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The usage of mobile phonse and internet is a 21st

cenctury experience which covers various operations. This
research work examines phone usage and find out it’s effect
for academic purpose in specialy science background
students. The research work performed so as to understand
and also find the correlation between academic purpose of
study and mobile phones. and find out it’s mobile phones is
really useful for students it’s Yes so which type of benefits
they get or which type of problem they face. If not so what’s
reasons behind that.

There are billions of people using mobile
device around the world By the year 2018 it has been
estimated that there will be over seven billions mobile devices
in use with constant access to the internet . Accessing the
interns is a significant features of mobile device today with
mobile phones no longer being just a phone but an portable
multimedia and other application are is constant demand by
users which has therefore led the rapid improvement of
mobile phones and tablets.
The rapid increase in competing power memory capacity
screen size and selection and resolution also increase the
potential of the device Mobiles application develops may be
able to take advantage of the of these improvement when
creating new mobile applications allowing moiré advance
useful applications to be utilizing mobile devices for teaching
and learning especially as mobile devices are very popular
with young people and the current generation of student and
research showing more student are owning them Smartphone
can be used for many things including instant messaging
social media playing games spending e-mails and generates
communication . As such they can one be considered essential
to both personal and working lives.
The focus of this thesis is on the use of smart mobile
technology by science student and how it can be applied
learning . This study will examine how students and how it
can be applied learning. The study will examine how students
utilize Smartphone and tables during their studies and how
they us the tools and services provides by the university.

The main objective of this study was to
investigate the extent to which mobile phones are used by
science students.
The study aimed at identifying the following:-
1. The mobile phone practices of the students.
2. The number of hours student spends on social networking
playing games, chatting, shopping online gambling online
reading news and doing academic research.
3. The number of student that use their phone for academic
4. The academic application that the student make use of.
5. How convenient it is to use mobile phone for academic
6. How mobile phones are useful for science student in study
or not.
In my project I want to highlight on the uses of
mobile phones of science background student. Now a day
mobile phones are one of the most important instrument in our
day to day life, as we are using mobile phones for very small
purposes. There is also an increase in use of mobile phones in
the education world. Today students use mobile phones in
their day to day studies. In my project I want to study that are
mobile phones that useful for science student in their studies,
does they use their mobile phones only in studies or for using
social networking sites. If they use mobile phones for there
regular study which type of benefits they get or which type of
problem they face. Are mobile phones useful for them to
achieve there goals or not.

Date analysis and interpretation
On the view point of students
1. Do you have your own mobile phone?
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
YES 80%
NO 20%

Persentage of Respondents
40% 80%
10% 20%


From the above diagram it is clarify that 80%
of students carry there own mobile phones or 20% students
don’t have there own mobile.

2. Which type of mobile phone you are using?
A. Samsung B. Nokia C. Redmi D. Others

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

Samsung 20%
Nokia 10%
Redmi 40%
Others 30%

Persentage of Respondents





Samsung Nokia Redmi Others

From above analysis is shown that most of
students like to use Redmi mobile phones as compare to other
brands of mobile phones.

3. What are the reasons for using mobile phones?
A. Just for study purpose
B. Searching social networking sides
C. Just for talk on it

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

Just for study purpose 40%
Searching social networking sites 50%
Just for talk on it 10%

Persentage of Respondents



20 40

Just for study Searching social Just for talk on it
purpose networking sites

From above diagram shown that most of
students use there mobile phone for searching social
networking sites.

4. How much cost of your resent mobile phones?
A. Under 10,000
B. 10,000
C. Above 10,000
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
Under 10,000 60%
10,000 40%
Above 10,000 10%


Above 10,000

10,000 Under 10,000

From above analysis is shown that 60% of
students use under 10,000 rupees mobile phones for there
regular life. 40% students are use around 10,000 rupees
mobile phones. and 10% students are use only above 10,000
mobile phones.

5. Does your mobile phones find you useful for study?
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
YES 80%
NO 20%

Persentage of Respondents










From above diagram it’s clarify that 80%
students agree that mobile phones is useful for there regular
study and 20% student don’t agree with this statements.

6. What do you study using mobile phones more often?
A. Physics
B. Chemistry
C. Biology
D. Any other

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

Physics 20%
Chemistry 20%
Biology 50%
Any other 10%

Physices Chemistry Biology Any other




From above analysis is clarify that most of
students use there mobile phones for searching biology topics
as compare to physic and chemistry topics

7. How long do you use your mobile phones for every day
studding purpose?
A. 1 Hours
B. 2 Hours
C. 3 Hours
D. More than 3 Hours

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

1 Hours 60%
2 Hours 20%
3 Hours 10%
More than 3 Hours 10%

1 Hours 2 Hours 3 Hours More than 3 Hours



20% 60%

From above analysis shown that most of
students use there mobile phones for there daily study
maximum 1 hours.

8. Do you think prolonged of mobile phone would cause
health problem. e.g. eye problem and head pain etc.?
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
YES 60%
NO 40%

Persentage of Respondents








From above analysis it’s clarify that 60%
students say that they can’t face health problem using mobile
phone or 40% students say that they face health problem using
mobile phone.

9. Which type of health problem are you face for using mobile
A. Blurred vision
B. Head pain
C. Sleep Disorders
D. Neck and back pain
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
Blurred vision 50%
Head pain 20%
Sleep Disorders 10%
Neck Sleep Disorders 20%

Persentage of Respondents

Blurred vision Head pain Sleep Disorders Neck and back pain

From above analysis it’s clarify that 50%
students face eyes problem and 20% students suffer from head
pain. 30% students face neck pain and back pain problems.

10. Which type of application are you used in your regular
A. What’s app
B. Google drive
C. You Tube
D. Out look

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

What’s app 40%
Google drive 30%
You Tube 20%
Out look 10%

What’s app Google drive You Tube Out look


20% 40%


In above diagram it’s clarify that most of
students are uses What’s app and Google drive for there
regular studies.

11. Do you think that using of mobile phones can help you in
achieving your academic goals?
Particulars Percentage of Respondents
YES 60%
NO 40%

Persentage of Respondents







Yes No

In above analysis it’s clarify that 60% students
say that Yes it’s helpful to achieve there academic goal or
40% students say that No it’s can’t helpful.

A mixed quantitative and qualitative designed was employed.
Through quantitative data analysis, information regarding
frequency and purpose of mobile device use was obtained.
Qualitative data were collected to obtain information that will
aide professors in developing strategies to support and
enhance classroom learning through mobile devices.
A questionnaire containing Likert scale items and open- was
utilized in this study to obtain both quantitative and
qualitative information regarding student use of mobile
devices in their academic role. The tool contained items
adapted from the study. The tool was not tested for validity or
The sample included Sixteen students from a Master of
Science. Participants were both male and female, ranging in
age from twenty-one to twenty-three years old. Participation
in this study was voluntary and no costs were incurred on the
part of the students as they were not required to buy any
additional devices to participate in this study.
Data Analysis
The questionnaire was administered to students before class
and they were instructed to take approximately ten minutes
for completion. Quantitative data from the questionnaire were
analysed using Excel software to compute descriptive
statistics and frequency tables. The qualitative data gathered

from the questionnaire were reviewed, reduced, and coded to
develop relevant themes. Researchers reviewed the surveys
extensively until saturation was achieved. Data that was
recurrent in the surveys was highlighted and extracted into a
word document. To increase the rigor of the study, the data
from the survey were compared one against the other to
ensure accurate reduction. The data extracted were then
reviewed again to form codes, and these codes were further
reduced and analysed to form themes. The researchers
maintained a journal detailing the coding decisions to reduce

Positives effects of mobile phones
The very first positive point of mobile
phones is communication. With mobile phones you can
communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. Now
days, the smartphones which are coming are small in size and
light in weight which makes it very easy to carry them. You
don’t need to sit beside the receiver as your mobile phone is
not attached with anything.

More Convenience:
Mobile phones are undeniably convenient.
Because of mobile phones, students never have to look for a
pay phone or wonder about the location of a friend. These
ubiquitous communication tools allow students to reach their
peers and their parents instantly. Everything from ordering a
pizza to calling to check movie times is easier with a cell
phone, as the communication device you need is right at your
finger tips.

Greater Technology Availability:

Picture-taking and Internet
surfing are readily available on most cell phones. This aids
students in gathering the information that they need for school
or accessing their email or school website. Students benefit
from this technology availability as it allows them to create
more polished academic products with less effort than before
the ready availability of cell phones.

Mobile phones have become a source of
unlimited entertainment. The things which we never thought
would be present in a mobile phone are now possible.
Smartphones have come into existence which not only help
you in making calls but also help you to stay entertained by
allowing you to play games, listen to music and do lots of
other stuff. Mobile phone even comes with special apps for
kids to increase their brainstorming which is pretty good.

Improved Personal Security :

Many parents argue that cell
phones keep students safe. A parent is never more than a
phone call away when a students is carrying their cell phone.
The presence of a cell phone also ensures that students can
call parents or emergency personnel in the case of an
unforeseen emergency. While most students will never have
to use their cell phone as a safety device, the knowledge that it
could be used as such puts parents at ease and keeps them
paying the monthly cell phone bill.

More Distraction :
The biggest lament of teachers in regards to
cell phones is that they lead to student distraction and off task
behaviour. Texting a friend is a tempting diversion that many
students select over listening to a lecture or completing a class
assignment. If not silenced, cell phones can ring during class,

drawing everyone's attention away from the lesson and
disrupting the flow of learning. Many teachers worry that this
added distraction negatively impacts students' school
performance as it stops them from dedicating their full
attention to their studies. While useful, many of the features of
cell phones can also be used to engage in inappropriate
behaviours. Taking inappropriate pictures and then “sexting”
them to a boyfriend or girlfriend is a growing problem. These
pictures often end up in the wrong hands, which leads to
others gaining access to the private photos. Teens often fail to
recognize the long-term implications of inappropriate
behaviour and engage in the behaviour without considering
the consequences. The consequences for inappropriate
behaviour are real and long-lasting. Once distributed, sexted
photos are almost impossible to contain. The presence of these
racy photos can limit the teens options in the future and
severely mar their reputations.

Beneficial in studies :
If you are using a Smartphone, you can
take advantage of it in your studies or your business. The
smartphones which come with Android, Apple iOS and
Windows Phone operating system come with educational apps
which can be used while you are in college. If you are into
business you can install applications like Skype which will
help you in communicating with your clients on the go.

Negative impact of mobile phones
Bad impact on studies :
It is true that mobile phones can help
students in studies but only if they use them wisely. Most of
the students become additive to mobile phones and are found
playing games, chatting with their friends and watching
movies and other stuff. If students are busy keeping their eyes
on their mobile phones at all times they won’t get time for
studying which would lead to poor grades.

Heath issues and accidents :

Mobile phones lead to a lot of
accidents. A lot of people do their daily work, drive while
taking on mobile phones. There is high risk of accident if you
are talking on the mobile phone and driving as you are giving
your half attention to the mobile call and are having half
attention on the road. Research studies have also claimed that
mobile phones have a negative impact on health of an
individual. If you are using mobile phone for long hours daily
it might lead to serious health issues.

Limitations & Implications for Further Research
The present study used a convenience method of sampling
which resulted in a small sample that contained more female
than male participants. This is due to the researchers sampling
from an Survey program, a graduate program that
predominately attracts female students. Further, many Survey
programs, such as the one being studied are cohort programs in
which students transition through academic courses together.
Therefore, the dynamics of the relationships among these
students may differ from that of non-cohort undergraduate and
graduate students. This may influence students’ willingness to
create online communities such as the Facebook groups or
study resources through apps such as Quizlet LLC for the
purpose of sharing and discussing information. Lastly, students
in graduate programs are expected to be self-directed learners
who independently locate resources to supplement their
learning. This may be a motivating factor for students to use
mobile devices for learning outside of the classroom. Further
study is necessary to investigate whether mobile device use has
an impact on academic performance. Also, if these devices
encourage or support self-directed learning
If further research were to take place, it
would be more useful to get a larger sample size for the survey
so we get more information. In further research try to cover
more crude of students to clear more concepts. It would also be
useful to get some interview to gain the personal opinions and
experiences of students at the college. It could also be helpful
to extent to research to other college of applied sciences
throughout Finland and compare the result to answer college of
applied sciences throughout Finland and compare the result to
answer the research question on a broader scale.

In above research we find that the mobile phones is very
useful instrument for science studies. Students use mobile
phones for there regular studies most of time they use mobile
phones for searching different scientific topic. They search
different type of topic which are necessary for study in college
they also use mobile phones for study purpose maximum till
they conclude there self. Research has found that Biology has
preferred more that any other topic in science. Students use
there mobile phones for social networking sites too in short
they use mobile phones for there entertainment also.
Continues using of mobile phones leads to different type of
health problem like Blurred vision, Head pain ,Sleep
Disorders, Neck Sleep Disorders. Most of student use What’s
app and google drive application in mobile phones.
Research say’s that mobile’s to students help them to achieve
there academic goals.


Dear Mr./Ms/MSc, I am conducting survey which is about

The use of mobile phones for academic purpose a amongst
science students, I shall be very thankful to give your few
minutes to me for answering my few Question below,

Name:- ___________________________________________

Contact No:- _______________________________________

Gender: Male Female

E-mail ID:- ________________________________________



1. Do you have your own mobile phone?


2. Which type of mobile phone you are using?

A. Samsung
B. Nokia
C. Redmi
D. Others

3. What are the reasons for using mobile phones?
A. Just for study purpose
B. Searching social networking sides
C. Just for talk on it

4. How much cost of your resent mobile phones?

A. Under 10,000
B. 10,000
C. Above 10,000

5. Does your mobile phones find you useful for study?


6. What do you study using mobile phones more often?

A. Physics
B. Chemistry
C. Biology
D. Any other

7. How long do you use your mobile phones for every day
studding purpose?
A. 1 Hours
B. 2 Hours
C. 3 Hours
D. More than 3 Hours

8. Do you think prolonged of mobile phone would cause
health problem. e.g. eye problem and head pain etc.?
A. Yes B. No

9. Which type of health problem are you face for using mobile
A. Blurred vision
B. Head pain
C. Sleep Disorders
D. Neck and back pain

10. Which type of application are you used in your regular

A. What’s app
B. Google drive
C. You Tube
D. Out look

11. Do you think that using of mobile phones can help you in
achieving your academic goals?

• Ansari, R (2007). Harms of mobile phone. In Afkar-i-
• Eija, L.K ((2000)). Mobile culture of children and
teenagers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
• Guardian: How Cell Phones Changes the World
LIDC: Impact of Mobile Phones
• Arnet, A. (2012). There's an App for That. Retrieved
from 17336/


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