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StarCraft X-tra Editors - Version history and additional information


This textfile contains a list of the changes and bugfixes for all currently
existing versions of the StarCraft X-tra Editor.
There is no guarantee for absolute correctness of this list:

Version 2.5
- Launch Wizard added:
- Comfortable starting of all modes by menu, picture or context menu from the
- Allows the plugin for three programs (maximum)
- Usage of the INI-file that is created during the installation process for
the setting in the Launch Wizard.
- Textcolor editing is now avaible in every textediting dialog (including

Version 2.4 (not published)

- Text editing dialogs advanced: Now you can choose the marks for textcolor and
overlapping directly in the dialogs
- Saving as CHK-file is now availible in the file menu

Version 2.3 (not published)

- MPQ-file saved by embedding
- The StarCraft X-tra Editor is now an official Camelot Systems program
Therefore layout changes in the title picture and the Start Location.
- Hidden menu turned into a general test menu

Version 2.2 (not published)

- Removed the Start-Location bug in the English Alternative Mode
- Access to an originally hidden menu in StarEdit

Version 2.1
- The first version of the StarCraft X-tra Editor that is also availible in
- Better and patly wider dialog windows than in the normal StarEdit
- Corrections to the trigger text of StarEdit (especially in the German version)
- Version history file und advanced dialog file (SCXEeAdv.loc) added
- unit specific upgrades und abilities have now a note for which unit they are
- Some corrections of minor bugs

Version 2.0
- New system of programming, that means no longer StarDraft based:
Instead of a SECWAD-file one mode consists now of one EXE, MPQ and DLL.
- Independence from StarCraft version, that means independent from patches.
- Some dialog windows have been changed
- Installation program advanced. Now an INI-file is created in the Windows-
- "Load Classic Mode"-Feature is no longer availible, because it rooted in the

Version 1.6
- Special-Mode added: A big set of new possibilities for map making is now
- Individual layout for every editor titel picture
- Icons.dll replaces all old ico-files for the short-cuts
- All unit, technology, upgrade data etc. have been changed to the 1.08 standard
- Some units have now additional information after their name in bracets
- "Load Classic Mode"-feature can now be turned of during the installation
- Minor bug corrections

Version 1.5
- Layout of the Editors updated
- The Start Location has now an individual design refering to the running SCXE
- Installation and uninstallation program added
- Added own icons for the short-cuts to the StarCraft X-tra Editor modes
- Additional attack and defense information for "new" AI scritps added
- firts unit data changed to 1.08 standard

Version 1.4
- Alternative-mode added: First direct possibility of setting independend addons
for player 1-8.
- Information about the required race added in the name of all "new" AI scripts.
- All strings in the editor (also e.g. the weapons of a unit) have German names
(German version).

Version 1.3
- Base-Mode added: Direct StarEdit-Addition for standard map designing
- 255 upgrade-levels are also availible for the Scarab-damage (Can pe played in
standard BroodWar)
- Minor bug corrections

Version 1.2
- Terrain has also in the doodad palette the German name (German version)
- Buggy units fixed in both modes
- The Classic-Mode is now autoloaded after closing another mode ("Load Classic

Version 1.1
- P12-Mode added: The new possibility for setting all units for player 12.
- Unnamed technologies with no function have been removed
- A special symbol (building) for every Mode of the SCXE has been designed

Version 1.0
- First version of the StarCraft X-tra Editor (SCXE) (this is later become the
(StarDraft SECWAD-file for StarCraft 1.07 used)
- 255 upgrade-levels
- All heroes and other units, that don't crash StarCraft are availible
- All units have the correct "micro picture" in the Editor (no BLANK any more)
- The usage of additional, in StarEdit invisible, AI scripts is possible
- All AI scritps have their correct, german mame (not the case in StarEdit
1.07) (German version)

(c) Created 2002 by General Mengsk (Camelot Systems)

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