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Disusun Oleh :

Triyo Aji Prabowo (192303044)

Meli (192303046)
Diah Suci Rahma (192303014)
Ahlu Naza Aji

Program Studi Psikologi

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Sosial
Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Praise the presence of God Almighty for all His blessings so that this paper can be
arranged to completion. Do not forget, we also say many thanks for the help of
those who have contributed by donating both the material and thoughts.

And we hope that this paper can add knowledge and experience for the readers, in
the future it can improve the form and add to the contents of the paper to be even

Due to our limited knowledge and experience, we believe there are still many
shortcomings in this paper, therefore we are looking forward to constructive
suggestions and criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Yogyakarta, November 2019

Table Of Contents


CHAPTER I.............................................................


1.1 Background of the paper......................................................

1.2 Problem Formulation............................................................

1.3 Purpose of the paper............................................................

CHAPTER II.............................................................


2.1 .............................................................



CHAPTER III.............................................................

CONCLUSION .............................................................

3.1 Conclusion.............................................................

3.2 Suggest.............................................................



1.1 Background of the paper

It’s generally accepted that internet use has risen recently because of the large
expansion of networks the world. Undoubtedly
the internet as a medium of communication and information that makes it easy
for the users and is supported by the development of sophisticated technologies
such as smartphones and computers. Almost everyone from various groups use
smartphones, because smartphones and computers are very easy to obtain at
affordable prices. Most of the Smartphone users tend to use social networking.
A social network used include blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others
on the internet. Users can choose how communicate and share information.
Instant convenience make the majority of internet users feel comfortable so
many are making the internet a necessity. the internet also has a positive impact
like the internet makes us far away more informative, comfortable, and fun. but
for individuals who are addicted to the internet in general did not realize that he
was addicted to excessive use impact on other aspects of life. Individuals who
are addicted will begin to have social problems, both with family and friends,
and also health problems. Other impacts can also occur in aspects of education
and performance, where people who are addicted to the internet will experience
achievement problems study or work performance (Maulana & Gumelar, 2013).

1.2 Problem formulation of the paper

A. What is the definition of internet addictions
B. Signs internet addictions
C. what is the dangers of internet addictions
1.3 Purpose of the paper
A. To know the dangers of internet addictions
B. To preventif internet addictions
C. To helps people who had internet addictions

2.1 Definition of internet addictions
Internet addiction is a condition of dependency that is felt by individuals so that
they spend a lot of time using the internet, at least 3 hours per day, which
involves repetitive behavior to use the internet and is not interested in doing
other activities, feeling that cyberspace on a computer screen is more attractive
and the emergence of unpleasant feelings when individuals try to stop the

2.2 Signs and symptoms of internet addiction

1. Wake up, check social media

2. Online wherever and whenever
3. Encouraged to upload selfies and the best status to invite likes
4. There is no internet, life is miserable

2.3 The impact of internet addictions

who are addicted will begin to have social problems, both with family and
friends. Other impacts can also occur in aspects of education and performance,
where people who are addicted to the internet will experience achievement
problems study or work performance (Maulana & Gumelar, 2013).
internet addicts feel overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, lonely or anxious, they
use social media to find comfort and escape. According to Psych Guides, like
other symptoms of addiction, social media and internet addictions arise in
emotional as well as physical symptoms.
Emotional symptoms of social media addiction:
Feel guilty
Unhappy feeling when online
Not able to obey schedules in the real world
Do not have a concern for time; unconscious of time
Be defensive
Avoid doing obligations in the real world
Easy to get angry
Physical symptoms of social media addiction:

Neck / back pain
Increase / decrease in body weight
Sleep disturbance
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Blurred or blurred vision; eyestrain
Daily habits that might indicate you are addicted to social media
Here are some things that you only know to be true if you can't get away from
social media:

3.1 Conclusion
From the description above we can conclude internet addiction is caused by.
excessive use of the internet, internet addiction has a very bad impact for us both in
terms of health or psychological. therefore we must use the internet as wisely as
possible so we can feel more positive things
3.2 Suggest
just use the internet as needed, spending more free time with the closest people to
avoid internet addiction

Essau, Cecilia A. (2008). Adolescent Addiction:Epidemiology, Assessment and
Treatment. New York : Elsevier Inc
Phillips,Terry. 2010. English For PSYCHOLOGY:In higer education studies.
Lebanon : Garnet Publishing Ltd

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