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BA Achievement Process

Step 1 - Define achievable Target. 1-5 on 1 - 10 difficulty scale

1.) write down goal <end result you are looking for> with time frame.

By ___<date> I will ____

This month I will ____

2) React to it.
notice feelings, ideas, MEMORIES, fears, enthusiasms that come up in respone
to it.

3) Write a description of that memory or imaginary scene. This can be like a


Imagine yourself achieving the results and performing the tasks you want.
If what pops up in your mind is an idea such as "achieving my best income month
imagine what that would be like, and write a description.

If you are solving a problem, imagine what that would be like, and write a

4) Check that it involves ONLY your own actions, skills, and perceptions.

This means you are proactive, doing a specific thing, to produce a specific

Rewrite until your description meets this criteria.

5) Rate how desirable your imaginary scene is to you. 1 = undesirable 10 = highly

If less than 10, read through your description, and mark any word or groups
of words that
makes it less than perfectly desirable.

Rewrite what you have marked, until your target becomes a 10 in desirability.

6) Test for a False 10.

Is it realistic? Is it too good to be true? check your feelings.

On some level do you have a nagging feeling that something is wrong, or that its
not right for you?

If so, go back and re-read your description. Mark any words that keep you a
true 10.
Rewrite what you have marked, until the false 10 feelings disappear.
Keep this up, until you have NOT the smallest reservation.

7) Rate how difficult it would normally be for you to produce this result.
1 = easy / automatic 10) = impossible.

8) Take out some insurance. at end of target insert

"Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and the
highest good of everyone else involved."
Or "please make this or something better happen in ways that are for the
highest good of me and of all concerned."

############# STEP 2 Prioritize #############################################

Step #2 -- Prioritize your target -- via repitition

Initially repeat it 100 times in writing by hand,

AND Repeat it 100 times verbally (OR 500 times verbally in liue of writing)

each time imagine and experience what target describes. Creating a movie in
your head.
If aloud, make sure noone can hear you.

AND install with VAKS, Psych-K both, and Yuen

Daily Repeat 25 times verbally, and 3 daily written repititions.

REH version (AND install with VAKS, Psych-K, TAT, and Yuen)

If you notice blockers, make a note of them, and keep reading.

If you are inspired to change it, complete the 100, then change and re-
Any resistance is a message.

If a 10, you should be eager to do whatever it takes. If it isn't a 10, re-

write until it is.

################# STEP 3 ###############################

Resolve Unconscious Conflicts

How do you feel about target? Is it still a 10?

any feedback or signs of conflict. Blockers = disharmony within you.

body aches
difficult focusing 0r understanding
feeling something wrong
loss of energy

signs of cooperation
wellbeing, contentment, eagerness, enthusiasm, joy, loving, happiness,
clarity, understanding

conflict arises when conscious desire mismatches unconscious habit patterns.

unconscoius confuses rejection with threat to survival --- learned in infancy

**** Rewrite objective to be more acceptable to all parts of you.

I will have done whatever is necessary, legal, and appropriate in order to


Basic Clearing Process.

1. write description of intention.

2. Be alert for any uncomfortalbe feelings.
3. read over description alert for words or phrases that trigger the
4. re-write the words or phrases until there is no conflict.
5. Ask unconscoius mind to keep coming more alternatives.
6. when you reach a point where both conscoius and unconscious needs are
met, can get great results.

Did you find any Blockers while prioritizing your target?

1. Identify one of the blockers that seems strong.

body aches
difficult focusing 0r understanding
feeling something wrong
loss of energy

2. Read through target, try to spot exact point where signs of the blocker

3. circle or underline the words or phrases the indicate stress.

4. Edit the words or phrases you have marked until you feel the blockers

5. repeat until you have eliminated all blockers.

6. Re-prioritize

OR if stronger blocker
use Base Reframing, or SA Clearing, or Sub-Personality Negotiation

classic reframing --- feel about, but, stops, what would happen if
parts integration
timeline Therapy
Tail Enders
Feel about and Advantages / Disadvantages and Clean Up --> sedona / EFT
Creating a Primary
Core Transformation
Collapse Anchors
Chaining Anchoring
Context or Meaning Reframing
Landmark & New Model of Communication

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