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There are many sources of pollution and each one has its own effect on the

environment and living organisms. This article will discuss the causes and effects of the
different kinds of pollution.

The causes of pollution are not just limited to fossil fuels and carbons emissions. There
are many other types of pollution including chemical pollution into bodies of water and
soil through improper disposal practices and agricultural activities, and noise and light
pollution created by cities and urbanization as a result of population growth.

1. Air Pollution

There are two types of air pollutants, primary and secondary. Primary pollutants are
emitted directly from their source, while secondary pollutants are formed when primary
pollutants react in the atmosphere.

The burning of fossil fuels for transportation and electricity produces both primary and
secondary pollutants and is one of the biggest sources of air pollution.

The fumes from car exhausts contain dangerous gases and particulates including
hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. These gases rise into the
atmosphere and react with other atmospheric gases creating even more toxic gases.

According to The Earth Institute, the heavy use of fertilizer for agriculture is a major
contributor of fine-particulate air pollution, with most of Europe, Russia, China, and the
United States being affected. The level of pollution caused by agricultural activities is
thought to outweigh all other sources of fine-particulate air pollution in these countries.

Ammonia is the primary air pollutant that comes from agricultural activities. Ammonia
enters the air as a gas from concentrated livestock waste and fields that are over

This gaseous ammonia then combines with other pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and
sulfates created by vehicles and industrial processes, to create aerosols. Aerosols are
tiny particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause heart and pulmonary

Other agricultural air pollutants include pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. All of
which also contribute to water pollution.
2. Water Pollution

Nutrient pollution is caused by wastewater, sewage, and fertilizers. The high levels of
nutrients in these sources end up in bodies of water and promote algae and weed
growth, which can make the water undrinkable and depleted oxygen causing aquatic
organisms to die.

Pesticides and herbicides applied to crops and residential areas concentrate in the soil
and are carried to the groundwater by rainwater and runoff. For these reasons anytime
someone drills a well for water it must be checked for pollutants.

Industrial waste is one of the main causes of water pollution, by creating primary and
secondary pollutants including sulphur, lead and mercury, nitrates and phosphates, and
oil spills.

In developing countries around 70% of their solid waste is dumped directly into the
ocean or sea. This causes serious problems including the harming and killing of sea
creatures, which ultimately affects humans.

3. Land & Soil Pollution

Land pollution is the destruction of land as a result of human’s activities and the misuse
of land resources. This occurs when humans apply chemicals such as pesticides and
herbicides to the soil, dispose of waste improperly, and irresponsibly exploit minerals
through mining.

Soil is also polluted through leaking underground septic tanks, sewage systems, the
leaching of harmful substances from landfill, and direct discharge of waste water by
industrial plants into rivers and oceans.

Rain and flooding can bring pollutants from other already polluted lands to soil at other

Over-farming and over-grazing by agricultural activities causes the soil to lose its
nutrient value and structure causing soil degradation, another type of soil pollution.
Landfills can leach harmful substances into the soil and water ways and create very bad
smells, and breeding grounds for rodents that transmit diseases.

4. Noise & Light Pollution

Noise is considered an environmental pollutant caused by household sources, social

events, commercial and industrial activities, and transportation.

Light pollution is caused by the prolonged and excessive use of artificial lights at night
that can cause health problems in humans and disrupt natural cycles, including wildlife
activities. Sources of light pollution include electronic billboards, night sports grounds,
street and car lights, city parks, public places, airports, and residential areas.

The effects of pollution can be seen every day, all around you. Pollution is destroying
ecosystems and drinking water, and wreaking havoc on human and environmental

1. Effects of Air Pollution

High levels of air pollution can cause an increased risk of heart attack, wheezing,
coughing, and breathing problems, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Air
pollution can also cause worsening of existing heart problems, asthma, and other lung

Like humans, animals can suffer from a number of health problems due to air pollution,
including birth defects, reproductive failure, and diseases.

Air pollution causes a number of environmental effects in addition to the effects on

humans and animals.

Acid rain contains high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids that are created by oxides and
sulfur oxides released into the air by the burning of fossil fuels. Acid rain damages trees
and acidifies soils and water bodies, making the water too acidic for fish and other
aquatic life.
Nitrogen oxides released into the air by the burning of fossil fuels also contribute to the
nitrogen responsible for toxic algae blooms.

The release of man-made compounds including hydrochlorofluorocarbons,

chlorofluorocarbons, and halons formerly used as coolants, foaming agents, pesticides,
solvents, aerosol propellants, and fire-extinguishers are depleting the ozone. The ozone
layer in the stratosphere forms a protective layer that reflects harmful ultraviolet rays
back into space that would otherwise destroy animal and plant life.

2. Effects of Water Pollution

Water pollution is a serious threat to humans, animals, and aquatic life.

The effects of water pollution depend on which chemicals are being dumped where.
Bodies of water that are near urbanized areas tend to be heavily polluted by dumbing
of garbage and chemicals, both legally and illegally, by industrial plants, health centers,
and individuals.

By far the biggest consequence of water pollution is the death of aquatic creatures,
which can disrupt the entire food chain. Pollutants such as cadmium, mercury, and lead
are eaten by tiny aquatic organisms that are then eaten by fish and shell fish, becoming
more concentrated with each step up the food chain and causing serious problems in
humans and wildlife.

Nutrient pollution can cause toxic algal blooms in drinking water sources that create
toxins that kill fish and other aquatic animals. Direct exposure to this toxic alga causes
serious health problems in humans including neurological effects, respiratory problems,
stomach and liver illness, and rashes.

A consequential problem is created when disinfectants used to treat drinking water

reach water polluted with toxic algae, they react creating dioxins. Dioxins are extremely
harmful chemical compounds that have been linked with reproductive and development
problems, and even cancer.

Nitrates, caused by fertilizers, also contaminate drinking water and according to

the Environmental Protection Agency, babies who consume water that is high in nitrates
can become seriously ill with blue-baby syndrome, which causes shortness of breath
and blue-tinted skin, and can lead to death if not treated early.
3. Effects of Land & Soil Pollution

Land and soil pollution has substantial consequences for humans, animals,
microorganisms and aquatic life. Contaminated land and soil can cause various
problems on the skin, respiratory problems, and even different kinds of cancers.

These toxic substances come into contact with the human body directly through eating
fruits and vegetables that have been grown in polluted soils, being consumed through
drinking water that has been contaminated, direct contact with the skin, and breathing
in air polluted with particles and dust.

Deforestation is the biggest concern when it comes to land degradation and soil
erosion. Clear cutting of vegetation and tree cover creates harsh conditions that destroy
ecosystems and habitats.

Deforestation also creates an imbalance in atmospheric conditions, reducing the amount

of carbon that is naturally taken out of the atmosphere. This is a serious problem
considering that most pollution created by people is carbon based.

4. Effects of Noise & Light Pollution

Noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety, headaches, irritability, hearing loss, and sleep
loss resulting in decreased productivity.

Oil drills, submarines, and other vessels on and in the ocean can cause excessive noise
that has resulted in the injury or death of marine animals, especially whales.

Too much light causes eye strain and stress, harming our eyes and decreasing our
quality of life. Light pollution also causes a decrease in the hormone melatonin that
helps us to fall asleep, resulting in restlessness and fatigue.

Many mammals, insects, birds, and reptiles are photoperiodic meaning their movement,
mating, growth and development, and eating cycles are regulated by natural light
patterns. Light pollution can interfere with these natural behaviors and cycles, causing a
decrease in wildlife populations.

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