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accounts payable
Chapter 10 d. cash
e. all of these events would be modeled
Multiple-Choice 6. Which of the following associations would
Questions most
likely describe the relationship between an
1. The concept of duality means that an REA internal
diagram agent and an economic event?
must consist of a. 1:M
a. two events—one of them economic and the b. 1:1
other support. c. M:M
b. two agents—one of them internal and the d. 0:M
other external. e. none of the above
c. two resources—one increased and the other 7. Which of the following tables would most likely
decreased by the same event. have a composite key?
d. all of the above. a. Take Order
e. none of the above. b. Ship Goods
2. Each economic event in an REA diagram is c. Inventory-Ship Link
always d. Cash
a. linked to at least two resource entities. e. none of the above
b. linked to two external agents. 8. Which of the following associations requires a
c. linked to two internal agents. separate
d. linked to another economic event. table in the database?
e. linked to a support event. a. 1:1
3. Which of the following are characteristics of b. 1:M
economic c. M:M
agents? d. all of the above
a. They participate in economic events, but do 9. When assigning foreign keys in a 1:1
not assume control of the resources. association
b. They participate in economic events, but not a. the primary key of each table should be
in embedded
support events. as a foreign key in the related table.
c. Internal agents are employees of the company b. the primary key on the 0,1 side of the relation
whose system is being modeled. should be embedded as the foreign key on the
d. External agents are not employees of the 1,1 side.
company c. the primary key on the 1,1 side of the relation
whose system is being modeled. should be embedded as the foreign key on the
e. All of the above describe agents. 0,1 side.
4. Which of the following is true? d. a link table must be created to accept the
a. REA diagram entities are arranged in foreign
constellations keys of both tables.
by entity class. e. none of the above is true.
b. ER diagrams present a static picture of the 10. When assigning foreign keys in a 1:M
underlying business phenomena. association
c. Entity names in ER diagrams are always in a. the primary key of each table should be
the embedded as a foreign key in the related table.
noun form. b. the primary key on the 0,M side of the relation
d. Events entity names in REA diagrams are in should be embedded as the foreign key on the
the 1,1 side.
verb form. c. the primary key on the 1,1 side of the relation
e. All of the above are true statements. should be embedded as the foreign key on the
5. Which of the following events would be 0,M side.
LEAST d. a link table must be created to accept the
likely to be modeled in an REA diagram? foreign
a. customer inquiries keys of both tables.
b. sales to a customer e. none of the above is true.
5. Which statement is NOT true?
Chapter 11 a. In a typical two-tier client-server architecture,
the server handles both application and
Multiple-Choice database
Questions duties.
b. Client computers are responsible for
1. Closed database architecture is presenting
a. a control technique intended to prevent data to the user and passing user input back
unauthorized to the server.
access from trading partners. c. Two-tier architecture is for local area network
b. a limitation inherent in traditional information applications where the demand on the server is
systems that prevents data sharing. restricted to a relatively small population of
c. a data warehouse control that prevents users.
data from entering the warehouse. d. The database and application functions are
d. a technique used to restrict access to data separated
marts. in the three-tier model.
e. a database structure that many of the leading e. In three-tier client-server architectures, one
ERPs use to support OLTP applications. tier is for user presentation, one is for database
2. Each of the following is a necessary element and applications access, and the third is for
for Internet access.
the successful warehousing of data EXCEPT 6. Which statement is NOT true?
a. cleansing extracted data. a. Drill-down capability is an OLAP feature of
b. transforming data. data mining tools available to the user.
c. modeling data. b. The data warehouse should be separate from
d. loading data. operational systems.
e. all of the above are necessary. c. Denormalization of data involves dividing the
3. Which of the following is typically NOT part of data into very small tables that support detailed
an analysis.
ERP’s OLAP applications? d. Some decisions supported by a data
a. decision support systems warehouse
b. information retrieval are not fundamentally different from those that
c. ad hoc reporting/analysis are supported by traditional databases.
d. logistics e. Data cleansing involves transforming data into
e. what-if analysis standard business terms with standard data
4. There are a number of risks that may be values.
associated 7. Which statement is LEAST accurate?
with ERP implementation. Which of the following a. Implementing an ERP system has more to do
was NOT stated as a risk in the chapter? with changing the way an organization does
a. A drop in firm performance after business than it does with technology.
implementation b. The phased-in approach to ERP
because the firm looks and works differently implementation
than it did while using a legacy system. is particularly suited to diversified organizations
b. Implementing companies have found that staff whose units do not share common
members, employed by ERP consulting firms, processes and data.
do not have sufficient experience in c. Because the primary reason for implementing
implementing an ERP is to standardize and integrate
new systems. operations,
c. Implementing firms fail to select systems that diversified organizations whose units do
properly support their business activities. not share common processes and data do not
d. The selected system does not adequately benefit and tend not to implement ERPs.
meet d. To take full advantage of the ERP process,
the adopting firm’s economic growth. reengineering will need to occur.
e. ERPs are too large, complex, and generic for e. A common reason for ERP failure is that the
them ERP does not support one or more important
to bewell integrated intomost company cultures. business processes of the organization.

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