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Education is well ordered process where it makes an individual civilised, refined, cultured and

educated and a step on acquiring knowledge, experience skill and sound attitude (Swarnkar, 2013).

As a future educator it is very important for me to know a lot things especially about the real

essence of being a teacher inside the classroom like what does it mean to educate and what is the

purpose of education in our lives because I do believe that it is the very first step that I have to

learn so that in the near future I will be a effective teacher to my future students and I will be able

to communicate well with my students because as for educators they believe that nothing can keep

an open mind from seeking after knowledge and finding a way to know that learning is possible

(Hooks 2003: xiv). The cognitive and emotional and social activity is the cultivation of learning

(Illeris, 2002).

I will simply start telling my experience story in our Field study in Esteban Abada high school.

So first, our class was assigned to Esteban Abada high school for observation but unfortunately

there was a problem in our very first day of our observation in Esteban Abada high school we

couldn't observe because the school did not let us observe for that day. So all we could do is go

back and to be prank it was very disappointing since I woke up at exactly 3am in the morning so

that I will not be late to the meeting time I have to wake up that early since I live in Cainta Rizal

the travel time from Cainta to Manila is almost four (4) hours and it sometimes depends on how

heavy is the traffic so in conclusion that was an unfortunate event thus I have no choice but to

accept what happened but in our second visit in Esteban Abada high school it was also the same

situation we couldn't observe, I couldn't observe because this time the faculty was having a meeting

so what I did to not waste the effort and time I spent going there I explored the school building

and as I strolling the building I have noticed that the corridor and the surroundings of the school
was very clean, the students put their trash into the trashcan and because of that some thoughts pop

into my mind "mas malinis pa dito na public compare sa ibang private school" and with that I had

a realization that the status of one person in the society has nothing to do with being clean or the

cleanliness of the person it always depends on the personality or in the attitude of the person and

maybe the reason that I came up with that realization is that I know some people that came from

private schools they are well off but they don't really know the meaning of cleanliness. Thus I

think Esteban Abada high school did a very good as the main role of the school is to produce

professionals to be a effective technicians in our society where professionalism and the technical

skills said to be most prized (Ozmon & Craver, 2003). The students will grow by learning more

effective, meaningful and satisfying ways to deal with a changing reality and to direct the course

of their own lives through activities, problems, solutions to the problems and the network of social

relationships (Gutek, 2004). In my third (3) visit in Esteban Abada high school I was assigned to

this Filipino teacher’s class. In my first day of observation in her class I noticed that her approach

or the method she's applying is one of the 5 philosophies in education and that is Existentialism.

According to Dictionary Philosophy is (a) study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality,

and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. (b) the study of a particular

branch of knowledge or experience that has theoretical basis also according to Dictionary

Existentialism is a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the

individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts

of the will. The knowledge about the human condition and the personal choice that one makes is

the knowledge that one needs to pursue (Ornstein & Levine, 2003). A philosophy that is concerned

with the free will and choices of individual in life. That the nature of reality for Existentialists is

subjective and lies within the individual. Moreover the physical world has us inherent meaning
outside of human existence (Kierkegaard, S. 1840). This teacher was very open to the opinions of

her class everytime that she will ask a question she will follow-up this statement "walang maling

sagot at walang masamang sagot" and I thought that it is just her way of motivating her students

that there is nothing wrong if their answers is wrong the important is that they tried. The hope

consists in an outgoing and trusting mood toward the environment as an emotion (Macquarrie

1978: 11). With that I observed that mostly of her students raised their hands to answer thus I think

applying Existentialism inside the classroom is efficient in terms of teaching and learning of the

students since I have witnessed this teacher’s class and how this approach motivate her students to

be cooperative inside the classroom. The second (2) day of my observation in this teacher’s class

I observed that the method or approach that she used in the first observation i had with her was

different this time, in my first (1) observation she used Existentialism as an approach but this time

it was more like banking concept. The students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor

thus Education becomes an act of depositing (Freire, 2000). In her fist period class she just stood

there in front and teach until the end there is no collaboration nor activity for the class until the

dismissal. and I also found out that class in Esteban Abada high school has only 50 minutes per

section inside the classroom to learn. Activities that are desirable should be filled with time

(Carroll, 1989). In order for the learners to learn they must have enough time inside the classroom

to engage in learning and activities because if the time is not enough their learning will be limited.

A subject matter area (physical education, science, or mathematics, for example) in which a student

is engaged successfully in the activities or with the materials to which he or she is exposed, and in

which those activities and materials are related to educational outcomes that are valued that the

school should always give enough time for the students to learn (Berliner, 1987; Fisher et al.,

1980). The proper instructional materials that the teacher will use to engage her students in inside
the classroom has a big impact to the learning of the students. Many contemporary critics of

schools note the incredible boredom of students in the schools and the amount of repetition of

material that students face, grade after grade (Goodlad, 1984). Being a teacher means also being

innovative and a teacher must be creative to effectively facilitate her students that is why using

different instructional materials to engage the students in learning is a effective method to use since

the students nowadays tends to have lack of motivation in studying. Changes in them are not hard

to make, and those changes affect classroom functioning rather rapidly (see Berliner, 1985).That

is why it is very important for the teacher to set standard in learning inside the classroom since

students have different levels of learning and have different personalities. The teacher should also

be flexible to properly assess her students learning. As I continue to observe the class of this teacher

there was a time where I have witnessed how she got angry to her students that she was able to say

"engot" because this students keep on talking to his seat mate she gave him a warning but this

student still keep on talking that the class was being distracted by him that is why when this teacher

couldn't get a hold of him he was kicked out from the class and as I keep on observing this teacher’s

class I think I saw oppression inside her class. When one of her student was late she asked him to

say "I'm sorry for being late in your class" in deep Filipino language but the thing is this student

could not say those words in deep Filipino words and because of that he couldn't go inside the

classroom. He was asked by this teacher to go outside the classroom. I do understand why this

teacher wants this student to say the words in Filipino language since her subject is Filipino but to

put the student in a tight situation where this student was being pressured and being humiliated

because his classmates were laughing at him as he struggles to say the words fluently. School is

the main institution of young people’s oppression." (Piggott, 2012). I could see that he really tried

to speak those words but this teacher didn't mind or even considered his effort and with this I have
witnessed for the first time a teacher being an oppressor to her students, and to end my term paper

oppression can happened not just inside the classroom not just in school because oppression is

everywhere that is why though I’ve witnessed that event inside that teacher’s classroom I have still

no right to judge her for taking that actions because I do believe that she has a reasons. I just got

to observe her for several days not everyday so I was just simply saying is that there are different

stories inside of the classroom and my observation experience is a experience I will always



Carroll, J. B. (1985) The model of school learning: Progress of an idea. In C. W. Fisher & 1). C.

Berliner (Eds.), Perspectives on instructional time (pp. 29-- Now York and London: Longman.

Berliner, D. C. (1987). Simple views of effective teaching and a simple theory of classroom

instruction. In D. C. Berliner & B. Rosenshine (Eds.), Talks to teachers (pp. 93-110). New York:

Random House.

Goodlad J. (1984). A place called school. New York: McGraw-Hill

Gutek, G. L. (2004). Philosophical and ideological voices in education. Boston: Allyn aMcGraw-


Infed What is education? A definition and discussion

Retrieved from

Ozmon, H. A., & Craver, S. M. (2003). Philosophical foundations of education (7th ed.). New

Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Philosophy. (n.d.) In Online Dictionary. Retrieved from

Ornstein, A. C., & Levine, D. U. (2003). Foundations of education (8th ed.). Boston: Houghton-


Parankimalil, J. (2012) Meaning, Nature and Aims of Education Retrieved from

Piggott, M. (2012). School, Education and Young People’s Oppression. Featured recent pt articles.

Retrieved from

Berliner, D. C. (1987). Simple views of effective teaching and a simple theory of classroom

instruction. In D. C. Berliner & B. Rosenshine (Eds.), Talks to teachers (pp. 93-110). New York:

Random House.

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