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Timeline of activities
for 3 – 4 days

Vocabulary lists

questions in English
and French

Episode 1 Interpersonal
speaking activity

Writing prompt
L’arrivée du Sam for short essay
Extra TV – Episode 1 L’arrivée du Sam
Teacher’s Guide
Transcript: click here

Recommendations for using EXTRA French TV episodes and activities:

 The activities created for this video series work best with French students in Level 3 or 4, or
perhaps at the end of Level 2. These activities incorporate a wide range of listening, speaking
and writing skills, which early learners won’t yet have.

 These activities are intended to be spread over 3-4 days. Each video is divided into Parts A and
B to allow students to understand and work with the video at a deeper level.

 An episode of EXTRA French TV, along with the accompanying activities, could be used after a
unit or chapter assessment. It could serve as a bridge before beginning the next chapter or
unit of study.

 The thirteen episodes could be spread over two years (e.g., Episodes #1-7 in French 3, then
Episodes # 8-13 in French 4.)

 There are no reading exercises included here, but the transcript is available at the link above if
the teacher would choose to incorporate the written text into an activity.

Components for this episode:

1. Suggested timeline of activities.
2. French vocabulary lists, with and without English definitions.
3. Exercises to practice vocabulary.
4. Comprehension questions in English, for Part A and B of the video.
5. Comprehension questions in French, for Part A and B of the video.
6. A related interpersonal speaking activity for partners and/or small groups.
7. A related writing prompt for an in-class or homework essay.

Instructional Suggestions:

 The teacher can choose whether to introduce/practice the vocabulary before students view the
video, or after students view the video.

 Comprehension questions can be given in English or in French, based on teacher discretion.

 The comprehension questions can count as a listening quiz if the teacher chooses. For
immediate feedback, the students could exchange papers and grade the quizzes together with
the teacher right after watching the video.

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 2

Extra TV – Episode 1 L’arrivée du Sam
Teacher’s Guide
Transcript: click here

Suggested Timeline of Activities:

Day 1: Episode 1-A
1. Introduction of vocabulary and accompanying vocabulary practice exercises for Episode 1-A.

2. Students watch the first half of Episode #1 (0:00 – 12:23) and complete the comprehension
questions (French or English version) as they watch the video.

3. If the comprehension questions will count as a quiz, students could exchange papers and grade
the quizzes together with the teacher, right after watching the video.

Day 2: Episode 1-B

1. Warm-up ideas: Teacher asks students some general questions in French about the first half of
the video, the characters, etc. Or, students talk in French with a partner about what they
remember about the video or characters. Follow this up with a whole-class sharing.

2. Introduction of vocabulary and accompanying vocabulary practice exercises for Episode 1-B.

3. Students watch the second half of Episode #1 (12:23 – 24:10) and complete the comprehension
questions (French or English version) as they watch the video.

4. If the comprehension questions will count as a quiz, students could exchange papers and grade
the quizzes together with the teacher, right after watching the video.

5. Optional homework: students watch the entire episode at home that night.

Day 3:
1. Warm-up ideas: Teacher asks students some general questions in French about the second half
of the video, the characters, etc. Or, students talk in French with a partner about what they
remember about the video or characters. Follow this up with a whole-class sharing.

2. Students watch the full 24 minute video (if this wasn’t done as homework the night before).
After the video, have a brief discussion about their level of comprehension compared to the
first time that they watched the episode.

3. Interpersonal Speaking activity: students work in groups of 3-4 to do the interpersonal

speaking activity. This activity could be done in a variety of ways. It could be done informally
as the teacher walks around and listens; the teacher could also ask volunteers to do the role
play spontaneously for the rest of the class to watch. It could even be a graded assessment
(live or recorded).

Day 4: Writing prompt. This essay could be done in class or assigned for homework.

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 3

Extra TV – Episode 1-A Partie A (0 :00 – 12 :23 )
L’arrivée du Sam


- Sacha et Annie: Camarades de chambre dans un appartement à Paris

- Nico: Il habite l’appartement en face de Sacha et Annie

- Sam Scott: Américain, l’ancien correspondant de Sacha

Vocabulaire Utile:

Ne m’appelle plus. (ne…plus) Don’t call me anymore. (No longer, not anymore)

un coussin A small pillow or cushion

Le courrier / les factures The mail / the bills

Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça?? What is that??!!

Quoi? What?

Les slips Underwear

Bisous câlins Kisses and hugs

Il y a + (time period): il y a sept ans. Ago (ex: 7 years ago)

La gardienne The apartment manager

Il est interdit de…(+ verb infinitive) It is forbidden to…

J’ai ramené I brought back (something)

Quoi de neuf? What’s new?

Tu veux boire quelque chose? Do you want to drink something?

Ouais yeah

Il/elle est comment? What is he/she like?

Un mec A guy

Personne n’a le droit de No one has the right to…

Personne ne….(+ verb) No one (+ verb)…

Il est timbré! He is nuts!

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 4

Extra TV – Episode 1-A Partie A (0 :00 – 12 :23 )
L’arrivée du Sam


- Sacha et Annie: Camarades de chambre dans un appartement à Paris

- Nico: Il habite l’appartement en face de Sacha et Annie

- Sam Scott: Américain, l’ancien correspondant de Sacha

Vocabulaire Utile:

Ne m’appelle plus. (ne…plus)

un coussin

Le courrier / les factures

Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça??


Les slips

Bisous câlins

Il y a + (time period): il y a sept ans.

La gardienne

Il est interdit de…(+ verb infinitive)

J’ai ramené

Quoi de neuf?

Tu veux boire quelque chose?


Il/elle est comment?

Un mec

Personne n’a le droit de

Personne ne… (+ verb)

Il est timbré!

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 5

Extra TV – Episode 1-A Partie A (0 :00 – 12 :23 )
L’arrivée du Sam

Exercises de Vocabulaire:

Completez chaque phrase avec un mot de vocabulaire:

1. Je m’appelle William. ______________________________ “Billy”!

2. Mes grands-parents sont nés __________________ cent ans!

3. _________________? Je ne comprends pas.

4. Hier soir j’ai dormi avec ma tête sur ______________________.

5. Sous les vêtements on porte _________________________.

6. ___________________________________ manger du chewing-gum dans cette classe!

7. Nous avons besoin de beaucoup d’argent pour payer _________________________.

8. _____________________________ de notre appartement est très sévère.

9. Regarde! Là-bas! (over there!).______________________________________________??!!

10. A la fin de la lettre, ma mère a écrit:_________________________________.

Ecrivez un synonyme pour ces mots :

11. Oui: ___________________________________________________________

12. Philippe est bizarre et fou! _______________________________________

13. Ça va? _________________________________________________________

14. J’ai apporté: ___________________________________________________

15. Il est interdit de…_______________________________________________

16. un garçon: _____________________________________________________

17. Tu as soif? _____________________________________________________

18. Décrivez ton copain: _____________________________________________

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 6

Compréhension (en anglais)
Partie A (0:00 - 12 :23)
Episode 1 – A

L’arrivée du Sam

Short answer :

1. Who is Sacha talking to on the phone and what does she tell him?

2. Sacha receives letters from which two people?

3. What does the second person write to tell Sacha?

4. Why does this information worry the girls, at first?

5. Who does Nico think “Sam” is?

6. Why does Sacha get upset with Nico?

7. Why is it so hard for Sacha and Annie to understand Sam Scott?

8. How does Sam Scott feel about his ability to speak French?

9-11. What three things does Sam tell the girls about his life in America?

12. How many bedrooms does Sam say he has in America?

13. What do the girls discuss in the bathroom?

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 7

Compréhension (en français)
Partie A (0:00 - 12 :23)
Episode 1 – A

L’arrivée du Sam

Répondez en français :

1. Sacha parle avec ______________au téléphone.

Elle lui dit « ______________________________________________________ ».

2. Sacha reçoit une lettre de _____________________ et de_____________________________.

3. Dans la deuxième lettre, il dit qu’il______________________________________________________


4. Les filles s’inquiètent parce qu’il est interdit d’_____________________________________.

5. Nico pense que “Sam” est_______________________________________.

6. Sacha se fâche contre Nico parce qu’il___________________________________________________.

7. Sacha et Annie ne peuvent pas bien comprendre Sam Scott parce qu’il_________________


8. Sam Scott pense qu’il parle____________________ le français.

9-11. Sam raconte trois choses à propos de sa vie en Amérique :

12. Sam dit qu’il a ______ chambres dans sa maison.

13. Dans la salle de bain, Sacha et Annie décident que_______________________________.

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 8

Extra TV – Episode 1-B Partie B (12 :23 – 24 :10 )
L’arrivée du Sam

Vocabulaire Utile

ne…que / il n’y a que… only / there are only

maintenant now

mes valises sont en bas my bags are downstairs

tirer to pull

le porteur the porter (person who carries the luggage)

le voisin the neighbor

Faites connaissance! Get to know each other!

Apprends-lui le français. Teach him some French.

le four the oven

Aucune chance! No way it will happen!

Vas-y! Go ahead!

la douche the shower

il s’est servi de He used…

ça m’est égal I don’t care

on garde le secret we’ll keep it a secret

chut! shhh

il faut faire la fête We need to have a party

Quelqu’un a vu…? Did anyone see…?

Dépêche-toi! Cache-toi! Hurry! Hide!

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 9

Extra TV – Episode 1-B Partie B (12 :23 – 24 :10 )
L’arrivée du Sam

Vocabulaire Utile

ne…que / il n’y a que…


mes valises sont en bas


le porteur

le voisin

Faites connaissance!

Apprends-lui le français.

le four

Aucune chance!


la douche

il s’est servi de

ça m’est égal

on garde le secret


il faut faire la fête

Quelqu’un a vu…?

Dépêche-toi! Cache-toi!

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 10

Exercises de Vocabulaire: Completez chaque phrase :

1. la personne qui habite près de chez vous:____________________________________

2. immédiatement:_____________________________________________

3. la personne qui porte les valises:__________________________________

4. Il ne sait pas parler français, donc, ____________________________________

5. Deux chambres? Non, _________________________une chambre.

6. Un nouvel élève dans la classe! ___________________________________.

7. Je ______________________ la corde.

8. Où sont tes bagages? --______________________________________________

Dessinez chaque mot de vocabulaire :

Le four Chut! Aucune chance! Il faut faire la fête.

Cache-toi! Dépêche-toi! Quelqu’un a vu mon Ça m’est égal.


Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 11

Compréhension (en anglais)
Partie B (12 :23 – 24 :10 )

Episode 1 – B

L’arrivée du Sam

Short answer :

1. Who does Sam think Nico is? What does he want him to do?

2. Why is Nico upset that Sacha gave Sam the heart pillow?

3. As they leave, what do the girls tell Nico to do with Sam?

4. What does Nico teach Sam how to say?

5. Why does Sam ride Sacha’s bike?

6. Why are the girls so upset with Sam and want him to leave?

7. What makes them change their mind?

8. What does Nico realize after seeing the magazine cover?

9. Why did Sam Scott come to Paris?

10. What do Nico and Sam hide at the end?

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 12

Compréhension (en français)
Partie B (12 :23 – 24 :10 )

Episode 1 – B

L’arrivée du Sam

Répondez en français :

1. Sam pense que Nico est_____________________.

Sam veut que Nico_____________________________________________.

2. Nico n’est pas content que Sacha donne à Sam__________________________

parce que Nico_______________________________.

3. En quittant l’appartement, les filles disent à Nico d’____________________________ à Sam.

4. Nico apprend à Sam à dire «_____________________________________ ».

5. Sam fait du vélo pour prouver qu’il est ________________________________.

6. Les fille veulent que Sam parte parce qu’il______________________________________

et il________________________________________________________________.

7. Puis, elles change d’avis quand Sam _____________________________________________.

8. En regardant le magazine, Nico se rend compte que Sam_____________________________.

9. Sam est venu à Paris parce qu’il_______________________________________________.

10. A la fin, Nico et Sam cachent______________________.

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 13

Extra TV – Episode 1 Interpersonal Speaking Activity

L’arrivée du Sam

* Groupe de 2-3 personnes

* Rôles: Nico, Annie, et/ou Sacha

* Durée: 6 minutes

Nico, Annie et Sacha sont au café et parlent de l’arrivée de Sam Scott aujourd’hui. Imaginez
leur conversation. Soyez créatif dans votre rôle !

Vous pourriez donnez vos sentiments et vos réactions sur:

- les vêtements de Sam

- son français

- la lettre de la mère de Sacha

- la lettre de Sam

- le vélo de Sacha

- le copain (Patrick) de Sacha

- la réaction possible de la gardienne de l’appartement

- le français que Nico apprend à Sam

- Votre choix !

Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 14

Extra TV – Episode 1 Writing Activity

L’arrivée du Sam

Vous êtes UN des personnages dans cet épisode d’EXTRA TV (Sacha, Annie, Nico ou
Sam). Vous parlez à votre copain et vous décrivez l’arrivée de Sam Scott à Paris. Écrivez du
point de vue de cette personne.

L’arrivée de Sam Scott

Je suis________________.
















Copyright 2015 KDShelton pg. 15

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