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Mylie Lanier
Jess McCallum

1. I created a visual art piece and rhetorical movie about the​ Irreversible Effects of Climate
Change a ​ nd the effects human actions are having on our planet. My art piece presented
a timeline of climate change: from 1950 when we first started to notice it, the parts per
million (ppm) of C02 (Carbon Dioxide) in the atmosphere was 310; to now in 2019 as we
see a drastic increase, with the parts per million of C02 in the atmosphere at 410; to
2030, 10 years from now when it will be completely off the charts at 500 ppm and we’ll
have irreversible damage to our planet, which won’t be sustainable. As I’ve learned more
about climate change in recent years, I’ve become more concerned and passionate
about this issue. Through my art piece, I wanted to demonstrate to my audience that
climate change is a pressing and serious issue by showing its alarming progression and
the need for immediate action.

The movie I created presented the viewer with examples of damage to our planet, such
as the ice caps melting and the coral reefs being bleached of their colors. I also wanted
to communicate that the younger generation is really concerned and demanding change.
There are little things you can do to contribute to saving the planet, like cutting back on
consumption and waste, and eating for a greener environment. The most important
action we all can take is to start the conversation in our communities and get politically

2. I interviewed Jackson Vaughn, a fellow student at Animas High School, who identifies as
a conservative. The interview went really well and was not what I expected. I thought
that all conservatives are one-sided and don’t believe in climate change. But Jackson did
not fit this stereotype. He wants to save our planet, just as I do. He believes that climate
change is human-caused and an issue that is not being dealt with. I really enjoyed our
interview, and appreciate how Jackson opened my eyes a little more to understand
where conservatives are coming from, and that some of them do want action taken on
climate change.

3. After completing this project, I’ve learned that people do have biases; however with effort
you can find a common ground to relate to each other. I have found that generally
everyone loves our planet, wants clean air and water, and a future here no matter where
they stand on the political spectrum or what their beliefs are about an issue.

4. My political views haven’t changed. I am a liberal democrat, and I want what’s best for
our planet and for everyone, and that there’s a better means to get there.
Mylie Lanier
Jess McCallum

5. I think that throughout this whole unit and completion of this project, students and their
audience learned to be open to new ideas and developed a willingness to be disturbed.
People have biases and can lean one way or another about certain topics. The fact that
people came to our exhibition, experienced what the Junior Class had to present about
disturbing and sensitive issues shows a willingness to be disturbed.

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