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Introduction to MS Office

(Word, Excel, Power Point)

Dr. Fakhre Alam Khan
MED UET Peshawar

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Word (Writing a technical report)
Your Programming Lab report to be submitted should include at least the following
1) Cover page
2) Title
3) Objective(s)
4) Problem Analysis
5) Algorithm
6) Flowchart
7) Coding
8) Output (compilation, debugging & testing)
9) Discussion & Conclusion. Sample report available
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Ms Power Point (Technical presentation)
Your technical presentation shall have following properties in decent look.
1) Bullets
2) Background
3) Color contrast choice
4) Graphics / Images choice
5) Rule of Four (4)
6) Proximity rule
7) Fonts choice
8) Perpetual difference

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Bad / Good Power Point Slides

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)
Ms Excel (Formula, Calculation and Charts)

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Excel (Formula, Calculation and Charts)

Sum: Returns sum of different numbers.

Count: Returns number of count of different cells having numbers.

Average: which is the arithmetic mean, and is calculated by adding a group of numbers and then dividing by the
count of those numbers. For example, the average of 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, and 10 is 30 divided by 6, which is 5.

Median: which is the middle number of a group of numbers; that is, half the numbers have values that are
greater than the median, and half the numbers have values that are less than the median. For example, the median
of 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, and 10 is 4.

Mode: which is the most frequently occurring number in a group of numbers. For example, the mode of 2, 3, 3, 5,
7, and 10 is 3.

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Excel (Formula, Calculation and Charts)

Minimum: Returns minimum number in a given set of numbers. Syntax: =min(A1:A10)

Maximum: Returns maximum number in a given set of numbers. Syntax: =max(A1:A10)

Date: Returns current date. Syntax: =today() , =now()

Joining text from different cells: Syntax: =cell1&" "&cell2.

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Excel

IF statements: IF statements allow you to make logical

comparisons between conditions.

Syntax: =IF(C9="Apple",TRUE,FALSE)

=IF(C12<100,"Less than 100","Greater

than or equal to 100").

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Excel

Vlookup: Look up a value in a column on the left, then

returns information in another column to the right if it finds
a match. VLOOKUP says:
Syntax: =VLOOKUP(C22,C17:D20,2,FALSE)

In D22 cell type formula

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

Ms Excel (Formula, Calculation and Charts)

1. Plot graph in excel using scattered data type (any common experimental data
check e.g. F = kx, F = ma)

2. Adding Trend line (Linear, Power law, Polynomial ( 1,2… n order))

3. Deriving mathematical equation from trend line.

4. Writing mathematical equations in (word, power point and excel) from

Insert menu

Dr. FA Khan (Fall-2019)

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