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Pursuing Graduate Programs in USA

Mr. Andi Y Trisyono pursued a Ph.D program at the University of Missouri, USA. He
has personal management to achieve success like now. First, set the goal. Set the goal of life
from now on, because it makes us understand what will be done, what difficulties will be faced
later and how to deal with it. So whatever success you want, first set the target. The target
determines your next step . To achieve success, you are not just fantasy but you must have
ambition that you must be successful. Second is make a thoughtful work plan. After determining
the targets, then make a plan and what strategies you will do to achieve your goals. Then, work
hard. If you only have a dream, but not realized it will be in vain. Let’s reach the target one by
one, do the work plan that has been prepared and keep optimistic about what you do. Fourth is
value your achievement. After taking actions, give achievement for your hard work because it
can increase self-motivation and give new enthusiasm to do things better.
Someone’s success can appear because someone has the following traits :
1. Have a sense of gratitude. This trait belongs to people who are generous, polite, and
often give appreciation and attention to others.
2. Keep a journal. Successful people will organize what will be done tomorrow. All
activities are well structured so that he maximizes his time as well as possible.
3. Share information and data. They do not store their own data and voluntarily share it
with others.
4. Set goals and develop life plan. Each person has a dream, but there are people who try to
make it happen and there are people who ignore it. Successful people will set goals and
try to realize these dreams. They plan life goals to be achieved.
5. Talk about ideas. Successful people will explore the potential and create ideas that will
be developed.
Now, what leads to success? The first is developing talent. every person has different
talents. Determine the talent, explore and develop it to become an individual's strengths. Second
is work. Do the plans that have been prepared and start one by one. Try to make your dreams
come true and makes your life more productive. And then is persist. When you set goals, you
must be firm on those goals. If in the middle of the process you fail, try to stand up and start
again. Do not be quick to give up with conditions because despair only makes you fall even
more. Success also requires a great ideas. Ideas can be searched with a lot of reading. After that,
try to realize the idea to become something great. Then, be nice to everyone around you because
success is not from yourself but also from others. To realize your success, you must push your
self, keep your spirits up, and keep on motivating yourself.

Vivi Vitra Orima


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