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Nanomaterials in
anomaterials constitute an Immunoagglutination. The use of
As particlesize
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emerging subdiscipline in the synthetic microparticles in bioanalysis orig-

I chemical and materials sciences inated in the mid-1950s, with the invention
approaches molecular (1,2). Nanomaterials have numerous com- of latex agglutination tests by Singer and
Downloaded via LA SALLE UNIV on December 12, 2019 at 15:32:27 (UTC).

mercial and technological applications, in- Plotz (7). These simple, ingenious tests
dimensions, all cluding analytical chemistry (3-6); drug use suspended latex microparticles (diame-
delivery; bioencapsulation; and electronic, ter ~1 um) that are chemically derivatized
propertiesofa optical, and mechanical devices. In addi- with a desired antibody. The analyte is an
tion thisfieldposes an important funda-

antigen for this antibody, and this analyte-

material change, mak- mental question how do the electronic, antigen binds to more than one antibody
optical, and magnetic properties of a nano- molecule. In early versions of this test, a
ing nanomaterials scopic particle differ from those of a bulk drop of homogeneous milky-white antibody-
sample of the material? This issue is labeled suspension was applied to a glass
useful for particular of particular importance because all proper- slide and mixed with a drop of the analyte
ties of a material change as the particle size solution. The analyte chemically links
applications. approaches molecular dimensions and be- adjacent latex particles by binding to anti-
cause it is often the unique properties of body sites on these particles resulting in
the nanomaterial that make it useful for a agglutination (or clumping together) of
mrtirnlar annlimtinn the particles into what looks like curdled
This Report deals with exploiting the milk
unique properties of nanomaterials for bio- Latex agglutination tests have been de-
analytical chemistry, bioseparations, and veloped for more than 100 analytes, includ-
bioimaging. Recent advances in analytical ing infectious disease agents and drugs of
applications of colloidal particles will also abuse (6). These tests are portable, simple
be discussed. Finally, the template ap- to use, highly selective, and fast; they can
proach for preparing nanomaterials is de- also be quantitative. For example, ,here are
scribed, and possible applications are re- agglutination assays that relate the intensity
viewed. The objective of this Report is to of light scattered by the agglutinated parti-
introduce analytical chemists to the numer- cles to the concentration of the analyte (6))
ous applications of nanomaterials in chemi- Particles with truly nanoscopic dimen-
cal analysis and to encourage them to con- sions have also been used in tests of this
sider nanomaterials in their own research type, such as the Carter-Wallace home preg-
and development projects nancy test "First Response", which uses con-
ventional micrometer-sized latex particles in
Bioanalysis, bioseparations, conjunction with gold nanoparticles (less
and MRI than 50-nm diameter) (6). Gold nanoparti-
There is no universally agreed upon defini- cles show a characteristic visible absorption
tion of when a small particle qualifies as a band called the plasmon resonance absorp-
nanoparticle. In our research group, we con- tion (8), which makes them pink. The micro-
sider particles with at least one dimension and nanoparticles are derivatized with anti-
C h a r l e s R. M a r t i n (d) < 110 0m as s nanoparticle and particles bodies to human chorionic gonadotrophin, a
David T . M i t c h e l l with dimensions in the range of 100 nm hormone released by pregnant women.
Colorado State University < d < —11 um as microparticlese When mixed with a urine sample containing

322 A Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1998

Analytical Chemistry
Colorimetric DNA detection. The
plasmon resonance absorption of colloidal
gold particles has recently been exploited in
a proposed DNA-detection method (10).
Mirkin and co-workers attached 13-nm-
diameter gold nanoparticles to single-stranded
oligonucleotides. The plasmon resonance
absorbance for these particles has a maxi-
mum at 520 nm, and the particles appear
red. When a linking ollgonucleotide was
added, the gold nanoparticles agglutinated,
and the color changed from red to purple.
To attach the single-stranded oligo-
nucleotides to the gold nanoparticles, a
gold sol was stirred with a solution of ter-
minally thiolated, 28 base-pair DNA. The
first 13 nucleotides served as a spacer from
the nanoparticle surface; the last 15 were
the recognition element for the target. Two
different recognition-element sequences
were used. It is important to note that
many oligomers were attached to each
gold particle (10).
The target DNA was a 30 base-pair
strand, the first 15 bases of which are com-
plementary to thefirstrecognition element,
and the remaining 15 complementary to
this hormone, the micro- and nanoparticles tination in the presence of urine albumin the second recognition element. When the
are coagglutinated and the resulting clumps was detected by measuring the change in target DNA was added to the modified col-
are colored pink. absorbance caused by light scattering at loidal suspension, the target linked the in-
This example uses the gold nanoparti- 340 nm (9)) dividual colloid particles into a polymeric
cle as the indicator in a conventional micro- Using nanoparticles in such assays network.
particle-based agglutination test. In addi- offers several potential advantages. For Because the nanoparticles were now
tion, nanoparticles have been used as re- example, suspensions of nanoparticles do much closer together, the plasmon reso-
placements for micrometer-sized particles not appreciably scatter visible light (6), nance band shifted, and the color changed.
(4,6,9). For example, Medcalf et al. have which means that the background signal Although this detection method had not
developed an immunoturbidimetric assay in a turbidimetric assay is lower than in yet been optimized, the detection limit was
for urine albumin, an indicator of kidney tests that use milky-white suspensions of 10 fmol for the target oligonucleotide. An
problems. Poly(vinylnaphthalene) particles the microparticles (4). This results in additional benefit of this particular method
(40-nm diameter) were coated with an lower detection limits (9). In addition, is that it allows visual detection, especially
outer layer of a chloromethylstyrene poly- nanoparticles form more stable suspen- if the sample is developed on a solid sup-
mer which was used to immobilize an anti- sions and are therefore less susceptible to port such as a reversed-phase silica TLC
body raised against human albumin. Agglu- self-agglomeration (4 9). plate (10).

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1998 323 A


Superparamagnetic nanoparti larger microparticles. In the simplest (di- cated, nanoparticles do not affect the extent
cles The basic concept in magnetic bio- rect) method, the microparticles are coated of light scattering by the cell solution. The
separations is to selectively bind the bioma- with a monoclonal antibody for a cell- disadvantage of this approach is small mag-
terial of interest (e.g., a specific cell, pro- surface antigen. The antibody-tagged, su- netic moments of individual nanoparticles;
tein, or DNA sequence) to a magnetic perparamagnetic microparticles are then however, this problem can be overcome by
particle and then separate it from its sur- incubated with a solution containing the using a high-gradient magnetic field (12).
rounding matrix using a magnetic field. cells of interest. The microparticles bind to MRI contrast agents. Superpara-
Nanoparticles of Fe304 with diameters die surfaces of die desired cells, and these magnetic Fe304 nanoparticles are also use-
in the 5-100 nm range are typically used cells can then be collected in a magnetic ful as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
for such separations. These particles are field (13). Methods of this type have been contrast agents (14). MRI is essentially
"superparamagnetic", meaning that they used to isolate or remove numerous cell proton NMR done on tissue. Protons are
are attracted to a magnetic field but retain types, including lymphocytes (cells that excited with short pulses of radio fre-
no residual magnetism after the field is control immune response) and tumor cells. quency radiation; the free induction decay
removed (11). Therefore, suspended su- In addition to loading microparticles with as they relax is measured and deconvo-
perparamagnetic particles tagged to the superparamagnetic nanoparticles other luted by means of a Fourier transform,
biomaterial of interest can be removed examples of tagging the desired biomate- which provides an image of the tissue that
from a matrix using a magnetic field, but rial with individuai nanoDarticles have been corresponds to proton density. Areas of
they do not agglomerate (i.e., they stay reported (12) (Figure 1) high proton density, usually in the form of
suspended) after removal of the field. This approach has numerous advan- water or lipid molecules, have a strong sig-
A common use of superparamagnetic tages. Whereas bound microparticles can 113.l 3X1 d 3-DDetir bright Areas of bone
nanoparticles is for immunospecific cell affect the viability of the selected cells, nano- tendon which have a low proton density
separations (11-13). Typically, the nano- particles supposedly do not affect cell via- because of the lack of water and lipids
particles are dispersed within the pores of bility (12). In addition, as previously indi- have a weak signal and aDDear dark
Traditionally, a major limitation of MRI
has been its inability to distinguish differ-
ences in soft tissue types (e.g., healthy
parts of the liver from diseased lesions), as
the relative proton densities can be very
similar. Other regions, such as the bowel,
are hard to image because air pockets and
fecal matter make the proton density incon-
sistent (15). Various contrast agents have
been developed to circumvent these imag-
ing problems.
Contrast agents work by changing the
strength of the MRI signal at a desired lo-
cation. For example, superparamagnetic
contrast agents change the rate at which
protons decay from their excited state to
the ground state, allowing more effective
decay through energy transfer to a neigh-
boring nucleus. As a result, regions con-
taining the superparamagnetic contrast
agent appear darker in an MRI than re-
gions without the agent. For instance,
when superparamagnetic nanoparticles are
delivered to the liver, healthy liver cells can
uptake the particles; diseased cells cannot.
Consequently the healthy regions are
darkened although the diseased regions
remain bright (16)
Figure 1 . Schematic representation of cell separation using antibody-bound Superparamagnetic particles have many
superparamagnetic nanoparticles.
advantages over other contrast agents. Un-
(a) Attachment of nanoparticles to desired cell via binding to the cell-surface antigen, (b) Separation of
nanoparticle-bound cells from unwanted cells using a column containing steel wool placed in a like agents such as perfluorochemicals,
magnetic field. (Adapted with permission from Ref. 12.) oils, and fats, superparamagnetic particles

324 A Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1998

structures they stain; thus, such particles intercolloid distance increases, causing a red
provide high resolution. Because the nano­ shift in the refraction maxima or color of the
particles are gold, which has a high back- CCA For example, a temperature-induced
scatter coefficient, they appear bright in a color change could be obtained by using a
scanning electron microscope image. In con­ temperature-sensitive hydrogel as the CCA
trast, the high density of gold makes them matrix (22) (Figure 2))
appear dark in a transmission electron mi­ More recently Asher and Holtz have
croscope image. Site-specific staining is ob­ applied the same swellable CCA design to
tained by labeling the nanogold particles chemical sensors. One such sensor used
with antibodies directed against a protein in crown ethers in the hydrogel, which bound
the region of interest. Antibody-labeled gold lead ions. The localized charge created by
nanoparticles are commercially available, the bound lead ions increased osmotic
and unlabeled gold nanoparticles can also be pressure and caused the gel to swell and
purchased and labeled with a specific anti­ the CCA to change color. A glucose-
Figure 2. Temperature tuning of Bragg body by the investigator. responsive gel was also prepared. In this
diffraction from a 125-μm-thick case, glucose oxidase was attached to the
polymerized CCA film of 99-nm
Direct adsorption of proteins, such as
polystyrene spheres embedded in a enzymes, onto bulk metal surfaces fre­ gel and the anionic reduced flavin that re­
poly(M-isopropylacrylamide) gel. quently results in denaturation of the pro­ sulted from oxidation of glucose caused the
The shift of the diffraction wavelength results tein and loss of bioactivity. In contrast, swelling and color change. This
from the temperature-induced volume change of when such proteins are adsorbed to metal could detect concentrations of glucose as
the gel, which alters the lattice spacing. Spectra Iowasl0 M (23)
were recorded in a UV-vis/near-IR spectropho­ nanoparticles, bioactivity is often retained
tometer with the sample placed normal to the (20), such as when antibody-labeled nano­ Surfaced-enhanced Raman spectros­
incident light beam. The inset shows the temper­ particles are used as electron microscopy
ature dependence of the diffracted wavelength
copy (SERS) uses roughened metal sur­
for the polymerized CCA film when the incident stains, as discussed earlier. In another ex­ faces to enhance the Raman scattering of
light is normal to the (110) plane of the lattice. ample, Crumbliss and co-workers found surface-adsorbed molecules, which can be
(Adapted with permission from Ref. 22.) that they could adsorb redox enzymes to as much as 106 over the molecule's native
colloidal gold with no loss of enzymatic Raman scattering in solution. An impedi­
are miscible with aqueous systems, which activity The enzyme-covered nanoparticles ment to using SERS as an analytical tech­
means they can mix with material in the were then electrodeposited onto platinum nique is the difficulty in reproducibly and
bowel and be used in small volumes. Im­ gauze or glassv carbon to make enzyme uniformly controlling surface roughness.
miscible agents must be used in sufficient electrodes (20) Several research groups have used self-
quantity to displace intestinal matter (15). In addition, Natan and co-workers found assembled monolayers of metal nanoparti­
This miscibility also allows them to be used that cytochrome c retained reversible cy­ cles as substrates for SERS. For example
intravenously. Compared with other mag­ clic voltammetry when deposited onto Natan's group has studied SERS surfaces
netic contrast agents (e.g., gadolinium che­ 12-nm-diameter gold particles attached to a prepared by self-assembling gold and silver
lates), they are much more potent [as conductive substrate. In contrast, if the nanoparticles on glass and other sub­
much as 50 times more effective per mole cytochrome c was deposited on larger sur­ strates The degree of roughness of these
(16)]. Another advantage is that the parti­ face features (aggregates of the gold nano­ surfaces is tunable bv varying the diameter
cles do not pass the blood-brain barrier; particles), the cyclic voltammetry became of the nanoparticles Such surfaces have
thus, they are well suited for tracking quasireversible or irreversible, indicating shown a high HPPTPP of reproducibilitv
blood flow in the brain (17). A novel use of denaturation of the protein (21). These tinth for
these nanoparticles is tracking cells in vivo. results demonstrate another unique feature different single sur­
Yeh and colleagues labeled ratT-cells with of metal nanoparticles biocompatibility. face and for different but identically pre
superparamagnetic Fe 3 0 4 nanoparticles , sl]rfaces rod)
The repulsive electrostatic forces that
and inflamed the rat's testicles which at­ keep colloidal particles from aggregating
tracted the particle-attached T-cells and also cause them to form crystalline colloi­
caused a decrease in the MRI signal from dal arrays (CCAs) when concentrated in a
the testicles (18) very low ionic strength liquid (22). The
periodicity of such CCAs is in the 100-
Other applications 1000 nm range, so that the arrays refract
Nanogold particles have been used exten­ light in the visible region and thus appear
sively as specific staining agents in biological colored. Asher and co-workers found that
electron microscopy (19). The small sizes of the periodicity of polystyrene CCAs can be
these particles (diameters as small as 1.4 nm) varied after incorporating them into a
allow them to be physically close to the swellable polymer gel. As the gel swells, ,he Figure 3. Schematic of a NEE.

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, May 1, 1998 325 A


Template-synthesized than at a conventional gold macroscopic template membrane can be obtained. Gas
nanomaterials electrode disk, resulting in a detection limit flux data suggest that these tubules can
Our group and others have been exploring that can be orders of magnitude lower (3). have inside diameters of molecular dimen-
a method we call "template synthesis" for To understand this dramatic improve- sions < 1 nm) (29). We have recently
preparing nanomaterials (2,25). This ment in detection limits, it is important to shown that these gold nanotubule mem-
method entails synthesizing the desired consider the nature of the background branes can be cation permselective, anion
material within the pores of a membrane or and analytical signals at the NEE. The permselective, or nonpermselective, de-
other solid. The membranes used have predominant background signal in an pending on the potential applied to them
cylindrical pores of uniform diameter. In electroanalytical experiment is the dou- (30) (Figure 4). This is unique to these
essence, we view each of these pores as a ble-layer charging current. Double-layer membranes because the nanotubules are
beaker in which a particle of the desired charging occurs only at the gold surfaces. metal. Because of this switchability, these
material is synthesized. Because of the cy- Because only a small fraction (e.g., 0.1%) membranes can be viewed as universal ion
lindrical shape of these pores a nanocylin- of the NEE surface is gold, the double- exchangers.
der of the desired material is obtained layer charging currents can be orders of Nanotubule membranes also have appli-
within each pore magnitude lower than at a conventional cations in chemical and bioseparations. For
Depending on the material and the chem- gold macrodisk electrode of the same example, we have shown that the inside
istry of the pore wall, this nanocylinder may geometric area (Figure 3) tubule diameter can be decreased until the
be solid (a fibril or nanowire) or hollow (a The analytical signal is the faradaic cur- tubule is just large enough to accommo-
tubule). This is an extremely general rent associated with electrolysis of the ana- date a small molecule but too small to ac-
method for preparing nanomaterials. Nanofi- lyte molecule at the surface of the elec- commodate a big molecule. Hence, these
bers and nanotubules composed of metals, trode. For our NEEs, this signal can be nanotubule membranes allow for "molecu-
polymers, semiconductors, carbons, and identical to the current obtained at a mac- lar filtration", where molecules are sepa-
Ii+-intercalation materials have been pre- rodisk electrode of the same geometric rated in a simple filtration-type experiment
pared (2). Nearly any chemical synthetic area, where the entire surface is gold (3). on the basis of molecular size (29).
method used to prepare bulk material can be Hence, the faradaic current (analytical sig- Template-synthesized nanotubules can
adapted so that the synthesis occurs within nal) at the NEE can be the same as at the be prepared as high-density ensembles, in
the pores of such membranes. conventional gold macrodisk electrode, but which the tubes protrude from a substrate
One application entails preparing nano- the background current is up to 3 orders of surface like the bristles of a brush. Such
scopic electrodes. We have shown that an magnitude lower. The S/B is dramatically brushlike ensembles can have high surface
electroless plating method can be used to higher thus providing lower detection lim- area, which could be useful in enzyme im-
prepare ensembles of gold nanodisk elec- its at the NEE mobilization (31). To explore this point, we
trodes with a disk diameter as small as Numerous other groups are also study- prepared brushlike ensembles of enzyme-
10 nm. Such nanoelectrode ensembles ing the fundamentals of electrochemistry loaded polypyrrole tubules. Using glucose
(NEEs) have potential applications in elec- and electron-transfer processes at nano- oxidase as the enzyme we found the glu-
troanalytical chemistry because the signal- scopic electrodes and nanometal particles. cose-oxidation rate to be seven times faster
to-background ratio (S/B) observed at the For example, Fan and Bard have recently for the template-synthesized bioreactor
NEE can be orders of magnitude higher shown coulombic staircase response using than for a more conventional thin-film de-
electrodes of nanometer dimensions (26). sign using the components (37*) We
Murray et al. have also demonstrated cou- are currently attempting to develop biosen-
lombic staircase response by probing a sors based on this concept
single gold nanoparticle with a scanning Nanomaterials have unique chemical
tunneling microscope tip or studying a and physical properties that offer important
highly monodisperse collection of such possibilities for analytical chemistry. This
particles with a microelectrode (27) Other field is in its infancy, and many new oppor-
analytical aDDlications of nanometer-sized tunities for nanomaterials will arise in the
electrodes include Men-resolution electro- coming decades.
chemical imaging and sinffle-molecule
detection (28)
Aspects of this work have been supported by the
The NEEs discussed above were ob- Office of Naval Research, the Department of En-
tained by electroless plating of gold within ergy, and the National Science Foundation.
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(20) Crumbliss, A. L. et al. Biotechnol. Bioeng. • Kinetics and Catalysis • Materials and Interfaces
(21) Brown, K. R; Fox, A P.; Natan, M. J./. Am. • General Research • Process Design and Control
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(22) Weissman, J. M.; Sunkara, H. B.; Tse, A. ..;
Asher, S. A Science e996,274,959-^0. As an Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research subscriber, you'll also get the
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1629-32. NEW! Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Web Ediiton. Search current
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1791-93. without sacrificing critical shelf space. View a sample issue, Frequently Asked
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(28) Fan, F. F.; Bard, A J. Science 1995,267, 1998 S U B S C R I P T I O N RATES
871-74. ^rint/Web Edition
(29) Jirage, K. B.; Hulteen, J. C; Martin, C. R Print Web Edition Combination
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