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Google Formulir <> Sen, 2 Des 2019 pukul 11.34


Terima kasih telah mengisi SIMPLE LESSON PLANNING

Inilah tanggapan Anda:


To prepare your better teaching, please complete the following form for your lesson planning for each topic.

Good luck,
(Lecturer: Dr. Adzanil Prima Septy)

Alamat email *

Name (of Teacher (to be)) *

Anisa Ulfa

ID Number


Teaching-Learning Activities and Scenario 1

Complete the following form to describe the scenario and activities for the topic. Refer to some operational verbs to
formulate the objective and teaching stages.

The operational verbs of Bloom's taxonomy

The topic of English Lesson *

Turun Mandi

School Level (for this topic to teach) *


Summary/Outline for the topic of English Lesson *

Turun mandi is a Minangkabau tradition. Although in every region there is, but in
Rambatan almost no or rarely done. Turun mandi means to take the child to bathe
outside the house. In the past times, children who took a bath were brought to the
river. Now, only brought to the well on the side or back of the house. The aim is to
introduce the environment to children. So, children can get used to the environment.
Children are usually taken turun mandi at the age of 7 days or a week almost the same
as aqikah. At the turun mandi event, this is also like a baralek event where there are
various kinds of food dishes. In the turun mandi time, people also make a sikunyik as
symbolic of Minangkabau tradition. Turun mandi is only done when the child is a baby.
If the child is 1 year old it is not going turun mandi anymore.
Objective of Teaching This Topic *

The students can identify the traditions of Minangkabau

Focused Language Skills and Aspects of This Topic *






Sentence Structures

Pronunciation and Intonations

Styles and Expressions

Genre(s) of Texts

Media Multimedia/Aids *

Digital (audio, video, image)






Description of the Media Multimedia/Aids *

This media can help the students more understand about the topic

Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

The Grammar-Translation Method

The Direct Method

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Silent Way


Community Language Learning

Total Physical Response

Communicative Language Teaching

Content-based Instruction

Task-based Language Teaching

Others ...
Description of the Chosen Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

This methods can help the students to understand because it more easy to find the
meaning of vocabulary

Learning Scenario (Steps and Procedures for Each Stage)

Organize steps and activities of the teaching-learning within 10-15 minutes overall. Implement the method(s) you have
selected into the following stages. Choose and use some of the operational verbs.

Stage 1: Pre-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Opening, the teacher opened the class by salam, read the holy quran and absensi and

Stage 2: Whilst Teaching-Learning Activities *

The teacher explained about the topic

Stage 3: Post-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Closing, the teacher ask questions to the students and make a summary

Types of Evaluation/Quizzes *

Multiple Choice Test

Open-ended Questions



References (for the Teaching/Learning Resources)

Textbook, internet


Check again your form of lesson planning before sending it, and send it when completed.

check your e-mail, print this lesson planning, and prepare your presentation for teaching practices

Buat Google Formulir sendiri

Google Formulir <> Sen, 2 Des 2019 pukul 11.56

Terima kasih telah mengisi SIMPLE LESSON PLANNING

Inilah tanggapan Anda:


To prepare your better teaching, please complete the following form for your lesson planning for each topic.

Good luck,
(Lecturer: Dr. Adzanil Prima Septy)

Alamat email *

Name (of Teacher (to be)) *

Anisa Ulfa

ID Number


Teaching-Learning Activities and Scenario 1

Complete the following form to describe the scenario and activities for the topic. Refer to some operational verbs to
formulate the objective and teaching stages.

The operational verbs of Bloom's taxonomy

The topic of English Lesson *


School Level (for this topic to teach) *


Summary/Outline for the topic of English Lesson *

Turun mandi is a Minangkabau tradition. Although in every region there is, but in
Rambatan almost no or rarely done. Turun mandi means to take the child to bathe
outside the house. In the past times, children who took a bath were brought to the
river. Now, only brought to the well on the side or back of the house. The aim is to
introduce the environment to children. So, children can get used to the environment.
Children are usually taken turun mandi at the age of 7 days or a week almost the same
as aqikah. At the turun mandi event, this is also like a baralek event where there are
various kinds of food dishes. In the turun mandi time, people also make a sikunyik as
symbolic of Minangkabau tradition. Turun mandi is only done when the child is a baby.
If the child is 1 year old it is not going turun mandi anymore.
Objective of Teaching This Topic *

The students are able to identify the kind of clans

Focused Language Skills and Aspects of This Topic *






Sentence Structures

Pronunciation and Intonations

Styles and Expressions

Genre(s) of Texts

Media Multimedia/Aids *

Digital (audio, video, image)






Description of the Media Multimedia/Aids *

By using this media, the student more understand about the topic because it using
picture, video and other

Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

The Grammar-Translation Method

The Direct Method

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Silent Way


Community Language Learning

Total Physical Response

Communicative Language Teaching

Content-based Instruction

Task-based Language Teaching

Others ...

Description of the Chosen Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

This method can make the student critical thinking,because the maening of word not
explaint directly

Learning Scenario (Steps and Procedures for Each Stage)

Organize steps and activities of the teaching-learning within 10-15 minutes overall. Implement the method(s) you have
selected into the following stages. Choose and use some of the operational verbs.

Stage 1: Pre-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Opening, teacher open the lesson by salam, reciting quran, absensi and other

Stage 2: Whilst Teaching-Learning Activities *

Teacher explained about the topic

Stage 3: Post-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Closing, the teacher give the conclusion, give the post test, and make the summay

Types of Evaluation/Quizzes *

Multiple Choice Test

Open-ended Questions



References (for the Teaching/Learning Resources)

Textbook, internet


Check again your form of lesson planning before sending it, and send it when completed.

check your e-mail, print this lesson planning, and prepare your presentation for teaching practices

Buat Google Formulir sendiri

Google Formulir <> Sen, 2 Des 2019 pukul 12.15

Terima kasih telah mengisi SIMPLE LESSON PLANNING

Inilah tanggapan Anda:


To prepare your better teaching, please complete the following form for your lesson planning for each topic.

Good luck,
(Lecturer: Dr. Adzanil Prima Septy)

Alamat email *

Name (of Teacher (to be)) *

Anisa Ulfa

ID Number


Teaching-Learning Activities and Scenario 1

Complete the following form to describe the scenario and activities for the topic. Refer to some operational verbs to
formulate the objective and teaching stages.

The operational verbs of Bloom's taxonomy

The topic of English Lesson *

Si kunyik

School Level (for this topic to teach) *


Summary/Outline for the topic of English Lesson *

Sikunyik is one of the traditional Minangkabau foods. In the Rambatan, sikunyik is

often made for custom-themed events such as baralek, batagak panghulu, and others.
This sikunyik is made from white sticky rice, coconut milk, turmeric, and flavoring.
How to make it is white sticky rice cooked until cooked. Then the coconut milk is
given turmeric grated water until it turns yellow and is given an adequate flavoring.
After the white sticky rice is cooked, place it in a tray and given the yellow coconut
milk and stir until equally. Then shape as desired. Usually, in Rambatan at the time of
the baralek or manampuah, this sikunyik is placed in a tray called talam or dulang. And
the sikunyik is shaped like a cone or pyramid or almost the same as nasi tumpeng in
Java. Then the sikunyik is covered with a tudung air. Nowadays, sikunyik is rarely
made by people because it is replaced with other foods.
Sikunyik is one of the most halal foods in Minangkabau. Halal food is a food that if we
eat will be very good for our health. The basic of halal food is found in the Quran surah
Al-Baqarah verse 168 the meaning is humans are told to eat halal food and forbidden
to eat haram food.

Objective of Teaching This Topic *

The students are able to identify the kind of traditional foods

Focused Language Skills and Aspects of This Topic *






Sentence Structures

Pronunciation and Intonations

Styles and Expressions

Genre(s) of Texts

Media Multimedia/Aids *

Digital (audio, video, image)






Description of the Media Multimedia/Aids *

The media is better to make the student more understand because using picture,
video and other to make the interesting

Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

The Grammar-Translation Method

The Direct Method

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Silent Way


Community Language Learning

Total Physical Response

Communicative Language Teaching

Content-based Instruction

Task-based Language Teaching

Others ...

Description of the Chosen Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

This method is more easy to make the student understand

Learning Scenario (Steps and Procedures for Each Stage)

Organize steps and activities of the teaching-learning within 10-15 minutes overall. Implement the method(s) you have
selected into the following stages. Choose and use some of the operational verbs.

Stage 1: Pre-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Opening, by salam, reciting quran and others

Stage 2: Whilst Teaching-Learning Activities *

Teacher explained the topic

Stage 3: Post-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Give the conclusion, test and summary

Types of Evaluation/Quizzes *

Multiple Choice Test

Open-ended Questions



References (for the Teaching/Learning Resources)

Textbook, internet


Check again your form of lesson planning before sending it, and send it when completed.

check your e-mail, print this lesson planning, and prepare your presentation for teaching practices

Buat Google Formulir sendiri

Google Formulir <> Sen, 2 Des 2019 pukul 12.28

Terima kasih telah mengisi SIMPLE LESSON PLANNING

Inilah tanggapan Anda:


To prepare your better teaching, please complete the following form for your lesson planning for each topic.

Good luck,
(Lecturer: Dr. Adzanil Prima Septy)

Alamat email *

Name (of Teacher (to be)) *

Anisa Ulfa

ID Number


Teaching-Learning Activities and Scenario 1

Complete the following form to describe the scenario and activities for the topic. Refer to some operational verbs to
formulate the objective and teaching stages.

The operational verbs of Bloom's taxonomy

The topic of English Lesson *

Rumah Baanjuang

School Level (for this topic to teach) *


Summary/Outline for the topic of English Lesson *

Rumah Baanjuang is a Rumah Gadang in the form of a traditional Minangkabau

house. The roof of this house is in the form of buffalo horn which is a characteristic of
Minangkabau. There are some stairs in front of the door of the house. The name
baanjuang itself is taken from the part of the Rumah Gadang “anjuang”. Anjuang is the
right and left sides of the house are more elevated than other parts. This house is the
home of a people led by a datuak whose name is Datuak Sati. The house is located in
Jorong Rambatan Nagari Rambatan Sub-district Rambatan. This house is very close
to the Rambatan market. Beside of this house, there is a stone. On the surface of the
stone, there is a footprint of someone's foot. It is said that these footprints are the
footprints of Datuak Sati who jumped from the tallest anjuang in the left side of this
Rumah Baanjuang is a house for the Datuak Sati people. A good house as a place to
live is explained in the Quran surah Yunus verse 87 which mean make the house a
plave of residence and place of worship and perform prayers.

Objective of Teaching This Topic *

The students are able to identify the unique place in Rambatan

Focused Language Skills and Aspects of This Topic *






Sentence Structures

Pronunciation and Intonations

Styles and Expressions

Genre(s) of Texts

Media Multimedia/Aids *

Digital (audio, video, image)






Description of the Media Multimedia/Aids *

This media using picture, video or others andk its make student understand easily

Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

The Grammar-Translation Method

The Direct Method

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Silent Way


Community Language Learning

Total Physical Response

Communicative Language Teaching

Content-based Instruction
Task-based Language Teaching

Others ...

Description of the Chosen Methods/Strategies/Teaching-Learning Activities *

This method is suitable for reading and vocabulary

Learning Scenario (Steps and Procedures for Each Stage)

Organize steps and activities of the teaching-learning within 10-15 minutes overall. Implement the method(s) you have
selected into the following stages. Choose and use some of the operational verbs.

Stage 1: Pre-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Opening, by salam, reciting al quran, absensi and others

Stage 2: Whilst Teaching-Learning Activities *

The teacher explained the topic of lesson

Stage 3: Post-Teaching/Learning Activities *

Give the conclusion, test, and make a summary

Types of Evaluation/Quizzes *

Multiple Choice Test

Open-ended Questions



References (for the Teaching/Learning Resources)

Textbook, internet


Check again your form of lesson planning before sending it, and send it when completed.

check your e-mail, print this lesson planning, and prepare your presentation for teaching practices

Buat Google Formulir sendiri

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