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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ________________

GRADE, STRAND AND SECTION: _______________ SCORE: _______________


1. Which type of speech committed to memory?

a. manuscript b. impromptu c. memorized d. extemporaneous
2. What do you call a type of speech is fully written out and is committed to read in front of the audience?
a. extemporaneous b. memorized c. impromptu d. manuscript
3. What type of speech which delivers on short notice without preparation ?
a. impromptu b. extemporaneous c. manuscript d. memorized
4. What do you think are the importance of using audio-visual aids in a speech?
a. Speech becomes more appealing to the eyes and ears of the listeners.
b. These are helpful tools used only to enhance, back-ups, and make your speech clearer, more interesting and easier to understand.
c. The use of these materials or tools distract the attention of the audience, thereby making them unfocus on your speech.
d. All of the above
5. Which of these is an example of a memorized speech?
a. Welcome Address b. Oration c. SONA d. Interpretative Reading
6-10. Identify the following as to : a. informative , b . inspirational, c. argumentative, d. entertainment, and e. persuasive
6. This speech is to inspire people .
7. The purpose of this speech is not only to persuade but also to apply what he believes in .
8. This speech is to convince people
9. The purpose of this speech is for the reader/listener to enjoy, laugh and even forget his problem
10. This speech is known as the “how to speech” or a “process speech’
11. After choosing a topic when writing a speech which do you think is the next step to do?
a. Analyzing the audience c. Sourcing the information
b. Outlining the speech d. Organizing the speech content
12. Which type of outline that goes from one place to another or from one direction to another?
a. spatial b. chronological c. topical d. cause and effect
13. In choosing a topic of your speech the following must be taken into consideration EXCEPT _____.
a. it is timely and relevant c. It is a topic which most people can relate to
b. It is somebody’s suggestion d. It is personally interesting to you
14. What do you call a principle of speech writing which involves seeking out all the available means for finding materials to support the speech?
a. Analyzing the audience c. Sourcing the information
b. Outlining the speech d. Choosing a topic
15. What type of outline which includes a historical or time approach like from the past to the present ?
a. spatial b. chronological c. topical d. cause and effect
16. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective impromptu speaking?
a. Draw upon personal knowledge c. Memorize key phrases
b. Be brief d. Consider your audience
17. When a speaker gives a speech without prior planning or preparation, it is a(n):
a. Impromptu speech b. Manuscript speech c. Memorized speech d. Extemporaneous speech
18. Which of the following is NOT a common style of delivery?
a. Contextual b. Memorized c. Extemporaneous d. Manuscript
19. Kyla Mariz is creating a speech about different types of sports. She has one main point for each of her favourite sports for a total of seven main points.
What advice would you give Kyla Mariz about her speech?
a. Excellent use of the principle of division to divide each sport into a main point.
b. Seven main points are a lot for an audience to follow. Maybe you could limit this to your Favorite three sports or group them by characteristics
into two to five main points.
c. A sports topic does not follow the principle of subordination very well. Maybe you should pick a different topic.
d. You shouldn't limit your speech to only your favourite sports. If you are going to talk about the types of sports you have to talk about them all.
20.When you are looking at your audience directly, giving them your attention while you’re speaking, this means you’re establishing __________.
a. eye contact b. inflection c. gesture d. articulation
21. What type of speech delivery when you are emphasizing certain words or phrases to avoid sounding monotone?
a. articulation b. Inflection c. gesture d. eye contact
22. (1. Intro 2. Body 3. Conclusion 4. Source)
a. Elements to a speech c. Presenting your speech
b. organizing your speech d. outlining your speech
23. A speaker plans to give a speech about the Dawn of Civilization. In order to deliver her speech most effectively, she should arrange the main points of
her speech in _____ order.
A. Spatial. B. Topical. C. Problem-solution. D. Chronological
24. Which type of speech delivery when of forming sounds into words using the physical parts of your mouth to speak clearly?
a. modulation b. inflection c. pacing d. Articulation
25. The way that you move during a speech. Facial expressions and hand gestures are also a part of this fundamental.
a. eye contact b. Body Language c. inflection d. articulation
26. How would an audience member know that a speaker was giving an extemporaneous speech?
a. The speaker uses a few notes to look at and talks in a conversational tone
b. The speaker has a manuscript that is read directly to the audience
c. The title 'Extemporaneous Speaker' is listed by his/her name in the program
d. The speaker uses no notes and recites a memorized text
27. James is worried that giving a memorized speech may be boring. What advice could you give him to make sure it isn't?
a. Give the speech as quickly as possible so that audience members will have to focus to keep up
b. Give the audience a copy of the speech text so they can follow along and notice if you make a mistake
c. Focus only on getting the lines right and not on the audience's response to the speech
d. Relax, breathe, and write the speech in language that is familiar.
28. Which refers to how fast or slow you are speaking?
29. An introductory speech would LEAST likely be given to
a. Build enthusiasm for the upcoming speaker.
b. Explain the relationship between yourself and the upcoming speaker.
c. Build enthusiasm for the speaker's topic.
d. Establish a welcoming climate that will boost the speaker's credibility.

30. In most speech situations, each of the following should happen in an introduction EXCEPT
a. Creating suspense by withholding the central idea until the body of the speech.
b. Getting the attention and interest of the audience.
c. Previewing the body of the entire speech.
d. Establishing the speaker's credibility and good will.
31. What refers to a certain charisma and charm that a speaker or performer possess that draws in an audience and commands their full attention?
a. facial expression b. movement c. stage presence d. gesture
32-38. Identify the openers when writing the introduction of the speech from the following statements.
a. a statement by a well-known person c. a fact e. a statistics g. a question
b. a story d. a startling problem f. a problem
32. “That so many of us are here today in recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent , and it is growing. Our generation’s
response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it.”
33. Once upon a time there was a young man named Alex who grew up in a poor community. But Alex was a little bit ambitious . From an early age, he
decided that he wanted to conquer the world.
34. How often do you check your phone? In today’s hyper- connected world, meditation and relaxation- focused resource Calm gives you a much-needed
mental break during the day, and can help you quiet spinning wheels in your head when it’s time to sleep at night.
35. Sweat doesn’t smell bad. A stinky “body odour’ s caused when the skin bacteria feed on sweat. Their waste products are smell bad!
36. “In the twenty-first century , knowledge and know-how are the keys to success. As basketball coach Pat Piley said, “If you are not getting better, you are
getting worse.” (Brian Tracy)
37. “Fully 63 percent of baby boomers are moving toward retirement without enough money put aside to provide for themselves for as long as they are
going to live. We must address this problem and take action immediately to ensure that each person who retires will be able to live comfortably for the rest of
his or her natural life.” (Brian Tracy).
38. One billion people across the world use You Tube every month! You Tube is an amazing space and generates amazing facts… (
39-43. Identify the components of speech modulation. Select your answer from the choices below.
a. Pace c. inflection e. emphasis
b. Volume d. pitch .
39. Employ this so that the listeners can easily and properly understand your speech.
40. Project your voice so that your audience who are seated in the last rows in the room can hear you audibly.
41. Refers to how high or low you speak.
42. In speech, this means the ups and downs of words.
43. Placing some stress or focus on the key syllables in order to provide contrast to your words.
44. Word or phrase that indicates when the speaker is moving from one thought to another.
a. articulation b. modulation c. inflection d. Transition
45. Which do you think is not a drawback to reading from manuscript?
a. The speaker tends to read without emotions.
b. The speaker, most of the time, never looks up from the manuscript being read.
c. The speaker is forgetting lines when delivering the speech.
d. The speaker can turn his place in the speech even while reading it.
46. One of the disadvantages of this speech is that the audience might get bored while you’re delivering your speech.
a. Manuscript speech c. Extemporaneous Speech
b. Impromptu speech d. Memorized speech
47. A speaker's credibility is MOST clearly determined by the audience's perception of
a. Cleanliness and neatness. c. Vocal pitch and volume.
b. Posture and stance. d. Competence and character.
48. In writing the introduction, the following openers may be used EXCEPT_______.
a. statistics b. startling statement c. a story d. a wrap up
49. What do you call the heart of the speech and it contains the bulk of the information?
a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. recommendation
50. What is referred to a change of volume, timing or pitch when speaking?
a. modulation b. stage presence c. gestures d. articulation
51. In what instance that gesture is used?
a. throughout the duration of speech. c. for emphasis on certain points
b. at the introduction only d. when concluding the speech
52. For instance, if you would like to convince the audience to stop smoking in your speech, what do you think is the most appropriate to do?
a. warn the audience if ever they will be caught smoking in public places they will put into a jail..
b. Tell them that smoking is dangerous to their health.
c. Present them facts or proofs that smoking can make people sick and kill them.
d. encourage the chain smokers to take candy rather that cigarettes.
53. (1. Focus on your topic 2. Developing your topic 3. Make your speech interesting)
a. Elements of speech c. Outlining your speech
b. Developing your speech d. Presenting your speech
54. (1. Starting your speech 2. Gestures 3. Eye contact 4. Voice 5. Dealing with nerves)
a. Outlining your speech b. Presenting your speech c. Organizing your speech d. Writing your speech
55. The quickest way to establish a communicative bond with a group of listeners is usually to
a. Relate a personal anecdote. c. Introduce a visual aid.
b. Establish eye contact. d. Ask a pointed, relevant question.
56. To be suitable for efficient voice production, posture should include each of the following features EXCEPT
a. Weight should rest on balls of feet. c. Chin should be held level.
b. Chest should be thrust forward slightly. d. Back should be erect.
57. Persuasive speeches typically involve each of the following EXCEPT questions of
a. Values b. Emotion c. Policy d. Fact
58. Each of the following is an articulator involved in voice production EXCEPT
a. Lips. b. tongue c. Teeth. d. esophagus.
59. Which of the following statements about suggestion is FALSE?
a. The nature and attitude of a speaker affects his powers of suggestion.
b. Suggestion is most effective if it is connected to an idea that has prestige.
c. A person is more open to suggestion if his knowledge is lacking.
d. A person is less suggestible when she is a member of a listening group.
60. In what instance that gesture is used?
a. throughout the duration of speech. c. for emphasis on certain points
b. at the introduction only d. when concluding the speech

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