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Name:_____________________________________ Period:_____ Date: ________________

TEKS: 113.20.b.4.d

The Great Compromise


1. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a convention to originally ________ the ______________ of

2. The Great Compromise is over the biggest word of them all and that is _______________.

3. _______ states vs. ________ states.

4. Federalism is the ___________ that we gave the _____________. That power is always divided between the ________
and ____________.

5. What we decide in the __________ __________ is : How do I represent the states & the federal government so we
have one country.

6. 2 viewpoints: _________ & ___________ plans.

7. __________ _____ believed that we needed a two house Congress based on _______ therefore giving large states a
_______ voice.

8. __________ _______ believed that each state should have ____ vote __________ ______________ because we’re a
union of states.

9. Both plans _______ which leads to the Great Compromise.

10. The Great Compromise is founded by ______ __________. It is a ______ between the Virginia Plan and the New
Jersey Plan.

11. The GC determined we would have an upper house, the _______, where the states will get ______________
representation. Lower house is ________ by the people ________ to the population of those states.

12. The Virginia Plan and New Jersey plan come together to create the ___.____. ______________.

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