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The movie is entitled “The Life of Rizal" where it talks about Dr. Jose Rizal in which it was played
by a great actor in the name of Cesar Montano. As I watch the movie, I observed the similarities
of some scene in relevance to the youth of today where they face the harsh reality of life such
as the fairly bad treatment to the children as well as for the women. That is, if not physically
were verbally abused by those people in power such as the politicians.

There are many lessons to get pondered from his life. First is from his saying “the hope of the
fatherland lies in the youth.” It gives us the sense of realization that the youth have a huge
responsibility to be good citizens of this beloved nation where we do our respective roles that
makes improvements as well as making our country progressive, the community responsive and
the family being benefited from all of the things the nation provides through labor, laws,
policies and other various things that come upon it. Moreover, his life in itself is an amazement
that each and every Filipinos shall emulate in the sense that our contributions in the society as
well as our collective intellect do help for each and every people’s benefit where in the end,
nobody loses.

It also depicts why we need to love our parents because as a son, Rizal showed his deep love and
reverence for his father by simply obeying what his father tells him. That’s a good and noble way a great
son can pay to his parents alongside respect and loving them.

At the end of the day, it is beneficial to learn about Dr. Jose P. Rizal and all of his works,
achievements and personal life where it is worth reflective in my life as a student in such a case
that it gives me a reason to strive more, work more, motivate more and most of all, inspire
more. Overall, his life serves as a beacon to each and every Filipinos to do the best of their
efforts for the country’s development as well as for educating the people where his legacy lives

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