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Khatamul Awliyā'

Seal of the Saints 13

declare Takbir of "Allahu Akbar!" [22] Only the Muslims who do this will survive.
Whoever does not will perish. After the first explosion, another one will follow, then
an infinite succession all over the City Fort Madina.

First Solar Eclipse in the Month of Ramadan

On the morning of the air raids of the Turks fighter-bomber planes over Madina,
when the sun has risen high, the Turks planes will pass once more overhead, this
time in a great close cluster. As they pass overhead to drop their bombs, the
clustering of their bomber-fighter planes will eclipse the sun in Madina. This is the
First Eclipse of the Sun on the 14th of the month of Ramadan.[23] To the eyes of
the people of Madina, the groupings in many clusters of the Turks' war planes will
look to them like patches of dark nights...

In the face of the Turks assault over Ghootah, Fort Madina, the Caliph Harith will
give the orders to the defenders of the city to fight back. Fort Madina will fight. 

Anti-aircraft missiles from the Fort City will be fired by the thousands into the
enemy Turks planes in rapid succession. Many of their planes will go down. Yet
the enemy planes will still be coming, until there will be no more missile left to
shoot the warplanes.

Fighter planes of the Air Force of the Caliphate will fly and heroically fight the
invader planes. There will be dog fights of planes and many will fall down. But the
number of enemy planes will be overwhelming. After the missiles of the Muslim
fighter planes have been shot and spent, some of the Muslim pilots will choose to
crash their planes into enemy planes and become martyrs. There will be heard in
the skies the crunching of metals when the planes collide, explode and fall from
the sky. They will be among the best of the martyrs. Other planes of the Muslims
will be shot down. Others will land in Damascus and Iraq to live and fight another

On the first day of the air raids of the Turks into the Caliphate, the defense of City
Fort Madina will hold despite the Turks bombings and missile attacks of the Turks
fighter planes. Caliph Harith, General Mansur and the Adviser Sheikh 'Adeel will be
in the city on the first day of the assault. They will seek means to rearm the city's
air defenses. Air defense missiles will be transported anew into Madina by night to
defend the City and the wounded transported into Fort Hims at Damascus. They
will have been successful in defending Madina the first day of the assault.

The air bombings of the Turks (Khazar and Turks) Air Force over the Caliphate is a
clear treachery and violation of the surrender terms of the Turks. The Romans will
immediately react to this and will call upon the United Nations Council to send
help and defend their Muslim ally. Nations of the world will immediately react and
will send their fighter planes to Baytul Maqdis to reinforce and defend Madina.

Second Day of City Fort Madina

On the second day, the light of dawn will bring apprehension and fear into the
hearts of the defenders of Madina. Radars will be monitored for enemy planes and
sky lines will be watched out. But no enemy war plane will be seen in the morning.
The air raid sirens of the city will be silent. Mobile Air Defense Missiles will be
hurriedly set up in new locations of defense and orders will be issued to defend the
city from any enemy air strikes.

Qaz'a: The Second Solar Eclipse in the Month of Ramadan

By the forenoon, the Air Raid Sirens of Madina will scream and give its warning. In
the sky lines not far from Madina will be seen the fighter planes and bomber
planes of the Turks. On the other side of the sky directly opposite the path of the
Turks Air Force will be seen the Roman war planes. They will be seen from the
ground in a direct path of collision. The Romans will have arrived just in time to
keep their promise of defending their Muslim ally, the Caliphate of Madina, from
the treachery of the Turks. The Muslims of Madina will be gladdened by the
Roman reinforcements. They will be rooted from where they stand, expecting the
clash of the Turks and Roman Air Forces at any moment. Then, they see from that
distance the Roman planes turn the direction of their path of flight towards Madina
and the Turks Air Force turn and follow behind the lead of Roman war planes. For a
few moments the defenders of the City Fort will be perplexed to this change of
flight direction. Then it will dawn upon them the treachery of the Romans as the
Muslims stare in horror, mesmerized in disbelief to the Qaz'a [24], which an ayah
states, 'If We wish, We can send down to them from heaven a sign, such that their
necks remain surrendered to it (mesmerized in amazement)," Qur'an, 26: 4,- when
the sun is in its azimuth over City Fort Madina, Roman planes begin to drop their
bombs into the Fort City, together with Turks Air Force, like a rainfall into the
Muslim houses and buildings.[25] As the Romans and Turks war planes pass
under the sun over the City Fort, their infinite number and clustering will eclipse the
sun for the second time over Madina. This is the Second Solar Eclipse on the 15th
of the month of Ramadan.[26] White (Roman) Death [27] will have arrived upon the

All the Air Force power of all Roman nations of the world and of the Turks will have
been assembled in that convoy and cluster of fighter and bomber planes. The
Romans will have broken the peace treaty by this act of treachery.

The Caliph will order the defenders to defend the City and the air defense missiles
will fly by the hundreds to the air. These will down enemy planes but soon the
Roman fighter planes will destroy these air defense systems.

Fighter planes from Damascus and Iraq will fly to defend Madina and there will be
fierce fighter planes dog fights, until such time that the defense of Madina will be
no more. The Roman and Turks planes will overwhelm the air defenses of Madina.
They will finally become the masters of the air space and they will ruthlessly pound
Madina with their bombs.

Masjid Ash-Shār

The defenders of Madina will finally perceive the defenselessness of their city
from above. They will come to realize that there is no escape for them from death.
So they run towards the masjid by a river in the center of the city in a quest for a
great honour, remembering well the words of a man delivering his words in a
khutbah in the minbar of that masjid saying, "This is Masjid Ash-Shâr. In a very
short time this month, Al-Malhama will be fought. He who will be martyred while
he is seeking refuge in Allah, SWT, in this masjid, Allah will honor him by raising
him on the day of Resurrection together with the martyrs of Badr." [28] They will
leave their defense positions and will flock towards this magnificently-built masjid.
The Romans and the Turk bomber planes will see from above the flocking of
people towards this monumental masjid and they will pass over to drop their
bombs into that masjid. Their bombs will explode and viciously tear apart the
bodies of the martyrs of Masjid Ash-Shâr...

The bombings on the second day will bring so much death and destruction to the
people and the city. It will choose no man woman or child to spare. It will be a
ruthless attack. Their deaths will be sudden.[29] The two days bombing of Madina
will leave seventy thousand torn bodies of martyred Muslims of all ages strewn all
over the city and will be left untended. [30] The homes of the Muslims become
their graves. [31] They will be left by the people unburied. It will also cause
deafness to seventy thousand survivors.[32] The people will come to realize that
the city cannot be defended anymore against the air attacks of the Romans and
Turks Air Forces. The rich Muslims will flee from Madina by ships and cross the
sea to Tanjah, [33] (extended) sea port of Kufa City. By dusk Caliph Harith will call
upon all the surviving Muslims of Madina to leave the city. Other Muslims will flee
to the mountains. The Caliph Harith will flee to Iraq which that time will be under
the leadership of Shua'ib Ibn Salih to the Fort in Mount Ma'taq. Mansur The
General will flee to Damascus, to Fort Hims, which at that time will be under the
leadership of the Leader of the Foreign Legion of Mujahideen. The General will be
wounded in the Roman air strikes in Madina. He will recuperate in Damascus. The
adviser Sheikh 'Adeel will flee to Makkah and seek shelter there. The leader of the
defenders of Makkah is Abdur-Rahman Al-A'raj. The Adviser will be among those
transported in a submarine (goat) towards the shoreline nearest to Makkah
together with the weak people who will have no means of transport to escape
from Madina.[34] The people will leave Madina in its best form. [35]

On the third day after learning what has befallen City Fort Madina, Muslims of all
cities of the Caliphate will leave their cities and flee to the mountains to seek
shelter there. The third day will mark the beginning of the bombings of all Muslim
cities of the Caliphate targetted by the Romans-Turks Air Forces. The rain of
bombs falling from the sky will devastate the cities of the Caliphate as it has
devastated the Capital City of Madina. Great cities will collapse and will be ruined
and it will change appearance, as if they had not existed before.[36] No houses of
bricks or fort of stone will offer anybody protection from its death. The only
protection is to flee to the mountains away from the target cities and thus survive.
Tents will be used as shelters.[37] A Rahila (an animal or mode of transportation)
that may save a Muslim by carrying (moving) him away from the cities is better
than seeking shelter in Military Brigade Forts (sheltering one thousand
mujahideen) which are major enemy targets [38] for bombing. The Muslims will be
forced to flee and fight a mobile warfare. After few months the air bombings will
reach Al-Fayāfi, the wilderness, [39] targeting mountain camps of the mujahideen.

In continuation to the major events in the month of Ramadan, between the 20th
and 24th, the Romans at night (night of Fishain)[40] will fire two cruise missiles
toward Makkah. It will be a star that will illuminate the sky with its burning tail, it's
light like a moon on a full moon night [41] turning like a snake,- a Shahab (asteroid)
that rushes from the sky with a powerful sound (Hadda) when it drops in the East
[42] (specificay Makkah) and it's two ends meet in explosion. A great number of
people will be martyred by the two explosions and will bring great destruction to
properties. These violent deaths is the Wahiya (catastrophe) in the month of
Ramadan that will have spread to Qiblah (Makkah/Maghrib/West).[43] For the rest
of the month of Ramadan there will only be bombings from Romans-Turks Air

It will also be the beginning of the Year of the Earthquakes.[44] The explosions of
thousands upon thousands of international bombs, by tons, will continuosly rock
the lands of the Caliphate and destroy homes and buildings. Each thundering blast
of a ton of a bomb will cause low intensity tremors. The craters it will leave will be
50-80 meters in circumference and 30-50 meters deep. Few trees and grasses will
be left standing and seen on the soil of cities, especially of City Fort Madina.
These are the fitān that the Prophet, SAAS, saw as he stood over one of the
battlements of Madina: a rain of bombs falling from the sky into the homes of the
Muslims in the End of Time. [45] It will destroy all dwellings.

The Roman plan for the downfall of the Caliphate will be rooted on treachery. It will
be conceived in secrecy. Without the knowledge of the Muslim leadership of the
Caliphate, the Romans will reconcile [46] with enemy nations of Khazars, Turks,
Kirman and Khooz and plan its united invasion on the Caliphate for the second
time. The United Nations will be behind the leadership of the Romans (America).
They will prepare for nine months, like a woman's period of childbearing.[47] The
military forces of all Roman and kuffar nations of the world will be prepared,- air,
land and sea,- to be unleashed upon the Caliphate of Harith Ibn Harrath. It will have
a ground army of 800,000 strong fully-armed men, under 80 nations. Each nation
will have 10,000 [48] men army. Only a few Arab Islamic nation of the Arabian
Peninsula of the Middle East will not join in the siege.

Air Raids Over Basra/Busayra

West of Damascus is the City of Basra or Busayra. In the first two days of the
Roman-Turks air raids Basra will also be bombed. The bombings will target its salt
marshes, it's kilaa' (vicinity in Basra), it's marketplace, and the houses of its rulers
and leaders. [49] These will be destroyed. These bombing are the Qazf
(bombardment) of the city and will result to Khusf (landslides) that will bury its
people. These powerful explosions of bombs will result to Rajf (tremor or
earthquake).[50] These will violently shake the city. There will only be deaths and
destruction seen. However, there will be a group from the Ummah, a sect, that will
be in a place inside, if not near the city, that will not mind the destruction that
surrounds them. They will rejoice in the destruction of City Fort Madina and Basra
and see the downfall of Islam. So they will eat, drink and amuse themselves and in
the morning Allah will change their appearances and they will rise as apes and
pigs. [51] The people will also approach their scholars for comfort and visit them
and suddenly see that they have turned into apes and pigs.[52] They are a sect
that hate Jihad in the Cause of Allah. They will mention verses from the Qur'an, but
the verses mentioning jihad they will not mention to the people. Their sect is an
offshoot of Ahmadiyya. Their dead people will be buried but the earth will throw
them out of their bellies. [53]

The knowledgeable people will keep away from the City of Basra. They will stay in
its suburbs (outskirts). The majority of foreign people who will emigrate to
Dammascus will choose to live near a fort, Fort Hims, somewhere in Damascus.
They will choose to live near the place of The Leader of the Foreign Legion of
The Second Month of Shawwal

In the month of Shawwal, there will be an Isaba (splitting into two groups).[54]
General Mansur will be fuming mad for what has befallen City Fort Madina. He will
be angry for the breach in the defenses of the Caliphate and having no plans for
immediate counter attacks. He will have warned the Caliph of the impending
assault and have advised him plans of countering moves to set up a secret ready
counter attack to the Capital City of the Romans that is Baytul Maqdis, yet the
Caliph will not hear of it, still confident with the Romans' honoring the treaty and
the military preparedness of the Caliphate. This is the first issue of disagreement
between the two leaders. The second is the appointment of General Mansur to a
higher position outside of military service. The General accepts it and on the day
of the aerial attacks of the Turks and Romans, the responsibility of all Military
Forces of the Caliphate and being a new Chief-of-Staff falls upon another man's
shoulders. The people of Yaman/Damascus and the Foreign Legion of Mujahideen
will choose General Mansur to remain as their overall military leader and they will
boycott direct orders of the new Chief of Staff concerning the appointment of a
new leader for them. There will be battles between the forces of the new Chief-of-
Staff and of the Foreign Legion of Mujahideen until they are expelled from
Damascus, all of them returning to Iraq. These are the two groups of Muslims
fighting for the same claim and cause but will fight each other for the right of
leadership in the End of Times. The new Chief-of-Staff's army will fight in the name
of obedience to the rule of the leaders of the Caliphate while the Foreign Legions
and the people of Damascus will fight for the right of General Mansur for
leadership as stated in the hadith to support him and follow his commands. This is
the Isaba in the month of Shawwal.

General Mansur becomes busy in seeing to the defense of Damascus from Fort
Hims. He will use his wounds from the bombings in Madina as an excuse not to
speak to the Caliph in person, but will answer only military communications.
General Mansur will give the Caliph a cold shoulder and the Caliph will be mad at
him. They will not speak with each other for many months of the war. Both will be
busy defending the Caliphate from the invasion, ordering people following their
own military commands.

There will appear from Baytul Maqdis, a group among the best fighting men of the
Romans. They are the people of Sudan, the Romans wearing Black Uniforms, and
their leader will be Dhul 'Urf.[55] 'Urf will stand to mean as the name of one of the
angels and to the Romans he is Raphael, the second of his two names, the
Andalusian, a General to the Ajam Roman Army. To the Muslims of the Caliphate,
he is Raphael, First Sufyāni, archenemy of the Imam Al-Mahdi, Khalifatullah. He is
the most infamous and at the same time most famous of all Sufyānis. He is the
Most Hated and at the same time most loved of all Sufyanis. For twelve long years
of his life the Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar will be bent on killing him.

Dhul 'Urf's army will attack Ash-Shām (Greater Syria) in the second month. This is
the disturbance and turmoil of Shawwal.[56] He will conquer it and will push the
Muslim defenders into retreat towards Qirqisia/Qanasareen, to the Fort of The
Mawla, the young Hashimi. Their blitzkriegs in Ash-Shām will be irresistible and
Muslims will regroup to Qirqisia for a force showdown with the Romans. The
commanders of the defenders of Ash-Shām will hear harsh words of rebuke from
General Mansur for retreating from Ash-Shām without a hard fight. They will
explain their situation to him and they will set up their traps to defeat the Ajam
Roman army of Dhul Urf in the land of Qirqisia/Qanasareen.

After conquering Ash-Shām, Dhul Urf and his black army, the fierce Ajam Roman
foxes, will attack Qirqisia. They will attack the major cities of Qirqisia/Qanasareen
and the mountain regions. The Mawla together with the defenders will meet them
in the battlefields and there will come upon the Romans that which they never will
imagine capable of happening. The Mawla's assault will be like a flood sent by
Allah from heaven that will disperse their groups. They will be pushed back to the
lowest part of the earth (or pushed back to Jordan) dead.[57] The Muslims will be
slaughtering the helpless Romans  left in the city. In the mountain regions of
Qirqisia, the thundering sounds of firefightings will be heard. Battalions after
battalions of  Dhul Urf's soldiers will die by the traps set up for them. The Ajam
Roman army will be humiliated in the Battles of Qirqisia/Qanasareen. The Mawla
and the Muslim army will rejoice for the victory given to them by Allah. Dhul Urf will
survive. He will leave his dead soldiers to rot all over the battlefields. The birds of
the air will be filled with their rotting bodies and the savage animals of the earth
are filled with their perishing.[58]

The Roman-Turk Armies Arrival in Antioch

Dhul Urf will retreat to Baytul Maqdis. He will welcome the arrival of the Romans in
Omaq (in Antioch) and it's outskirts, with their crosses displayed. The Turks on the
other hand will again invade Azerbaijan, and their ships will reach Egypt. They will
begin their ground invasion of the Jazeerah.[59] They will invade cities after cities
of the Muslims and they will find it all destroyed and deserted. No one will be able
to do anything about them. So Allah will afflict them with a snow, wind and ice (i.e.
a plague) so they become non-moving. People will come back and say Allah has
caused them to perish and eliminated your enemy and none of them remained, all
of them perished. [60]

Meanwhile all over the Caliphate the Muslims will be calling people to jihad to fight
the invaders. These are the cries of war of the braves among the Ummah. [61]
The Third Month of Dhul Qa'dah

The priority targets of Dhul Urf in the beginning of the war will be to secure the
safety of Baytul Maqdis from a counter attack. So he attacks Ash-Shām (Greater
Syria) South, bordering Baytul Maqdis, winning and securing it, until his assault is
halted in Qirqisia by his defeat at the hands of the young Mawla. After this defeat
and arrival of more or less 800,000 Roman armed forces, the Romans will change
their priority targets of ground invasion. After they have secured Ash-Shām, they
will target Egypt, Madina, Damascus, Makkah and Iraq. The Roman nations will
form into warring groups, with its own targets to conquer. [62]

In the third month of war, the month of Dhul Qa'dah, Dhul Urf together with three
hundred and sixty [63] of his best fighting men will secretly penetrate the City of
Basra (West of Damascus). It will be a no man's land. They will infiltrate the city
and capture what's left of some of the military forts.

Meanwhile in Egypt...

Arrow of the Romans

The Romans will cross over in ships. While the ships are still at sea, when the
people of North Africa (North of Makkah) see them, they will flee along with those
Muslims who had been in Andalusia (rather in Madina),[64] until they enter Al-
Fustat, which is Alexandria. The Romans will come forward until they settle in the
area between Marbut and the Pyramids, at a distance of five "burud" from them.
[65] The Romans will war the Muslims of Alexandria and there will be fierce
fighting, until the Romans finally conquer it. Muslims will be slaughtered after the
conquest and this is the evil that will abound in the city. [66] This is the Arrow of
the Romans that will hit Egypt during Al-Malhama.[67]

The Fourth Month of Dhul Hijjah

In the fourth month of Malhama, war will break out in major places of the
Caliphate. [68]

In Damascus, after a month of covert operations by Dhul Urf in the City of Basra,
he will be followed by thirty thousand people from Kalb (Christian tribe).[69] They
will war Basra in full force and will establish Fort Brigades in the City. They will be
in constant firefights as the Foreign Legions of Mujahideen will constantly attack
them. The Romans will not gain any other ground besides this city. By taking the
City of Basra, Madina will be left open for the ground invasion. The Roman army
will land and conquer what's left of it.

Dhul Urf will send an army towards Iraq. There will be fierce fighting in the City of
Kufa but the Romans will fail to conquer it. Shua'ib Ibn Salih will be in the forefront
of the army defending Iraq. Their main fort will be Mt. Ma'taq [70] from where
Caliph Harith will command and plan for the war.

Meanwhile, from Makkah, the young military commander Abdur-Rahman A'raj will
hear of the tragedies that will fall upon the Muslims of Egypt at the hands of the
Romans. He will assemble his army and will launch an expedition to Alexandria.
[71] They will attack the Romans and defeat them. Allah will give them (Muslims)
victory. They will defeat them (European invaders), kill them (in the battlefields)
and drive them away from Egypt to Libya, the distance of ten nights journey. [72]
The people of Egypt will rejoice for their victory. The people of Abdur-Rahman that
he will have left in Makkah (Maghrib) will be worried. The Romans are on the

The Roman Conquest of Makkah

Upon learning of the expedition force that Abdur-Rahman launches to succour the
people of Egypt, the Romans plan for an attack of Makkah and immediately launch
an invasion.[73] The mujahideen of Makkah will defend and fight back. There will
be fierce fighting and in the process many civilians of Makkah (pilgrims) will be
slain.[74] Their properties will be looted by the Romans.[75] The Romans will
eventually conquer Makkah. They will massacre the people and there will be seen
great carnage. There will be slaughtering of Muslim men in the streets by the
thousands and so much of their blood will flow on the Jamratul Aqaba [76] the
cement pavements of Makkah. Because of the blood sheddings the streets are not
possible to cross and strewn headless bodies of Muslims are everywhere. [77]
Muslim men are slaughtered cheaper than rams.[78] The slaughter will reach to
such extent that legs are buried in lakes of blood.[79] The bloodshed will continue
and increase...

The Muslim women of Makkah,- Oh the women of Makkah that such a calamity
should fall upon them. When the Romans will take hold of the chaste women of
Makkah, they will forcefully undress them of their clothes of modesty amid cries
and tears, and thousands of them will be raped by the Romans. They will be seen
entwined just the way dogs entwine [80] for the world to see, in videos. These
religious prohibitions are violated.[81] These are the big sins committed near
Baytul Muadhdham.[82]
The Battle of Zawra

Zawra is the City of Idols. It is also the City of Dhul Urf (Raphael) before its
conquest by the Muslims. It will fall upon the swords of Caliph Harith and General
Mansur when they conquer it. Zawra becomes City Fort Madina. In the battles of
Malhama it will be pounded with bombs, missiles and will suffer transformation.
(Two hundred) twenty four miles north-east of Madina is Baghdad City. [83] Dhul
Urf and other Roman armies will sweep it going up north, and there will be a great
battle there in Baghdad City between the Romans and the Muslims. Many from the
Romans will die, but in the end of the battles they win. They will take vengeance on
the Muslims. The month of Dhul Hijja ends.

The Fifth Month of Muharram

"Prohibitions will be violated in the month of Muharram. What is prohibited? Oh,

oh! The people will be killed in great massacres." [84]

The Romans will take vengeance on the Muslims of the farthest part of Zawra City
which is Baghdad. They will bring out the Muslims on the pitch black road made of
asphalt (Ahjar Al-Zayt, The Stone of Oil) [85] and the Muslims will fill that highway
road, filling a stretch of two kilometers (or 28 kms). [86] They will be the innocent
non-combatant people, the civilians,- mothers, fathers, daughters, children, men
and everyone. A most painful and grievous sight to see. [87] Dhul Urf will lead the
Romans in the killing of the people of Baghdad. He will pull out his knife and
slaughter a man with it until the head separates from the body. Other Romans will
follow. Muslim men will have their throats cut like sheep, [88] believers
slaughtered being less valued than rams. Others will be shot. In that event it will be
as easy to kill a woman as to wave a whip.[89] Their blood will cover the pitch
black asphalt road, until Dhul Urf and his army will have killed a hundred thousand.
[90] The Muslims will ask when it will end, yet the killing will still go on.[91] The
Romans will not honor any treaties and will not abide even by their established
International Laws of War. They will regard all prohibitions as lawful.[92]

The Sixth Month of Safar 

In the month of Safar, a news will delight the Roman world. The Adviser to the
Caliph Harith, Sheikh Adeel, will be captured. After siege of Madina in the month of
Ramadan, he will be among those who will seek shelter in Makkah.[93] After

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