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Analisis Puisi (Unsur Intrinsik dan Unsur Ekstrinsik)

Again, Meet Him?

By : Yusmita Febriana Y.

Should I meet him again?

While I realize, I fall…
I can’t be anything
Suddenly, I have got nothing

Let me scream, scare second time

No one knows, I am alone
His smile hurt me
His heart is a dark in my life
The good thing become bad, as me in the future back to the past

Should I meet him?

When ice hug fire close
And my heart as rose
I think of fact but he gives fake

Should I meet him?

While I know
Every single day is tears

And god choose

Death better than knowing him

1. Type : Ballad (describe sad feelings and scare to meet someone that just want to hurt
2. Kind : this poem has 5 stanza that explain point of this poem.
3. Sort : big question to meet someone again.


1. Unsur Intrinsik
v Tema : Romance, a question give to someone that hurts the subject “I” in poem.
v Tipografi : this poem has stanza and couplet level and complete with romance words, the purpose
is to make poem interesting to share the point of this poem.
v Amanat : if someone comes to your life, you must ready for two things, first happiness and
secondly sadness.
v Nada : writer’s character is worry and asking in this poem, writer invite reader to
know something called “mistake” (knowing someone and comes just to hurt the subject “I”).
v Rasa : sad feelings that writer tell to reader, of course touch the reader feelings.
v Perasaan : writer show tears, sad feelings.
v Enjambemen : While I know
Every single day is tears
v Kata konkret : imagination is point to create a poem. So writer imagine words that has meaning
v Diksi : rose, tears, dark, fake, death, hurt, scare, scream, heart, hug, hurt.
v Kulirik : the word “I” in poem.
v Rima : repetition of sound (initial).
His smile hurt me

His heart is a dark in my life

v Verifikasi : the same of sound (final).

When ice hug fire close
And my heart as rose
v Majas : the way to explain writer’s thought, in this poem writer use majas in word ”as”.
v Citraan : effect of things that give meaning. Writer create this poem with image like
word fire or ice that writer saw when create this poem.

2. Unsur Ekstrinsik
v Unsur biografi : Yusmita Febriana Y. was born in Jeneponto, 21 February 1999. Her mother’s
name Ilfaisah, her father name is Yusman. She has younger sister, name Yuzifah, she lives with
her family in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. But now, she lives with her aunt in Makassar while she
study in Universitas Negeri Makassar, faculty of languages and literature in majoring English
literature. She ever make the English poem, so this is not the first time she creates a poem. She
loves to writing something in her mind, writing is how to express her feelings. Poem is special
one, and also her hobby is reading book, include novel.
v Unsur nilai : this poem is has social value that social is number one to present everything, include
v Unsur kemasyarakatan : this poem is make while social class is become bad habits in society to
couple who wants to marry.

1. Lines : 18 lines
2. Sounds :
v Rhyme : external rhyme (at end of lines)
When ice hug fire close
And my heart as rose
v Rhythm and meter : Pattern of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of
poetry. In this poem
- / -- / ----- /
“His heart is a dark in my life”
v Repetition :
a. Alliteration : repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
“Let me scream, scare second time”
b. Assonance : repetition of vowel sounds within a line of poetry.
“No one knows, I am alone”
c. Anomatopoeia : there is no sound imitate in this poem, writer has no idea to describe sound.
3. Figurative of language :
v Simile: Comparison of two things using the words “like or “as”.
“The good thing become bad, as me in the future back to the past”
v Metaphor : Comparison of two things essentially different but with some commonalities, does not
use “like” or “as”.
“His heart is a dark in my life”
v Hyperbole : “Every single day is tears”
v Personification : Giving something human qualities. “And my heart as rose”

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