You are on page 1of 2

if <? format-date: @orderDate; ' DD-MMM-YYYY' ?


<? choose: ?>
<? when: sum(item/price) > 500 ?>
Approval needed.
<? end when ?>
<? otherwise: ?>
OK to submit.
<? end otherwise ?>
<? end choose ?>

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

Total Items: <? count(items/item) ?> (Formerly XML Publisher)
Pocket Guide
<? for-each:items/item ?>
Item <? position() ?>: <? productName ?>
<? end for-each ?>

Item 1 is a <? //items/item[1]/productName ?>.

<? for-each:item ?>

<? sort: @partNum ?>
(<? qty ?>) <? @partNum ?> $<? price ?>
<? end for-each ?>

<? xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX,'myVar',
value) ?>
<? xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'myVar') ?>

<? format-number: ./price; 'L999G999D99' ?>

Oracle BI Publisher
shipTo billTo items

quantity (Refer to the sample XML data in the Purchase Order example)

text="Please rush"

<? street ?>


<? for-each:item ?>

(<? qty ?>) <? @partNum ?> $<? price ?>
<? end for-each ?>

partNumber price

<? sum(item/price) ?>

price item

Order Date: <? orderDate ?>

<? start:body ?>

<? end:body ?>

<? split-by-page-break: ?>

<? for-each:item ?>

<? if: price > 300 ?>
(<? qty ?>) <? @partNum ?> $<? price ?>
tag-name: end tag-name <? end if ?>
<? end for-each ?>

element name="value" element

Copyright 2007 Solution Beacon, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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