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Part 1

Writing transfer is a process that allows scholars to apply their knowledge, practices, and

learning and writing techniques to multiple writing occasions. It may be applied to many

different contexts of writing by utilizing higher-order thinking skills and reflection. I believe that

RWS scholars view writing transfer as a way of establishing connections between different

contexts of writing and using prior knowledge and applying it to other writing occasions to allow

us to write successfully within different subjects. As a discourse community of academic writers,

it is important for us to be able to understand writing transfer and apply it to our writing

processes. There are many different genres in which we may be tasked to write and therefore,

being able to apply what we have learned in composition courses to other courses is imperative.

My understanding of writing transfer has evolved tremendously over the course of this

semester. I have been using writing transfer in many of my classes for writing assignments

without realizing it, but now that I am more educated in the concept, I try to apply it with more

depth to my writing. Since my understanding of writing transfer has grown, I am very conscious

about the way I apply it to my specific writing process. I make sure that I am implementing my

prior knowledge of writing to present occasions in order to be successful in my writing, along

with the many other concepts of writing transfer.

I believe that applying the principles of writing transfer throughout different genres will

help scholars advance to the next level of academic writing for transfer-based writing approaches

and help them be successful. Not only is it a good way to learn more about the different types of

writing there is, but it also helps build knowledge. In addition, I believe writing transfer may be

largely an unconscious process over which we have little control. As I mentioned before, I use

writing transfer without realizing it sometimes but that does not mean we can’t control aspects of
it. For example, I can be more conscious about using writing transfer by simply knowing how to

do it or when I need to apply it and what specific components to use for certain subjects. That,

however, doesn’t mean I can control all of it because it happens even when we’re not aware of it.

Therefore, I believe RWS 1302 courses should still continue teaching this theory because it will

help scholars be successful in their writing while also helping them build knowledge every time

writing transfer is applied.

Part 2: Option B

Rhetoric and composition courses have helped me be successful in my writing and

research processes, along with understanding genre better. In order for other students to be

equally successful, I would advise them to first off, have a positive attitude and an open mind to

attain what they will learn in the course. Being able to do that will help them keep that

knowledge and help them be successful in other courses. Another piece of advice I would give

them is to ask questions. Doing this will help them with assignments and will clarify any doubts

they have about any concepts of the course. One thing students have to be aware of before taking

this class is that it requires a lot of higher-order thinking, research, and writing. Assignments

may sometimes be long or very specific and requires one to really think deeper about topics and

use prior knowledge in order to have successful papers.

Students have to avoid being absent, not turning in assignments, and procrastination. This

will only result in failure. Assignments that are never completed will never help students because

then they will not receive feedback and won’t know what they need to improve in or what they

did successfully. Getting feedback is a good thing. In addition, doing assignments last minute

will not help the student reach their full potential. If they give themselves enough time to

complete an assignment instead of doing it one hour before it is due, then they will have time to
fix it and add or remove things they deem necessary or not. Giving ourselves enough time to do

assignments will result in successful papers and good grades. Lastly, they should avoid being

absent because if they miss many classes, their grades might go down and they will miss very

important information from lectures. This is the advice I would give future RWS 1302 students

because it has helped me be successful in this course all while learning many things and I hope

that it will help them be successful as well.

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