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List of asans for u to do.........

do them all 3 rounds each time maintain long and deep breadths
9-12 & if possible more.1 hr yoga everyday morning before and after 30 mins of eating or drink-
ing anything in the morning other than a glass of warm water. Your health is your wealth. Then
after ur asans u eat the turmeric then have bath then breakfast u r ready for the day by 8, if u feel
tired sleep for 30 mins in the afternoon. Remember to place your tongue behind top teeth.


Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale (right leg back)

ॐ मित्राय नमः ॐ रवये नमः ॐ सूर्याय नमः ॐ भानवे नमः
(who is affectionate to all) (who is the cause for change) (who induces activity) (who diffuses Light)

Exhale (press chin to throat) Hold (don’t move hand from place) Inhale (don’t move hand from place)
ॐ खगाय नमः ॐ पूष्णे नमः ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः
(who moves in the sky) (who nourishes all) (who contains everything)

Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale

ॐ मरीचये नमः ॐ आदित्याय नमः ॐ सवित्रे नमः ॐ अर्काय नमः ॐ अर्काय नमः
(who possesses rays) (who is God of gods) (who produces (who is fit to be (who is the
everything) worshipped) cause of lustre)

Inhale Exhale as you lower leg to right. Stay for 5 seconds.

Inhale as you bring leg up Exhale as you lower your leg left



Exhale as you reach for your toe Exhale

Look at your toe & lengthen
spine with every breath.

Lift leg as high as possible Lift upper body, stretch hand & try to reach toes
Exhale Breathe normally

Alternate both hands and legs Breathe in and lift. Exhale and bring down.
Fold other hand.
Inhale as you life


Tuck Hands in, palm facing up Inhale & Lift leg, Exhale and bring down



Left hand over right hand.


Feet hip width apart

Inhale as you go up Ehale as you come back to original position

Breathe normally


Inhale and Lift your body up.

Hold and breathe.
Exhale and bring back to 2 & 1

Look up and stretch your spine up and chest out with hands on hips.
Then below :

Exhale and bend forward. Stay in the pose and breathe normally.

Stretch hands up and then lift off ground.

1. Stand erect feet together, inhale 3 seconds, raise arms above head, tilt slightly backwards,
knees straight.

2. Exhaling 3 seconds, bend forward, hold ankles with hands head facing downwards (do not
bend the knees).
3. Maintain position and suspend breath 6 seconds.
4. Inhaling 3 seconds, return to starting position.
Concentrate on throat chakra while doing this

Inhale as you raise and Inhale as you come out of the pose.



Inhale as you raise your arms up & Straighten your spine.

Stay in this pose for as long as you can and breathe normally.
Althernate version :
Marjari Asana
adho mukha svanasana

Keep fingers open. Inhale & lift knee & heel. Exhale & press shoulder in

Inhale, straighten leg. Exhale and stay in Asan.

5-10 breaths.

setu bandha sarvangasana

Exhale while getting in and out of the pose. Press your buttocks and press chin in.


And last sit at gorakhshasan with jal mudra.last 10 mins. Do these everyday for 1hr be-
tween each asan just rest to catch your breadth and when u start with them in a week u will fig-
ure out the cycle in which you wana do them. Good luck podu lets start full concentration yoga
from now.

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