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Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches

The Effects of Dynamic Learning
Program on the Performance of the
Students and Teachers of Colegio de
San Bartolome de Novaliches

A Thesis Presented to
Mr. Jose Henry V. Sorilla

In Partial Fulfillment Of
The Requirements for Thesis (English)
Abegonia, Ken Rod T.
Sese, Geoffrey Ace Z.
Eradon, Neil Aubry
Martinez, Patricia Angelica
Sapnu, Brian Joseph
Tan, Ferdinand Jr.
Foremost, the researchers would like to express their sincere

gratitude to their English Teacher Sir Henry Sorilla, for helping them to

identify the mistakes and grammatical errors within the book, and for his

patience, motivation, and immense knowledge that guided them in creating

an accurate research paper.

Besides their teacher, they would like to thank the other teachers and

also the students of Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches for

answering survey questions related to their research.

And each one of the parents of the researchers who kept supporting

them with their decisions, financial needs, and supported them throughout

the entirety of the paper work.

Last but not least, the researchers are grateful to God for good health

and well-being that were necessary to complete this research.


The researchers would like to dedicate this research work to the following:

First to the teachers of CSBN who are always writing the whole LAS

content on the board without any complains; Second, to the students of

CSBN; the main purpose why they conducted this research; Third, to their

parents who help them go to school and study and keep them motivated

every day; Also, to Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches for giving the

students quality education. And lastly, to our Almighty God for giving them

knowledge, wisdom and understanding.


Title Page…………………………………………………………………… i
Acknowledgement………………………………………………………… ii
Dedication………………………………………………………………….. iii
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………. iv
Chapter I: Topic and its Background
a. Introduction………………………………………………………. 1
b. Background of the Study……………………………………….. 2
c. Statement of the Problem………………………………………. 2
d. Significance of the Study……………………………………….. 3
e. Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………. 3
f. Definition of Terms……………………………………………….
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature………………………….
Chapter III: Body…………………………………………………………...


Page 1
Chapter I

The Dynamic Learning Program is a new teaching method that has

been implied in all catholic schools under the Roman Catholic Bishop of

Novaliches Educational System (RCBN-ES) since 2013. DLP was

developed by spouses Dr. Christopher Bernido and Dr. Ma. Victoria Carpio-

Bernido who owns The Central Visayan Institute Foundation (CVIF). DLP is

a teaching method that is geared towards developing each child to his or

her fullest potential. Using the same Department of Education (Dep-ED)

curriculum, it is designed to improve basic education given by the country’s

multiple socioeconomic and cultural constraints.

And thus, DLP has been implied also to Colegio de San Bartolome de

Novaliches because it is part of RCBN-ES. Since it is a new learning

program, students of CSBN had some problems to cope with and also in

the case of the teachers in the way on how to teach their students, because

students are used to conventional teaching method. And the DLP brought

various advantages and disadvantages to the students and teachers of

CSBN that will be named later in this research.

The general purpose of this study is to know that if students and

teachers of Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches, finds DLP essential

and effective to their learning and teaching approach and to also look if

there are improvements in their skills.

Background of the Study

There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages when Dynamic

Learning Program (DLP) was implemented in Colegio de San Bartolome.

Before DLP, CSBN was already an academe that aims for quality learning

and education, but CSBN holds on to the word “innovation”. Every year

CSBN aims for improvements not only on their rankings nationwide but in

the progress of the students and teachers as well.

CSBN has been using DLP for almost three years. Some students

have coped with this learning, others might still be confused or do not want

to cooperate with this learning program. As for teachers, their work have

been doubled other than checking the students Learning Activity Sheets


Page 2
Statement of the Problem
Is Dynamic Learning Program the solution of Colegio de San

Bartolome de Novaliches greatest concern on strengthening quality

education? There have been so many approaches that claim to promote

the often quoted phrase “quality education”. As for now it has been

implemented by the RCBN-ES to all its schools which include CSBN. This

research aims to further recognize some of the difficulties and problems the

teachers and students of CSBN are facing which led the researchers to this

unanswered questions:

1. What are the positive things that DLP has brought to the Teachers

and Students?

2. In what circumstances DLP has been implemented in CSBN?

3. What are the Psychological effects of DLP to the Students as well the


4. Was DLP helpful in the learning progress of the students

5. Do the teachers find ease with the new learning program?

Page 3
Significance of the Study
Schooling nowadays have been in a broad position, Students lost

track of their learnings due to the other co-curricular activities which are not

related to academic skills. This also gives the teachers a very hard time

and stressful work in calculating grades, which they do more rather than

teaching. Dynamic Learning Program focuses only in academic works, in a

phrase “More Learning with less talking, no tutoring, and less homework”.

Teachers often discuss more in front of the students for almost half of their

period and most of the time, students do not have the will to participate in

recitations and most likely, students fall asleep.

This research paper is very essential to discuss the issues and

controversies between the students and the teachers of CSBN who are in

disruption with the Dynamic Learning Program. The writers hopes that this

work will help the people in determining the different struggles and

problems of the teachers and students and its effect on their life. It will also

give you an overview of the positive and negative effects of DLP in the

learning progress of learners.

Scope and Delimitation
This Study was primarily focused on the positive and negative effects

of the Dynamic Learning Program to the students and teachers of Colegio

de San Bartolome de Novaliches.

Page 4
Definition of Terms

CVIF-DLP (Central Visayan Institute Foundation – Dynamic Learning

Program) – This is where DLP is founded, in a school in central visayas owned by
spouses Dr. Christopher Bernido and Dr. Ma. Victoria Carpio-Bernido

DLP (Dynamic learning Program) – is the new Learning program that has been
implemented in CSBN. It allows the student
to focus all their senses on studying

LAS (Learning Activity Sheets) – a pad of paper where students use to write their
name, grade and section, the date, the subject,
the activity number, the learning targets of the
lesson, and lastly the whole Learning

RCBN-ES (Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches – Educational System) – a

diocesan Educational system founded by the
Bishop of Novaliches: His Excellency Rev. Fr.
Antonio R. Tobias

Myelination – is a term in anatomy that is defined as the process of forming a

myelin sheath around a nerve to allow nerve impulses to move
more quick

Page 5

I Page 6
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
Local Literature
According to Sir Paul B. Polintan (2013), The Principal of Colegio de

San Bartolome de Novaliches, “More Learning with less talking, no tutoring,

and less homework”, The Dynamic Learning Program works in this way to

the students, with more learning means to students focuses more in

academic studies, less talking and no tutoring applies to the teacher who

discusses in front of the class in just 20 minutes and lets the students go

through Individual Cooperative Learning. Less homework applies to the

students as well as to their family.They have more time to review, relax and

have quality time for their family, because one of DLP’s targets is to

strengthen the relationship between students and their own families.

Foreign Literature
“When memory-related neurons fire in sync with certain brain waves, the

resulting image recognition and memories are stronger than if this

synchronization does not occur.”

Synchronization is influenced by "theta waves" – associated with

relaxation, daydreaming and drowsiness, but also with learning and

memory formation. - Studies of U. Rutishauser, A. M. Mamelak, E. M.

Schuman, Nature, March 2010 (online) this study explains on how the DLP

is helping the maturing process of neural connections to our brain. Writing

the Activities activates both brain and psychomotor and visual faculties of

the brain, and while the students write their topic

I Page 7

I Page 8
Chapter III
The Dynamic Learning Program is a new learning program that

Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches has been implementing to its

students and pupils. The Dynamic Learning Program teaching approach is

truly commendable. There is no doubt that this improves the

comprehension, and writing skills of the learner. It also helps the learners to

have the value of perseverance, being responsible. And this kind of

teaching brings out the best in every learners. Some of the positive

outcomes in DLP are as follows: Students learn how to work independently

without close supervision. Students also become responsible for their own

learning. Students may become more confident and able to investigate

problems and find solutions. Students become resilient in the face of

difficulties. Dynamic Learning Program also uses the “Parallel Classes”

where a certain grade has the same subject classes at the same time.

The Dynamic Learning Program was implemented in Jagna, Bohol,

Philippines. The Central Visayan Institute Foundation original plan was to

focus on outcomes indexed by real numbers: UPCAT passers, national,

exams and, if possible, international behavioral standards and assessments.

The psychological effects of the Dynamic Learning Program is about

“developing mental work in progress.” Is all about brain activation of

different structural parts to achieve or accomplish a task; compensation for

deficits or weakness of certain brain region; and parts of the brain that can

perform in multiple functions. Brain imaging has revealed that both brain

volume and myelination continues to grow throughout adolescence and

during the youth adulthood period.

 Writing slows the students down allowing more time for the brain to

absorb a topic.

 Writing and drawing of figures activate both the psychomotor and

visual faculties.

Which is good for the school and beneficial for the students.

According to Sir Paul B. Polintan, the school principal, under

historical circumstances DLP was introduced to CSBN and RCBN-ES, it

was something new to the Philippine Setting and it was proven to be

effective, and the development is student centered, and that is the concern

of the RCBN-ES when it was implemented.

I Page 9
How was it implemented? CSBN is one of the first to implement

experimental (1 year), it was approved by Fr. Albert N. Delvo, and the rest

of the RCBN-ES schools we were the only one who implemented it.

Do the teachers find ease in the new learning program? Sir Paul speaks in

his behalf. He find it essential and effective because DLP helps a lot in

discovering knowledge especially the learners are able to “critical thinking”.

What are the positive things that DLP has brought to the teachers?

According to Sir Paul:

1) This lessens the work of doing the lesson plan.

2) The teachers will be force to master the lessons well, so that the

students can have the knowledge essential to that particular lessons.

CSBN’s goal is to improve its “quality education”, so that students will

excel on their studies and will lead them to a brighter future. With DLP

implemented on CSBN, students are expected:

 to work independently without close supervision ( about 70% of the

time the subject teacher is outside of the classroom).

 to become responsible for their own learning.

 to become more confident and able to investigate problems and find


 to be resilient in the face of difficulties.

For all the subjects, there is no introductory lecture before students do the

learning activities (questions, problems, etc.).

Lectures and class discussion are done only about ¼ of the time (the rest

being allotted for written activities).

The DLP is a big thing that came to life of the students because it

benefits them to have a more time on their family because of the “no

homework” policy so they can spend the time to bond with their family.

Sometimes they say that DLP is a waste of time because of a lot of things

to write the concept notes on Learning Activity Sheet but they do not know

that writing helps the mind to think critically.

In writing you also read and analyze, while you are writing the word

is registered to your brain so when you have a surprise quiz you can

remember what modulate the concept are all about. The DLP also helps

the teachers to their voice because the DLP is more on writing, less talk.

I Page 10
Sometimes, they discuss the topic but sometimes they encourage the

students to do their activity on their own through reading the concept notes

they write.

The effect of the DLP is a big part of the learning of a student. The

DLP was implemented in CSBN to help the students to become proud of

themselves because they know that they learn a lot of things inside of the

school. DLP, a process approach teaching methodology, stresses on the

writing component to keep the students actively participate in the learning

process. In DLP, students write first the concepts before the lectures or


This enhances better comprehension, active participation in the

actual class discussions, and discipline. The DLP also helps the students to

have a confidence to share what he/she knows about the topic. There is lot

of schools that implement the DLP so we can say that DLP is a successful

program that helps the students to achieve a good grades.

The Dynamic Learning Program helps the students show their own

skills and become an individual person who will create a good result in the

students in terms of writing, listening and to become a fast worker and to

finish the study or the lesson as early as they can.

I Page 11
We have conducted a survey to some students in Grade 6, 7, 8, 9,
and 10. Out of 118 respondents these are their thoughts about DLP;
about 70% of the respondents says that they have improved into becoming
a good student by the help of DLP. And the 24% of the students stated that
they have not improved. And 69% of the students stated that they have
improve their writing skills and the left 25% stated that they have not. And
the last question we have conducted is do the teachers help them if they
ask questions, and the results were; 78% of the students stated that
teachers do help them if they were asking a question and 17% stated that
teachers do not help them.
I Page 12


Sample: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 10

# of respondents in Grade 6 (St. Benedict): 10 Students
# of respondents in Grade 7 (Obedience): 10 Students
# of respondents in Grade 8 (Honesty and Courtesy): 41 Students
# of respondents in Grade 10 (Temperance and Prudence): 52 Students
total # of respondents: 113 students


QUESTION #1 87 26

QUESTION #3 84 29

QUESTION #4 93 20


QUESTION #2 11 44 47 4 7
I Page 13

Chart Title

Question #4

Question #3

Question #1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

No Yes

About 88% of the respondents are able to coupe up and are in good
condition in this new learning program.
I Page 14


Bernido, Christopher C. and Carpio-Bernido, M. Victoria; “The CVIF

Dynamic Learning Program: Achieving Performance Targets with
Strategic and Efficient Learning”; Research Center for Theoretical
Physics Central Visayan Institute Foundation; Jagna, Bohol 6308

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