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Assignment # 3

HM321 Sociology & Human Behavior

Student Name: Muhammad Junaid

Reg No: 2017283
Section: B
Faculty: BES

Identify any secondary group that you are part of. Will you call it formal or
informal group and why? What are the main criteria for inclusion and exclusion
from this group? What social influence this group have on you?
A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share
similar characteristics and a sense of unity. A social category is a collection of
people who do not interact but who share similar characteristics. For example,
women, men, the elderly, and high school students all constitute social
categories. A social category can become a social group when the members in the
category interact with each other and identify themselves as members of the
group. Sociologists differentiate between several different types of social groups.
Primary groups are those that are close-knit. They are typically small scale,
include intimate relationships, and are usually long lasting. The members of
primary groups feel a strong personal identity with the group. Secondary
groups are another type of social group. They have the opposite characteristics of
primary groups. They can be small or large and are mostly impersonal and usually
short term. These groups are typically found at work and school.
I am current part of the secondary group of Team Hammerhead . Hammerhead
GIKI is the one of the teams of GIK Institute; it promotes computer machinery
through seminars, events, competitions and exhibitions. ARC then moved on to
bridging the gap between industry and students and collaborated with various
software houses for the purpose. Considering the success of the programming
events and growth of IT industry in Pakistan, in 2000 GIKI's ACM-GIKI Chapter
society started hosting an All Pakistan SOFTCOM. It was a big milestone in
Pakistan's IT history as an event of this genre at this large scale was inconceivable
before it.
Team Hammerhead is a pure formal group There are activities where we interact
with each other and work together to make our All-Pak successful and there are
sessions about in which we deal in a formal manner.
The only way to join this team is through a selection process. This selection
process is pure formal only those who have particular experience about the type
of work which is related to society can join the society. This is selection process is
accompanied by the executive council of the society which is composed of Final
year students. Where senior team members review applicants, interview them
and agree on the merit to be selected in the society.
I'm not compensated, nor do I share a common purpose of life with other people i
n the group. This particular group is purely for experience. I'd like to develop my s
kills and gain experience with my future placements. This group is helping me to g
ain experience and develop my skills and improves my skills related to
informational technology. Which is the field I am currently perusing.

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