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Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)


Acne Vulgaris: A Patient and Physician’s Experience

Nicola I. Espinosa . Philip R. Cohen

Received: September 3, 2019

Ó The Author(s) 2019

ABSTRACT related non-dermatologic effects that the

patient experienced and the significant
In this article, the first coauthor, a young improvement of her self-image that occurred
woman with acne vulgaris, shares her experi- following the successful treatment of her acne.
ence with the condition; she not only describes
the clinical presentation and the eventual suc-
cessful treatment of her acne, but also the Keywords: Acid; Acutane; Acne vulgaris; 13-
emotional consequences that this skin disorder cis-retinoic; Isotretinoin; Experience; Patient;
caused. The second coauthor, the patient’s Physician; Trans-retinoic; Treatment
dermatologist, reviews some of the features of
acne vulgaris: morphologic manifestations, Key Summary Points
pathogenesis, and treatment options. He also
summarizes the patient’s response to iso- Acne vulgaris, usually referred to as acne,
tretinoin therapy. In addition, he reveals his is an inflammatory condition of the skin
subsequent enlightenment regarding the acne- that affects the pilosebaceous follicle.
The pathogenesis of acne is multifactorial:
The article is part of the Topical Collection on Patient bacterial colonization (by
and Physician Perspectives.
Propionibacterium acnes), follicular
Enhanced Digital Features To view enhanced digital hyperkeratinization, inflammation, and
features for this article go to sebum production.
The development of acne is influenced by
N. I. Espinosa diet; it is associated with the consumption
College of Sciences, San Diego State University, San of saturated fats, dairy products and foods
Diego, CA, USA with a high glycemic index.
P. R. Cohen (&)
Topical therapies, systemic antibiotics,
San Diego Family Dermatology, National City, CA,
USA hormonal agents, isotretinoin and
e-mail: miscellaneous therapies may be
incorporated in the management of acne.
P. R. Cohen
Department of Dermatology, Touro University Isotretinoin may be used as the first-line
California College of Osteopathic Medicine, Vallejo,
treatment for severe nodulocystic acne.
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

different regimens, and at different times of my

Like many teenagers, I was already very self-
Cystic acne is a debilitating condition that had
conscious and cared about how I looked. How-
a significant impact on my life. So, when my
ever, I observed no improvement in my skin
family doctor finally referred me to a derma-
regardless of what I did, or how much money I
tologist to see whether I could be treated with
spent, or even where I was, or how much time
isotretinoin (also referred to as 13-cis-retinoic
had passed. This led to both physical and psy-
acid), I was absolutely ready.
chosocial effects on me.
As superficial as it sounds, the issues I had
I was so exhausted. I felt hopeless and,
with my outward appearance ran deep. It wasn’t
truthfully, ugly. I didn’t want anyone to look at
‘‘just acne’’; it was everything to me for 6 years.
me, so I did everything I could to hide and
And as silly as it sounds, I think I identified with
direct any attention away from me; however, I
the problems I had with my acne. It was all I
still felt that people were only focusing on my
could see when I looked in the mirror and it
acne when they interacted with me. I also felt
reflected in my low self-esteem, manifested in
like I was incompetent at everything.
the opportunities I was too afraid or ashamed to
Growing up, as a teenager, was difficult;
take, in how I neglected or avoided others, and
however, it became even more challenging with
the unnecessary anxiety and disappointment
my skin. I usually chose to work alone. I quietly
with myself.
embraced my self-pity, all under the guise of
I had acne when my family and I still lived in
Hawaii where I was raised and attended tradi-
In addition, I had spent a lot of time staying
tional public schools, when we moved to Idaho
away from most people and trying to avoid new
where I attended an online school for a year
activities. In all the schools I went to, I never
before returning to traditional schooling, and
joined a club or openly participated in class or
when we made our last move to California.
even talked to anyone (not even during online
Throughout these moves and my teen years, I
school!). Assemblies, group projects, presenta-
had been seen by family doctors in my local
tions, and hands-on work (such as laboratory
town, and city-based dermatologists in the
sessions) were the hardest activities for me to
nearby cities; however, nothing they gave me
deal with.
ever worked. After arriving in California, at
In my first year and a half of community
16 years of age, my acne became even worse.
college, starting in August 2017, I noticed my
Since I was 14 years old, I had tested so many
acne less often but cared about it much more.
treatments. I had tried topical medications
Whenever I did have the time to notice what
[such as adapalene, benzoyl peroxide, clin-
was on my face, I immediately felt this urge to
damycin, a combination of adapalene and
go home. Some early mornings I would wake up
benzoyl peroxide, a combination of clin-
with dots of dried blood on my face from pim-
damycin and benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin
ples that popped the night before; it was so
and tretinoin (also known as trans-retinoic
physically and emotionally painful. I dreaded
acid)], oral medications [such as antibiotics
waking up to this face.
(doxycycline and minocycline) and a combi-
During the drive to school, when I was
nation oral contraceptive pill containing ethi-
looking in the mirror, the sunlight would
nyl estradiol and norgestimate] and an
highlight the horrendous red bumps scattered
assortment of facial cleansers, moisturizers,
all throughout my face — a big one on my nose,
creams, and serums from various companies:
tiny ones behind my nose, many spread out on
Mary Kay, A.C. Care Bee’s, Lancôme, Clean &
my cheeks and dotting my forehead and chin,
Clear, Cetaphil, Aveeno, Neutrogena, EltaMD,
even some on my temples and a couple within
and Shiseido. I had tried it all — as gels, creams,
my eyebrow hairs. If one disappeared, another
lotions, and ointments at different percentages
one would show up. It looked as if the pimples
and dosages, with different combinations, with
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

were running out of room on my face but process to me: monthly blood pregnancy tests
always managed to find a spot (Figs. 1 and 2). (the first test at my initial appointment when I
Then, early in December 2018, I saw my registered in iPLEDGE and the second test
family doctor. He works at a clinic near my within the first 5 days of my menstrual period
home; he has seen me multiple times since I and at least 30 days after registering, and sub-
had moved to California, primarily for acne sequent tests 3 to 4 days before my appoint-
checkups and prescription refills. At this visit, ment at a clinical laboratory), other monthly
he finally said, ‘‘I think it’s time for you to go on laboratory studies, a urine pregnancy test dur-
isotretinoin, but I cannot prescribe it to you. I ing my monthly dermatologist appointments,
am going to refer you to a dermatologist.’’ registering in the iPLEDGE Program and
I had heard so much about this (in)famous monthly completion of the comprehension
medicine by reading online and watching peo- questions on the iPLEDGE Program website,
ple talk about it on YouTube. I knew it was used keeping up with the dosing schedule every day,
as a last resort and that it had a long list of and monthly trips to the pharmacy to get the
serious side effects. Some of the side effects may next month’s prescription of the medicine. Dr.
have been exaggerated or rare, but the anec- Cohen also explained the many risks and rules
dotes about them were convincing and scary. that came with isotretinoin. It was a lot of
However, I didn’t care how isotretinoin would information and responsibility, but I was ready.
affect me if it worked to treat my acne. I knew it My isotretinoin acne treatment lasted about
was extremely effective in not only helping 5 months, from February 16th to July 10th. One
with acne, but also for clearing it; that was all I month after starting isotretinoin, my face
needed to know. developed much larger and redder pimples;
By mid-January 2019, I had my first derma- also, there were more lesions on my cheeks. I
tology appointment about Accutane and met was not worried because I believed the medicine
Dr. Cohen, one of the dermatologists at San would eventually work by the end of the treat-
Diego Family Dermatology. My mom was with ment. Besides, I was already used to prior acne
me since she was hesitant about me taking iso- treatments and being told that the worst comes
tretinoin. Dr. Cohen explained the whole first before getting better.

Fig. 1 A 19-year-old woman with severe and recalcitrant inflammatory papules and nodules, pustules, comedones
acne. Prior to treatment with isotretinoin, right side (a), and scarring on both cheeks
frontal (b) and left side (c) views of her face show
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 2 Closer views of the right (a) and left (b) cheeks prior to isotretinoin therapy. In addition to erythematous atrophic
scars on her bilateral malar cheeks, there are pustules and inflammatory papules and nodules

I kept an album on my phone for selfies I great. I felt confident. My clearer skin reinforced
took every other day while on isotretinoin so I the positivity and pride I felt from getting my
could see my progress over time. This is why I degree and being accepted to continue my col-
was surprised to see how bad my skin was when lege studies at San Diego State University.
I first started the medicine. However, I eventu- By June 2019, I only had one blemish on my
ally noticed that my forehead and chin were skin. By July 2019, I had none. Dr. Cohen told
beginning to clear up. me I would have to do one more serum preg-
By April 2019, the number of pimples on my nancy test and an additional appointment to
cheeks was decreasing as well. Although my evaluate my skin after being off isotretinoin for
cheeks were still as red, they were actually at least 4 weeks.
clearing up. This was wonderful and the I returned for my August 2019 appointment.
improvement seemed to be happening quickly. My skin had remained almost completely clear
Previously, my cheeks were occupied by red (Figs. 3 and 4). However, I noticed that small
pimples; now the acne lesions were fewer and pimples only appeared if I was stressed or was
scattered. just not taking care of myself. I realized,
By May 2019, my skin was the clearest I had throughout this entire process, that I could not
seen it in such a long time; this is what I had just rely on the medicine. I felt that I also had to
expected from the information I had seen consciously do my part and that I needed to
online. However, there were the occasional one deliberately contribute to my treatment.
or two pimples that popped up — especially if I To do this, I decided to drink about 65–85 oz
felt too stressed with school. Also, I still had the of water every day. I was assisted in this task
scars from past pimples; however, they were all with the help of an app called Plant Nanny.
tiny in comparison to the miraculous change Every time I drank water, I had to not only log
that had occurred on my face. the amount of water, but also water a virtual
I graduated community college on May 24th, plant. This would keep the plant and the rest of
and I felt invincible. I was proud of my my virtual garden alive. I think that maintain-
accomplishments at school and completing a ing my hydration helped me to combat the
semester where I had tried new things. How- isotretinoin-related dryness.
ever, I felt even better knowing my skin looked
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 3 Resolution of acne after 5 months of isotretinoin clearing of her acne lesions. There is a single papule on her
therapy. The right side (a), frontal (b) and left side forehead. The scars on her cheeks are less prominent
(c) views of the woman’s face shows essentially complete

Fig. 4 Closer views of the right (a) and left (b) cheeks of treatment. The scars on her bilateral cheeks are less
after treatment with isotretinoin for 5 months. She erythematous. Inflammatory and comedonal acne lesions
received 40 mg daily of isotretinoin the first month and are absent
60 mg daily of tretinoin for the second thru fifth months

I also forced myself to sleep better. This When I woke up each morning, I reminded
didn’t always mean going to sleep earlier. It myself that I could handle the daily stress of my
meant that I would go to sleep without taking classes, projects, presentations and exams. Also,
the stress of school and day-to-day occurrences I looked forward to being present in class and I
to bed with me. felt more comfortable talking to my classmates
and professors. Before, I was anxious all of the
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

time; now I was confident that I would not completely stop wearing contacts and only wear
disappoint myself or others. glasses.
I realize that correlation doesn’t equal cau- Although these side effects were all nui-
sation. However, my treatment with iso- sances, they were minor. I felt I was lucky to
tretinoin was definitely the principal factor that only be experiencing these problems from the
enabled me to physically and psychosocially medicine. I had read and heard about other
become better; I am so very thankful! Indeed, I people suffering from far worse isotretinoin-re-
even got my first job while I was being treated lated side effects: nausea and vomiting, bone
with isotretinoin; I will be tutoring college stu- and joint pain, decreased night vision, itchy
dents in psychology and writing. Although I scalp, hair loss or thinning, and depressive or
believe this medicine would not have worked as suicidal thoughts.
well for me if I had not put in the effort to I would like to think my skin finally became
change my lifestyle, I am convinced that this tired of fighting me and just responded to the
therapy did so much for me on its own — just as treatment with isotretinoin. I appreciate Dr.
I had hoped it would. Cohen and San Diego Family Dermatology; my
Since I had so much faith in this medicine dermatologist and the office staff were all very
from the start, my self-esteem continued to helpful and supportive to me. I am so glad that
improve as long as I was still taking the pills Dr. Cohen started me on this medication and
every day. Even in February, when the worst of made sure I was doing okay every month.
my skin came out and the medicine did not I had acne for so many years. In order to
appear to be working, I suppose a placebo effect ensure that isotretinoin worked its best on me, I
took place and I felt like it was working. made several changes in myself and my life. I
My self-esteem was no longer as low as it now drink lots of water, keep my lips moistur-
used to be. I no longer neglected or avoided new ized, stay more physically fit (than I used to be),
classes, people or activities. Indeed, I was taking and allow myself to try new things. This month
new classes, meeting new classmates and pro- I will begin not only my first job as a tutor, but
fessors, and finally going to new events. also my first day at San Diego State University. I
I was showing my face more often, and I did will be starting with the clearest skin I have ever
not feel afraid or ashamed. I felt happier and had in my life, and the most confidence I have
more confident, especially while taking the ever felt.
kickboxing classes twice a week and yoga class
once a week; I had never previously been ath-
letic in my life. Similarly, I was participating in PHYSICIAN’S PERSPECTIVE
class discussions; I had rarely voluntarily done
that before. This was a huge turnaround for me. Acne vulgaris, usually referred to as acne, is a
I was very fortunate to have had a relatively very common skin condition [1]. However, the
smooth journey with isotretinoin. For the most clinical presentation of acne can vary and there
part, the drug-associated side effects that I are several potential treatment modalities
experienced were not like those I had read available for patients. This article does not
about and watched online. The main and only contain any new studies with human or animal
side effect that I experienced from isotretinoin subjects performed by any of the authors.
was dryness. Acne lesions include comedones (open
At the beginning, my nose dried up enough comedones are referred to as black heads and
to get occasional nosebleeds, but that stopped closed comedones are referred to as white
early on. In contrast, my lips were so dry heads), papules and pustules, and nodules and
throughout the entire treatment process that I cysts. Scarring (which can be atrophic or
was applying petrolatum to them almost every hypertrophic) may appear at prior lesion sites.
hour, every day. After a few months of treat- Lesions typically appear on the face; however,
ment my eyes also became so dry that I had to the chest, back and proximal arms are also
common sites [2–4].
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

A standardized classification or grading sys- therapy for most individuals with comedonal
tem for acne does not exist. The American acne and/or inflammatory acne; in addition,
Academy of Dermatology classified acne into topical therapy with a retinoid — with or
mild, moderate and severe [1]. The United without benzoyl peroxide — should be used for
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintenance therapy for most patients with
recommended an Investigator Global Assess- acne [1–4, 12].
ment scale with grades from 0 (clear skin) to 4 The development of antibiotic resistance
(severe); intermediate grades include 1 (almost may occur when topical antibiotics are used as
clear), 2 (mild severity) and 3 (moderate sever- monotherapy. However, combinations of ben-
ity) [4]. zoyl peroxide with either an antibiotic (clin-
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the damycin or erythromycin) or a retinoid
skin that affects the pilosebaceous follicle. Its (adapalene) are available for treating acne.
pathogenesis is multifactorial. The key compo- However, some of the topical therapies should
nents include follicular hyperkeratinization, not be used at the same time. For example
inflammation, Propionibacterium acnes (more benzoyl peroxide can result in oxidation and
recently also referred to as Cutibacterium acnes) degradation of the isotretinoin molecule. Also,
bacteria colonization, and sebum production temporary orange discoloration of the skin and
[2, 3, 5, 6]. hair can occur if benzoyl peroxide and dapsone
Diet has also been shown to influence the are used at the same time [1, 3, 4, 15].
development of acne. In addition to consump- Systemic antibiotics are used in the man-
tion of saturated fats, diets consisting of dairy agement of not only moderate to severe acne
products (including milk) and foods with a high but also inflammatory acne that is resistant to
glycemic index (such as baked potatoes, candy, topical therapies; they are usually prescribed in
couscous, French fries, high sugar beverages, combination with benzoyl peroxide and/or a
low-fiber cereals that are high in added sugar, topical retinoid. Tetracyclines (such as doxycy-
sweetened fruit juices, white pasta, and white cline, minocycline and tetracycline) and mac-
rice) have been associated with acne [7–12]. rolides (such as erythromycin and, less
Acne development has also been observed in frequently, azithromycin) are the mainstay
individuals attempting to build muscle and/or agents used to treat acne. However, other
gain weight by ingesting whey protein supple- antibiotics such as trimethoprim (with or
ments [13, 14]. without sulfamethoxazole), penicillins (such as
The management of acne is guided by the amoxicillin) and cephalosporins (such as
severity and extent of the lesions. The potential cephalexin) have also been used to treat
risk for acne scarring can be minimized by early patients with acne [1, 3, 4, 12].
and effective treatment. The approach to treat- Adverse events may occur in individuals
ment may include topical therapies, systemic receiving systemic antibiotics. Photosensitivity
antibiotics, hormonal agents, isotretinoin and is a common side effect of tetracyclines; in
miscellaneous therapies. Monotherapy or treat- addition, these antibiotics should not be used in
ment regimens that include a combination of women who are pregnant and children less
these modalities may be utilized [1, 2]. than 9 years of age. Also, the development of
Topical therapies include azelaic acid, bacterial resistance is a concern when systemic
antimicrobials (such as benzoyl peroxide, clin- antibiotics are prescribed; therefore, it would be
damycin, dapsone and erythromycin), retinoids optimal to limit their use to the shortest possi-
(such as tretinoin which is also referred to as ble duration (such as 3 to 4 months) necessary
trans-retinoic acid, adapalene and tazarotene) to successfully treat the patient’s acne
and salicylic acid. Several vehicles can be uti- [1, 3, 4, 12].
lized to deliver the agent: bar, cream, foam, gel, Hormonal agents for acne include combined
lotion, pad, pledget, solution and wash. Con- oral contraceptive pills (which contain both an
current topical treatment with benzoyl peroxide estrogen and a progestin component) and
and a retinoid should be considered as first-line spironolactone. The FDA has approved the
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

following oral contraceptive pills as second-line ameliorate drug-induced side effects and to
therapy in adolescent or adult women: ethinyl prevent pregnancy [19–21].
estradiol-norgestimate, ethinyl estradiol- In addition to conventional treatments of
norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol- acne, there are several alternative therapies that
drospirenone. Similar to combined oral contra- can be used for the adjuvant management of
ceptive pills, the birth control patch (ethinyl this condition. Some of these therapies include
estradiol plus norelgestromin) can also be herbal agents and spices, intralesional corticos-
effective for women with acne; however, higher teroids, chemical peels, light devices and lasers.
rates of unintended pregnancies have been Topical or systemic curcumin (or turmeric) has
observed in heavier women (weighing more been used to treat acne [1, 12, 22–24].
than 198 lb or 90 kg) using the patch for con- An individual inflammatory papule, nodule
traception [1, 2, 4, 16]. or cyst, may be clinically treated by injecting a
Certain medications used to treat bacterial or low concentration — such as 3 mg/ml — of
fungal infection can reduce the effectiveness of triamcinolone acetonide either into and/or
combined oral contraceptives when taken con- adjacent and beneath the lesion; flattening
comitantly — the antibiotic rifampin and the occurs in 2 to 3 days. Chemical peels (using
antifungal griseofulvin. Combined oral contra- either glycolic acid or salicylic acid) may be
ceptives can also be associated with drug-related useful for treating comedonal acne. However,
adverse effects such as androgenic effects (hir- chemical peels should not be performed in
sutism and worsening of acne depending on the patients with active infection or open wounds
progestin component), bloating, decreased or who have received isotretinoin therapy
libido, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, sys- within the prior 6 months [1, 12, 25–28].
temic adverse events that have been linked to Photodynamic therapy (utilizing topical
combined oral contraceptives include cancer 5-aminolevulinic acid and intense pulsed blue
(such as a higher incidence of breast and cervi- or red light) may be effective in moderate to
cal carcinoma), cardiovascular problems (such severe acne. Phototherapy using a combined
as myocardial infarction), stroke and throm- blue-red light-emitting diode can be performed
boembolism (deep venous and pulmonary) at home; it safely and effectively treats mild to
[1, 2, 4]. moderate acne by attenuating inflammatory
Spironolactone is effective in treating hor- cell infiltration, decreasing sebaceous gland size
monally mediated acne in women. However, it and reducing sebum production. Several lasers
is an aldosterone receptor antagonist and can have also been demonstrated to be beneficial in
cause hyperkalemia; indeed, a recent study has the treatment of acne: carbon dioxide, erbium-
shown that hyperkalemia after initiating glass, infrared, potassium titanyl phosphate,
spironolactone was more common in women and pulsed dye lasers [1, 12, 29–33].
between 46 and 65 years of age compared to Isotretinoin is an oral systemic retinoid that
those in the 18- to 45-year age group [17]. has resulted in a significant therapeutic
Therefore, routine monitoring of serum potas- advancement for the treatment of acne. It can
sium may not be necessary in healthy women be used as first-line therapy in the management
age 45 years or less who do not have renal dis- of severe nodulocystic acne. In addition, it is
ease and who are not taking potassium-sparing indicated for the treatment of recalcitrant acne
diuretic agents [2, 17, 18]. that has failed oral antibiotics in combination
Spironolactone adverse events may include with topical benzoyl peroxide and retinoids.
breast tenderness and menstrual irregularities. Many of the acne patients who are potential
In addition, it is contraindicated during preg- candidates for isotretinoin also have severe
nancy since feminization of a male fetus may scarring as a consequence of their acne lesions
occur. A third-generation or fourth-generation [1, 4, 12, 34, 35].
combined oral contraceptive is often prescribed Isotretinoin effectively targets all aspects of
to women being treated with spironolactone to acne pathogenesis; it decreases not only ker-
atinocyte proliferation and thereby reduces
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

follicular hyperkeratinization, but also inflam- after stopping the drug) are required. In addi-
mation, the growth and colonization of Propi- tion, both the clinician and patient must
onibacterium acnes, and sebum production by update the iPLEDGE site each month confirm-
the sebaceous glands. An 80% to 90% reduction ing the two forms of contraception and that the
in inflammatory lesions occurs after a complete patient will neither share the medication nor
course of isotretinoin. However, 20% to 30% of donate blood during treatment or for 1 month
isotretinoin-treated patients may develop after therapy has stopped [1, 2, 12, 34].
recurrence of their acne that is severe enough to In addition to pregnancy testing for patients
require additional therapy, including another of child bearing potential, laboratory monitor-
course of isotretinoin [1, 2, 12, 34]. ing for patients being treated with isotretinoin
Acne patients in whom treatment with iso- traditionally included baseline and monthly
tretinoin is being considered should be screened evaluation of complete blood cell counts
for depression and inflammatory bowel disease. including platelets, serum chemistries [particu-
Although the evidence regarding an association larly liver function tests — aspartate amino-
between isotretinoin and depression is contra- transferase (AST, also referred to as serum
dictory, worsening depression and suicidal glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, SGOT) and
ideation have been described in some patients alanine aminotransferase (ALT, also referred to
on isotretinoin; therefore, counseling and as serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, SGPT)
monitoring patients taking isotretinoin for — and less commonly kidney function tests
depression at each visit may be prudent. Simi- [blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine], and
larly, the causal association between iso- lipid profile [including cholesterol — total, high
tretinoin and inflammatory bowel disease density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density
(including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s dis- lipoprotein (LDL) — and triglycerides] [1].
ease) is unclear; indeed, some investigators have Recent studies have recommended less frequent
observed an increased risk of developing ulcer- follow-up laboratory studies and possibly add-
ative colitis in patients being treated with iso- ing gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) to
tretinoin [1, 2, 12, 34, 35]. monitor liver function and creatine kinase (CK)
Isotretinoin is a potent teratogen. Sponta- to monitor muscle damage [36–38]. In addition,
neous abortion is estimated to occur in 50% of an investigation has shown significantly
isotretinoin-exposed pregnancies and cardio- increased plasma homocysteine levels and sig-
vascular and/or skeletal defects are estimated to nificantly decreased folic acid levels in patients
occur in 25% of pregnant women who have after isotretinoin therapy; the relevance of the
been exposed to isotretinoin. Currently in the former and whether supplementation should be
United States of America, iPLEDGE is the FDA- initiated for the latter remain to be determined
mandated risk-management program for preg- [39].
nancy prevention (http://www.ipledgeprogram. The goal cumulative dose of isotretinoin is
com). Isotretinoin can only be prescribed by based on the patient’s weight; current guideli-
clinicians who are registered in iPLEDGE and nes suggest a cumulative dose between 120 to
written informed consent must be obtained by 150 mg/kg. Often, only half or two-thirds of the
all patients who are going to be treated with daily dosage is given for the initial and possibly
isotretinoin [1, 2, 12, 34]. second month of treatment before increasing to
The patient taking isotretinoin is also the standard daily dosage of 1 mg/kg; therefore,
required to register in iPLEDGE. Patients of approximately 5 months is necessary to reach
childbearing potential must specify and use two the calculated cumulative dose. The daily
forms of contraception; in addition, pregnancy dosage of isotretinoin is usually divided into a
tests (on the initial office visit or registration morning and evening dose; since the medica-
visit, again within the first 5 days of their tion readily dissolves into fat, it is best absorbed
menstrual period — and at least 30 days after when taken with food [1, 12].
registration — before starting the drug, each The most common mucocutaneous side
month during drug treatment and 1 month effects to isotretinoin include dryness of the
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

skin and mucosa of the lips, nose, and eyes. oral contraceptive pill containing ethinyl
Topical agents should be initiated for xerosis estradiol and norgestimate.
(using moisturizing lotion or cream), cheilitis We briefly talked about treatment options.
(applying over-the-counter lip balms), rhinitis Nicola had no history of either depression or
sicca and nose bleeds (using over-the-counter inflammatory bowel disease. Her family doctor
saline nasal spray) and keratoconjunctivitis had suggested the possibility of isotretinoin.
sicca (using over-the-counter artificial tear Therefore, when I suggested isotretinoin for the
drops). Patients may not be able to wear con- treatment of her acne she enthusiastically
tacts on their eyes during isotretinoin treatment agreed.
[1]. I discussed potential adverse events that she
Earlier experiences with isotretinoin raised should expect including dryness of the lips,
concerns regarding wound healing and the nasal mucosa and possibly eyes. Other possible
development of keloids in individuals who had side effects such as muscle and joint pain, mood
procedures while on isotretinoin or after dis- change and hair loss were also mentioned. In
continuation of the drug [40]. However, more addition, I explained that she could not share
recent reviews suggest that — with the excep- any of the medication and could not donate
tion of ablative laser resurfacing and der- blood while taking the medication (and for a
mabrasion — cosmetic procedures or skin month after her last dosage). Finally, I also
surgery or wisdom teeth extraction do not need stressed that isotretinoin was a teratogen, and
to be avoided during or immediately after she would need to use a second form of con-
treatment with isotretinoin [41–44]. Yet, delay traception (besides the birth control pill she was
of these elective procedures for 6–12 months already taking) during treatment and for a
after completion of isotretinoin therapy — if month after completion of therapy if she chose
possible — should be considered [1]. to engage in sexual activity.
Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and Nicola understood all of her responsibilities
photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) are not rec- including checking in with the iPLEDGE web
ommended to be performed during isotretinoin site each month. She signed the iPLEDGE
therapy or within 6 months after completion of agreement. A urine pregnancy test, performed
treatment [45, 46]. Also, isotretinoin should not in the office, was negative. Baseline laboratory
be prescribed until 6 months following LASIK studies (complete blood cell counts, serum
surgery [47]. However, recent studies are ques- chemistries including liver function tests, lipid
tioning these current guidelines [45, 48]. tests including cholesterol and trigylceride, and
a serum pregnancy test) to be performed at least
30 days later (and within the first 5 days of her
MY PATIENT menstrual period) were ordered.
Nicola began isotretinoin after the February
Nicola was a 19-year-old Filipino woman when I office visit. Her total dosage was based on her
met her in January 2019. She was in her second weight: 120 mg per kg. She took 40 mg daily for
year of community college and was majoring in the first month and then 60 mg daily thereafter.
psychology. Her mother had accompanied her Each month Nicola had her laboratory
to the appointment. studies performed a few days before her office
Nicola had a history of recalcitrant acne. Her visit; the urine pregnancy test was repeated in
acne was predominantly inflammatory with the office. Each month I would monitor her
intermittent episodes of nodules and cysts. She progress and discuss any symptoms from the
had prominent scarring on her cheeks from her isotretinoin. I would also reinforce that she
previous acne lesions. neither share the medication nor give blood
Topical interventions to treat her acne had while taking the drug or for 1 month after
not been successful. Similarly, she had not therapy had ended. In addition, after reviewing
improved with oral antibiotics or a combination the two forms of contraception she was using,
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 5 Comparison of frontal views of the face prior to acne with resolution of nearly all inflammatory and
(a) and following (b) treatment with isotretinoin for comedonal lesions. Her malar scars are less erythematous
5 months. There has been significant improvement of her and less prominent

both of us contacted the iPLEDGE web site and Nicola’s ‘experience’ that she shared in this
confirmed this information. paper that I became aware of the extent of the
Nicola tolerated the isotretinoin well. During positive impact that this treatment had for her.
the first month taking the medication, she had I had no idea how devastating acne was to her
nose bleeds; subsequently, these occurred less — not only physically but also emotionally. I
frequently. Her lips were very dry and she fre- also did not realize the degree to which acne
quently applied Vaseline to them. She was not had altered the perception she had of herself
able to tolerate her contact lenses and had to and the manner in which she conducted her
wear glasses. life. I am truly pleased that I was able to not
Nicola completed treatment with iso- only resolve Nicola’s acne but also significantly
tretinoin in July 2019. She returned to the office improve her self-esteem and outlook toward
1 month later; her laboratory studies were still life.
satisfactory, and the serum pregnancy test was
negative. Clinical photographs had been taken
prior to starting isotretinoin; they were taken ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
again 1 month after completing therapy (Fig. 5).
There had been a significant improvement of We thank the participant of the study.
her acne; her face was clear of acne lesions,
except for a small papule on her forehead. The
Funding:. The authors are fully responsible
erythematous acne scarring on her cheeks was
for all content and editorial decisions and
still present, but not as red as before she had
received no financial support or other form of
started the drug.
compensation related to the development of
Indeed, Nicola’s efficacious clinical results
this manuscript. No funding was received for
secondary to isotretinoin therapy were dra-
publication of this article.
matic. However, it was not until after reading
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