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HDLSS Numerical Assignment

PG-DVLSI August 2019 Batch

Assignment 1

Q1. Find out Setup Slack and Hold Slack if U1 is the Launch Flip-Flop and U2 is the capture Flip-Flop.
Assume minimum path delays = 0 ns per path, maximum path delays = 1 ns per path, fclk = 1/(15 ns).

Q2. Find out Setup Slack and Hold Slack if U2 is the Launch Flip-Flop and U1 is the capture Flip-Flop.
Assume minimum path delays = 0 ns per path, maximum path delays = 1 ns per path, fclk = 1/(15 ns).

Q3. Find out the maximum possible clock frequency for the circuit.

Q4. Draw the waveform of output signal Y, assuming the following data:

 Neglect all the delays and violations.

 Clock frequency = 1/(50 ns)
 At t=0 ns in bits of both flip-Flop U1 and U2 are 0, and A = 0. CK is transiting from 0 to 1 (i.e.
posedge event).
 At t=200 ns, input A becomes 1.

Q5. Draw the waveform of output signal Y, assuming the following data:

 Consider all the delays and violations.

 Clock frequency = 1/(50 ns)
 At t=0 ns in bits of both flip-Flop U1 and U2 are 0, and A = 0. CK is transiting from 0 to 1 (i.e.
posedge event).
 At t=200 ns, input A becomes 1.

Assignment 2

A function Y = A+B is implemented on a Virtex-4 FPGA board. It required one CLB, the structure given is
as per above. The following information is given:

Physical Pin Delay (including Pin to Pad) 80 ns

I/O Pad Delay 150 ns
A I/O Pad to LUT Path Delay 17 ns
B I/O Pad to LUT Path Delay 43 ns
Pin Delay of LUT pin connected to A path 2 ns
Pin Delay of LUT pin connected to B path 3 ns
LUT functional Delay 12 ns
LUT to Y I/O Pad Delay 93 ns
Other delays (assume) 0 ns

Q1. Find out the following path delays

 A to Y
 B to Y

Q2. Find out the Critical Path of the circuit.

Q3. Find out the minimum time required for obtaining a valid output at Y if A and B are given to the chip
at the same time.

Q4. Draw the waveforms for the following test conditions:

 At t=0: A = 0, B =0, Y = 0.
 At t=10: A becomes 1.
 Consider all the delays and violations.

Link for submitting answers:

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