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How technology affects our lives

by Kaye G. Dagala, BMED-1

10:30 - 12:00 TF

In the article “The Flight From Conversation” Sherry Turkle expresses her opinions on
modern day communication and how it is affected by social media. Turkle explains how
conversation is being sacrificed for communication, due to the fact that people in the present
are always connected with their devices for texting, reading e-mails, etcetera. She continues
and explains the new concept of “alone together” even though people don’t have face to
face conversations as much as they use to, they are still communicating through social media.
Turkle is also explaining that this form of communication is much more controlled; people are
able to keep one another at distances of their own choice. “We are together, but each of us is
in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and tiny touch screens”, as mentioned
earlier people are secluding themselves able to keep comfortable distances from others while
still being able to communicate via social media. With all the changes in technology and the
growth of technology the increase of connections has led to a loss in face to face conversation,
Sherry Turkle concludes “So I say, look up, look at one another, and let’s start the
conversation”, to reestablish the lost connection of conversation.
She states that people now depend on social media and technology in general, in order to be
heard as opposed to face to face communication which she deems to be more valuable.
Throughout the article, Turkle gives many examples of how the behavior and lives of people
has changed, thereby supporting her idea. Her opinion is that this development is deterring
many people from having a proper conversation, and also that it is leading to a lack of trust
amongst each other. Social media and texting etc, while valuable, should not be the sole
means of communication as it can be manipulated to mask who you really are. Turkle ends by
trying to convey the message that in a world dominated by technology, we should seek to do
more authentic conversation.
Accoring to turkle 2012 we live in a technological universe where people often use
technology in communicating. People almost forgot the idea of face to face communication.
We are being blinded with the idea of technology. Where it takes the natural way of
communication, in which it helps us to build an intimate and real relationship with others.
She also said: “Those who make the most of their lives on the screen come to it in a spirit of
self-reflection.” She believes the same is true now, and that now is the time to talk about
technology. We are still very much the early days of designing technology. There’s time to
reconsider how we build and use our digital tools, “to build a more self-aware relationship
with them, and with ourselves.”

Adler (2013), Little by little, technology has become an integral part of the way that people
communicate with one another and has increasingly taken the place of face-to-face
communication. Due to the rapid expansion
of technology, many individuals fear that people may be too immersed in this digital world
and not present enough in the real world. In reaction to the overwhelming replacement of face
time with screen time.
Hoenig (1995) as well as Lai (2016) noted that the rate at which payment systems develop
depends largely on a struggle between rapid technological change and natural barriers to new
product or service acceptance.

HOENIG, M (1995) AND LAI, S. (2016). TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION MODELS. December 12,2019
Turkle, S.(2012).The flight of conversation. The New York Times, Sunday review, opinion.
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