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Consider a particle of mass m, which is restricted to move along x-axis between the region bounded
by x = 0 and x = L. Physically a bead sliding along a perfectly smooth straight wire stretched along
x-axis with rigid barriers at x = 0 and x = L or an electron confined to move along x-axis in a potential
well defined by
V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < L
=¥ for x < 0 and x > L ...(6.1.1)
may represent the problem under investigation. Here V
represents the potential energy of the electron. Obviously
outside the potential well, kinetic energy of the particle is
negative hence this region is inaccessible to the particle. Also
at the boundary V is infinite, ensures that the wave function
y(x) representing the particle must vanish outside the well.
Let E be the energy of the particle. The time-
independent Schrodinger equation for the particle is
Fig. 6.1.1 Infinitely deep one
d2ψ 2mE dimensional potential well
+ ψ =0
dx 2 D

d 2ψ
or + k 2ψ = 0 ...(6.1.2)
dx 2

where k= ...(6.1.3)
Solution of Eqn. (6.1.2) is
ψ( x ) = Asin kx + Bcos kx ...(6.1.4)
where A and B are arbitrary constants. The boundary conditions for this problem are
y(0) = 0 and y(L) = 0
190 Introduction to Modern Physics

When the first boundary condition is substituted in Eqn. (6.1.4), we get B = 0. So the solution
(6.1.4) becomes
y(x) = A sin kx ...(6.1.5)
Substituting the second boundary condition in Eqn. (6.1.5), we find
A sin kL = 0, A¹0
kL = np, n = 1, 2, 3,…..

k = ...(6.1.6)

2mE n2 π2
D2 L2

n2 π2 D2
En = ...(6.1.7)
The value n = 0 is inadmissible as it corresponds to y(x) = 0 everywhere. Since the energy of
the particle depends on integer n, this justifies the subscript n to the energy E.
Equation (6.1.7) shows that particle can have only discrete energies i.e, energy of the particle
is quantized. The discrete set of energies is called energy levels and the integer n is called the quantum
number. The classical mechanics allows the particle to have any energy including zero. Thus the
quantization of energy is a quantum mechanical result and has no counterpart in classical physics.
The energy levels of the particle are shown in the Fig. ( 6.1.2 ). Evidently the energy levels are not
equally spaced.
Wave function: The wave function of the particle is
ψ( x ) = Asin ...(6.1.8)
Applying the normalization condition to the wave function we have

∫ ψ( x )
dx = 1

sin 2 dx = 1
whence A=
The normalized wave functions of the particle are

2 nπx
ψ n (x) = sin ...(6.1.9)
Particle in a Box 191

Orthogonality of wave functions: The wave functions of a particle in an infinitely deep potential
well are orthogonal. Let us verify it. Let ym(x) and yn(x) be two wave functions corresponding to
energies Em and En. Then
2 mπx nπx
∫ ψ m ( x )ψ n ( x )dx =
0 0

1  ( m − n)πx (m + n)πx 
= ∫
L  cos
− cos
L  dx


= dmn, {dmn = 0, for m ¹ n and dmn = 1 for m = n}

Fig. 6.1.2 Energy levels, wave functions and probability density

Probability density: The probability density Pn(x) of finding the particle anywhere on the
x-axis is given by
2 2 n πx
Pn (x) = | y(x) |2 = sin ...(6.1.10)
Even if we consider the time dependent wave function to calculate the probability function, it
comes out to be independent of time. The energy levels with corresponding wave functions and
probability density are shown in the Fig. (6.1.2).
Notice that the wave functions of a particle in a box are similar to the displacement functions
of a stretched string. This is to be expected because the boundary conditions are identical in both the
cases. The probability density corresponding to the quantum number n = 1 is maximum at the center
(x = L/2) of the potential well whereas the probability density corresponding to the quantum number
n = 2 is zero at the center of the well. This fact is at variance with the prediction of classical physics
according to which the probability of finding the particle is the same everywhere.
As we go higher energy levels with more nodes (the points where wave function vanishes) the
maxima and minima of probability come closer together and the variations probability along the
length of the box ultimately becomes undetectable. For large quantum numbers we get the classical
result of uniform probability density. This is in accord with the correspondence principle.
192 Introduction to Modern Physics

In our daily experience we are concerned with macroscopic objects only. For such objects the
spacing of the energy levels is too small to be observed and therefore energy appears to be continuous.
But for microscopic objects the spacing of the energy levels are considerable and hence the discrete
nature of energy levels becomes perceptible. These facts may be illustrated by examples.
Consider a macroscopic system, say, a bead of mass m = 10 gm confined to move along x-axis
in a region of dimension L = 1 m. The energy of the bead is

n2 π2 D2
En = = 5.5 × 10−66 n2 J
The first three energy levels are
E 1 = 5.5 × 10–66 J, E2 = 22.0 × 10–66 J, E3 = 50.5 × 10–66 J
Evidently the spacing of the energy levels is too small to be detected. The velocity corresponding
to kinetic energy 5.5 × 10–66 J is 3.3 × 10–32 m/s, the bead can hardly be distinguished from its
stationary position. Thus, because of the extremely small size of D, quantization of energy is
unobservable for macroscopic bodies.
Now consider a microscopic system, say, an electron which is confined to in a region of
dimension L = 1 Å. The energy of electron is

n2 π2 D2
En = = 6 × 10−18 n2 J = 38n2 eV
The first three energy levels are
E 1 =38 eV, E2 = 152 eV, E3 = 342 eV.
These energy levels are sufficiently far apart and therefore the quantization of energy of electron
is perceptible. Typical atoms have this dimension and hence quantization of electron energy levels in
atoms is conspicuous.
Correspondence principle: The spacing of two successive energy levels is

π2 D
∆E = E n +1 − En = 2
[( n + 1)2 − n2 ]
For macroscopic bodies m → ∞, and L → ∞. ∆E → 0. The discrete energy spectrum becomes
continuous. This is correspondence principle.


Let the potential well be defined by
V = 0 for 0 < x < L1, 0 < y < L2
= ¥ for x > L1, y > L2 ...(6.2.1)
The Schrodinger equation for the particle confined to move in this two dimensional potential
well is
∇ 2 ψ + 2 (E − V)ψ = 0 ...(6.2.2)
Particle in a Box 193

∂ 2 ψ ( x, y) ∂ 2 ψ( x, y)
+ 2
+ k 2 ψ( x, y) = 0
∂x ∂y
where k= ...(6.2.3)
To solve Eqn. (6.2.2) let
y(x, y) = f1 (x). f2 (y) ...(6.2.4)
Substituting Eqn(6.2.4) in (6.2.2) we have
2 2
1 d f1 (x ) 1 d f2 (y)
= − − k2 ...(6.2.5)
f1 ( x) dx 2 f2 ( y) dy2

The left-hand side of above equation is function of x only and the right-hand is function of y
only, x and y are independent of each other. This equation is consistent only if each side is equal to
the same constant, say – k21. (If we choose the separation constant to be positive, the separated equations
will have exponential solution, which will not vanish at the boundaries.) Thus

1 d 2 f1 ( x ) 1 d 2 f2 ( y)
= − − k 2 = − k12 ...(6.2.6)
f1 (x ) dx 2 f2 (y) dy2

Equation (6.2.6) separates into two equations

d 2 f1 (x )
+ k12 f1 ( x ) = 0 ...(6.2.7)

d 2 f2 (y) +
k22 f2 ( y) = 0 ...(6.2.8)
dx 2
where k22 = k 2 − k12 or k12 + k22 = k 2 ...(6.2.9)
The solution of Eqn. (6.2.7) may written as
f1 ( x ) = A sin k1 x + B cos k1 x ...(6.2.10)
and that of Eqn. (6.2.8) may be written as
f2 ( y) = C sin k2 y + D cos k2 y ...(6.2.11)
Applying the boundary condition: f1 (x) = 0 at x = 0, we find
B = 0.
Similarly applying the boundary condition f2 (y) = 0 at y = 0, we get
D = 0.
So the solutions (6.2.10) and (6.2.11) become
f1 ( x) = A sin k1 x ...(6.2.12)
f2 ( y) = C sin k2 y ...(6.2.13)
194 Introduction to Modern Physics

Applying the boundary condition: f1(x) = 0 at x = L1, we have

sin k1L1 = 0 ⇒ k1L1 = n1π n1 = 1, 2, 3....

n1 π
k1 = ...(6.2.14)
\ L1

Similarly applying the boundary condition: f2 (y) = 0 at y = L2, we have

sin k2 L 2 = 0 ⇒ k2 L 2 = n2 π, n2 = 1, 2, 3......
n2 π
k2 = ...(6.2.15)
\ L2

From Eqn. (6.2.9), we have

 n2 n2 
k 2 = k12 + k22 =  12 + 22  π2
L 
 1 L2 

2mE  n12 n22  2

or =  2 + 2  π
D2  L1 L 2 

 n2 n2  π2 D 2
E n1 , n2 =  12 + 22 
L  2m ...(6.2.16)
 1 L2 
This equation gives the permitted values of energy of a particle trapped in a two dimensional
infinitely deep potential well.
The energy levels of a square potential well of width L are given by

π2 D2
1,n2 (
= n12 + n22 ) 2mL 2

π2 D2 5π2 D2 8π2 D2
whence E1, 1 = ,E1, 2 = E 2, 1 = , E 2, 2 =
2mL2 2mL2 2mL2

10π2 D2
E1, 3 = E3, 1 = , etc.
The solution of the Schrödinger equation is
n1 πx n πy
ψ( x, y) = A sin sin 2 ...(6.2.18)
L1 L2
Particle in a Box 195


Let the three dimensional potential well of infinite depth be defined by
V (x, y, z) = 0 for 0 < x < L1, 0 < y < L2, 0 < z < L3
= ¥ outside the well ...(6.3.1)
Let a particle of mass m and energy E be confined to move inside the well. The Schrodinger
wave equation for the particle is

2m E 
∇2 ψ + ψ = 0
D 2

 ...(6.3.2)
∂ ψ ∂ ψ ∂ ψ
2 2 2

+ + + k 2
ψ = 0
∂x 2
∂y 2
∂z 2 

where k = ...(6.3.3)
We assume the solution of Eqn. (6.3.2) of the form
y(x, y, z) = f1 (x) . f2 (y) . f3 (z) ...(6.3.4)
Substituting Eqn. (6.3.4) in (6.3.2), we find

1 d 2 f1 (x ) 1 d 2 f2 ( y) 1 d 2 f3 (z)
+ + = −k 2 (say) ...(6.3.5)
f1 ( x ) dx 2 f2 ( y) dy2 f3 (z) dz2

The first term is function of x alone, the second term is function of y alone and the third term
is function of z alone. Since their sum is independent of x, y, z, this is possible only if each term is
separately constant. So we can write

1 d 2 f1 ( x )
= − k12 ...(6.3.6)
f1 ( x ) dx 2

1 d 2 f2 (y)
= − k22 ...(6.3.7)
f2 (y) dy

1 d 2 f3 (z)
= −k32 ...(6.3.8)
f3 ( z) dz2

where k12 + k22 + k32 = k 2 = ...(6.3.9)
The separation constants have been assumed to be negative, otherwise the boundary conditions
would not be satisfied. Solutions of Eqns. (6.3.6), (6.3.7) and (6.3.8) may be assumed of the forms
196 Introduction to Modern Physics

223, 132, 322
E = 17 e1 3
123, 132, 213, 231, 321, 312
E = 14 e1 6
E = 12 e1 1
113, 131, 311
E = 11 e1 3
122, 212, 221
E3 = 9 e 1 3
112, 121, 211
E2 = 6 e 1 3
1, 1, 1

π2 D 2
E1 = E111 = 3 = 3 e1 1

Fig. 6.3.1 Allowed energy states of a particle in a cubical box

f1 ( x ) = A1 sin k1 x + B1 cos k1 x ...(6.3.10)

f2 ( y) = A2 sin k2 y + B2 cos k2 y ...(6.3.11)
f3 (z) = A3 sin k3 z + B3 cos k3 z ...(6.3.12)
The boundary conditions
f 1(x) = f2 (y) = f3 (z) = 0 at x = y = z = 0 give B1 = B2 = B3 = 0.
The boundary conditions
f 1(x) = 0 at x = L1, f2(y) = 0 at y = L2, f3(z) = 0 at z = L3 give

n1 π n π nπ
k1 = , k2 = 2 , k3 = 3 , where n1 , n2 , n3 = 1, 2, 3,......
L1 L2 L3

From Eqn. (6.3.9)

E n1 , n2 , n3 = k12 + k22 + k32 ) 2Dm
 n12 n22 n32  π2 D 2
=  2 + 2 + 2  2m ...(6.3.13)
 L1 L 2 L 3 
The solution of Schrödinger is
n1 πx n πy n πz
ψ( x, y, z) = A sin sin 2 sin 3 ...(6.3.14)
L1 L2 L3
Particle in a Box 197

If L1 = L2 = L3 = L (i.e., the shape of the well is cubical) then the energy levels are given by
2 2
En , n
1 2 , n3 (
= n12 + n22 + n32 ) 2πmDL
2 ...(6.3.15)

and the corresponding normalized wave functions are

1/ 2
 8  n1 πx n πy n πz
ψ ( x, y, z ) =  3  sin sin 2 sin 3 (6.3.16)
L  L L L

The ground state energy level is

π2 D2
E1, 1, 1 = 3 ...(6.3.17)
Next few energy levels are

π2 D2
E1, 1, 2 = E1, 2, 1 = E2, 1, 1 = 6 ...(6.3.18)
Notice that three sets of quantum numbers (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 1) and (2, 1, 1) i.e., three quantum
states corresponds to the same energy state. We say that this energy level is 3-fold degenerate. The
degeneracy of other energy levels is shown in the Fig. (6.3.1).

Consider an eigen value equation
Q̂u = qu ...(6.4.1)
If there are n independent eigen fuctions u1, u2, ……,un belonging to the same eigen value q,
then this eigen value is said to be n-fold degenerate. The linear combination of the eigen function
y = c1u1 + c2u2 + …………+ cnun
is also an eigen function of the operator Q̂ with the same eigen value q. The eigen functions u1, u2,
u3,…., un are said to be linearly independent if the equation
c1u1+ c2u2 + ………….+ cnun = 0
can only be satisfied with all c’s equal to zero. This means that no member of the set of eigen functions
can be expressed as a linear combination of the remaining members. For example, the functions
u1 = 3x,, u2 = 5x2 – x, u3 = x2 are not linearly independent since u2 = 5u3 – (1/3)u1. On the other
hand the functions u1 = 1, u2 = x, u3 = x2 are linealy independent, since none of them can be written
as a linear combination of the other two. The degree of degeneracy of an eigen value is equal to the
number of linearly independent eigen functions corresponding to that eigen value.
The stationary state wave functions y 112, y121, y211 for the particle in a cubic box are
degenerate and their linear combination is also an eigen function of the particle with the same energy
eigen value.
198 Introduction to Modern Physics


The allowed energy levels and associated quantum states for a particle confined to move in a cubical
enclosure of side L are given by
p2 D 2 k 2 D 2 2
E n1n2 n3 =
k1 + k22 + k32( )
D2  n1 π   n3 π  
2 2 2
 n2 π 
=   +   +    ...(6.5.1)
2m  L   L   L  
 
n1 π x n πy n πz
ψ(x, y, z)n1 n2 n3 = const.sin sin 2 sin 3 ...(6.5.2)
where n1, n2 and n3 are non-zero positive integers. The particle described by wave function y has
wave vector k whose components are given by
 n1 π n2 π n3 π 
k =  L , L , L . ...(6.5.3)
 
We can plot the components of the wave vector k in three dimensional space with k1, k2, k3 as
Cartesian axes. This space is called k-space. In k-space the allowed values k form a cubical point
lattice with spacing between points being p/L. Each lattice point in k-space represents a permissible
state of the particle. These lattice points divide the k-space into cells, each of volume (p/L)3. The
contribution to the unit cell of points lying at the corners of the unit cell is unity. Each lattice point,
which corresponds to a quantum states, occupies a volume (p/L)3 in k-space.
We wish to find the number of quantum states with wave vectors whose magnitude lie in the
interval k and k + dk. This number is equal to the number of lattice points in k-space lying between
two spherical shells, centered at the origin, of radii k and k + dk in the positive octant. The volume
of the region lying between the spherical shell of radii k and k + dk in the positive octant is
(4 πk 2 dk). So the number of states with wave vectors whose magnitudes lie in the range k to k + dk

 1 (4 π k 2 dk ) V 
 g(k )dk = 8
= k 2
dk 
  ...(6.5.4)
(π/L )
2 π2
 

where V = L3 is the volume of the enclosure. The function g(k), which represents the number of
quantum states per unit energy range at energy E, is called the density of states.
Making use of the relations
p = Dk = 2mE
the expression for the density of states can be written as
g( p)dp = 4π p2 dp ...(6.5.5)
Particle in a Box 199

2π V
g(E)dE = (2m)3/ 2 E dE ...(6.5.6)

Periodic Boundary Conditions

The formula for the density of states is independent of the detailed form of boundary conditions
imposed at the surface of the enclosure. We shall show this by using an alternative boundary condition,
the periodic boundary condition, which is most often used. For a cubic enclosure of side L this
condition is expressed as
ψ (0, y, z) = ψ (L, y, z)
ψ ( x, 0, z) = ψ ( x, L, z)
ψ ( x, y, 0) = ψ ( x, y, L)

The solution of Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in a box is

ψ ( x, y, z) = const.exp i{k1 x + k2 y + k3 z )
The wave vector k is now restricted to the values
 2π 2π 2π 
k =  n1 , n2 , n3 
L L L 
Notice that the ni’s now can be positive or negative integers. Now to calculate the density of
states, instead of taking positive octant of a sphere in k-space, we take the whole sphere. The spacing
of lattice points in k-space is now 2p/L. The number of states whose wave vector k has magnitude in
the range k and k + dk is given by

4π k 2 dk V 2
g(k )dk = = k dk
2π ...(6.5.7)
(2π/L ) 3

Fig. 6.5.1 Three dimensional k-space. Each lattice point represents a state.
200 Introduction to Modern Physics


A spherically symmetric potential well is defined by
V(r) = 0 for r < r0
= ¥ for r = r0 ...(6.6.1)
The Schrodinger equation for the particle inside the potential well is
∇2ψ + (E − V)ψ = 0
We assume that the wave function depends only on radial distance r. The Schrodinger equation
simplifies to
1 d  2 d ψ  2 mE
 r dr  + 2 ψ = 0 ...(6.6.2)
r 2 dr   D

1 d  2 dψ  2
or r +k ψ=0 ...(6.6.3)
r 2 dr  dr 

where k = ...(6.6.4)
A great convenience results if we employ the transformation
u(r )
ψ(r ) = ...(6.6.5)
In terms of new variable Eqn. (6.6.3) transforms to

d 2u
+ k 2u = 0 ...(6.6.6)
dr 2
Its solution is
u = A sin (kr + a)
or ψ= sin(kr + α) ...(6.6.7)
where A and a are constants.
At r = 0, y is finite. This gives a = 0. Whence
ψ= sin kr ...(6.6.8)
At r = r0, y = 0 whence
sin kr0 = 0

k= , n = 1, 2, 3,.....
Particle in a Box 201

2mE nπ
= ...(6.6.9)
D r0

n2 π2 D2
En =

The wave function of the particle is

A n πr
ψ (r ) = sin ...(6.6.10)
r r0

The wave function can be normalized making use of the condition


∫ ψ(r)
dr = 1

 A2 2 n πr 

 2 sin  4πr dr = 1
0 0 

 2πr 

2πA2  1 − cos

 dr = 1
r0 

A= ...(6.6.11)
\ 2πr0

1 1 nπr
Hence ψ(r ) = sin ...(6.6.12)
2πr0 r r0

Most probable distance: The probability of finding the particle at a distance r is

2  1 1 nπr 
P(r )dr = ψ(r ) 4πr 2 dr =  sin2 2
 4π r dr
 2π r0 r
2 r0 

The most probable distance is obtained by using the condition

dP(r ) d 2 P(r )
= 0, and = −ive
dr dr 2

2  nπr  nπr    nπ 
 2sin  cos    = 0
r0  r0  r0    r0 

rmp = ...(6.6.13)
202 Introduction to Modern Physics

The probability of finding the particle in the region r < rmp is given by
r0 /2
P= ∫ P(r)dr
r0 /2  2 
 1  1 2  n πr  
∫  2
=  sin   4 πr dr
 2 πr0  r 2 r
 0  
0 
= .

Ex. 1. A particle in the ground state is located in a one dimensional potential well of width L with
absolutely impenetrable walls 0 < x < L. Find probability of finding the particle in the region
L /3 < x < 2L /3 in ground state.
Sol. Ground state normalized wave function of the particle is
2 πx
ψ( x ) = sin
The required probability is given by
2L / 3 2L / 3 2L / 3
2 πx 2  2πx 
∫ ∫ ∫
P= ψ(x ) dx = sin2 dx =  1 − cos L  dx
 

1 3
= + = 0.61.
3 2π
Ex. 2. A particle is located in a two dimensional square potential well with absolutely impenetrable
walls (0 < x < L, 0 < y < L). Find the probability of finding the particle within a region 0 < x < L /3,
0 < y < L /3 with lowest energy.
Sol. Wave function in the ground state is
2 πx πy
ψ= sin sin
Required probability
L/3L/3 L/3L/3
4  πx 2 πy 
∫ ∫ ∫ ∫  sin
P= ψ dxdy = 2
sin dxdy
L2 L L 
0 0 0 0

L/3 L/3
1  2πx   2πy 
L 2 ∫ 1 − cos L  dx
 
∫ 1 − cos L 
0 0

= 0.32.
Particle in a Box 203

Ex 3. The wave function of a particle in one dimensional box of length L is given by

2 nπx
ϕn = sin . Find the expectation value of x and x2.

2 nπx
Sol. ∫
x = ψ ∗ xˆ ψdx =
x sin2 ∫L
0 0

= 2

2 nπx
x2 =
L ∫
x 2 sin2

L2 L2
= − 2 2.
3 2n π

n πx
Ex. 4. Show that the wave function ψ n = A sin of a particle moving in one dimensional
potential well of width L is not eigen function of p̂x . What can be said about the function
y = A exp(± ikx )?
∂ n πx
Sol. pˆ x ψ n = − iD A sin
∂x L
in Dπ n πx
= −A cos
So the function A sin npx/L is not an eigen function of px-operator.

pˆ x ψ n = −iD A exp( ±ikx) = ± D k[A exp(± ikx)]
So the function A exp (±ikx) is an eigen function of px-operator with eigen value Dk.
Ex. 5. Show that the wave functions
2 nπx
ψn = sin
are orthogonal.
2 mπx nπx
Sol. ∫ ψ m ψ n dx =
L ∫
0 0
1  (n − m)πx (n + m)πx 
L  ∫
− cos
L  dx


Therefore the functions are orthogonal.
204 Introduction to Modern Physics


1. A one dimensional potential barrier of height V extends from x = 0 to x = ¥. A particle possessing kinetic energy
E is incident from left on the potential barrier (potential step). Analyze the problem quantum mechanically for the
cases (i) E < V (ii) E > V.
2. What do you mean by tunnel effect? Calculate the transmission probability of a particle incident on the potential
barrier for case in which kinetic energy of the particle is less than the height of the barrier. Discuss the effect of
height and width of the barrier on the transmission probability.
3. Set up Schrodinger equation for a particle is trapped in an infinitely deep potential well of width L and obtain the
wave functions and energy levels of the particle.
(a) Discuss the effect of width of the well on energy eigen values of the particle.
(b) Compare the classical and quantum mechanical probability of finding the particle in the well at different
energy states.
4. A particle is confined to move in one dimensional box with perfectly rigid a walls at x = 0 and x = L. Analyze the
problem quantum mechanically. Find the quantum mechanical probability of finding the particle at x = L/4, L/3,
L/2, 2L/3.
5. Give quantum mechanical treatment of motion of a particle confined to move in a two dimensional potential well.
Explain the term degeneracy in this context.
6. A particle of mass m is constrained to in a box of sides L1, L2 and L3. Set up Schrodinger equation for the
particle and solve for eigen values and eigen functions. If the box is cube of side L, find the degree of degeneracy
of the second, third, fourth and sixth energy levels.
7. A particle is confined to move in a cubical box of side L. Find the eigen functions and eigen values. Discuss the
degeneracy of eigen functions choosing a suitable eigen value. (All’d 1997)
8. Find the eigen values and eigen functions of a particle moving in a one dimensional square well potential with
infinite high walls. Can the particle in such a well ever have zero total energy? If not then explain clearly, why
not? (All’d 1998)
9. Find the eigen values and eigen functions of a particle moving in a one dimensional square well potential with
infinitely high walls. (All’d 2004)
10. What is meant by free and bound states of a quantum mechanical system? (All’d 2001)
11. A particle of mass m is confined to a one dimensional box of length L. Obtain expressions for the wave functions
and allowed energies as a function of the quantum number n. Generalize the results to a two dimensional box and
find energy of the ground state. What is its degeneracy? (All’d2000)
12. A particle of mass m is restricted to move in a rectangular potential box given by
V = 0 if 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b, 0 < z < c
= ¥ elsewhere.
Where a, b, c are constants. Solve the Schrodinger equation for the particle and find expression for its wave
functions and energies.
13. Show that the expression for density of states for a particle of mass m confined to move in volume V is

g(ε) = (2m)3/ 2 ε1/ 2 .

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