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Irene Arias November 28,2019

English 101 Professor Ferrara

Darlin View and Response

Many people come to this country to start a new life and have opportunities that aren’t

available to them in other countries. In this country immigration and deportation are two

important issues that are happening right now. Families have been trapped in detention centers

and been treated badly by being separated from each other for months. In this documentary we

hear a story about a woman who is facing some problems while trying to be apart of this country.

Some people believe that the immigration process should be simpler. Other people think

immigration shouldn’t be an option at all. What is your opinion?

This documentary is about a woman named Darlin who is from Honduras. She had to

move away from Honduras because they threated to kill her family because they were darker

than the other Honduran people. She tried to cross over with her son and husband, and they

ended up in a detention center apart from each other. She was able to get out of the detention

center but was still missing her husband and son. She eventually found her son but was missing

her husband for a few more months. He was starting to give up and told her that he couldn’t do it

anymore and was going to go back to Honduras. At the end of the documentary, he ended up

finally being with his family. This documentary showed that it is a very long process to get to

this country and is stressful for them. Families get separated including the children which makes

it unsafe. Families should be together and that is something that should change.
While watching this documentary a few things came to my mind. I was

wondering why our country makes it hard for someone to come and be a resident in this country

when they are just trying to better themselves and family. I understand horrible things happened

here, but it also happens in other countries and their policies are different and seem more simpler

than ours. Families shouldn’t be punished and separated from each other just because they were

trying to have the opportunities we have. It is something that should be changed immediately

because it is unfair. They are not a threat to this country, and they shouldn’t be treated differently

than us. Yes, there should be a type of safety inspection if needed but it shouldn’t be a long

process that takes months. Change needs to happen immediately.

A few months ago, I was reading articles and hearing the news on how the detention

centers were treating immigrates. According to those articles, they stated that they were treated

horrible. They were living in cages that looked like prison cells packed with other people. There

was no space at all. Some people even died while being in there for months because they

eventually got really sick. They are not being taken care of and I understand they came here

illegally but they are still human. They shouldn’t be treated like monsters. What else must

happen in order for the rest of the country to realize that this is wrong. Will this ever change?

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