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Shaun Thielen

Professor Kane

English 115 F

12 December 2019

Cover Letter

Narrator​: In College campuses, every new school year brings a wave of new opportunities in

the form of freshman students filled with new ideas and from a variety of backgrounds. There is

a looming anxiety and excitement that fills the campus as the first semester winds to a close.

Here is the experience of two freshmen students that have their own exciting experience at

CSUN college.

John:​ Hey Matt, it’s been a while since I have seen you, how’s your final preparation been?

Matt​: It’s been crazy John, I have been at my work for the past 3 weeks racking up hours and

having to crunch in my school schedule, but it was all worth it since I was able to get some nice

shoes and a switch during the Black Friday sales. Now my finals are about half-way done and I

get to just focus on my english class.

John​: Oh, don’t even get me started on my English, that’s my first final and probably the one I

am least confident in.

Matt​: Really? But I mean you were fine in high school english what happened now?

John​: Well it all started with the first essay *flashback memory* I was falling behind on a

whole bunch of assignments so I ended up working until around 3am on the assignment. *falling

asleep at the desk* *back to present*

Matt​: Well, that was a smart move! What were you thinking?
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John​: To be fair I had already worked on all of my sources earlier but the actual analyzing and

intro was the main thing I was doing that night.

Matt​: But how did it turn out?

John​: Well it was in on time and I got a lot of great feedback on the weaknesses of my intro’s

lead in and how some of my quotes were strong but lacked enough explanation to really drive

home the point. Luckily we did a revision on it so I was able to correct a lot of the issues that I

didn’t do well.

Matt​: I get it, because writing is a whole process you were able to bounce back on a lot of the

mistakes you made, but what did you actually do right?

John​: Well, most of my points actually followed the thesis that I used and make a direct

connection, so the relevance of my information was valid. Plus my thesis itself was fairly

straightforward and didn’t try to prove something that was too general or out of proportion.

Matt​: Wow that’s pretty good for the first step. But what if you could go back in time and tell

yourself something how to do better.

John​: That would be awesome, but I would probably have a lot of advice to give.

Matt​: Well it just so happens that I have a time machine ready to go!

John​: I don’t believe you for a second.

Matt​: You are right I was just joking, but I still do have something I have been working on.

John​: Fine, what do you have?

Matt​: How about a kind of time capsule.

John​: You mean like the one that gets buried and then dug up 50 years later?

Matt​: Yeah like that but through an email and it can be shortened to 3 years.
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John​: Ok, so I just write an email to myself and it gets saved in a time capsule to send in 3 years.

Matt​: Exactly!

John​: I guess I can give it a shot!

Matt​: Alright just let me know when you finish, I’ll see you tomorrow.

John​: Bye!

*John walks to his desk in the dorm*

John​(in his head): Alright, so in 3 years, it will be my senior year here at CSUN. Oh I know

what I could write!

*types for a few minutes*

John​(in his head): So I’ve covered how difficult it has been in english 115; writing the essays

and keeping up on reading, answering the discussion questions, and revising the essay. Now, I

have to add about the work on the essay for the senior project needing to follow a general to

specific intro followed by more analysis on each of the quotes. Also, put some quality time into

the conclusion, it is what the writer is given as a last impression so make it stand out with points

that people agree with and connect to.

*clicks send on email with the letter as an attachment*

*The next day*

*a friend walks up to John*

Allan​: Hey John, I didn’t know you go here.

John​: Hey Allan, aren’t you still in high school?

Allan​: Yeah, it’s my senior year so I am going to different schools to check out the campuses.

John​: Smart, is CSUN high on the list?

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Allan​: It is the most convenient for me if I stay home so this is probably where I am going. How

are the classes here, has it been difficult.

John​: I think it is pretty similar style to high school class wise but there is a lot of free time so it

is nice to not have to be spending the entire time stuck in classes. My english class has been an

interesting case, I really like the once a week timing but it is hard to remember to finish the

assignments before the time is up. If you really focus in class, the reviewing is great and he goes

over a lot of key terms that I have forgotten about.

Allan​: Good to know, hopefully I will see you next year if I end up coming here.

John​: Absolutely, finish off senior year strong!


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