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International Investigation Assignment

I chose Italy because of its rich culture and popularity amongst food lovers. We can find Italian
food almost everywhere nowadays. Who hasn’t heard of Pizza? Pizza is Italian. Spaghetti and
Lasagna are also Italian foods that are just as popular. Italian food isn’t always rice or wheat
based. Due to the enormous Italian coastline, there is no shortage of seafood. Although Italian
food is popular, many of us aren’t familiar with the ways of the Italians. The way they prepare
their dinner tables, their etiquette, etc. I will try to paint a clear picture of Italian dinner
etiquette for you.

Formal Italian meals have a step-by-step process. Italians usually start off with an appetizer
(antipasto) such as fruit or prosciutto before they serve soup. The main dish is usually in the
middle of the process that ends with dessert and drinks. Make sure you don’t start eating until
the host says “buon appetito!”. Italy is also known for its wine. Many times, Italians serve a
variety of different wines, starting with the one that tastes best so you can truly taste its
flavour. The Italian dinner table setup is not much different from other Western countries.
Utensils such as forks and spoons are used and are never switched between hands. Italians
don’t use butter with their bread, so you probably won’t be seeing any butter knives. Elbows
are never placed on the table. If at any time you place your utensils on the plate, it means you
have finished. If you place your utensils on the side of the plate, it means you’re still not done
eating. If you choose to pass the goods at the dinner table, you’ll pass the plate(s) to the left.
When it comes to seating, the most important guest sits next to the host. Business decisions are
usually not made during dinner, but that largely depends on the relations you have with
whomever you’re eating with. If you’re eating out, the person who invites you for dinner
usually pays the bills (a 10% tip is usually sufficient to the help in case you’re the one inviting
guests to dinner).
Lasagna with wine

There are beautiful (and VERY expensive) cutlery sets made in Italy. Some are made with gold,
some with silver, and there are some that are made with both. Of course, this isn’t the “norm”
in Italy, but the Italians are also known for their style and elegance, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.
I decided to set up an Italian dinner for a few of my guests. I chose to serve Lasagna as the main
course. I also prepared salads, fresh bread (without butter), and Cannoli for dessert. I notified
my guests that we will start eating after I say “buon appetito!”.

Italian Lasagna

My Italian dinner was pretty much the exact opposite of the Turkish dinner I set up a few days
ago. Instead of eating on the ground, we ate on a table. We each had our own plates and did
not use a tray. We used forks and spoons rather than eating with our hands and used a
completely different language.

Some of the Italian etiquette rules to follow:

Don’t eat until the host says “buon appetito”.

Don’t place your elbows on the dinner table.

Dishes are always passed to the left.

Elements that I had to add to my dinner party include:

Using utensils (without a butter knife).

Serving an appetizer and a salad before the main meal.

My most important guest was the one I chose to sit next to me.


[1] The Etiquette Scholar. Etiquette

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