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Blankinship 1

Tracy Blankinship

Prof. Kane

English 115 TTh2

30 August 2019

Progression exercise #1.2

According to Bharati Mukherjee's article, the two ways immigrants can belong to

America seem to be conforming or maintaining your cultural identity. Both sisters have different

perspectives on how to belong in America. Although a lot of people may believe that the ways to

belong in America are only as a citizen or as illegal immigrants. However, I believe this store

goes in more depth than just that. I believe that Bharati Mukherjee is explaining that the two

ways to belong in America are to conform and become ‘American’ or to maintain your cultural

identity by true to there culture and merely living in America. Whereas Mira believed you must

maintain your cultural identity while in America completely Bjarati believes that you can have a

cultural identity outside of a person’s place of origin.

Bharati Mukherjee’s sister Mari believes that while in America she should remain true to

her culture. She believes that her opinions shouldn’t be swayed by the ideas of Americans. She

wants to live there, but not necessarily participate in American norms and ideals. This is why she

gets upset over that as an immigrant she would be targeted by the United States Government.

She believes she did enough for the United States by abiding laws, paying taxes and using her

skills in the American school system. Mira doesn’t think it’s fair that to belong in American

society, one must conform. This is especially true for immigrants who need to give up who they
Blankinship 2

are almost complete in order to be ‘accepted’. She doesn’t belive she should have to lose her

cultural identity in order to live in America.

Compared to Mira, Bharati has an almost completely opposite perception of immigration.

Bharati believes that while in America an immigrant could become their own person. She

believes that it’s okay to meld their cultural identities. She doesn’t see it as a bad thing to have a

mixed culture. She seems to really like the idea of being herself and being unique. It’s the same

reason she finds it to be a compliment when people use the word "mongrelization" to describe

her books. She likes that her life and her books are her own. She self-invented herself by mixing

her identity as an immigrant and her identity as being from India. Unlike her sister, she is

accepting of change whereas her sister seems to be a bit closeminded and afraid of losing her


All Immigrants have different stories. In this article Bharati Mukherjee an immigrant

from Indian explains her and her sister's side and perspective of immigration. Immigration is not

only about being illegal and legally documented it is about how you view culture. It is if you are

willing to give up a part of yourself in order to fit into American society. although every

Immigrant has different perspectives and hardships faced, I believe the feeling of losing your

culture is universal.

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