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Data Interpretation

- Assesses the ability to read and interpret a good amount of data and extract
meaningful information from them

Graphs, charts and tables are used to visually present the relationship of data

Tip: Start out by reading a lot of articles which contain many figures and graphs.


When solving:
1. Read the title of the graph/table carefully.

2. Read each question carefully and understand what is asked.

3. Check for the data in the right place. Double-check the column/row and then
spot the data required. It is easy to get confused and commit careless mistakes
here. Avoid them with practice.

4. If you are reading a graph, make sure you understand what the X and the Y
axes stand for. Also take care to note the units of the data mentioned. Sometimes,
the question can have data scaled as 1:100 or 1:10. Observe all these minute
details and write them down distinctly in the working space for more clarity.

5. Always check the units in the question. Learn the conversion rates beforehand.

6. Also don’t forget to take required information from the footnotes, etc.


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