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(Physics Investigatory Project)

By Aryaman bajaj
This study was conducted to find a way of
transmitting electricity wirelessly through the
use of a tesla coil. It was invented by Nikola


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These days, wireless technology has become a trend
to most people because of its use of electromagnetic
waves instead of wires. According to English-Word
Information, “The first wireless transmitters went on the
air in the early 20th century using radiotelegraphy (Morse
code). Later, as modulation made it possible to transmit
voices and music via wireless, the medium came to be
called "radio." With the advent of television, fax, data
communication, and the effective use of a larger portion of
the spectrum, the term "wireless" has been resurrected.”
Now, wireless technology had been far more complex, in
terms of distance or range, that it can connect all people
around the world.
On the other hand, wireless electricity is the transfer
of electricity from a power source to an electrical device
without man-made conductors or wires. According to, on 1891, Nikola Tesla, invented an electrical
resonant transformer circuit and named it Tesla coil. Since
Tesla's original experiments, researchers have gone to
great lengths to find safer and more efficient methods of
wireless power transfer.
This study was conducted to better understand the
working of the tesla coil and its uses .
Objectives of the Study
 To observe and state the advantages and
disadvantages of wireless transmission of electricity
 To study the working and the principles involved in
the tesla coil
Wireless Transmission
Wireless power or wireless electricity transmission is the
transmission of electrical energy from a power source to
an electrical load without a solid conductor. Wireless
transmission is useful in cases where
interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or
impossible. In the latter, the proportion of energy received
becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be
distinguished from the background disturbances. With
wireless power, efficiency is a more significant parameter;
enough energy sent out by the transmitter must arrive at
the receiver or receivers to make the system economical.
Currently, wireless transmission of energy is commonly
used in medical implants, vehicles, and even in bulbs.
Though wireless electricity transmission is considered
as a general factor of electricity distribution, problems and
errors still occur and are highly dangerous since it is widely
used by people to lessen the burden in using electricity
needed for many purposes. The main problem with
wireless electricity transmission is that it is sensitive. For
example, when a light shone just from one place to
another, and then use photovoltaic cells ("solar cells") to
convert the light into electricity, or to use a steam
generator that gets hot when the light shines on it. It turns
out that if we start with electricity in one place, convert it
to light, transmit the light, and reconvert it back to
electricity; quite a lot of energy is lost in the process.
Another one, according to a study conducted about
wireless electricity transmission, its disadvantages includes
the distance constraint, or sometimes the field is unsafe, its
initial cost is too high, and its transmission sometimes need
a high frequency. In the far field techniques of wireless
electricity transmission, its disadvantages such as needing
of line-of-sight, and high initial cost.
Though wireless electricity transmission is not yet
widely used by ordinary people, it encompasses
advantages such as easy process, efficient energy transfer,
no wires, less maintenance cost, and no ecological wastes
included. Wireless energy transmission is an expanding
project made by scientists all over the world to make
electricity transmission that is needed by people easier.

Applications of Tesla Coil

The Tesla Coil is a machine for generating extra high
voltages. It's sort of like the Van De Graff generator, but
much more powerful. When you fire it up, the part on top is
engaged with about 500,000 volts of high-frequency
current. The Tesla coil uses high-frequency transformer
action together with resonant voltage amplification to
generate potentials in the range of tens to hundreds, or
even thousands of kilovolts.

About 100 years ago Nikola Tesla invented his "Tesla Coil".
Tesla invented his coil with the intention of transmitting
electricity through the air. He conducted much research in
this area. He purposed using a few coils spread across the
globe to transmit electrical energy through the earth.
Wherever power was needed one would need only a
receiving coil to convert the power into a useful form.

Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in spark gap

radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the 1920s,
and in electrotherapy and pseudo medical devices such as
violet ray. Today, their main use is entertainment and
educational displays.

• Medical X-ray devices (typically driven by an induction

• Quack medical devices (violet-ray)
- Ozone generators
• Particle accelerators
- Electrical stage shows & entertainment
• Generation of extremely high voltage with relatively high
power levels.
Principle behind the working of
Tesla Coil
The power of the Tesla coil lies in a process called
electromagnetic Induction, i.e. , a changing Magnetic field
creates an electric potential compels current to flow .
Conversely, flowing electric current generates a magnetic
field that fills the area around the coil.

If a magnetic field flows through the center of a coiled

wire, a voltage is generated in the wine, which causes an
electrical current to flow . The electric potential generated
in a coil of wire by a magnetic field through its center
increases with the number of turns of wire. The tesla coil
requires one more thing, a capacitor to store charge and
fire it all in one spark, when the coil s turned on, electricity
flows through the circuit and fills the capacitor with
electrons, like a battery. This charge creates its own electric
potential in a circuit. This can only happen when a very
large charge has built up in the capacitor.

Eventually s0 much charge has accumulated that it

produces a very strong magnetic field in the primary coil.
The secondary wire coil uses electro-magnetic reduction to
convert this magnetic field to an electric potential so high
that it can easily break apart the air molecules of its ends
and push their electrons in wild arcs , producing enormous
pure sparks.
Advantages and Disadvantages

- It can function without the use of wires.
- It can activate light without the use of bulb socket.
- It can light bulbs not only of 3 volts, but also those
lights having up to hundreds of volts.
- It can light more than one bulb at the same time.
- It can light bulbs even if there is a solid material/object
between the bulb and the wireless circuit, specifically,
to the primary coil. For example, a plastic container, a
block of wood, and the like.
- After the bulb is put near the primary coil (>10 cm
range), it lights up, and then it could be put away for
around 6 inches, still retaining its light, but the light
darkens as it goes further from the primary coil.
- In this circuit, light can be turned off in two ways:
switching off the circuit or making the bulb far enough
to the primary coil.

- Like other wireless transmitters of electricity, this
wireless circuit, if turned on, emits radiation that could
harm people or animals.
- This wireless circuit doesn’t choose what it powers; it
just transfers wireless electricity to whatever device
that comes to its range. (Proof: When the researchers
try to light a bulb using this wireless circuit, the bulb
lighted normal. But when we inserted another device
(bulb) to the circuit’s range, the bulb’s brightness
decreased. The researchers concluded that the bulb
shared some of the energy it receives from the circuit
to the device (bulb).
- Some of the open wires of this wireless circuit could
ground a person lightly when the skin made a contact
with it/them.
- This wireless circuit is sensitive. Some parts, if moved,
would make the circuit disabled and needs to be
partially rearranged for it to work again.

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