. retreatist D. rebels
D. b and c _____34. A person who do not believe in the established cultural
_____22. The general process of acquiring culture is referred to goals of society but they do believe in and abide by the
as _____________ means for attaining those goals.
A. socialization C. semai A. conformists C. ritualist
B. acculturation D. none of the above B. retreatist D. rebels
_____23. Which of the following things is normally learned _____35. A person that accepts the cultural goals of society but
during the socialization process? reject the conventional methods of attaining those
A. the roles we are to play in life goals.
B. the culture's norms A. innovators C. ritualist
C. the language of the people around us B. retreatist D. rebels
D. all of the above _____36. It is theory that offered a “side-by-side” formulation of
_____24. Which of the following statements is true? conformity and deviance?
A. Socialization plays no part in personality formation i n A. Labelling Theory
individuals. B. theory of Anthropological Criminology
B. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally C. structural Strain Theory
homogenous usually have unanimous agreement about D. Social Control Theory
what should be the shared norms. _____37. In this theory, people care about what others think of
C. Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a them and conform to social expectations because
society. their attachments to others and what others expect of
D. b and c them.
_____25. Individuals who have not been socialized in the same A. Labelling Theory
way as the majority of people are often considered by their B. theory of Anthropological Criminology
society to be __________________ C. structural Strain Theory
A. mentally ill C. deviant D. Social Control Theory
B. abnormal or odd D. all of the above _____38. It refers to the idea that a person has the innate right
_____26. When does socialization begin? to be valued, respected, and treated well.
A. at the time when an individual is conceived or within A. human dignity C. human rights
the first few weeks following conception B. socialization D. social control
B. at birth or shortly thereafter _____39. What documents explains our human rights?
C. on entering nursery school or kindergarten A. Declaration of Independence
D. when children reach puberty and are able to B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
understand the reasons for society's rules C. A Job Application
_____27. Which of the following is true of socialization? D. The United States Constitution
A. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and _____40. Why are human rights necessary and important?
the most crucial socialization A. To save lives.
B. Socialization continues until we are adults and then B. To give us Freedom
usually stops because we have learned our culture by C. To protect everyone
that time. D. all of the above
C. All cultures use the same techniques to socialize their ESSAY (10 Points)
_____28.Violations of social norms that offend a large number How can the average citizen help another person who is being
of people or people in a position to influence social denied with their human rights?
A. Deviance C. Social control
B. Conformity D. Pure deviant Prepared by:
_____29. Behaviour and appearances that follow and maintain
the standards of a group. MAYETTE A. MANUEL, LPT
A. Deviance C. Informal social control SHS Teacher II
B. Pure deviant D. Conformity
_____30.Which agent of socialization is most important in most
Checked by;
A. peer groups C. religion
B. family D. media MARK JOHN M. TAMANU, Ph.D.
_____31. Which agent of socialization exposes us to real world SHS Coordinator
A. peer groups C. family Approved by:
B. media D. school
Officer-In- Charge
d. You want the audience to understand your speech
SECOND QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT and also make your speech more
_____12. The ending of a speech should usually be...
a. a possible solution to a problem outlining benefits
NAME: ________________________SCORE: __________
and shortcomings.
TRACK/ STRAND: ________________SECTION: ________ b. a description of how you went about preparing for
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________ the speech.
c. a thanksgiving for the opportunity to deliver a speech.
d. a description of the pitfalls you faced while preparing
I. Multiple Choice. DIRECTIONS: Choose the best answer. Write for the speech.
the letter of your choice on the space provided. _____13. What are the three general purposes for giving
_____1. What is necessary in selecting the proper subject for the speeches?
speech? a. To persuade, act, & adjust your speaking style
a. Read magazines for interesting subjects b. To inform, make people laugh, & have fun.
b. Make a list of possible subjects and then pick one c. To inform, persuade, & entertain
c. Analyze the audience and the occasion d. To inform, instruct and demonstrate
d. Consider values, beliefs and attitudes and _____14. What kind of topics are important for a speech?
preferences a. Any kind of topics
_____2. What is a good way to start writing the speech? b. Topics that only you find interesting
a. Start with an outline c. Topics that matter to your listeners, as well as to
b. Start putting down random thoughts yourself.
c. There is no real good way to start d. Topics under the sun
d. Start gathering data _____ 15. What does a successful speech require?
_____3. How do you make sure the speech is ready for delivery? a. Knowledge of both sources and the types of
a. By making sure there are enough words in the speech supporting material that speech makers typically use.
b. By making sure it sounds right when you read aloud b. To write about Skills and hobbies in which you are
c. By asking the speaker what he or she thinks expert
d. By conveying the speaker’s ideas clearly. c. Talk about a subject with which you have had some
_____ 4. You need to have an outline for your speech because … personal experience.
a. it is fashionable to do so. d. Ask experiences of others.
b. the organisers demanded an outline. _____16. Define: Impromptu Speaking
c. it is the speech itself. a. Delivering a speech with advance preparation
d. it gives you a framework for building a logical flow for b. Delivering a speech without advance preparation
your message. c. Writing an informative speech
_____5. A good speech should ____. d. Delivering speech with notes.
a. have an introduction. b. have a solid body. _____17. Before you cook pasta, be sure to add a teaspoon of
c. have a strong ending. d. all the above. vegetable oil in your oil pot of water. What purpose of speech?
_____6. The best way to improve wording in a speech is _____. a. Demonstrative b. Informative
a. to improve spelling. b. to use complicated words. c. Persuasive d. Entertainment.
c. to read aloud. d. to use words that are _____18. Parents should send their children away to boarding
difficult to pronounce. school during their high school years. Students will get the
_____7. In a speech the strategy of repeating ______. opportunity to learn responsibility. Parents will begin to respect
a. helps to leave an impression. b. helps to relieve the independence of their children. Lastly, boarding school
boredom. teaches students how to think more critically without the crutch
c. helps to fill time. d. helps to improve of their familiar surroundings. What purpose of speech?
the speaker's vocabulary. a. Demonstrative b. Informative
_____ 8. All are characteristics of a good speech except ______. c. Persuasive d. Entertainment.
a. voice modulation. b. choice of words. _____19. Jim is my best friend, so I don’t know why he chose me
c. simple language. D. use of fillers to give the toast today. I have so many funny stories to tell that
_____9. Which of the following is not a type of speech? this birthday celebration may turn into roast. What purpose of
a. Informative b. Instructional speech?
c. Persuasive d. Delusional a. Demonstrative b. Informative
_____10. Which of the following is true about speech? c. Persuasive d. Entertainment.
a. A speech is dependent on the audience to whom it is _____20. As the President of the Philippines it is my
to be delivered. responsibility to keep you informed about the state of the
b. A speech is dependent on the topic the audience to country’s economy. What purpose of speech?
whom it is to be delivered would be interested in. a. Demonstrative b. Informative
c. A speech is dependent on the attention span of the c. Persuasive d. Entertainment.
audience to whom it is to be delivered. _____21. Which of the following is an example of an
d. All of the above. informational speech?
_____11. You should collect stories, ideas and examples on a a. An explanation why uniforms should be banned
speech subject because... b. An instructional video
a. You want to cram your speech with as much c. A morning announcement
information as you can gather. d. A toast at a wedding
b. You feel that it is invigorating to search for ideas. _____22. Which of the following is NOT an example of a
c. You want to make the speech as long as possible. demonstrative speech.
a. how to make a Koolaid
b. Steps to create a PowerPoint presentation a. Apply for the position. Public speakers are made not
c. ways to earn an A in math class born.
d. Why teachers should get paid the same as doctors. b. Do not apply for the position. Public speakers are
_____23. Which of the following speech often gives an attempt born not made.
to get audience members to view the person or organization c. Apply for the position but skirt any public speaking
more favourably? duties that become necessary.
a. Speech to ensure good will d. Avoid all positions and opportunities that involve
b. Speech for public relations public speaking.
c. Speech of justification _____36. Your committee has asked a prominent speaker to give
d. Speech of apology a speech at the next meeting. You have been asked to introduce
_____24. Which speech is designed to recognize and celebrate this speaker. What should you do?
the achievements of a graduating class or other group of people? a. Think of a few things to say and ad lib the
a. Speech to ensure good will introduction
b. Speech for public relations b. Talk about some of the speaker’s accomplishments
c. Speech of justification and honors.
d. Speech for commencement c. Tell a funny story from the speaker’s childhood.
_____25. Which speech is given when someone attempts to d. Meet with the speaker to collaborate on an
defend why certain actions were taken or will be taken? introduction that captures attention and establishes
a. Speech to ensure good will credibility.
b. Speech for public relations _____37. Your presentation is going well. You got a good laugh
c. Speech of justification at your joke in the introduction and you are speeding through
d. Speech of apology the content sections without problem. However, you start to
_____26. Which of these must be avoided by the speaker? notice the audience yawning and rustling their handouts. What
a) He must convey precise information. do you do?
b) He must ensure that the information is understood a. Keep going, you are almost done.
by the audience. b. Ask the audience if they would like to take a break.
c) He must inspire the audience to totally accept his c. Move out into the audience and ask them questions.
point of view. d. Stop what you are saying and wait for their attention.
d) He must force the audience to totally accept his point _____38. You are about to go onstage to give presentation.
of view. Though you have prepared well, your hands have started to
_____27. A speech must always present ____. shake and your knees are feeling weak. What do you do?
a. facts b. opinion a. Call of the presentation.
c. suggestions d. perspectives b. Take a deep breath, visualize your success and hold
_____28. Which of these is required to convey large onto the lectern when you are onstage.
information? c. Go get a glass of water or something small to hold
a. voice b. tone onto
c. body language d. preparation d. Quickly find someone else to give your presentation.
_____29. Which of these must be avoided in a speech? _____39. How would an audience member know that speaker
a. illogical sounds b. gestures was giving an extemporaneous speech?
c. eye contact d. interest a. The speaker uses a few note to look at and talks in
_____30. Which of these is a sign of rude manners? a conversational tone.
a. staring at the floor. b. making eye contact b. The speaker has a manuscript that is read directly
c. steady pace d. simple words. to the audience.
_____31. What types of gestures should you try to avoid? c. The title “Extemporaneous Speaker” is listed by
a. Ones that send mixed signals with your words. his/her name in the program.
b. One that look contrived. d. The speaker uses no note and recites a memorized
c. One that are not appropriate for your audience. text.
d. Maintain eye contact. _____40. James is worried that giving memorized speech may be
_____32. What do you do if people make negative comments boring. What advice could you give him to make sure it isn’t?
about your presentation? a. Give the speech as quickly as possible so that
a. Ignore them and continue with your presentation. audience members will have to focus to keep up.
b. Thank them for their comment and continue. b. Give the audience a copy of the speech text so they
c. Ask them about the specifics of their problem. can follow along and notice if you make a mistake.
d. Confront and ask them. c. Focus only on getting the lines and not on the
_____33. if you cannot get the audience to respond to you, what audience’s response to the speech.
should you do? d. Relax, breath and write the speech in language that
a. Tell a joke b. Ask someone a question is familiar.
c. Continue with your presentation d. Ignore them _____41. Which of these is NOT a demographic factor?
_____34. How can you reduce anxiety over public speaking? a. Group membership
a. Preparing well ahead of time. b. Age
b. Becoming familiar with the technology in your c. Speech purpose
presentation. d. Gender
c. Presenting a familiar subject. _____42. A speaker who believes that time should be part of an
d. All of the above. audience analysis would include which of these considerations?
_____35. There is a leadership opportunity at NC State that a. How much time has been allotted or assigned?
really interest you. You would like to apply for the opportunity, b. What world or local events might be occurring the
but are nervous about the public speaking duties that may be same day as the speech?
necessary. What should you do?
c. Whether the speech will be in the morning or after c. Supply d. Rehearse
lunch, at the beginning or end of some shared
segment of time. Test II. ESSAY. (6 POINTS) Write at least 5 t0 10 sentences
d. All of these are valid time considerations. speech on “What would you be – WISE or INTELLIGENT?”
_____ 43. With regard to audience purpose, it is generally
reasonable to say that _______. CRITERIA:
a. All members are always there for the same Content- 3 pts
purpose. Organization- 2 pts.
b. There may be variety of purposes for listening Relevance – 1 pts.
within an audience.
c. Gender is generally, the best predictor of purpose.
d. Audience demographics have no correlation to
audience purpose.
_____ 44. Which of the following is NOT a common style of
a. Extemporaneous c. memorized
b. Contextual d. Manuscript
_____45. Which of the following delivery styles would be
employed by a diplomat?
a. Memorized c. contextual
b. Extemporaneous d. Manuscript Prepared by:
_____46. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective
impromptu speaking? MAYETTE A. MANUEL, LPT
a. Draw upon personal knowledge.
b. Memorize key phrases Teacher II
c. Consider your audience
d. Be brief. Checked by:
_____47. What are the three sections of an impromptu speech?
a. Introduction, examples, and conclusion JAY L. ANDRES, RN,LPT
b. Introduction, body, and conclusion SHS- Coordinator
c. Introduction, examples and body
d. Main points, body, and conclusion Approved :
_____48. Which statement below is appropriate when making a
wedding toast? EDWARD D. GARCIA, Ph.D.
a. Ask for the glasses to be filled Principal II
b. Poke fun at the bride and groom
c. Speak for an unlimited time
d. Address the audience from your seat
_____49. What action should be avoided when delivering an
introductory speech?
a. Including personal tidbits about the person
b. Highlighting achievements
c. Reading from a biography
d. Keeping the person’s name secret
_____50. What do people remember the most in a speech?
a. The last thing you say
b. The type of clothes you wear
c. How long your speech is
d. Your fillers
_____51. Which of the following is a hierarchical list that shows
the relationship of your ideas?
a. body b. introduction
c. outline d. conclusion
_____52. Which of the following is a brief speech given to a
company a pride or honor?
a. Presentation b. Introduction
c. Dedication d. Toast
_____53. What is the advantage of impromptu speaking?
a. Spontaneous and responsive in an animated group
b. The speaker is given a little or no time to contemplate
the central theme
c. It promotes the likelihood that you and the speaker
d. It requires a great deal of preparation.
_____54. Each of the following is a step in preparing for a
successful extemporaneous speech EXCEPT____.
a. Introduce b. Develop
______ 10. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline to
draft an essay?
a. Outline allow the writer to compile information
THIRD QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT and set a direction for the essay before jumping to
b. An outline is the same thing as the first draft, so
NAME: ________________________SCORE: __________ once the outline is written, the draft is done.
c. With an outline, writers don’t have to worry so
TRACK/ STRAND: ________________SECTION: ________
much about their final product.
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________ d. Writers who use an outline always produce
DATE: successful and engaging essays.
______ 11. Why is using a full sentence outline beneficial for
TEST I. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter of your most standard essays?
choice on the space provided. a. Full sentence outlines allow for more creative
______ 1. An essay is unified when _____________. writing.
a. Its topic sentence are all related to the thesis b. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an
statement. essay’s success.
b. Its body paragraphs each discuss only one idea c. The numbers and decimals involved in the other
c. Both are true outline types are confusing.
d. None of the above d. While the sentence outline may be more time-
______ 2. Which is true about information not related to the consuming up front, it makes writing the first draft
topic sentence? much easier.
a. It definitely belongs in the previous paragraph. ______ 12. A graphic organizer helps students:
b. It is irrelevant and does not belong in that a. Retain information, express what they learned in
paragraph lengthy prose, and organize thoughts and ideas.
c. It may belong in the paragraph, but should be b. Retain information, organize ideas, and represent
placed at the end of the paragraph. complex ideas in a visual manner.
d. The information is probably false. c. Retain information, organize thoughts, and avoid
______ 3. Coherence involves good use of _________. reading lengthy text.
a. Repeated words and synonyms d. Retain information, organize ideas and represent
b. Transitions complex ideas in lengthy prose.
c. Pronouns ______ 13. Which of the following is NOT true about graphic
d. Conjunctions organizers?
______ 4. When checking for good organization, you should a. They are always subject specific.
focus on ________. b. They can be used for a variety of subjects.
a. Organizing the title, thesis and topic sentence. c. They offer flexibility.
b. Putting the paragraphs in order, then organizing d. They can be enhanced through technology.
within them ______ 14. Which argument based on facts, evidence or
c. Organizing the entire essay reasons?
d. Organizing within individual paragraphs a. Ethos
______ 5. What must be used effectively so that paragraphs b. Pathos
move smoothly and logically from one to the next? c. Logos
a. Pronouns d. Rhetoric
b. An interesting title ______ 15. “As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course
c. Topic sentences of treatment will likely generate the best results.”
d. Transitions a. Ethos
______ 6. What is an outline? b. Logos
a. Set of formatting text. c. Pathos
b. A document that lists levels of topics. d. Kairos
c. A document made to hide subtopics. ______ 16. “My three decades of experience in public service,
d. A program used to make screen videos. my tireless commitment to the people of this community, and
______ 7. What is a topic sentence of a paragraph? my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the
a. It is the conclusion of the paragraph. opposition, make me the ideal candidate for your mayor.”
b. It is the supporting detail for the paragraph. ______ 17. “The data is perfectly clear: this investment has
c. It states what the paragraph is about. consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of
______ 8. What is a supporting detail in a paragraph? market declines in other areas.”
a. It tells the paragraph is about. ______ 18. Which of the following would be a technique that
b. It gives examples of the main idea. implements logos?
c. It is a conclusion of the paragraph. a. Using pictures of a hurt child
______ 9.What are the things you should check for during b. Including research
editing of the written draft? c. Having someone credible who agrees with you
a. Main characters and setting. d. Making people laugh
b. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling and sentence ______ 19. Which of the following is NOT an appeal to ETHOS?
variety. a. Many of you know me by name. I’ve served this
c. Descriptive, narrative and expository forms of community for 17 years. With your vote, I hope to
writing. continue.
b. I’ve worked in the medical field for many years, and
I’ve seen many injuries similar to those in question.
c. It’s time that we take a stand against this type of ______ 35. Kate lived in a large house with many animals. Her
abuse and neglect. Haven’t we all endured best friend, Jill, lived in a small house without pets. How were
enough? the friend’ homes different?
d. As Student Council President, I can assure you that a. Kate had a large house, but Jill’s was small.
your concerns will be addressed b. Kate doesn’t have pets, but Jill does.
c. Both Kate and Jill have homes.
For item 20-27: Choose sentence beginning structure of each ______ 36. Sally is having strawberry ice cream and Juan is
item. having chocolate ice cream. If I am comparing Sally and Juan,
a. Verbal Phrase what do they have in common?
b. Dependent Clause a. They are eating with a spoon.
c. Pre[positional Phrase b. It is hot outside.
d. d. Single-Word Modifier c. I like to eat ice cream.
d. They are eating ice cream.
______ 20. To get a head start, he arrived 20 minutes. ______ 37. The power of the crocodile is like that of a monstrous
______ 21. Because birds eat the seeds, weeds are important machine. With one lunge it can destroy its prey and protect the
too. kill from other predators. What type of story is this structured
______ 22. Out of nowhere, a loud shriek came. as?
______ 23. Dutifully, he cleaned his room. a. Directions
______ 24. Flying above the houses, the bird swooped and b. Problem-solution
banked. c. Cause and effect
______ 25. During the show, we heard a loud thunderclap. d. Compare and contrast
______ 26. Excitedly, the boy rushed to his father. ______ 38. Differences and similarities of two or more things are
______ 27.Since kangaroos are marsupials, they are also discussed ____.
mammals. a. Cause and Effect
b. Descriptive
______ 28. What is the first step you should take when writing a c. Compare and Contrast
narrative? d. Sequence/Process
a. Write your conclusion ______ 39. A teacher and a doctor both work with many people
b. Choose an interesting topic every day. The teacher works with children at the school,
c. Think of a thesis statement however, the doctor sees patients at the hospital. How are a
d. Write the supporting ideas teacher and doctor alike?
______ 29. What sums up the story/essay? a. They work with children.
a. Conclusion c. Introduction b. They work in hospitals.
b. Body d. Thesis Statement c. They work with many people
______ 30. Which of the following is not an example of ______ 40. What is the cause? Jose drank two glasses of ice-cold
descriptive language? water.
a. Smells c. Sounds a. Because he had nothing else to do.
b. Logos d. Feelings b. Because he was extremely hot and thirsty.
______ 31. _________can be an effective way to describe a c. Because he was feeling cold.
descriptive essay with an object for the subject. d. Because he was going out with his friends.
a. General to particular
b. First to last ______ 41. What is the cause? Judy got an 97 on her math test
c. Jargon a. Because she watched TV after school.
d. Using extremes b. Because she went to the mall for several hours.
______ 32. Which option is the best reason to write a descriptive c. Because she studied hard for the exam.
essay? d. Because she didn’t understand the questions
a. To give the reader an idea of what something looks, ______ 42. What is the effect? Terry trained well for the track
feels, smells or tastes like. meet; therefore
b. To give technical and scientific facts to the reader a. He decided not to run in the race.
c. To paint a vivid picture to its readers, set a certain b. He became hungry, ate too much, and got sick.
tone, and create a desired mood. c. He won the 50-yard dash
d. Both a and c d. He had never trained so well before.
______ 33. What should be included in a descriptive essay? ______ 43. What is the effect? Because Jane’s car wouldn’t start
a. Detail on the morning of her important meeting.
b. Descriptive language a. She called a garage to have someone come and fix
c. Appeal to senses it.
d. All of the above b. She went back to bed so she could sleep longer.
______ 34. What is the difference between revising and editing? c. She went to her neighbor’s house and they
a. Editing means rewriting sentences and paragraphs, chatted.
while revising means correcting grammar errors. d. The car had a flat tire.
b. Editing must be done by someone else, while ______ 44. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?
revising should be done by the writer. a. To inform c. To persuade
c. There is no difference. b. To tell a story d. To tell how to
d. Revising involves rewriting sentences and ______ 45. What is the sentence called that tells the main idea
paragraphs while editing means correcting or point of view of the whole essay?
grammar errors a. Topic sentence c. Main idea
b. Funky paragraphs d. Thesis statement
______ 46. Which two paragraphs are the most similar?
a. Introduction and Conclusion d. They are the parts that form a complete piece of
b. None of the paragraphs are similar writing.
c. Conclusion and Body Paragraphs ______ 56. What are some features of a well-formed paragraph
d. Introduction and Body Paragraphs we can identify?
______ 47. Which sentence in this introduction paragraph is the a. Topic sentence
thesis statement? The average family spends $1500 a year on b. Conclusion/transition to the next paragraph
clothes for school. In this economy, that seems like a lot of c. Unity
money! Many people argue that students should wear uniforms d. Coherence
to school instead of their own clothes. Wearing school uniforms ______ 57. What are the ways to show connection?
save families money, reduces bullying, and allows students focus a. Logical and spatial
on academics instead of style. For these reasons, all students b. Chronological only
should be required to wear uniforms to school. c. Direct references and transitional expressions
a. In this economy, that seems like a lot of money. d. Transitional expressions only
b. Many people argue that students should wear ______ 58. (1) Cats have a unique way of getting attention. (2)
uniforms to school instead of their own clothes. They often rub up against their owner’s legs. (3) Sometimes they
c. Wearing school uniforms save families money, claw up furniture or carpeting. (4) Also, cats love to drink milk.
reduces bullying, and allows students to focus on (5) In short, the feline species has many ways to demand love
academics instead of style. and affection.
d. For these reasons, all students should be required Which of the following numbered parts draws away
to wear uniforms for school. from the main idea of the paragraph?
______ 48. Which statement best supports the argument that all a. Part 2 c. Part 4
schools should be within walking distance of students homes. b. Part 3 d. Part 5
a. Students can sleep later. ______ 59. The usual reason youngster gave for drinking was
b. It gives more people jobs. because it’s fun and because their friends drink, though nearly
c. It reduces pollution and increases physical activity. one in five of the girls said it helped them overcome shyness. 2.
d. No students can use the exercise that they missed The girls may start drinking because the pubs are where they find
the bus. the boys. 3. Then they get to like alcohol for its own sake. 4. It’s
______ 49. In general, how many paragraphs is a formal essay? the “in” thing for groups of girls to go on a binge once or twice a
a. Five or less paragraphs week. 5. They look so grown up that even the most responsible
b. At least five paragraphs landlord can’t tell they’re under age.
c. One paragraph Which sentence in the passage is different in meaning?
d. Three paragraphs a. 1 c. 3
______ 50. What contains background information and the b. 2 d. 5
thesis? ______ 60. A type of compare/ contrast organizer is:
a. Conclusion c. Introduction a. A web c. Cornell Note-taking
b. Body d. Thesis Statement b. Fishbone d. Venn Diagram
______ 51. A narrative is…
a. A detailed chronological story
b. Comparing and contrasting stories
c. A detailed biography
______ 52. What is memoir?
a. An account of a person’s life written by that
b. An account of a memorable event in a person’s life.
c. An account of someone’s life written by someone
else. Prepared by:
d. A spoken or written account of connected events;
______ 53. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a SHS Teacher II
memoir writing?
a. A memory: a description of an event from the past
b. Written in the first person, told from one person’s
point of view Checked and Approved by:
c. Is not based on the truth. It is fictional.
d. About the author’s experience more than about EDWARD D. GARCIA, Ph.D.
the event itself. Principal II
______ 54. How is a memoir different than an autobiography?
a. An autobiography tells more a single event in a
person’s life.
b. Memoir is focused on facts.
c. A memoir is written with a collaborative writer
d. A memoir is more concerned with personal truth.
______ 55. Paragraphs are sometimes compared to building
blocks because _______.
a. The whole is always equal to the sum of its parts.
b. A good paragraph can always stand alone
c. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
READING AND WRITING SKILLS _____ 10. ___________ is a document used by
individuals to present their background and skillsets.
NAME: ______________________SCORE: ______ a. . Résumé b. Cover Letter
TRACK/ STRAND: _________________________ c. Business letter d. E-mail
SECTION: _________________________________ _____ 11. What is a very important tip you should do
PARENT’S SIGNATURE:____________________ before submitting your résumé?
DATE: ____________________________________ a. Spell Check
b. Have someone else read it
Write the letter of your choice on the space provided. _____ 12. Which of these should NOT be included on
one's resume?
Classify each statement below as a a. Personal information such as marital status
a. claim of fact c. claim of policy b. Family references
b. claim of value d. kairos c. Jobs held 30 years ago that are not relevant
to the current position to which you are
______ 1.National strength can only be built applying
on character. d.. Educational Background
______ 2.The Filipinos of the past became strong- _____ 13. What is the purpose of a resume?
willed, earnest, and adventurous by necessity: They a. To highlight accomplishments
had to brave the seas, clear the forest, and erect towns and cities b. To get a job
upon the wilderness in order to establish communities. c. To get an interview
______ 3. To insure the accomplishment of this task of d. There really is no purpose
national spiritual reconstruction, we shall formulate _____ 14. What information should be left off in a
and adopt a social code that can be explained in the resume?
schools, preached from the pupils, and taught in the streets a. Hobbies b. Awards
and plazas, and in the remotest corners of our c. Experiences d. Accomplishments
land. ________________ _____ 15. Which of the following is NOT one of the
_____ 4. _____________ is a letter of introduction three things an employer needs on a resume?
attached to, or accompanying another document such a. Relevant Experiences
as a résumé or employment application; as a way of b. What you have to offer the company
introducing themselves to potential employers and c. List of job duties
explaining their suitability for the desired position. d. Quantifiable results
a. Résumé b. Job Application _____ 16. Which of the following should NOT feature
c. Cover Letter d. Reference Letter in the final paragraph of an application letter?
_____ 5. It is important to remember that cover letters a. A statement thanking the reader for their
are ________ letters, and you are the product. Cover time / consideration.
letters serve to introduce you to an employer, and b. Your availability / interest in attending an
resumes tell about you... interview.
a. Sale b.Recommendation c. A statement saying you look forward to
c. Resume d. Resignation hearing from the reader.
_____ 6. A cover letter serves to _______________. d. Why you are applying for the position.
a. Create a favorable first impression. _____ 17. What length should an application letter
b. Introduce yourself. normally be?
c. Demonstrate your professionalism. a. Two pages long.
d. Illustrate your communication skills. b. However many pages required for what you
_____ 7. Cover letters are typically divided into want to say
_________ categories c. No more than one page of A4.
a. Two b. Three d. Three pages long.
c. Four d. Five- Six _____ 18. How should you start a letter if you do not
_____ 8. Cover letters are generally _____ page at have a named person to write to?
most in length, divided into a header, introduction, a. Dear Personnel Department
body, and closing. b. To Whom it May Concern
a. Four b. Three c. Dear Sir/Ma’am
c. Two d. One d. Dear Manager
_____ 9. What format do write a cover letter in?
a. Business Formal b. Business Informal
c. Personal d. Essay
_____ 19. Which of the following should NOT be c. How many questions you can ask about the
included in an application letter? article
a. Why you are applying for the position. d. How strong your thesis is
b. Your skills, qualifications and experience _____ 30. What is the main difference between an
that are relevant to the position applied for. article review and a formal essay?
c. Details of problems you have had with a. When writing an essay, you’re more
employers in the past. focused on the conclusion
d. Your interest in / knowledge of the b. Article reviews don’t require the same
organisation. formatting as formal essays
_____ 20. If you begin a letter with "Dear Sir" you c. Formal essays need titles
should end it with: d. When writing an article review, you’re
a. Yours sincerely b.From focused solely on the content of that
c. Yours faithfully d. Yours particular article.
_____ 21. Which one of the following is typically _____ 31. What is a good way to analyze and evaluate
found at the beginning of a book review? an article for an article review?
a. The book’s bibliographical information a. Plagiarize
b. Your thesis or position b. Use big words
c. A summary of the content c. Ask questions
d. the author’s biographical information d. Use lots of quotation
_____ 22. Which one of the following can provide _____ 32. Which of the following questions provides
some context for a book review? the writer of a proposal with information about the
a. A summary of the book effectiveness of the arguments he or she was having
b. Background information about the writer of with the audience?
the review a. What approaches to the solution will be
c. Background information about the author viewed most favourably?
and topic b. How much will our proposed approach
d. A critical analysis of the book cost?
_____ 23. What is the main goal of a project proposal? c. Can we show that we can do this work,
a. Find an idea for the project based on what we have already done?
b. hire a team for the project d. Can we sell our idea without compromising
c. Close down the project the accuracy of what we can actually do?
d. Get approval and funding for the project ______ 33. It is the shaping of a text’s meaning by
_____ 24. Which section of project proposal should another text.
explain how the project will be delivered? a. Intertextuality c. interlink
a. Problem Statement b. Objectives b. Hypertextuality d. hyperlink
c. Technical Approach d. Project Team ______ 34. It connects topics on a screen to related
_____ 25. Jane wants to develop a research study to information, graphics, videos and music- information
determine the effects of video games in children’s is not simply related to text.
health. Her university does not have enough funds to a. Intertext c. hypertext
support her project. Which of the following should she b. intertextuality d. hypermedia
writes to request support from a government agency? ______ 35. Which is NOT an example of
a. Research Proposal b. Scientific Report Intertextuality?
c. A Business Letter d. A Budget Report a. He was lying so obviously, you could
_____26. Which section contains a short summary almost see his nose growing.
about the project? b. It’s hard being an adult. Peter Pan had the
a. The Title b. The Abstract right idea.
c. The Introduction d. The Budget c. It’s like a happy version of Romeo and
_____ 27. The closing of a business letter includes Juliet.
which type of punctuation? d. He’s asking her to the prom.
a. Colon b. Period ______ 36. Determine the concept or example that
c. Semi-colon d. Comma follows--- While reading Moby Dick, readers cannot
_____ 28. In a business letter, the margins should be help but think of Jonah and the whale from the Bible.
set at _____, and the font size should be set at _____. a. Intertextuality c. Hypertextuality
a. 2 inches, 14 pt b. 1 inch, 12 pt b. Intertext d. Hypermedia
c. 0.5 inches, 10 pt d. 1.5 inches, 11 pt. ______ 37. It is unbendable opinion that is favourable
_____ 29. A critique essentially refers to what for an or unfavourable to a person or thing. It is judgment
article review? formed without proper examination of all facts or
a. How clever the title is. through ignoring facts.
b. How you evaluate the accuracy, strengths a. Bias or prejudice
and weaknesses of an article. b. Unwarranted inference
c. Oversimplifications _____ 46. Which of the following is NOT an objective
d. Ignored alternatives of a proposal?
_____ 38. What could you infer about this story? Chris a. To provide a solution to a problem.
barely made it to his doorstep on time. Both him and b. To refute objections
the flowers he carried were soaking wet. And he just c. To provide a timeline of completion
so happened to leave his car windows down. d. None of the above are objectives
Hopefully, his date wouldn’t mind. _____ 47. Proposal should always ______.
a. Chris had just gotten home from work. a. Blame the reader for the problem
b. Chris was going on a date and it was raining. b. Be negative
c. Chris drives an awesome car. c. Be basic and to the point
d. Chris bought flowers from the local flower d. Be sloppy.
shop. _____ 48. They are the people whom you trust and
_____ 39. What conclusion can you draw from the know you well personally; they should not be related
following story? to you by blood.
Suzie nearly tripped on her giant shoes as she left the a. References c. proficiency
room. She angrily took off the giant multi-colored wig b. Photo d. resume
she wore once she left the room. Suzie plopped down _____ 49. The writing is tame enough that younger
in front of a mirror and smiled because she was proud teens could also read it, but most of the characters are
of her performance. adults or on the verge of adulthood. What does tame
a. Suzie is a dancer. mean?
b. Suzie is a magician a. Lose c. wild
c. Suzie is a singer b. Gentle d. harsh
d. Suzie is a clown. _____ 50. What does a critique aims to?
_____ 40. How does book review help the other a. Summarize the original text
readers? b. Analyse how well the points in the article are
a. Give the reader an idea about the book. made
b. Tells them to buy the book c. Prove how flawed the literary work is
c. Tells them to throw the book d. Gives the writer concrete ideas for a new text.
d. Tells them to just look at the book
_____ 41. In our book review, we are using adjectives
with positive and negative connotation. Which word
has a positive connotation?
a. Unengaging c. too educational Prepared by:
b. Astonishing d. certainly not a page
_____ 42. Which should not be included in your book SHS Teacher II
a. Summary
b. Reasons to read the book
c. Reasons to not read the book Checked by:
d. None of the above
_____ 43. Why conclusion is important in a book MARK JOHN M. TAMANU, Ph.D.
review? SHS- Coordinator
a. It wraps up your writing and gives a sense of
b. Introduces the topic
c. Gives facts and details Approved by:
d. Gives a title
_____ 44. Why following your planning method is EDWARD D. GARCIA, Ph.D.
important? Principal II
a. It keeps your writing unorganized
b. It keeps your writing organized
c. It provides reasons to write
d. It helps your point of view
_____ 45. What academic writing requires you to
analyse a book, identify its arguments, and evaluates
to strength and weaknesses.
a. Book review c. book report
b. Literature review d. article critique

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