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Bladeless Fan

Directions: Please put a check (/) below the number that corresponds to your perceptions
on the extent of efficiency of Bladeless Fan in saving energy and it's effectiveness in
reducing the effect of heat waves. Use the range of 5, being the highest and 1, being the

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.40-4.19 Agree
3 2.60-3.39 Moderately agree
2 1.80-2.59 Slightly not agree
1 1.00-1.79 Do not agree

Descriptions and Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. Bladeless fan is unique

2. Bladeless fan is effective in reducing the effec

t of heat waves

3. Bladeless fan is efficient (Does not consume

much energy)

4. The bladeless fan performs well

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